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THE first June number of the Revue is more than usually interesting to British readers, for it contains articles on Australia and New Zealand, and on Mr. Ruskin.

M. d'Haussonville continues his series of historical papers on the Duchess of Burgundy and the Savoy Alliance. We have noticed elsewhere the curious analysis of religious parties in Germany.


M. Leroy-Beaulieu's article on Australia and New Zealand is written in a spirit of frank appreciation of the colonising genius of the British race. M. Leroy-Beaulieu spent four months in America and then crossed the Pacific, shipping at Hawaii and Samoa. The latter, of course, recalls to the Frenchman the Mariage de Lori rather than R. L. Stevenson. M. Leroy-Beaulieu found Auckland very like an English port, not only in its inhabitants, but also in the appearance and arrangement of its streets. He tells regretfully the story of how nearly New Zealand became a French possession, but he has certain candid misgivings whether his countrymen would have had the spirit to develop it and carry on a thirty years' struggle with the natives. It may not be generally known that there are four Maori deputies in the New Zealand Parliament, and that two hundred and fifty Europeans in the colony have married Maori wives. M. Leroy-Beaulien's descriptions of Australia, like his account of Tasmania and New Zealand, are almost entirely historical and read like a glorified guide-book, but they are interesting as the observations of an exceptionally able and impartial Frenchman.


M. Benoist continues his series of papers on the Organisation of Universal Suffrage, dealing with the real representation of country as exhibited in non-French legislations. He gives statistics of Baden, Bavaria, Saxony, Wurtemburg, and other states of the German Empire, which are classified as survivals of ancient forms of an organic representation. Under the heading of mixed and renewed forms of organic representation we have the Austrian Empire, Spain, the Hanseatic towns of Lubeck, Bremen, Hamburg, and the elements or fragments of organic representation in the Netherlands, Sweden, Roumania, Servia. Under new forms or projects of organic representation we have the revision of the Belgian Constitution, 1890-1893.

M. Delaborde, under the title of "The Great Ordeal of the Papacy," contributes an interesting article based on M. Valois's book, "France and the Great Schism of the West." M. de la Sizéranne continues his series entitled "The Religion of Beauty: a Study of John Ruskin," in a paper on Mr. Ruskin's works. There is nothing new in the article to a Ruskinian, but it is curious to see how profoundly the Frenchman is impressed by Ruskin's extraordinary wealth of ideas, the magic of his style, and his terrible irony.

Here we

The rest of the number, though excellent, is not specially remarkable. M. Zamy continues his papers on "The Government of National Defence (1870-71)," with an article on the ideas of the men of the time. meet with Jules Ferry, General Trochu, Gambetta, Jules Favre, and above all the lately-mourned Jules Simon, with others of less fame.


Particularly interesting is M. d'Avenel's paper on artificial lighting, considered as part of the mechanism

of modern life. In the Middle Ages, wax candles were the luxury of the rich, and cost from 12 f. to 20 f. the pound. And even in the eighteenth century the Duchess of Burgundy declared that she had not had a candle in her rooms until she came to the French Court. It is curious that the inventive genius of that day was never directed to the improvement of the oil lamp, which had come down from the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the Romans. It gave a bad light and emitted continually an acrid smoke, but it does not seem to have occurred to the artists of the eighteenth century to do anything but make their lamps in the most beautiful shapes, and M. embellished with the most beautiful chasings. d'Avenel traces the course of invention in artificial lighting. The physician of Geneva, Argand, invented. the lamp with a double current of air, but Quinquet, a Paria chemist, stole the idea and made both money and fame out of it, while Argand died in poverty in 1803. The public and private lighting of Paris by gas, electricity, paraffin, oil, and candle, represents every year the light that would be given by one candle burning for four million years. One realises somewhat the enormous profits of manufacturing gas by the fact that in France enough coal to produce one cubic metre of gas only costs seven centimes, and that the bye-products after the gas is extracted are worth nearly as much. The Paris company has to mix with its French coal a certain proportion of cannel coal brought from Scotland and the North of England, in order to bring the lighting power of the gas up to the legal standard. Even so, the lighting power is five per cent. lower than that of London, though it is six per cent. better than that of Berlin. He notes the difficulty of storage as greatly handicapping electricity in its contest with gas.


M. de Heidenstam contributes an interesting paper on the origins of the Swedish novel. He finds in Sweden, as elsewhere, a reaction in the direction of idealism, a disposition to be no longer content with physiological facts, tending towards psychologic studies, allegories, and symbolical fantasies, though it is necessary to add that as yet there are not in Sweden schools or systems of literature, but simply individual writers.

M. Albert Hans's article on the Emperor Menelik has the merit of actuality. The ignorance prevailing in Italy as to the strength of the Abyssinians has all along astonished the world. Yet so far back as 1888, Count Antonelli reported that Menelik had 196,000 men at his disposal. M. Hans gives a most interesting account of the organisation of Menelik's army and the personality of the Emperor himself.

Chambers's Journal for July, besides its customary stock of fiction, is as usual very instructive. Michael MacDonagh gives a great deal of interesting information about the salaries and functions of Her Majesty's Ministers. He remarks upon the odd disproportion between ceremonial precedence and official power, the Lord Chancellor taking precedence of all other Members of the Government, and the First Lord of the Treasury, who is mostly Premier, coming nearly half-way down the Cabinet. Another curious arrangement is that an exLord Chancellor of Ireland receives a yearly pension of £3,692 6s. 1d., the penny being duly paid quarterly in farthings. Dr. Andrew Wilson tells the story of the Salmon, and H. A. Bryden informs us Who are the Boers?

THE REVUE DE PARIS. THE two June numbers of the Revue de Paris contain much that is of exceptional interest. Some hitherto unpublished verses by Victor Hugo contrast strangely with that most modern of writers, Sudermann. The painter Munkacsy continues his reminiscences; Mme. Darmesteter presents to French readers a singularly finished sketch of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. "Menelik and his Empire," by M. Maindron, is noticed elsewhere.

The place of honour in the June 1st number is given to General Fleury's reminiscences of the eventful years 1848, '49, '50, '51. This officer, who was at one time an important member of the staff of the Duc d'Aumale in North Africa, had many opportunities of meeting both the Orleanists who had made the past, and the Bonapartists who were about to make the immediate future, of the France of that day. The General's Bonapartist sympathies stood him in good stead. He had made the acquaintance of Prince Louis Napoleon in London, and many years later it was to him that the Pretender turned when desirous of obtaining the moral support of the French army with the Coup d'Etat. There is little doubt that Napoleon III. may be said to have owed the ultimate success of his audacious plot or plan to the loyal assistance early rendered him by Fleury. To the student of French history these few pages are of special value, for they show how slight were the causes which led the French nation to take the momentous decision which turned the fairly solid and highly organised Republic of 1850 into what soon became an absolute Dictatorship. But up to the present time no such vivid and apparently accurate record has been given to the world.


Some over-ardent French patriots have lately started the theory that no foreign medical men should be allowed to practise in France; and further that something should be done to restrict the number of foreign medical students who come in greater numbers each year to benefit by the superior knowledge and science of the great French doctors. This suggestion seems to have alarmed many of those whose interests, pecuniary and otherwise, are bound up in the foreign student, and a critic who prefers to remain anonymous points out the short-sighted folly of doing anything to discourage a large attendance at the medical schools. It seems that 433 Russians, 217 Bulgarians, 211 Roumanians, 204 Turks, 82 Greeks, 83 Egyptians, 70 Swiss, 112 Germans, 100 Americans, 47 South Americans, 6 Japanese, and 8 Persians are now inscribed as students in Paris, and of these by far the greater number join the medical schools. The foreign students as a whole are divided into 1,489 men and 339 women.


M. Lavisse continues his criticism of the examinations held in connection with the military school of Saint Cyr; and he gives the result of some correspondence which his former articles have brought him on the subject, a correspondence the more interesting when we consider that a Frenchman rarely if ever writes to the papers or communicates with a writer unknown to him. The fact that many professors and a certain number of St. Cyriens have cared to communicate with M. Lavisse shows the truth of many of his observations. With but few exceptions the examiners fully confirm all he says on the subject as to the entrance examination appealing rather to mechanical accuracy than to the intelligent acquirement of knowledge. It would be interesting to

compare the French system with that pursued by German examiners.

Another article bearing on military matters is an analysis of France's colonial army. The writer, Lieut.Colonel K., discussing the mismanagement of the Madagascar Expedition, points out that what was and is wanted, is not so much to create a colonial army as to reorganise those regiments that have already seen foreign service. He would like to see a colonial legion entirely recruited on a voluntary and well-paid system, mainly composed of old soldiers tempted back into the ranks by the hope of good pay and the fair chances of promotion. He also laments the youth of most of the regiments sent out to Tonkin and Madagascar. It is strange that while so many French military men and politicians are able to voice admirable theories, their suggestions are rarely acted upon at the right moment, and year after year the most lamentable blunders continue to be made by the French War Office, blunders which lead to the loss of many valuable lives, and what the French Government considers even more serious, enormous sums of money. It is before, not after, such an expedition as that of Madagascar, that articles by Lieut.-Colonel K. and his colleagues would be of real value.

M. Duclaux attacks courageously the difficult question of alcohol, a question becoming each year of more moment to the French nation.


Constantinople during the Crimean war was transformed into a vast camp, and the many little intrigues, social amenities, and political interests which absorbed the thoughts of those French soldiers and diplomats who constantly made their way backwards and forwards from the seat of war to the capital of Turkey, are recounted by M. Thouvenel, who kept from day to day a diary of all that went on. We are given a glimpse of Prince Napoleon "Plon-plon," Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, the French ambassador, Beneditti, the Duke of Cambridge, and Abdul-Medjid, the latter more civilised, and apparently more courageous than his successor of to-day, for he seems to have been quite willing to receive French and English visitors, and even offered to share his palace, and treat as a brother the Emperor of the French! Indeed, everything was prepared for Napoleon III. and the Empress Eugénie, even to the bedroom furnished for the Empress hung with cloths studded with pearls and diamonds; great stables were also built to accommodate the French Household Cavalry, and the Sultan prepared to meet the Emperor's yacht at Marmora. This scheme never became a reality; and it was not till fourteen years later, on the occasion of the opening of the Suez Canal, that Abd-ul-Medjid's brother and successor received the Emperor and Empress.

M. Manuel contributes a pleasant account of Adolphe Franck, the well known Professor of Philosophy, and friend of Victor Cousin. This old world philosopher, as his biographer styles him, taught in turn at the Sorbonne, at the Collège de France, and at the Collège Charlemagne, and so exercised considerable influence on the youth of many notable Frenchmen of our own day.

Those who meditate a sojourn at Florence or, indeed, in any Italian city, would do well to read a charming and instructive article by "Brada," in which she gives a vivid account of the inany-sided life, social, philanthropic and artistic, of the City of Flowers. The exhibition now being held at Berlin forms the subject of an anonymous article, probably written by a French resident in Germany.

THE NOUVELLE REVUE. THERE is so much that is admirable in the publication edited by Madame Juliette Adam, that it is a pity to note the increasing Anglophobia observable in the publication. The evil done to France by "la perfide Albion" is literally dragged into almost every article, and this with a lack of humour, and in a spirit of violent prejudice painful to any reader who is also a lover of France. Often a just criticism of British methods is omitted to give place to some utterly absurd accusation of a kind calculated to raise a smile to the countenance of any Frenchman who has had the slightest dealings with Englishmen, or who can claim to be at all conversant with English methods. Even in a valuable article on Siam the writer seizes the opportunity to have a fling at a British transport company; in an account of the Olympian Games the supposed degeneracy of the English athlete is hailed with joy; a long and important criticism of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs resolves itself into a violent attack on the British in Africa and the East; and it is hardly necessary to add that both Madame Adam's own eloquent "Letters on Foreign Politics" are almost entirely devoted to abuse of British policy and political personalities, an exception being only made in favour of Mr. Labouchere, who is cited as" the only friend of France."

It is, however, only fair to add that Madame Adam pays a generous tribute to English art and literature, and one of the longest contributions of general interest to the June 1st number of the Revue is the Prince de Valory's exhaustive study of Byron, who, both as man and poet, has always enjoyed great popularity in France. Another literary article deals with the literature of the Finns. The national poetry of Finland is justly famed among folk-lorists. The chants or ballads still sung by the peasantry in the country districts are of immense antiquity, and little by little they are being gathered and noted down for the benefit of future generations.

M. Mury begins what should be a most valuable work on Siam and the Siamese. The writer spent a considerable period in the country, and he gives those whom business or pleasure is likely to take to" Mu'ang Thai" a great deal of valuable information.

An excellent translation of Ibsen's" Peer Gynt," verses by Mistral, the Provençal poet, a continuation of M. Blomdus's technical articles on Unity in Military Action, and two hitherto unpublished letters written by Madame de Pompadour to the Marquise de Boufflers and the Duchesse de Charost, make up the varied if somewhat thin contents of the Nouvelle Revue.

THE Canadian Magazine steadily improves. Its June number is very readable. It deals faithfully with the shortcomings of Canadian newspapers in an article claiming separate notice. Mr. Loring replies on behalf of the Imperial Federation (Defence) League to Sir Charles Tupper's strictures of the previous month, and insists that Canada makes practically no contribution to Imperial Defence. A glowing account is given by Mary Temple Bayard of Dr. Oronhyatekha, the pure-blooded Canadian Indian, who was educated at Oxford under Sir Henry Acland, and is now the eloquent and wealthy head of the Order of Foresters in Canada. Mr. O. A. Howland describes the Canadian Historical Exhibition which will take place at Toronto next year, on the gathering of the British Association in that city, and the Royal celebration of the fourth centenary of the discovery of Canada.


IN Cosmopolis we have fiction by Mr. Zangwill, a short story by Paul Bourget, and a dramatic piece by Madame Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach. Lady Blennerhassett writes in German on "The Ethics of the Modern Romance." Madame Jessie White Mario defends the action of Italy during the Franco-German war, maintaining the attitude of the Italians was always the same. Victor Emmanuel was willing to support France against Germany if France would allow him to take Rome; if not, not. Mr. and Mrs. Pennell give the first chapter of their history of lithography. It is entitled "The Cellini of Lithography," and is a description of the struggles and triumph of Aloys Senefelder. One of the most interesting articles in the Review is the collection of letters from the famous Russian novelist Tourgenieff to Madame Pauline Viardot, to Gustave Flaubert, and to Madame Commanville. Mr. Norman writes the English chronique under the title of "The Globe and the Island." The title should really be "The Globe, the Island, and Myself," by Henry Norman.


THE Italian magazines offer few noteworthy features this month, with the exception of the article on Thomas Hardy, noticed elsewhere. In a lengthy and wellinformed article on the Soudan, Signor Catellani, in the Nuova Antologia (June 1st), writes with feelings of warm friendship towards England, and declares that Italy should accept her advance towards Khartoum with pleasure and gratitude. He flatteringly compares the influence of England over uncivilised countries to that of a competent farmer, who not only extracts from barren soil all that it is capable of producing, but at the same time steadily increases its productive powers. The Civiltà Cattolica (June 20) makes a vigorous attack on the Italian custom of duelling, from which we learn that 3,513 duels have been fought in Italy in the last fifteen years, making a yearly average of 234, the vast majority of which have been fought with swords. The Rassegna Nazionale continues to show greater variety in its contents than its contemporaries, and emphasises its LiberalCatholic and anti-Jesuit tendencies. Signor Grabinski has a very pleasant article on a recent volume "The Close of a Reign," in which R. de Cesare whitewashes King Ferdinand II. of the Two Sicilies of many of the imputations from which he has suffered. An "Italian Parish Priest" discourses on the possibility of the recent curious rapprochement between ultramontane Catholics and Republican Radicals in Italy leading to the foundation of an Italian Republic, an event he would deplore from both patriotic and religious motives. Signor V. Ricci, an Italian deputy, writes on the dangers of decentralisation in a country which has been united for as few years as Italy, and Professor Luxoro denounces the custom of giving prizes in art schools as one that is opposed to the true interests of art.

AN interesting number of the Leisure Hour is opened by a complete series of portraits of the thirty-six presidents of the Royal Society, with notes by Mr. Herbert Rix, late Assistant Secretary. Mr. Basil Worsfold's instructive account of the political development of South Africa is set off by pictures of the government buildings in the Colonial and States capitals.



THE Strand for June is above the average of interest. The renderings of Sir J. E. Millais' pictures take the eye at once. The heroes of the Albert Medal provide a series of thrilling stories which begin with this number. Especially instructive papers are Mr. Schooling's "Railway Facts in Fancy Frames," Mr. Fitzgerald's "Romance of the Museums," and an article on "The Romance of Buried Treasure." Mr. Framley Steelcroft's "Curiosities of Angling" is full of incidents of interest to those who have never flung a line.

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OUT of a very miscellaneous series of contents in this month's Ludgate, one turns perhaps most readily to a sketch of a common lodging-house in East London which the writer introduces to us as the first of several papers describing Lowest London." Miss M. B. Bright portrays with illustrations the antiquities of Rye and Winchelsea. A few words with fine portrait are given of Mrs. Beerbohm Tree's first appearance. Portraits are shown of all the Earls and Dukes of Bedford down to the present occupier of the title. Miss Mary Howarth writes of some tableted houses in London. A snapshot of a prairie fire, from pursuit by which he was escaping with difficulty, is furnished by a contributor in Argentina, and the novelty and daring of the thing secure him the competition prize.

The Century.

THE Century for July is an excellent number-just the sort of magazine one likes to take with one on a holiday or a long railway ride. Mr. T. B. Aldrich's poetic prophecy to England of America,-" She at thy side shall hold the world at bay,"-and Mr. James Bryce's third paper on South Africa are quoted elsewhere. Mr. F. Marion Crawford gives a fine prose-picture of St. Peter's at Rome. Its vastness and its history seem to have profoundly impressed him. A vivid and Whymperesque description of a winter spent at 77 deg. 44 sec. N. lat. is given by F. W. Stokes under the heading "An Arctic Studio," with interesting drawings of the Eskimo. The writer declares that "the beauties of nature in those high latitudes are far more varied than in any other part of the world that he has seen." Mr. W. N. King furnishes "Glimpses of Venezuela and Guiana." G. C. Genet supplies a hitherto unpublished manuscript by Mine. Campan, under the title of "A Family Record of Ney's Execution." Treating of the topics of the times the editor waxes very jubilant over President Cleveland's "Emancipation Declaration," as he calls the decision in favour of Civil Service reform and against the "spoils system."

The Pall Mall Magazine.

THE Pall Mall Magazine for July is superbly illustrated as usual and lavish in fiction. J. Harrison's etching of a street scene in Rouen forms an exquisite frontispiece, and the colouring of Madame Roth's "Day Dreams is not soon forgotten. Mr. A. E. Knight describes the peculiarities of luminous plants with illustrations so vivid as almost to deserve themselves to be called luminous. Charles Dickens the Younger's notes on places and people referred to in his father's fiction claims separate notice. The Song of the Fates, alike in its verse by D. C. Tovey, and in its illustrations by E. F. Skinner, is a weird business.

The New England Magazine.

THE New England Magazine for June is, as in other numbers, remarkable for its topography in picture and in prose. Fletcher Osgood tells how Boston gets its water, with many an illustration of Lake Cochituate and kindred feeding grounds. The celebrity of the persons who have been interred in Mount Auburn makes Frank Foxcroft's account of that cemetery of interest to Europeans also, especially the pictures of the tombs of Longfellow, O. W. Holmes, and Russell Lowell. A similar though less intense feeling is raised by Annie Downs' sketch with portraits of historic Andover. Max B. Thrasher gives a rather rosy view of a month spent in an English workhouse as guest of the matron.


THE most useful article in Pearson's Magazine is the description of Manchester and Salford, which cities are the fourth in the series "Gates and Pillars of the Empire." The subject is rather slightly treated, but is well illustrated with views of Manchester and reproductions of pictures in the Art Gallery. There is an interesting account of Camille Flammarion, the French astrologer, by M. Griffiths, and an article giving a sketch of some leading lady journalists. Harry Furniss writes and illustrates an article on the House of Commons, under the title of "The Best Club in England." A new series is started in the July number entitled "The White Slaves of England," the first instalment of which deals with the alkali workers. The only other article of interest is a short paper describing the making of swords.


THERE is one of Julian Ralph's bright, vivid, and descriptive papers which, with illustrations by Henry McCarter, tells us all that we want to know about Coney Island, the great seaside resort of New Yorkers. Sir W. M. Conway describes a journey of a thousand miles through the Alps, which is illustrated with some excellent views of mountainous scenery. Mr. J. C. Beard describes as a new art the improvement that has been made of late by an American in the art of stuffing animals and of grouping them so as to make them look. like life. Cosmo Monkhouse collects together several portraits of Turner, and Th. Bentzon writes enthusiastically on Joseph Milsand, a French friend of Browning. The article contains several letters from Mr. and Mrs. Browning. Mr. Boyesen contributes a short story, entitled In Collusion with Fate," and Mr. Brander Matthews discourses on The Poetry of Place Names."

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IN Longman's Magazine Mr. Grant Allen writes one of his interesting natural history papers.




WHEN the REVIEW OF REVIEWS was established six years ago, my object was to create if possible an organ which would circulate throughout the whole of the English-speaking world, and would at the same time supply the English-speaking man, wherever he might live, with the cream of the periodical literature of the world at a price that brought it within the range of every body. Of the success of the REVIEW OF REVIEWS in Great Britain. I need not speak, but the success of the REVIEW OF REVIEWS in America and in Australia has been at least as remarkable. The Review of Reviews of New York, which from the first has been under the absolute direction of my colleague and partner, Dr. Albert Shaw, has achieved a success which gives it a front position in the first flight of American magazines. It is a matter for congratulation that the success of the Australasian Review of Reviews is quite as great as that of either the American or the English Reviews. The population of course among which it circulates is not so numerous as that in which the other Reviews obtain subscribers, but reckoned in proportion to the population the circulation of our Review in Australasia is higher than in any of the other sections of the English-speaking world.

In concert with my esteemed editor and colleague, Mr. Fitchett, I am making arrangements to have the Australasian Review of Reviews set up as well as machined at Melbourne. In order to expedite the reproduction of the magazine, and to increase the facilities for its rapid publication, Mr. Fitchett reports that he has just taken new and extensive premises, a view of the outside of which accompanies this brief notice of the progress of the enterprise, in which I hope my readers are almost as much interested as I am myself. Our new Australasian office will be our headquarters, not merely for the Review, but I hope also for all our other publications. I am particularly anxious to secure a wide circulation for the "Books for the Bairns" in Australasia, for one of the things which stirred me up to make the attempt to popularise the old folklore of the nursery was a letter which I received from an inspector of schools in Australia, who actually declared that a whole generation was growing up in Australia which was in total and utter ignorance of all the charming reminiscences and legends and fairy stories upon which the youth of our race has been nurtured for centuries. I am not without hope that the circulation of this Review and the wide distribution of Classical English literature throughout the colonies may tend to do something to arrest a tendency which, of late, has been rather conspicuous in some quarters to ignore the past and to treat the historic glories of our race as if they had never existed.

One result of the troubles in South Africa and the threatened breach with Germany has been to give an impetus to the study of English history in the Colonies. Mr. Fitchett, the editor of the Australasian Review of Reviews, has begun the publication of a series of stirring stories of British battles by land and sea in the columns of the Melbourne Argus, entitled "Deeds that won the Empire." They have caught on amazingly, and it is evident that young Australia is slowly waking up to the fact that it has been defrauded of its inheritance by the refusal of the authorities to teach history in public schools. That is the sin against the Holy Ghost, said Mr. Cecil Rhodes, when talking over the subject long before the recent trouble arose in the Transvaal. It is to be hoped that with the influence of a wider and more patriotic spirit, the interdict of history may be done away with. To have co-operated in the attainment of


so necessary a reform must ever be a matter of great satisfaction to Mr. Fitchett and all those who are connected with the REVIEW OF REVIEWS.


THE remarkable pictures by M. Tissot, illustrating the Life of Christ, which are on view at the Lemercier Gallery in Bond Street, have attracted a vast amount of interest in both artistic and religious circles. True that interest has not been the cause of any of those exciting scenes which characterised the exhibition of the pictures. to our more emotional neighbours in Paris, but though more phlegmatic, we in England have been no less deeply moved by M. Tissot's powerful work. His three hundred and sixty-five pictures constitute a more realistic and comprehensive pictorial review of the whole life of Christ than anything ever before exhibited. We have the permission of Messieurs Mame and Fils, of Tours, to reproduce one of these paintings as our frontispiece this month. The subject chosen is one specially applicable in view of the article dealing with Dr. Barnardo's work. among the waifs and strays. We may add that Messieurs Mame and Fils are the publishers of the forthcoming book "The Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ," in which the coloured reproductions of M. Tissot's pictures will appear.

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