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hensive system of foreign schools in his disease exists, but when property is to be lectures on medical jurisprudence, after gained. Disqualifying diseases in cases the following plan :-Introductory. Me- of jurors, witnesses, soldiers, &c., for dical economy and ethics, education, hard labour, flogging, treadmill; mode of distinctions, rights, privileges, immuni- examining recruits, impostures; estimaties of the faculty, qualifications for pro- tion of insurability of life, diseases fessor and lectureships, hospital and other which affect policy, exceptions, suicide, officers, moral or ethical deportment of duelling, or dying by the hands of justice. medical practitioners in public and pri- Medical evidence, law on dying declaravate practice. tions, hearsay evidence, when admissible First Division. Medical jurisprudence, confession of accused; conduct of melegal, forensic, juridical or judiciary medical practitioners in all these cases. dicine, or the application of medicine Propriety of appointing medical coroners. and its collateral sciences to the elucida- Lastly, forms of certificates for exempting tion of civil and criminal proceedings jurors, witnesses, soldiers, persons produring judicial inquiries. Arrangement posing to insure their lives in cases of of the subject according to Blackstone, insanity, &c., &c. medico-legal questions relating to the Second Division. Duties of the medical morals, and the reproduction of the spe- profession in co-operation with the legiscies; defloration, marriage, uterogesta- lature, government and magistracy for the tion or pregnancy, verification of, dura- conservation of public health, and for letion of, legitimacy, abortion, parturition gislation relating to the practice of the or delivery, prolicide, or infanticide. At- profession. These topics constitute pubtempts against health and life, maiming, lic, political or state medicine, public mutilating, homicide, duelling, suicide, persons found dead; coroner's inquests, duties of medical witnesses, autopsies or post mortem examinations; homicide by suffocation, drowning, hanging, choking, smothering, irrespirable gases, torrefaction, combustion or burning, cold, starvation. Poisoning, including the science of toxicology, or the history, action, treatment, and detection, of every known poison, this last illustrated by experiments, casts, and drawings. Mental

alienation, idiocy, imbecility, mania, monomania, dementia, legal and medical definitions of, civil and criminal responsibility, lucid intervals, execution of bonds and wills, medical certificates, actions for, responsibility of drunkards, epileptics, hysterics, somnambulists, and those subject to violent fits of passion. Competency of deaf, dumb, and blind, to execute deeds, bonds, and wills. Simulated or feigned diseases, as in cases of soldiers, sailors, prisoners; dissimulated, or concealed diseases; pretended, when an advantage, revenge, or escape of punishment is the object; imputed, when no

hygiene, police of health, or medical police. This department embraces age, physical education, when crime can be committed, marriage and population, impotence, sterility, hermaphrodites, monsters, divorce, fecundity, mortality; air, aliment, their adulterations, contagious and epidemic diseases, precautionary measures, quarantine, diseases incidental to certain trades, temporary hospitals, boards of health, medical legislation.

For further particulars, apply to Dr. Ryan, at his residence, 4, Great Queen Street, St. James's Park, Westminster.

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Dr. Ryan's Practice may be attended at the Free Hospital, and Western Dispensary, near the Westminster Hospital; where Students enjoy the most ample opportunities of observing Diseases. Terms, Five Guineas.


Books Printed for Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, Paternoster Row.

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LITERAL INTERLINEAL TRANSLATION of the First Ten Chapters of GREGORY'S CONSPECTUS MEDICINE THEORETICE, with Text; Ordo Verborum; and Rules for Construing and Arranging the words of Latin Sentences, illustrated by examples from Celsus and Gregory. By ROBERT VENABLES, A.M., M.D., Oxon.

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Books Printed for Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, Paternoster Row.

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