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No. Vol.

Cowdon, John, of New Orleans, La. Memorial showing the reasons
why Senate bill No. 1917 should become a law at the present ses-
sion of Congress, by..

Coxey, J. S. Resolution by Mr. Allen relative to the arrest of
Coxey, J. S. Amendment to the resolution submitted by Mr. Allen,
relative to the arrest of. Part II.
Cuba, in the island of. Resolution relative to citizens of the United
States held in confinement by the Government of Spain.
Cullom, Mr. Petition from H. C. Yetter, a member of Columbia
Typographical Union, No. 101, praying for the passage of an act
to establish Government ownership and control of telegraph...
Customs revenue. Resolution submitted by Mr. Chandler, relative
to the expenditures by the Secretary of the Treasury for the detec-
tion and prevention of frauds upon the.

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Daniel, Mr. Resolution indorsing the President's action in using the
military force to suppress lawlessness.
Daniels, Percy. Petition from, favoring a graduated property tax,
with accompanying bill..

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Davie, Edward N., late a folder in the folding room of the Senate.
Resolution providing for the payment of six months' salary to
Mrs. Katie Bird, the mother of

Davis, Mr. Concurrent resolution directing the Secretary of War
to appoint a commission of engineers to examine and report upon
the cost of deepening the harbors of Superior and Duluth..
Debate. Resolution by Mr. Allen relative to, on H. R. 4864
District of Columbia. Letter from the Commissioners of the, rela-
tive to the equipment of street-railway cars with the best available

District of Columbia. Letter from the Commissioners of the, recom-
mending an appropriation of $51,070 for repairing certain piers of
the Aqueduct Bridge, near the city of Washington, over the Po-
tomac River..

District of Columbia. Resolution by Mr. McMillan relative to bills
chartering new street railroad corporations or to extend existing
lines in the.

District of Columbia. Letter from the Commissioners of the, relative
to underground conduits for electric wires.
District of Columbia. Resolution relative to the abandonment by,
of certain underground conduits in use for fire alarm, telegraph,
and telephone service

District of Columbia. Resolution by Mr. Hale relative to shed being
constructed at intersection of Fifteenth street and Pennsylvania


District of Columbia. Memorial relative to the repeal of the 50 per cent annual Congressional appropriation law.

District of Columbia. Letter from the Commissioners of the, presented by the President pro tempore, forwarding statements concerning certain streets and alleys in the District.

Dolph, Mr. Amendment to the resolution reported by Mr. Turpie,
from the Committee on Foreign Relations, relative to Hawaii,
(Mis. Doc. 46)

Dolph, Mr. Memorial from the North Pacific Breeder's and Wool-
Growers' Association, protesting against the passage of the Wil-
son tariff bill
Dolph, Mr. Resolution providing for the printing of all memorials,
petitions, and communications presented to the Senate relating to
tariff legislation during the present session.

Dolph, Mr. Resolution providing for the printing of copies of the
report of the Committee on Foreign Relations, No. 227
Dolph, Mr. Resolution relative to the bill to provide for the construc-
tion of public building at Salem, Oreg

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Dolph, Mr. Statement of California, Oregon and Nevada relative
their State rebellion war claims against the United States.
Dolph, Mr. Letter from the Commissioner of the Land Office rela-
tive to a claim of Wheaton & Chamberlain, of California, accom-
panied by a statement of salaries, fees, and commissions received by
the registers and receivers from all sources at the United States
land offices in Alabama, Arkansas, Dakota. Florida, Iowa, Kan-
sas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Ne-
braska, Wisconsin

Dolph, Mr. Resolution relative to arrest of Elisha J. Edwards for
Dolph, Mr. Resolution relative to the arrest of Elisha J. Edwards
for contempt.

Dominion Coal Company, Limited, of Nova Scotia. Amendment by
Mr. Mills to resolution providing for the investigation of the facts
connected with the history and organization of. Part II.
Dominion Coal Company, Limited, of Nova Scotia. Resolution to in-
vestigate the facts connected with the history of the organization of
Dubois, Mr. Amendment as a substitute for resolution submitted
by Mr. Stewart relative to the authority of the Secretary of the
Treasury to issue bonds. Part II...

Duluth, harbors of Superior and. Concurrent resolution by Mr.
Davis, directing the Secretary of War to appoint a commission of
engineers to examine and report upon the cost of deepening the...

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Edwards, Elisha J. Resolution by Mr. Dolph relative to the arrest
of, for contempt

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Edwards, Elisha J. Resolution by Mr. Dolph relative to the arrest
for contempt of .


Extradition treaty with Russia. Petition for the abrogation of the..
Extradition treaty with the Russian Empire. Resolution by Mr.
Turpie relative to the

Election. Resolution by Mr. Martin, providing for amendment to
the Constitution regulating the election of President and Vice-Pres-
ident of the United States, and the election of United States Sena-
tors by a direct vote of the people


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Election cases. Resolution by Mr. Hoar to print 4,000 copies of the
new edition of the Senate

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Executive sessions. Amendment to the rules submitted by Mr.
Peffer, relative to...

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Everett, in the State of Washington. Resolution by Mr. Call,
directing the Secretary of the Treasury to cause a survey and esti-
mate to be made of the cost of dredging the bar at
Everett Harbor. Resolution by Mr. Squire, instructing the Secre-
tary of War to transmit to the Senate all letters and reports rela-
tive to..

[blocks in formation]

Eckington and Soldiers' Home Railway Company. Report of the,
for the year ending December 31, 1893.

Employment to the people of the United States who can not now
obtain work, etc. Resolution by Mr. Call that it would be a wise
public policy for Congress to enact such measures as will give..........
Eulogies. Senator Randall Lee Gibson
Eulogies. Senator Leland Stanford.

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Faulkner, Mr. Report from the Secretary of the Interior in refer-
ence to Senate bill 1302, 53d Congress, 2d session, relative to Yel-
lowstone National Park

Faulkner, Mr. Memorial to Congress by the Joint Executive Com-
mittee of the citizens of the District of Columbia against the repeal
of the 50 per cent annual Congressional appropriation law

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No. Vol.

Free coinage of gold and silver. Resolution submitted by Mr. Mar-
tin looking to the

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Finance, banks, and banking. Memorial on, presented by Mr. Tur-
pie, past and present, with suggestions as to their future
Finance Committee. Resolution by Mr. Harris filling vacancy in the
"Fires in District Schools." Article from Kate Field's Washington.
Fish and Fisheries. Report of the Commissioner of, on investiga-
tions in the Columbia River Basin in regard to the salmon fisheries. 200
Fisheries on the coasts and rivers of the United States. Resolution by
Mr. Call instructing the Committee on Fisheries to inquire as to
the condition of the..

Fish and Fisheries. Resolution providing stenographer for the Com-
mittee on..
Fish and Fisheries. Report of the Commissioner of, as to the advisa-
bility of establishing fish-hatchery stations at suitable points in
Wyoming and the States of South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska....
Fish and Fisheries. Statement from the U. S. Commission of, show-
ing expenditures under all appropriations for propagation of food
fishes from July 1, 1892, to June 30, 1893..
Foreign railway ownership and operation. Collection of statements
from the chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission rela-
tive to.

Foreign Relations. Resolution by Mr. Dolph providing for the print-
ing of copies of report No. 227 of the Committee on
Foreign Cable or Telegraph Company. Resolution by Mr. Frye that
the Secretary of State inform the Senate whether permission has
been granted to any, to land its line on the coast of the United
States since March 1, 1893..

Fort Pond Bay, N. Y. Papers relative to establishment of free port
Florida, State of. Resolution by Mr. Call instructing the Commit-

tee on Judiciary to inquire and report to the Senate as to the le-
gality of the approval of public lands by the Secretary of the Inte-
rior to the State of Florida for the benefit of the Florida Central
and the Peninsular Railroad Company.

Frye, Mr. Resolution as to the relations to be maintained with
Hawaii pending the investigation ordered by resolution of Decem-
ber 21, 1893.


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Frye, Mr. Resolution that the Secretary of State inform the Senate
whether permission has been granted to any foreign cable or tele-
graph company to land its line on the coast of the United States
since March 1, 1893




Gallinger, Mr. Resolution that it is the sense of the Senate of the
United States that it is unwise to attempt any change in the tariff
laws now on the statute books during the present Administration
Gallinger, Mr. Amendment to the resolution reported by Mr.
Turpie, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, relative to
Hawaii (Mis. Doc. 46)

Gallinger, Mr. Resolution directing the Secretary of the Navy to
inform the Senate why the gunboat Castine, now at the Ports-
mouth navy-yard, is to be removed to the Norfolk Navy-Yard for

Gallinger, Mr. Joint report from the Secretaries of the different
Departments respecting the annual settlement of the public ac-
counts, December 6, 1816..

[blocks in formation]

Gallinger, Mr. Report from the Commissioner of the District of
Columbia as to whether the street railways of Washington pro-
pelled by cable or electricity have adopted the most effective fen-
ders for the protection of human life.










Gallinger, Mr. Resolution that the Secretary of the Treasury be
directed to furnish the Senate with lists of clerks promoted, re-
duced, and appointed since the 4th of March, 1893.
Gallinger, Mr. Calling on the Secretary of the Treasury and the
Secretary of the Interior for information as to clerks appointed,
removed, and promoted since March 4, 1893
Gallinger, Mr. Amendment to resolution submitted by Mr. Peffer
relative to the establishment of public savings banks in connection
with the Post-Office Department. Part II.

Gray, Mr. Amendment proposed to the rules of the Senate
Gray, Mr. Amendment intended to be proposed to the rules of the

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Gray, Mr. Motion that the Senate insist upon its amendments to
House bill 4864 and consent to the further conference asked for
by the House of Representatives..

[blocks in formation]

Gray, Mr. Resolution that the Committee on Printing consider and
report as to the advisability of having Government printing and
binding done under the contract system.


Gray, Mr. Resolution relative to revenue duty on all sugar.
Gray, Mr. Smith's Digest of Decisions and Precedents on Powers
and Privileges of Senate and House..



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Graduated property tax. Petition from Percy Daniels favoring a,
with accompanying bill

Gas Light Company's works. Argument in favor of the purchase
by the Government of the Washington...

George, Mr. Resolution relative to naturalization laws
Geological Survey, Letter from the director of the, presented by Mr.
Mitchell of Oregon, concerning an investigation by a Govern-
ment chemist of the problem of extracting the flour of gold which
exists in the extensive beds of sand in Oregon and elsewhere..
Gerger, Eliza H. Resolution relative to claim of, and Mary Virginia

Gibson, Mr. (for Mr. Blackburn). Resolution authorizing the Sec-
retary of the Senate to pay out of the contingent fund of the Sen-
ate six months' salary to Mrs. Katie Bird, mother of Edward N.
Davie, late a folder in the folding room of the Senate..
Gibson, Senator Randall Lee. Eulogies.



Gold and silver, census distribution of, by States. Article on, pre-
pared by Fred. C. Waite...


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Gold, flour of. Letter from the director of the Geological Survey pre-
sented by Mr. Mitchell of Oregon, concerning an investigation by
a Government chemist of the problem of extracting the, which
exists in the extensive beds of sand in Oregon and elsewhere..
Gold. Resolution by Mr. Allen that the Secretary of the Treasury
be directed to inform the Senate from what source the gold in
this country outside of the Treasury of the United States was
increased during the fiscal year 1893..

Gold and silver prices. The evidences of a crown colony on
Gordon, Mr. Resolution relative to the repeal of the law and all
amendments thereto, imposing a tax upon the issues of State banks.
Gorman, Mr. Resolution providing for the printing of certain
House executive documents for the use of the Senate document


Gorman, Mr. Petition of the Sons of the American Revolution rela-
tive to erection of monument to the Maryland heroes of the Rev-

Government Printing Office. Report of the condition and operations
of, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1893.
Government ownership of railway, telegraph, and telephone lines
in the United States. Resolution by Mr. Allen providing for an
investigation into the necessity and authority for
Government Printing Office. Petition from a committee appointed
by the several departments of labor in the, relative to dangerous
condition of the H-street wing of the office structure..

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Hale, Mr. Resolution relative to a full and free conference on House
bill 4864.

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Hale, Mr. Memorial for the use of the Senate in relation to that
part of the Wilson bill which places lumber on the free list and
remonstrating against the adoption of the same
Hale, Mr. Resolution relative to the abandonment by the Com-
missioners of the District of Columbia of certain underground
conduits in use for fire-alarm telegraph and telephone service.
Hale, Mr. Resolution relative to the shed being constructed at
intersection of Fifteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue.
Hale, Mr. Resolution relative to shed at intersection of Fifteenth
street and Pennsylvania avenue. Part II.

Hale, Mr. Resolution relative to giving all persons representing
the varied industries of the country opportunity to be heard
before Finance Committee shall report action on the Wilson
Hansbrough, Mr. Letter from the Secretary of Agriculture rela-
tive to the destruction and extermination of the noxious plant or
weed known as "saltwort" or "russian thistle"
Harris, Mr. Report of the Berlin Silver Commission, 1894
Harris, Mr. Resolution filling vacancy in the Finance Committee
Harris, Mr. Resolution fixing the hour of the beginning of the ses-
sions of the Senate at 10 o'clock

Hawaiian History, by N. S. Castle. Memoranda and reminiscences
and incidents in

Hawaii. Amendment submitted by Mr. Dolph to the resolution
reported by Mr. Turpie from the Committee on Foreign Relations
relative to

Hawaii. Amendment submitted by Mr. Manderson to the resolu-
tion reported by Mr. Turpie from the Committee on Foreign Rela-
tions relative to (Mis. Doc. 46)

Hawaii. Amendment proposed by Mr. Stewart to the resolution of
Mr. Turpie from the Committee on Foreign Relations relative to
(Mis. Doc. 46)

Hawaii. Amendment proposed by Mr. Vest as a substitute for the
resolution reported by Mr. Turpie from the Committee on For-
eign Relations relative to (Mis. Doc. 46).

Hawaii. Amendment proposed by Mr. Gallinger to the resolution
reported by Mr. Turpie from the Committee on Foreign Rela-
tions relative to (Mis. Doc. 46).

Hawaiian territory to the United States. Resolution presented by
Mr. Turpie declaring it unwise and inexpedient at this time to
consider any project of annexation of the

Hawaiian territory to this country. Resolution by Mr. Turpie rela-
tive to the inexpediency of further considering at this time either
the treaty or project of annexation of the....
Hawaiian Islands. Resolution by Mr. Chandler that the Committee
on the Judiciary be directed to inquire and report to the Senate as
to the constitutional authority for the appointment by the Presi-
dent, in March last, of the Hon. James H. Blount, as commissioner
to the

Hawaii. Resolution by Mr. Hoar, that the Secretary of the Treasury
be directed to inform the Senate what sums have been paid from
the Treasury to the Hon. James H. Blount for salary, etc., as special
commissioner to

Hawaii. Resolution by Mr. Frye as to the relations to be maintained
with, pending the investigation ordered by resolution of Decem-
ber 21, 1893..

Hawaiian Islands. Resolution submitted by Mr. Hoar, requesting
the President to inform the Senate whether any person, whose name
has not been submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent has
been appointed, since the 4th of March, 1893, to represent the
United States in the.....

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