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twit the aroused recipient of repeated abuse, with a lack of Christian spirit for turning upon the libeller

This re

OLD FOLKS EXCURSION.gards rushing for a train.
mark does not apply to all the can-
THE annual Old Folks' Excursion
didates for citizenship, because some

instead of continuing to turn "the is fixed for Wednesday, June 26th, of them have only been in the

other cheek."

"Why don't you turn the other cheek," is the cry of of the sneak and the skulking slanderer, who from the shelter of the press shoots his inky darts at persons vainly expected to bear insult with "pious resignation."A brave man who engages in an encounter expects to give and take" and, if he gets the worst of it, submits with as good grace as he can and rather admires than sneers at the vigor of his opponent.

at Ogden. The circular of the com-
mittee is printed and in circulation.
They invite all persons who are
seventy years of age and upward
without distinction on account of
circumstances, religion, politics,
hospitalities usual on such occasions.
race or color, to a free trip and the
None need apply who are under
that age. No tickets will be sold

for this excursion. It is an Old
The number

country just sufficient time to entitle them to admission. But the

courts were actively engaged in this business, and Judge Henderson arranged to sit in chambers

every day for a week to hear appli

cants for naturalization.

In Utah more than common catechization is indulged in when an alien appears for naturalization. The spirit of this indicates a desire to hinder, rather than facilitate, the admission to citizenship of persons who desire to support the Constitution and institutions of this welcomed within the lines of fealty country. In other places aliens are to this government, and encouraged to conform to the laws of the United States. We see no reason why the same course should not be pursued in this Territory.

Folks' Party only. expected is too large to permit of making the excursion anything like general. This annual trip has beThe policy of non-resistance, come a fixed custom here, and it is which some people suppose to a part worthy of all praise and the support of the Christian system, was never of every benevolent person. All intended to be carried to the who are in sympathy with the absurd lengths which they movement are invited to send their imagine. The spirit rather than subscription to C. R. Savage, at the the letter of the Master's word Art Bazar. We hope to see, as on should govern. Circumstances also former occasions, a hearty and genmust be taken into account. A erous response to the call of the rule that would be safe to follow in committee. Let the aged of both some conditions of society would be sexes be gladdened by the associadangerous, even suicidal, in others. tions of the day and by the thought the procedure of the courts, the atAnd that which would be proper that they are remembered, venertendant lawyers are allowed to and binding among brethren or peo- ated and loved by the younger cross-examine and perplex them, ple influenced by the same princi- members of the community. with the evident purpose of preventples, would be unsuited and unsafe the Fifteenth Annual Old Folks' ing, if possible, their admission to among enemies. Excursion be made the best of the citizenship, notwithstanding their possession of all the statutory qualifications, and the testimony of witnesses as to their fitness. We think this is carried a little too far.


But not only do the judges put the applicants through a course of interrogation which is quite embarrassing to persons unaccustomed to


We do not wish here to take issue with the Judges in their questioning of the applicants, though it is a little peculiar. They have the right to make themselves satisfied as to the fitness of the applicant, and perhaps may take

Endurance of injury without re-series. taliation is essential to the formation and development of Christian charM. Plante, a distinguished French acter. It is to be cultivated, within electrician, has recently invented a the lines of reason and self-preserva- process of engraving on glass in tion. It strengthens the soul and which electricity takes an important refines the spiritual nature. It part. The surface to be engraved is brings peace and calm satisfaction. first covered with a solution of But it is not designed to prevent nitrate of potash and is then conself-defense, nor intended to throw nected with one of the poles of a personal or national doors open to battery. By means of a platinum the uninterrupted assaults of the point the figure to be engraved is their own way to arrive at that satassassin or the invader, whether thus traced upon the surface of the these terms be of literal or meta- glass. It is said that this method phorical application. secures a delicacy of outline which There are times, and circumstanhas not been attained by any other tool. In itself the process is perces, and occasions, when the assaults of the vile and the violent haps only interesting to the techmay be suffered in silence or treated with profound contempt. There are others that demand different

nical men who are concerned with
this class of work, but it serves to
show the general reader how rapid
are the applications of the electric
forces to the arts of life.


isfaction. We do not think any person fit to be made a citizen who has no proper conception of the duties of a citizen, and who has not made himself familiar with the

general ordinary principles of republican government. But there are some technicalities with which old and worthy citizens would be puzzled, and failure to grasp or correctly answer which ought not to bar from naturalization an others wise qualified candidate. To insist on these seems to be out of harmony with the purpose and intent of the naturalization laws.

treatment, and duty as well as justice call for active returns of blows administered or attempted. We hope to be prepared for and able to discriminate between these different During the last week for the conditions. When self-restraint is registration of voters previous to the the proper course, we desire to have August election there was more than grace to pursue it, and when it is ordinary work before the District And it must be clear to every necessary, for self-defense or the aid Courts in the naturalization of well informed individual that party of our friends, to stand up and aliens. Men who have put off till quibblings for the purpose of hinstrike, we trust that we will always to-morrow the work they should dering the naturalization of allens find something more potent to offer have done to-day, were hurrying up who are not likely to support a certhan "the other cheek." at nearly the last minute, like lag-tain ticket, are not only obnoxious

People's Central Committee or the
Chairman, Col. J. R. Winder.

to the spirit of the laws but are an courts of Utah, representing The present registration is now outrage on justice and decency that the Federal authority and sit- about concluded. When the lists no court should permit. There ting in the Temple of Justice, appear, let every voter who knows are lawyers engaged on the side of fall into line with this conspiracy, that his name should be there take the so-called "Liberal" party in and by going back on their own de- personal observation and satisfy this Territory, who are endeavoring cisions and permitting these party himself that it is properly transto obstruct and prevent the natural- obstructions, aid in promoting the cribed. Let citizens who are famization of men likely to vote in op- plans of one party against another; iliar with the bona fide residents of position to their schemes. They in- or will they stand aloof from all the various precincts also take pains terpose questions and quibbles, after such considerations and decide ac- to discover whether any names are the Judge has finished his generally cording to law and precedent, re-improperly registered, and, on findsevere catechization, and their pal-gardless of extraneous such, report immediately to the pable object is to puzzle and perplex And will they maintain their own the victim of their needless and im- dignity, by discountenancing vexapertinent queries. If his pronunci- tious questioning of applicants for Vigilance must be exercised conation of the English language is im- naturalization, when the cross-ex- tinually, from this time forward, perfect, they seem to take extra mination is clearly made to confuse and not be relaxed until the elecdelight in trying to confuse and and perplex, and prevent the ad-tions of next August and the followvex him. All this, we submit, is mission to citizenship of persons who ing February are over, and the wrong and indecent in a court of belong to an opposite political party? | victory of the lawful majority is sejustice. The proof of the animus we have cured. That the majority should here pointed out is seen in the fact rule in every locality we have althat such quibbles and queries, and ways maintained. If that majority bstructions and hindrances, are is composed of our political opponnever interposed when the applicant ents, we will be found ready to sups understood to be a "Liberal." We port its legitimate exercise of the protest against the prostitution of powers of government. But we law and justice which is involved expect to be always against political in the course of some lawyers in chicanery, knavery, cheating and these cases, and hope it will not be imposture, and it is these against permitted hereafter. which the people have to guard. The most votes, legally gained and cast, must count every time; but fraudulent voting must be prevented or punished, never encouraged or condoned.

We are not now referring to the effort to prevent the naturalization of the Hawaiians who have settled in this Territory, with the intention of remaining here permanently and becoming identified with this country and its institutions, although some questions propounded in this case were put simply to confuse. We hope the matter will be decided according to the spirit and letter of the laws. They ap pear to be very plain. There is nothing in them which in terms forbids the race to which these men belong from becoming citizens of this country. The Chinese have been made specially exempt from the operation of the naturalization laws, but not the Hawaiians. The latter are of the same color, apparently of the same stock, as the Indians who may receive all the rights and privileges of citizenship. Persons of the same nativity have heretofore been naturalized in the Utah courts.


NEITHER the DESERET NEWS nor any citizen of Salt Lake who is determined to oppose political iniquity is disposed to find fault with a party, a person or a paper in an endeavor "to try legitimately to get SUB-SURFACE STREAMS. the most votes." But the NEWS, WATER supply is always an apwith the most conservative and propriate subject in this section. solid people of this city, is deter- We have several times expressed mined not to stand idly by and sub-belief that artesian water could be mit to fraud and trickery, illegal plenteously obtained in this and voting and political robbery in a other valleys of Utah. We observe "Liberal" effort to steal an election. by statements which have appeared The energy displayed by men of in papers published at Santa Fe and any party to win votes by fair Los Vegas, Cal., that an expert in methods is praiseworthy and to be locating undercurrents of water is emulated by their opponents. But operating in that part of the counlying about the enemy, plotting to try. This gentleman is Prof. John prevent legal voters from exercising Heerdegen, a genius who has inthe right of suffrage, scheming to vented a machine which he claims increase support by false impersona- will almost infallibly detect the tions, and corruptly spending money presence of underground water. He to manipulate the machinery of was brought to this country, on the elections are to be despised, exposed recommendation of Mr. Alexander and punished as far and as thoroughly as possible.

What is the object in view in opposing their naturalization now? Simply to prevent their voting at the approaching general and municipal elections, as the persons opposing them have reason to believe they will not support the party that intends to steal the last-named election. There is no use in mincing terms. The purpose is patent. The intention is known. The means by which the steal is to be attempted Let the party that can "legitiare understood. It is no secret. The mately get the most votes" take conOgden methods are to be repeated. trol of local affairs, without hindEvery vote that can be stopped will rance and without clamor. But let be one less to overcome, and that political scoundrels, devoid of conwill be so much less cost to the science and destitute of scruple, be schemers. No one will attempt to denounced and opposed without deny this except for "buncombe," compunction and without hesitaIt is freely talked about within the tion, and followed to the last with ranks of the attacking party. the penalties of outraged law and

The question is, will the justice.

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Schnee, by Mr. R. V. Martinsen President of the Board of Trustees, of the Maxwell Land Grant Company.

Speaking of the efforts of this com, pany to obtain water for their landthe New Mexican, published at Santa Fe, says, referring to Prof. Heerde


derful success in locating sources of "It is said of him that he had wonwater supply in the high and dry regions of Russia, where he located

We have tried on several occa

600 wells without a single failure or bereaved are a host, and they call variation as to depths and supply of for the sympathy and help of sions to attribute the misstatements water, and has the endorsement of the benevolent. This whole nation of the creed of the Saints which apthe highest dignitaries of the European country. He is reputed will respond. That is, the needful pear from day to day in the vilest to make his surface explorations succor will come from all parts. paper that was ever printed on this by certain test instruments by The alacrity with which help planet, to the dense ignorance and which he can ascertain the depth and volume of under currents is afforded when great calami- perverse obliquity of the writer. But illustrates of water with great accuracy. It is ties occur, the pro- it is clear that this is too charitable also stated that he declares that a gress that has been made a view to take of the matter. five foot stream of water exists only both in the spirit of humanity and tentional falsehood, malevolent dis150 feet deep at a certain locality the means by which assistance can tortion of the truth, a fiendish spirit within 300 yards of the 1800 foot of wilful mendacity are so palpable that one's eyes cannot be closed to them.

well which was drilled by the citizens of Raton, in which little or no water was found.

"Two well boring outfits are at work to demonstrate the accuracy of the Professor's judgment in locating water, and thus far water has been struck nearer the surface than the Professor promised. It has been clearly shown that Raton can obtain illimitable quantities of water at a small expense."

The Los Vegas Optic states that the Professor has already located fifty-six wells, and he was to be engaged in that line on the immense tract of the company named till the 5th inst.

If anybody in this section should wish to test the Professor's powers, he can be communicated with by addressing him in care of R. V. Martinsen, 44 Broadway, New York. We know nothing of his abilities further than can be gleaned from California papers.


be rendered and conveyed from dis-
tant points. Truly "the world
moves." Utah does well to join in
the work of comforting the dis-
tressed, and this is all the more
Christian because her people, in their
afflictions from famine and other
disasters, have never received a
dime from any State or Territory by
way of material help. We hope the
Latter-day Saints will never close
their ears to the wails of the suffer-
ing, nor their pockets when money
is needed to relieve the afflicted. By
the blessings of kind Providence
they have enough to spare of the
necessaries of life, and they will
either to their own poor or to the
lose nothing by works of charity
needy stranger.


To any one who has read the creed of the Saints as embodied in their articles of faith and in the books which they accept as standards of doctrine, there is no need to say that the statement we have copied is not "the creed of the Saints.” But the article of which it is a part was written for people at a distance who do not know what the Latter-day Saints believe nor what manner of men they are. It was also intended to still further blind the eyes of some people nearer home, who, uninformed as their friends afar off though close at hand, are as sadly

as to the true creed and sentiments of the "Mormons.”

There is one fact which should of

itself give the lie to such absurdities as those in the clipping above, and that is, the submission of the great body of the Latter-day Saints to the laws and authority of every government under which they live. As a body of citizens they are the most law-abididg people on earth; they pay more respect to "the pow

The concert will be the chief means of raising funds in this instance, and we hope and believe it will be a grand affair with results that will be pleasing to all. The interest should not be allowed to flag as the sense of the great horror of THE movement in this city to the calamity subsides. It must be raise a fund for the relief of the suf- kept up until the needful aid is seferers from the floods in Pennsylva-cured and forwarded to the scene of nia commends itself to all classes of distress. Then it will be time to the community. The most import- comment on the cause of the catas-ers that be," wherever they reside, ant feature of it is the projected concert in the Tabernacle. The free use of the building is offered by the Authorities of the Church, and the sale of from six to ten thousand tickets at one dollar each, will of itself secure a snug amount in aid of the afflicted. Collections of provisions will be systematically taken up, and, altogether. the donations for this purpose are likely to reach a handsome and satisfactory sum. We hope the interest in this praiseworthy effort will not be slackened until the desired result is accomplished.

trophe and moralize on the mis-
takes it has brought to light. Now
let all hands come to the needed re-


"The creed of the Saints is, that while they have a Celestial kingdoni, which pertains to the life to dom of God on earth, which is a come, they likewise have a kingpurely temporal affair, relating entirely to the daily business and politics of their people, and, moreover, that is the only legal government on earth, and the only legal government that has existed on earth for hundreds of years."

than the same number of individuals not connected with them anywhere, and this respect comes from their creed, which enjoins it as a sacred duty.

"Until He comes whose right it is to reign," that is, Jesus Christ, the King of kings, they are commanded lation to be subject to the governby what they regard as divine revements and laws that are established. And as regards this government, it is expressly stated to have been in stituted by wise men whom God raised up for that purpose. That is in the creed of the Saints, as any The foregoing is clipped from a one may learn who chooses to read and detailed reports received long article in a recent issue it, and we need not mention the through the Associated Press, the of the organ of slander, which is only fitting epithet which applies to full particulars and sad results of continually hindering the progress the author of the fabrication we this tremendous catastrophe have of this Territory while pretending have copied. not been made public. The number to desire its advancement, by wilof victims is now estimated at from fully misrepresenting its people and 12,000 to 15,000. These figures re- their belief and sentiments. The present only those who lost their above extract is but a sample of the lives in the swelling floods. The many untruths which the article living homeless and destitute and contains.

Nothwithstanding the lengthy

Here is another from the same article:

"There is not a Mormon in Utah

who is true to his faith who does not hold that a command of his sovereign, President Woodruff, is

more to him, of more binding force but if he carries his dissent into within their reach. But perhaps we mean, than any law that Con-action he has to take the conse- we are mistaken even in that. The gress has passed, the President apquences. That is all we have indications are that the love of lies proved and the Supreme Court affirmed. By this we do not mean claimed, that is all we have ever is so ingrained in the nature of anything that pertains to the re- heard claimed by any "chief" or some persons, they prefer falsehood ligious discipline, beliefs or prac- member of the "Mormon” Church. | to everything else, and as their aptices of Mormons, but to temporal matters entirely. No good Saint But why do all these wilful false-petite grows with its use, they "roll will dispute the correctness of this." hoods appear just now, revamped, it under their tongues as a sweet "There is not a Just to morsel' and make it their daily in the organ of slander? Mormon in Utah who understands and is true to try to hinder the naturalization of diet. They are greatly to be pitied, his faith" who holds anything of some "Mormons" of foreign birth, while their work is to be deeply dewho have resided here the statutory pised. the kind. It is pure invention, if the word "pure" is not prostituted time and desire to swear allegiance by association with such a vile unto the government and Constitution truth and its author. There is not and laws of the United States, a "Mormon" nor an anti-Mormon but are likely to vote a difTHE Rev. Dr. Henry Truro Bray, who can cite any "command" of ferent ticket from that which of Booneville, Mo., appears in rePresident Woodruff, either as a the daily libeller will dictate. treshing contrast to most of the Is not this a noble motive? "sovereign," which he does not To pre- clergymen of the times who enterassume to be, nor in any other cavent such men from becoming citi-tain views and preach doctrines at pacity, spiritual or temporal. There zens, this "American" paper, pub-variance with those of the church lished by self-styled "American gen- which they were engaged to repretlemen," endorses proceedings that

is no excuse for such falsehoods as
the foregoing extract contains, and
the effrontery which accompanies
their utterance is amazing.
with this, a further extract:


"We are aware that great stress is laid upon Mormon devotion to the Constitution, but when we examine into that closely, we find that even it is sacred to them only as it happens to be interpreted by their chiefs,

and that laws enacted under the

Constitution are held of no binding effect if these same chiefs so decree."

This is of the same character as the other quotations. Where is there a line in the recognized standards of "Mormon" doctrine which makes any "chief" an interpreter of constitutional law? Where is there a line which intimates that. no law is binding except what the "chiefs" decree? We assert that it cannot be found. If it can, let it be produced. If not, let the author of the falsehood again be branded with the name that is fitting, if a spot can be found on his anatomy leaving room enough for another mark of his mendacity.



are utterly at variance with Ameri- Usually, "advanced" ministers
can republicanism, that are repug- who claim to have outgrown their
nant to the spirit of American free-creeds and expanded into broader
dom, and that breathe of intoler-and more liberal theological con-
ance and medieval bigotory; and it
supplements them with bare-faced
falsehoods to prejudice the courts
and provoke further hostility to
"Mormon" applicants. There is no
language that will do justice to such
diabolical infamy.

ditions, pose as martys to their convictions and victims of orthodox bigotry when deposed from clerical authority.

having changed his opinions as to But this gentleman, the thirty-nine articles to which all Episcopal priests have to subscribe. and having published a book against the deity of Christ as an essential part of faith, denying eternal punishment and disputing the resurrection of the dead, wrote to the Bishop of Missouri,calling attention to his book and asking to be deposed from the ministry. He was very soon accommodated, and his superior in the church complimented him for his manliness.

Comparison might be invited between the candidates for citizenship who are thus maligned, and many who have been passed without much examination when it was learned they were not "Mormons." But we forbear. However, we think any fair man will admit that one who has kept the law and intends to do so, who is sober, industrious, truthful, religious and peaceable, even if he has opinions on the marriage question at variance with orthodoxy, is at least of as "good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of We have claimed the right and the United States and well disso have other "Mormons," to criti-posed to the good order and happicise and review some rulings of the ness of the same," as a profane, inSupreme Court on "Mormon” ques-chaste and infidel inebriate, whose tions. But none of our friends, chief qualification, apart from his whether "chiefs" or subalterns, that we know of, have ever claimed any such authority as stated in the foregoing extract. A decision of the court of last resort is the end of legal controversy. Any one can dissent from We repeat what we have had oc- The right to secede belongs to both its opinion, however, and give rea- casion to say many times before. clergy and laity. And when dissons for that dissent. That august These attacks on the "Mormon" sent becomes marked in mind and tribunal has more than once re- creed are corroborative evidences of act, withdrawal is the only consisversed its own decisions and enun- its truth. If its enemies could find tent course. The preacher who ciated at one time the very oppo- facts and verities wherewith to as- struts as an oppressed and injured site of its rulings at another time. sail it they would be glad to do so, pastor because he is expelled from It is final in law but not infallible because they would have some force. a society whose tenets he opposes. in principle. Any one may dis- Failing this they resort to false- becomes a disgusting spectacle to agree with its interpretation of law, hoods as the only missiles thinking people, and his course

five years' residence, is that he will
support the "Liberal" ticket and so
will have his naturalization ex-
penses charged to the Liberal

There was some sense in that sort of proceeding. Every man has the right to freedom of belief, .whether he is a priest or layman. But churches have rights as well as individuals connected therewith. And if a member does not endorse or wil not comply with its doctrines or its discipline, he should go out or be expelled if he continues in that concondition. And no clergyman should attempt to retain his place as a representative of a system or organization which he cannot conscientiously defend and support.

ought to be a warning to any other organization to which he wishes to become attached.

Mr. Bray has acted reasonably and consistently, and he will entertain the respect of his former co-religionists, while they deplore his departure from the fields of orthodoxy and his venture upon the shoreless sea of socalled liberalism."


FOR several years there was a great outcry because the right of dower was abolished in Utah. The plotters against the peace of this Territory never rested until by gross misrepresentation Congress was induced to pass a law including, among other special provisions, the establishment of the right of dower in this Territory. It was a stupid piece of work. It accomplished nothing in the direction pretended to be desired. It simply complicated transactions in real estate.

It is a relic of common law matrimonial despotism, which was founded on the doctrine of the inferiority of woman and the absorption of the wife's legal identity into that of her husband. They twain became one by marriage and he was that one. All she had became his, and she owned nothing in her own right. To secure the widow something to subsist upon after the husband's decease, her third" in his estate was secured by law in the shape of "dower."

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panied the passage of the bill, good inconsistent and absurd things have
sense and sound judgment were been done, and a great many more
thrust aside. The right of dower proposed and gravely considered.
was restored, and any one who will Leglislators, as well as preachers
take the trouble to read those por- and writers, seem to lose their
tions of the Edmunds-Tucker Act heads when they undertake its
which relate to it will see what a solution, and drift off into the
cumbersome thing it is made, and realms that border upon insanity.
any one who will consider the fact The history of the treatment of the
that now a married woman may "Mormon question" will be curious
dispose of her property without the reading for the generations to come,
consent of her husband, while a and sane and liberal-minded people
married man cannot dispose of his will wonder why the nation went
realty without the consent of his daft over the doingsof a small com-
wife, will perceive at a glance its in-munity of peaceable and industrious
citizens, minding their own business
and able and willing to manage their
own affairs on the republican prin-
ciples of local self-government and
of civil and religious liberty.

But what we desire to draw attention to is this: Utah was denounced with all the fury and venom that her maligners could pour forth, because her legislators had abolished the right of dower, as though it was the only spot on earth where such a condition existed. At the same time, Nevada, unless we have mistaken the date, had done the same thing without giving women the political privileges bestowed upon them in Utah. And Wyoming, in 1876, also abolished the right of dower for exactly the same reasons for which it was abolished in Utah.


THE denial of the writ of habeas

corpus in the case of Peter Barton is one of those legal technicalities which appear very attenuated to common minds. It is admitted that the applicant is illegally deprived of his liberty. The decision of the Supreme Court of the United States establishes that fact. But the court A short time ago a decision was does not see its way clear to release rendered in the District Court at him from unlawful imprisonment. Rawlins in regard to this matter. A The difficulty all turns upon the widow sued the assignees of her point that it does not appear in the late husband's estate for her dower record of the particular case in in all the realty in their hands, bas- which he was unlawfully sentenced, ing her action on the dower pro- that he had been previously convisions of the Edmunds-Tucker act. victed of an offense which covered The court decided, in an elaborate the one then at bar. The record of opinion, that she had no right of the court, however, on the same dower, as it had been abolished by page, shows this previous convicthe Wyoming Legislature, and the tion, and the defendant had no counAct on which the suit was entered sel and was not instructed by the only applied to the Territory of court that he could plead the former Utah. Thus it appears that the conviction as a bar to the new abolition of the right of dower was proceedings. He plead guilty to an righteous in Wyoming, but des- invalid indictment. The whole perately wicked in Utah.

proceedings were therefore invalid. If the indictment was contrary to law, then, it would appear, the trial, the sentence and everything that grew out of the indictment were also contrary to law, and so void from the beginning.

In Utah when the right of property was vested in married women and the sex" was endowed with the suffrage, the right of dower was abolished. The reason for its es⚫ establishment was removed. Woman was placed on an equality with man in civil affairs and in the elective franchise. Every woman, whether married or single, was given power to hold property in her own right, Now will those indignant scribes to sue and be sued, to buy and sell, and angry lawyers, who could not to control her own finances, to vote endure the terrible wrong said to at the polls, and to be as independ- have been perpetrated upon the ent in her sphere as man in his. As wives of Utah, enter their protest she could dispose of her individual against the same "outrage” upon property, whether acquired before or the women of Wyoming? Or does after marriage, so, it was thought, the line without breadth or thickman ought to be able to dispose of his. ness that divides Utah from WyomCongress was not made familiar ing, change the essential nature of with these facts. It was represented a law that is common to both and that the restoration of the dower make admirable in one what was would be a means of suppressing condemnable in the other? And nicality to give room for the claims polygamy, and that depriving why should Congress, which as- of justice. Perhaps this is right. We women here of the ballot would work sumes supreme power over the Ter-will not rail at the ruling. Techniin the same way. Neither was, in ritories, make legal in Utah that calities may be of paramount imthe nature of things likely to which is illegal in Wyoming. portance. The liberty of a citizen have any effect on the vexed ques- In handling this "Mormon prob- may be of less moment than legal tion. But in the furore that accom-lem" as it is called, many unjust, red tape, But as a wrong manifestly

We do not know that this view of the matter is dissented from by the counsel for the government or by the Judges upon the bench. But they contend for the letter of judicial rules, and decline to waive a tech

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