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tice which he advocated was adopted in principle by the Conference, but awaits the appointment of the judges through diplomatic channels. His proposal that the Conference should meet at regular intervals was also accepted in principle, but unfortunately the precise year in which the Third Conference shall meet was not fixed, with the result that the meeting of a Third Conference now depends not upon the arrival of a previously determined date, but upon negotiation and the pleasure of the Powers.

Mr. Root has frequently said that it is unbecoming the dignity of a nation to refuse to arbitrate a question which another country wishes. to arbitrate, even though such question may have been passed upon by the national authorities. He applied this principle under very trying circumstances to the Panama Canal Act, insisting that as we had agreed by the arbitration treaty of 1908 to arbitrate questions arising as to the meaning of existing treaties, it is the duty of the United States to arbitrate the Panama toll controversy under the existing treaty of 1901. The settlement of the difference between Japan and the United States regarding the immigration of Japanese laborers to our Pacific coast was in accordance with the principle proclaimed in his speech in laying the cornerstone of the Pan American Union; for by this settlement the United States does not forbid Japanese laborers from coming to the United States, but enforces regulations made by the Japanese Government to prevent the emigration of Japanese laborers, a solution equally honorable and satisfactory to the amour-propre of both governments.

Mr. Root is a great believer in the possibilities of Latin American development, and is anxious to see those countries grow and prosper, because, as he says, the prosperity of any country is a benefit to other countries, and the prosperity of all is a benefit to each. To quote his own words, in a speech delivered at Rio de Janeiro:

We wish for no victories but those of peace; for no territory except our own; for no sovereignty except the sovereignty over ourselves. We deem the independence and equal rights of the smallest and weakest member of the family of nations entitled to as much respect as those of the greatest empire, and we deem the observance of that respect the chief guaranty of the weak against the oppression of the strong. We neither claim nor desire any rights or privileges or powers that we do not freely concede to every American Republic. We wish to increase our prosperity, to expand our trade, to grow in wealth, in wisdom, and in spirit, but our conception of the true way to accomplish this is not to pull down others and profit by their ruin, but to help all friends to a common prosperity and a common growth, that we may all become greater and stronger together.

The First Hague Conference was composed of representatives from twenty-eight states, and Mexico was the only Latin American country represented. Mr. Root believed that an international conference could not be truly international, if Latin America were unrepresented; and he procured the invitation of the Latin American states to the conference, not only for the benefit to the conference which would result from their participation, but also for the advantages it would confer upon the Latin American states thus drawn into the international movement.

While these services constitute Mr. Root's genuine title to the respect of foreign publicists, he has no less claim to the gratitude and admiration of his own countrymen for the services he rendered them during the troubled period when he was Secretary of War. It is common knowledge that he drafted the so-called Platt amendment; that he prepared Cuba for self-government, and as Secretary of State withdrew the American troops from Cuba when the Cuban people had adopted their constitution, incorporating in it the Platt amendment, and were prepared to govern themselves as an independent nation. It is also common knowledge that Mr. Root drafted the organic act for the government of the Philippines, and instituted the civil government of the islands.

As Secretary of State, Mr. Root adopted the principle of President Lincoln that no question is settled until it is settled right, and laid down for his guidance the principle that we cannot ask from foreign governments what we ourselves would not receive or grant under like circumstances. Hence the great respect in which he is held by foreign governments and by foreign peoples. It was the announcement of the Nobel award that gave Mr. Bryce, recently British Ambassador to the United States, the opportunity to declare his opinion in a speech before the National Liberal Club in London, that Mr. Root was the greatest Secretary of State the United States ever had.

It is thus by reason of his services in the application of international law to world problems that Mr. Root has been adjudged worthy of the Nobel peace prize, and this fact makes the award peculiarly gratifying to his friends, both at home and abroad. The award is not only a tribute to American diplomacy but a recognition of the fact that the attainment of international peace is finally to come through the development and processes of international law.

The part Mr. Root has played in the founding and development of the American Society of International Law is well known to the readers of this JOURNAL; and his seven annual addresses as its president have

already taken rank among the classics of the subject. Mr. Root is a member of the Institute of International Law, to which the Nobel peace prize was awarded in 1904,-the first and only instance since the fund was established in which an institution has been thus recognized. The Nobel peace prize for the year 1911 was awarded to the distinguished founder of the Institute, the late Dr. T. M. C. Asser; and now again for the third time in thirteen years, the services of international law and the international lawyers to the great and growing cause of world peace, are fittingly recognized.


Henri LaFontaine, of Belgium, who has been awarded the Nobel peace prize for 1913, has devoted his life with complete consecration to the work of internationalism, and is identified with this movement in many of its phases. Allying himself when a young man with organized labor, he later became a socialist as well, and as the representative of the social democrats was elected a member of the Belgian Senate in 1895, of which body he still continues to be a member. Sir William Randal Cremer, with whom Senator LaFontaine was intimately associated and from whose example he drew much of his inspiration, is the only other representative of organized labor who has been recognized in the award of the Nobel prize.

In 1894, Senator LaFontaine became one of the founders of L'Université Nouvelle, at Brussels, in which he has since occupied the chair of international law. In 1897, he founded his famous "House of Documentation," where he proposes to file and index everything printed in the world. This institution was followed in 1910 by the organization of the Union of International Associations, the Central Office of which is now established in Brussels, in commodious quarters furnished by the government. Two world congresses of international associations have since been held under its auspices. They demonstrated the practicability and the advantage of a central organization for all international associations, scientific, literary, sociological,—of whatever character, through which their coöperation and close sympathy can be secured in all fields of internationalism.

Senator LaFontaine is one of the most active members of the Interparliamentary Union. He has been the president of the Bureau Inter

nationale de la Paix at Berne since 1907, and secretary of the Belgian Society for Peace and Arbitration since 1889.

In all of these capacities his tireless pen is constantly adding to the literature of pacifism. The Annuaire de la Vie Internationale is his conception, and largely his work, as is also the new periodical, La Vie Internationale. His most important contributions to permanent literature are The Code of International Arbitration; Documentary History of International Arbitration (1794-1900) and Bibliography of Peace and Arbitration. The second of these works, published under the title Pasicrisie Internationale, is recognized as his most important contribution to literature, and as the standard authority on the subject. It is a history of what may be termed modern international arbitrations from 1794 to 1900. In this connection it will be recalled that the Treaty of November 19, 1794, between the United States and Great Britain, provided for the settlement of a number of outstanding questions by mixed commissions. Prior to this date, there had been no general resort to arbitration. The year 1794, therefore, has been selected by international lawyers as marking the beginning of modern international arbitration; and Mr. LaFontaine's work was prepared with a view to giving the texts of all compromis entered into between the nations of the world from that date to the year 1900. It is the most comprehensive work of this kind ever published, and is recognized as of the highest importance and authority to those interested in studying the development of international arbitration as a method of settlement of disputes between nations.

It is thus plain that the Nobel Committee of Award has bestowed the prize for 1913 upon one whose devotion to the cause of internationalism has been proven by life-long service and by contributions whose value the world has long recognized.



Abbreviations: Ann. sc. pol., Annales des sciences politiques, Paris; Vie Int., La Vie Internationale, Brussels; Arch. dipl., Archives Diplomatiques, Paris; B., boletin, bulletin, bolletino; P. A. U., bulletin of the Pan-American Union, Washington; Clunet, J. de Dr. Int. Privé, Paris; Doc. dipl., France, Documents diplomatiques; B. Rel. Ext., Boletin de Relaciones Exteriores; Dr., droit, diritto, derecho; D. O., Diario Oficial; For. rel., Foreign Relations of the United States; Ga., gazette, gaceta, gazzetta; Cd., Great Britain, Parliamentary Papers; Int., international, internacional, internazionale; J., Journal; J. O., Journal Officiel, Paris; L'Int. Sc., L'Internationalism Scientifique, The Hague; Mém. dipl., Mémorial diplomatique, Paris; Monit., Moniteur belge, Brussels; Martens, Nouveau recueil générale de traités, Leipzig; Q. dipl., Questions diplomatiques et coloniales; R., review, revista, revue, rivista; Reichs G., Reichs-Gesetzblatt, Berlin; Staats., Staatsblad, Netherlands; State Papers, British and Foreign State Papers, London; Stat. at L., United States Statutes at Large; Times, The Times (London).

January, 1912.


Exchange of ratifications of

treaty of extradition signed March 17/30, 1911. French and German texts: Oesterreichisches Gesetzblatt, 1912, No. 6; Martens, 7:595.

10-23 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY-SERVIA. Ratifications exchanged of a consular convention signed March 17/30, 1911. French and German texts: Oesterreichisches Gesetzblatt, 1912, No. 6; Martens, 7:564.

February, 1912.

10 FRANCE-ITALY. Ratifications exchanged of an arrangement concerning the protection of young workmen, signed June 15, 1911. Italian text: Ga. Ufficiale, 1912, No. 53; French text: Martens, 7:528.

29-June 19. BULGARIA-SERVIA. Secret treaty of alliance and secret annex signed at Sofia, Feb. 29, 1912. The additional convention agreeing to submit differences to the arbitration of Russia, and a military convention was signed June 19, 1912. This treaty was an agreement as to the conduct of the first Balkan campaign.

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