ARY NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. VOL. XXI. New Series. VOL. XIV. BOSTON, FREDERICK T. GRAY,-74 WASHINGTON STREET, 1826. Military Laws of the United States; compiled and A List of Patents granted by the United States, for the Encouragement of Arts and Sciences, alphabetically arranged from 1790 to 1820; continued by Supple- Geschichte der Democratie in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord America, von Johann Georg Hülsemann. Göt- Cuerpo de Leyes de la Republica de Colombia. Tom. I. Comprende la Constitucion y Leyes sanciona- das por el Congreso Jeneral. Bogotá. A Manual of Chemistry, on the Basis of Professor Brande's, &c. By John W. Webster. Recollections of the Last Ten Years, passed in oc- casional Residences and Journeyings in the Valley of the Mississippi. By Timothy Flint. |