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thy heart, I was then taken down from the cross, and after that ascended to glory, from the account given by my disciples. But know, the cross stood as a disgrace, that as a malefactor I was put to death, and with malefactors I expired on the cross; so that my honour still stands as one stained with guilty blood, that men by repentance have not done away; neither have the eyes of their understanding been opened to see it was in love to man, that I submitted to the death of the cross; but how was that love mocked and despised by the Jews! how were my disciples put to death, for bearing testimony of ME, as the SON of GOD, to do away the stain of sin in the end! But who believed their report? See the nations every where am I not looked upon as a malefactor, and the cross stained with guilty blood? Is not this the language of the Jews? Do they not mock and despise my Gospel? Is not the language of their hearts now as it was in days of old?-We have a law, and by that law he ought to die? Know the letter that Bradley sen't thee; then, from them, I still stand on the cross as a guilty malefactor, to be put to death.

"Now come to the Christians, in your own land, who call themselves Christians, by the Gospel; and do they not say, that the Virgin Mary was a whore? that her son was a bastard? Is there not worse said by the professors of religion, than by the Deists and Atheists, who place the scriptures by the inventions of men? Thou knowest that Paine put all to men's invention: then, by them, the cross stands stained with a malefactor; and it is in men I stand condemned; because it is looked upon as invention. But now come to those who profess to believe that there was a Gospel, that I was put to death for saying I was the Son of GOD; and my Dis


ciples blamed for believing my report, from the miracles I wrought. So that from men who so unjustly condemn, and do not believe I was the Sox of God, I must now stand upon the cross as a guilty malefactor, with eternal disgrace resting upon my memory, which I have not power to do away. So that if ye discern the language of men's hearts, every way and every where, I still stand on the cross, as a guilty malefactor, justly condemned to die. For know I have told thee from the Calvinists, if they understood the doctrine which they preach, they make no more merit of my death, than the Jews, and the unbelieving world; for the way they have placed ELECTION and REPROBATION to be a fixed decree by the Lord, before the foundation of the world, to go on in every age, and yet my blood must be shed to justify the one, and condemn the other ;now from such doctrine, saying, the Lord delights in such cruelty, it gives room for Satan to. plead in men, that the Bible is an eternal disgrace to the Deity: and were it not for the blindness and ignorance of men, that the true knowledge and meaning of the Scriptures are reserved to the end, their sins would be of the blackest die, who place my Gospel this way. But know what I have told thee already, of ELECTION and REPROBATION: the ELECT was MAN, from the foundation of the world, and the reprobate was the devil, who first worked rebellion in heaven, and as soon as man was created, worked rebellion in man, when he had betrayed the woman, in the fall: and it was to free man from the fall that I suffered the death upon the cross, to cast out the adversary that betrayed the WOMAN, that MAN might have hope in the end. But where is this doctrine" preached? who points out my love to man, in the shameful death I died for them? who hath clear

ed my honour, in submitting to the death upon the cross? or who hath cleared the honour of God, to have this to be his will, that I should submit? In thy heart thou auswerest, no man: for every doctrine thou hast deeply meditated upon; because I have called all things to thy remembrance; and thou hast said in thy heart, there is no way placed by man, which clearly proves the love of God in Christ Jesus, by the shameful manner I expired on the cross. This thou hast been deeply pondering upon: because I have opened the eyes of thy understanding to see the madness and folly of these gospel preach-. ers, how they stain the honour of God, in my love to die for man, more than to clear my honour, to shew for what ends I gave up my life. So that, by every sect and party of religion, I still stand as a guilty malefactor, offered up upon the cross; because my honour is stained by all.

Now come to the ROMAN CATHOLICS, who trust in man for their salvation, for their pardons, to send them to heaven; then if man could pardon, what need I to die on the cross? If man could save them with an everlasting salvation, and cast out their adversary that betrayed them, and bring in the redemption of man, then my Gospel must be null and void: madness and folly they must judge in the FATHER and the SON, for ME to submit to such a shameful death. And therefore I told thee, in the morning, I should come down from the cross, and build up the TEMPLE of my BODY, which I said they should destroy, and I should raise it up again in three days. I have shewn thee already how I stand on the cross, by every sect and party, with an accusation written, This is JESUS the KING of the Jews. This was mocked when I was on the cross, and now I have told them that I shall raise up a body that I laid down


for man, to fulfil the words which Pilate wrote; but then see the professors of religion; this is brought as an accusation against ME, as it was by the Jews, when I expired on the cross. Therefore marvel not at the anger and indignation I worked in thy spirits, when they told thee the words which were spoken, that if I raised up ANOTHER, according to my Gospel, to reign with my people here upon earth, when I come to claim the kingdom I died to redeem; this they say makes ME an insufficient SAVIOUR: and this every sect and party have made ME; neither is it in the power of men to make ME a complete, sufficient Saviour and Redeemer, before I come in power to fulfil my Gospel, according to the plan I laid before them. But now is the time they shall find that man hath made ME an insufficient SAVIOUR; but I will prove myself a complete SAVIOUR and REDEEMER to all them that will trust in ME, and believe in my Gospel, that GOD so loved the world that HE sent his Son, not into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved; that I shall take away the sin of the world, and bring in that rest and peace that still remain for the children of God. this is the way I shall come down from the cross, by clearing my honour and love to mankind, in submitting to the death of the cross; and which I know is impossible for men to clear: they cannot quench the flames of fire, that are burning with indignation in the hearts of men, set on by the devil; they cannot stop the mouths of lions, that are ready to tear and devour one the other, filled up with rage and fury; so that their malice cannot be stopped, neither can their mouths be shut, by any power or wisdom in men.


"But now I will tell thee how I shall gain the victory in war-by fulfilling the words I said in

my Gospel, and the words which my accusers upbraided ME with-Thou that destroyest the TEMPLE, and buildest it in three days, save thyself; if thou be the Sox of Gon, come down from the cross. And now I shall shew thee how I cannot come down from the cross, to clear my honour amongst mankind, before I raise up a BODY, to be called the TEMPLE of the LIVING GOD, in the likeness of the BODY that I gave up on the cross for man; and now is the time, I have told thee, that I shall shew my power amongst mankind, by the fulfilment of my Gospel.

"Now come to the words of John, xvi. 7."Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the COMFORTER will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you."

"I have already explained to thee why I could not, in justice and honour, come to destroy the power of the devil, for betraying the woMAN, before I had suffered for the transgression of MAN, who cast the blame on ME for giving him the WOMAN; and as by the fall man brought himself under the power of the devil, which bringeth all miseries into the world, so by my death I shall destroy him that hath the power of death, which is the devil: because by his arts, in betraying the woman, he brought the sentence of death upon all mankind. And therefore I came that MAN might have life, and the sentence of death to be passed on him that caused the fall: therefore I said, If I was lifted up, the prince of this world should be cast out; and I would draw all men

unto ME.

"And now look to the words of John, xvi. 7-12. "If I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world

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