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1769. The San Antonio, the other vessel, went to Cape San Lucas, and Galvez set to work with the same energy and heartiness to get her ready. She sailed on the 15th day of February, 1769. The captain of the San Antonio was Don Juan Perez, a native of Majorca, and a distinguished pilot of the Philippine trade. With him sailed two priests, Fathers Juan Vizcayno and Francisco Gomez. The archives of this State contain a paper of these times which cannot but be read with interest. It is the copy of the receipt of the commander, Vincente Villa, containing a list of all the persons on board the San Carlos, and an inventory of eight months' provisions. It reads thus:

OFFICERS AND CREW, SOLDIERS, ETC., OF THE SAN CARLOS. The two army officers, the father missionary, the captain, pilot, and surgeon

The officers of the ship and crew, including two pages, (cabin boys

6 persons.

The company of soldiers, being the surgeon, corporal, and twentythree men

25 persons.


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The baker and two blacksmiths

The cook and two tortilla makers..



Dried meat, 187 arrobas, (25 pounds,) 6 libras; fish, 77 arrobas, 8 libras ; crackers, (common,) 267 arrobas, 3 libras; crackers, (white,) 47 arrobas, 7 libras; Indian corn, 760 fanegas; rice, 37 arrobas, 20 libras; peas, 37 arrobas, 20 libras lard, 20 arrobas; vinegar, 7 tinajas, (jars;) salt, 8 fanegas; panocha, (domestic sugar,) 43 arrobas, 8 libras; cheese, 78 arrobas; brandy, 5 tinajas; wine, 6 tinajas; figs, 6 tinajas; raisins, 3 tinajas; dates, 2 tinajas; sugar, 5 arrobas; chocolate, 77 arrobas; hams, 70 arrobas; oil, (table,) 6 tinajas; oil, (fish,) 5 tinajas; red pepper, 12 libras; black pepper, 7 libras; cinnamon, 7 libras; garlic, 5 libras; 25 smoked beef tongues; 6 live cattle; 70 tierces of flour, each of 25 arrobas, 20 libras; 15 sacks of bran; lentiles, 23 arrobas; beans, 19 arrobas, 20 libras; one thousand dollars in reals (coin) for any unexpected emergency. Besides 32 arrobas of panocha (domestic sugars,) 20 for the two missions of San Diego and Monterey, one half to each, and the remaining 12 arrobas for the gratification of the Indians, and to barter with them. 16 sacks of charcoal; 1 box of tallow candles of 43 arrobas; 1 pair of 16-pound scales; 2 pounds of lamp wick.

The original of this simple and homely document, but which enables us to realize so clearly these obscure transactions, yet so full of interest for us, was given unquestionably to Galvez, and this copy we may presume brought to to California on this first voyage of the Santa Carlos to serve as her manifest. It is dated the 5th of January, 1769. Of the same date we have the instructions of Galvez to Villa and Fages, addressed to each of them separately that is, the original is given to Villa under the signature of Galvez and a copy to Fages. They are long and minute. The first article declares that the first object of the expedition is to establish the "Catholic religion among a numerous heathen people, submerged in the obscure darkness of paganism, to extend the dominion of the King our lord, and to protect this peninsula from the ambitious views of foreign nations." He also recites that this project had been entertained since 1606, when it was ordered to be executed by Philip III, referring to orders which were issued by that monarch in consequence of the report made by Vizcayno, but which were never carried into effect. He enjoins that no labor or fatigue be spared now for the accomplishment of such just and holy ends. San Diego, he says, will be found in latitude 33 degrees,


as set forth in the royal cedula of 1606, (one hundred and before,) and that it cannot fail to be recognized from the lar by Vizcayno. At the conclusion in his own handwriting w ing:

"NOTE. That to the fort or presidio that may be cons pueblo (village) of the mission which may be established shall be given the glorious name of San Carlos de Mont GALVEZ," (with his rubric.)

When the San Antonio sailed she seems to have carried a to Pedro Fages, who had gone in advance on the San Carlos, in the archives. It is dated cape San Lucas, February 14 of the letter is in substance: That the San Antonio arriv Lucas) on the twenty-fifth of last month, (January;) that and cleared of barnacles; that he examined the vessel with found the keel thereof as sound as when it was placed in t necessary repairs had been made, and her cargo again placed to-morrow, if the weather permit, she will sail, and that he t she will come safely into Monterey and find him (Fages) al of the country.

So far it is in the handwriting of a clerk. He then adds a own hand, addressed as well to Father Parron and the Eng to Fages. I read it, for it is pleasant to have, as it were, a ance with the eminent personage who directed the foundat fornia, and to find him a gentleman of such manifest abilitie and enthusiasm:

"MY FRIENDS: It appears that the Lord, to my confusio to reward the only virtue I possess, which is my constant fa here goes on prosperously, even to the mines abounding in n ple are collecting, with abundance of provisions.

"I hope you will sing the Te Deum in Monterey, and in repeat it here, you will not withhold the notice of the same an is necessary.

"This is also for the Reverend Father Parron.

Just as active was he in getting off the land expedition. was given to Don Gaspar de Portala, captain of dragoons, ar Lower California; the second rank to Don Fernando Rivera of a company of foot soldiers who carried leathern bucklers. of Jacob, Galvez, in view of the dangers of the route throt unknown country, divided the force into two parts, to save on lost. Rivera was to lead the first and the governor to follow out towards the north as early as September, 1768, collectin teers, horses, dried meat, grain, flour, biscuits, &c., among camps on the verge of the unexplored regions, and sends v general that he will be ready to start for San Diego in all Juan Crespi there joins him, and on the 24th day of Marcl Friday, he begins the journey. This party consisted of th Father Crespi, a pilot who went to keep a diary, twenty-fiv leathern bucklers, three muleteers, and a band of Christian California, to serve as pioneers, assistants to the muleteers, an that might be necessary, and who carried bows and arrows. two days in the journey, and on the 14th day of May arrived at San Diego. Father Junipero Serra, president of the miss ifornia, and of those that were to be founded, marched with 1

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son of lent, the dispositions to be made for the regulation of the missions during his absence, and the preparations for the expedition in its spiritual part, detained him, so that it was May before he joined Portalà at the same encampment from which Rivera had set out. The reverend father president came up in very bad condition. He was travelling with an escort of two soldiers, and hardly able to get on or off his mule. His foot and leg were greatly inflamed, and the more that he always wore sandals, and never used boots, shoes, or stockings. His priests and the governor tried to dissuade him from the undertaking, but he said he would rather die on the road, yet he had faith that the Lord would carry him safely through. A letter was even sent to Galvez, but he was a kindred spirit, and agreed with Father Junipero, who, however, was far into the wilderness before the answer was received. On the second day out, his pain was so great that he could neither sit nor stand, nor sleep, and Portala, being still unable to induce him to return, gave orders for a litter to be made. Hearing this, Father Junipero was greatly distressed on the score of the Indians, who would have to carry him. He prayed fervently, and then a happy thought occurred to him. He called one of the muleteers and addressed him, so runs the story, in these words: "Son, don't you know some remedy for the sore on my foot and leg?" But the muleteer answered, Father, what remedy can I know? Am I a surgeon? I am a muleteeer, and have only cured the sore backs of beasts." "Then consider me a beast," said the father, "and this sore which has produced this swelling of my legs, and the grievous pains I am suffering, and that neither let me stand nor sleep, to be a sore back, and give me the same treatment you would apply to a beast." The muleteer, smiling, as did all the rest who heard him, answered, "I will, father, to please you;" and taking a small piece of tallow, mashed it between two stones, mixing with it herbs, which he found growing close by, and having heated it over the fire, annointed the foot and leg, leaving a plaster of it on the sore. God wrought in such a manner for so wrote Father Junipero himself from San Diego-that he slept all that night until daybreak, and awoke so much relieved from his pains that he got up and said matins and prime, and afterwards Mass, as if he had never suffered such an accident; and to the astonishment of the governor and the troop at seeing the father in such health and spirits for the journey, which was not delayed a moment on his account. Such a man was Father Junipero Serra; and so he journeyed when he went to conquer California. On the first of July, 1769, they reached San Diego, all well, in forty-six days after leaving the frontier. When they came in sight of the port the troops began firing for joy; those already there replied in the same manner. The vessels at anchor joined in the salute, and so they kept up the firing, until, ali having arrived, they fell to embracing one another, and to mutual congratulations at finding all the expeditions united and already at their longed-for destination. Here, then, we have the officers and priests, soldiers and sailors, and laborers, mules, oxen and cows, seeds, tools, implements of husbandry, and vases, ornaments, and utensils for the church, gotten together to begin the work of settlement, conversion, and civilization on the soil of California. The first day of July, ninety-one years ago, is the first day of California. The year 1769 is our era. The obscure events that I have noticed must yet by us be classed among its greatest occurrences, although it saw the birth of Napoleon and Wellington.

The number of souls then at San Diego should have been about two hundred and fifty, but the San Carlos had had a very hard time at sea, not reaching San Diego (which place she found with difficulty) until twenty days after the arrival of the San Antonio, which sailed five weeks later. She had, of the crew, but one sailor and the cook left alive; all the rest had died of scurvy. The first thing to be done was to found a mission and to look for Monterey, which from Vizcayno's time had been lost to the world. For founding a mission this was the proceeding:


Formal possession of the designated spot was taken in 1 A tent or arbor, or whatever construction was most practic serve as a temporary church, and adorned as well as circum mit; a father in his robes blessed the place and the chap with water, which also he had first blessed for the occasi the holy cross, having first been adored by all, was moui planted in front of the chapel. A saint was named as a pa and a father appointed as its minister. Mass was said and concerning the coming of the Holy Ghost delivered. That with such candles or other lights as they might have, b Creator Spiritus-an invocation to the Holy Ghost-was s tinual firing of the soldiers during the ceremony supplied th and the smoke of the gunpowder that of incense, if it was wa The mission being founded, the next thing was to attract was done in the simplest manner, by presents of food and cle and bits of sugar to the young ones. When they had lear language to communicate with them, they taught them the m and when they were able to say a few prayers and make in sion of faith, they were baptised and received into the fold the same time they were drawn from a wandering life, collecte the mission Church, and instructed in the habits and arts of keep them in the practice of their lessons, spiritual and se charge of the mission had over them the control of a mast affection of a parent, and was supported in his authority by presidios, or an escort stationed at the mission itself.

This was the mode of accomplishing what Galvez in his i to be the first object of the enterprise. And in this mann begun the work at San Diego on the 16th day of July. A of a very unusual nature in California attended this first es not being permitted to steal all the cloth they coveted, su when only four soldiers, the carpenter, and blacksmith were Junipero would have been murdered then at the outset, b leathern jackets, and bucklers, and mainly the valor of the man had just come from the communion, to which circumst tributed his heroism, and although he wore no defensive rushed out shouting vivas for the faith of Jesus Christ and its enemies, at the same time firing away at the savages.

On the 14th day of July the Governor Portala and a se Crespi and Francisco Gomez; Captain Fernando Rivera y in command, with a sergeant and twenty-six soldiers of t Lieutenant Pedro Fages and seven of his soldiers-the rest Carlos or were left sick at San Diego; Don Miguel Const seven muleteers, and fifteen Christian Indians, sixty five p pack train carrying a large supply of provisions, set out to The mortality on board the San Carlos prevented any atter sea; that vessel having to be laid up at San Diego, whilst were transferred to the San Antonio, which was sent back for reinforcements, and lost nine men before reaching San made the voyage in twenty days. Such was navigation or time. Portala returned to San Diego on the 24th of June days after his departure. He had been at the port of Mon and set up a cross without recognizing the place. Father diary, said he supposed the bay had been filled up, as they large sand-hills. This disappointment caused Portala to ke the north, and at forty leagues distant in that direction the of San Francisco, which they recognized at once by the de

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it. The fathers considered this circumstance as providential. They remembered that when Galvez was instructing Father Junipero by what names to call the three missions he was to found, the father had asked him: "But, sir, is there to be no mission for our father, St. Francis?" and that the visitor general had replied: "If St. Francis wants a mission, let him show us his port, and we will put one there." And in view of the discovery, they thought that it was now clear that St. Francis did want a mission, and had concealed Monterey from them purposely that they might go and find his port; and Galvez to some extent may have been of the same opinion, as they say, for he ordered a mission to be founded there, and a presidio also, as soon as he received the news. However this may be, a question of more historical interest, or curiosity, at least, is whether, notwithstanding that Portala knew the port from description as soon as he saw it, any other white man had ever seen it before. His latest guide was the voyage of Vizcayno, who had entered the port of San Francisco on the 12th of January 1603, and anchored under a point of land called Punta de Los Reyes, namely, in the bight outside the heads and north of Point Bonita.

In the port of San Francisco, as known to Vizcayno, the Manilla galleon San Augustine had been wrecked a few years before. Did a galleon ever enter our bay? Vizcayno was searching for a port to shelter the Manilla trade; if he had seen our harbor would he have ever thought of recommending Monterey? He was doubtless following the pilot who gave the information of the loss of the San Augustine; if that pilot had seen this port would not the specific object of Vizcayno have been to find it again, and not generally to explore the coast to look for a good harbor? Had anything been known of it, would it not have been mentioned by Galvez in his first instructions to Villa, in which he is so earnest on the subject of Monterey? Would he have waited for this news to have given the urgent orders that he did, that this important place should be taken possession of immediately, for fear that it might fall into the hands of foreigners? It seems to me certain that Portala was the discoverer. And I regard it as one of the most remarkable facts in history, that others had passed it, anchored near it and actually given its name to adjacent roadsteads, and so described its position that it was immediately known; and yet that the cloud had never been lifted which concealed the entrance of the bay of San Francisco, and that it was at last discovered by land.

Although Portala reported that he could not find the port of Monterey, it was suspected at the time that he had been there. Father Junipero writes that such was his opinion and that of Don Vicente Villa, of the San Carlos. In the same letter he mentions another matter, and one which disturbed him greatly. The Governor Portala, finding his provisions very short, determined if a vessel did not arrive with relief, to abandon the mission on the 20th of March.

But California was saved at the last moment. The San Antonio came in on the 19th and brought such a quantity of provisions that Portala set out again by land, and Father Junipero himself embarked on the San Antonio, which had proved herself a good sailer and well commanded, and anchored in the bay of Monterey, namely, on the 31st day of May, 1770, and found that the expedition by land had arrived eight days before; and we thus see that the journey from San Diego at that time was made quicker by land than by water. Father Junipero writes that he found the lovely port of Monterey the same and unchanged in substance and in circumstance as the expedition of Sebastian Vizcayno left it in 1603; and that all the officers of sea and land, and all their people assembled in the same glen and under the same oak where the Fathers of Vizcayno's expedition had worshipped, and there arranged their altar, hung up and rung their bells, sung the Veni Creator, blessed the holy water, set up and blessed the cross and the royal standards, concluding with a Te Deum. And there the name of Christ was again spoken for the first time after an interval of more than one hundred and sixty-seven years of silence. After

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