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ground to Saint Joe Lake, as a wild river, as generally depicted on the map entitled "Saint Joe River Corridor Map" on file with the Chief of the Forest Service and dated September 1978; to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the classification of the Saint Joe River under this paragraph and the subsequent development plan for the river prepared by the Secretary of Agriculture shall at no time interfere with or restrict the maintenance, use, or access to existing or future roads within the adjacent lands nor interfere with or restrict present use of or future construction of bridges across that portion of the Saint Joe designated as a "recreational river" under this paragraph. Dredge or placer mining shall be prohibited within the banks or beds of the main stem of the Saint Joe and its tributary streams in their entirety above the confluence of the main stem with the North Fork of the river. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to prohibit the removal of sand and gravel above the high water mark of the Saint Joe River and its tributaries within the river corridor by or under the authority of any public body or its agents for the purposes of construction or maintenance of roads. The Secretary shall take such action as is required under subsection (b) of this section within one year from the date of enactment of this paragraph. For the purposes of this river, there are authorized to be appropriated not more than $1,000,000 for the acquisition of lands or interest in lands.

(24)1(A) SALMON, IDAHO.-The segment of the main river from the mouth of the North Fork of the Salmon River downstream to Long Tom Bar in the following classes:

(i) the forty-six-mile segment from the mouth of the North Fork of the Salmon River to Corn Creek as a recreational river; and

(ii) the_seventy-nine-mile segment from Corn Creek to Long Tom Bar as a wild river; all as generally depicted on a map entitled "Salmon River" dated November 1979, which is on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief, Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture.

(B) This segment shall be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture: Provided, That after consultation with State and local governments and the interested public, the Secretary shall take such action as is required by subsection (b) of this section within one year from the date of enactment of this paragraph.

(C) The use of motorboats (including motorized jetboats) within this segment of the Salmon River shall be permitted to continue at a level not less than the level of use which occurred during calendar year 1978.

(D) Subject to existing rights of the State of Idaho, including the right of access, with respect to the beds of navigable streams,

1Paragraph (24) was added by subsection (a) of section 9 of the Central Idaho Wilderness Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-312; 94 Stat. 953). Subsection (b) of such section 9 provides as follows: (b) That segment of the main Salmon River designated as a component of the Wild and Scenic Rivers System by this Act, which lies within the River of No Return Wilderness or the GospelHump Wilderness designated by Public Law 95-237, shall be managed under the provisions of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, as amended, and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, notwithstanding section 10(b) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act or any provisions of the Wilderness Act to the contrary.

tributaries or rivers, dredge and placer mining in any form including any use of machinery for the removal of sand and gravel for mining purposes shall be prohibited within the segment of the Salmon River designated as a component of the Wild and Scenic Rivers System by this paragraph; within the fifty-three-mile segment of the Salmon River from Hammer Creek downstream to the confluence of the Snake River; and within the Middle Fork of the Salmon River; and its tributary streams in their entirety: Provided, That nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to prohibit the removal of sand and gravel, outside the boundaries of the River of No Return Wilderness or the Gospel-Hump Wilderness, above the high water mark of the Salmon River or the Middle Fork and its tributaries for the purposes of construction or maintenance of public roads: Provided further, That this paragraph shall not apply to any written mineral leases approved by the Board of Land Commissioners of the State of Idaho prior to January 1, 1980.

(E) The provisions of section 7(a) of this Act with respect to the licensing of dams, water conduits, reservoirs, powerhouses, transmission lines or other project works, shall apply to the fifty-threemile segment of the Salmon River from Hammer Creek downstream to the confluence of the Snake River.

(F) For the purposes of the segment of the Salmon River designated as a component of the Wild and Scenic Rivers System by this paragraph, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated from the Land and Water Conservation Fund, after October 1, 1980, not more than $6,200,000 for the acquisition of lands and interests in lands.

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(25) ALAGNAK, ALASKA. That segment of the main stem and the major tributary to the Alagnak, the Nonvianuk River, within Katmai National Preserve; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(26) ALATNA, ALASKA.-The main stem within the Gates of the Arctic National Park; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(27) ANIAKCHAK, ALASKA.—That portion of the river, including its major tributaries, Hidden Creek, Mystery Creek, Albert Johnson Creek, and North Fork Aniakchak River, within the Aniakchak National Monument and National Preserve; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(28) CHARLEY, ALASKA. The entire river, including its major tributaries, Copper Creek, Bonanza Creek, Hosford Creek, Derwent Creek, Flat-Orthmer Creek, Crescent Creek, and Moraine Creek, within the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(29) CHILIKADROTNA, ALASKA. That portion of the river within the Lake Clark National Park and Preserve; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(30) JOHN, ALASKA.-That portion of the river within the Gates of the Arctic National Park; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(31) KOBUK, ALASKA.-That portion within the Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(32) MULCHATNA, ALASKA. That portion within the Lake Clark National Park and Preserve; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(33) NOATAK, ALASKA.-The river from its source in the Gates of the Arctic National Park to its confluence with the Kelly River in the Noatak National Preserve; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(34) NORTH FORK OF THE KOYUKUK, ALASKA.-That portion within the Gates of the Arctic National Park; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

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(35) SALMON, ALASKA. That portion within the Kobuk Valley National Park; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior. (36) TINAYGUK, ALASKA. That portion within the Gates of the Arctic National Park; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(37) TLIKAKILA, ALASKA. That portion within the Lake Clark National Park; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(38) ANDREAFSKY, ALASKA. That portion from its source, including all headwaters, and the East Fork, within the boundary of the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(39) IVISHAK, ALASKA. That portion from its source, including all headwaters and an unnamed tributary from Porcupine Lake within the boundary of the Arctic National Wildlife Range; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(40) NOWITNA, ALASKA. That portion from the point where the river crosses the west limit of township 18 south, range 22 east, Kateel River meridian, to its confluence with the Yukon River within the boundaries of the Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(41) SELAWIK, ALASKA.—That portion from a fork of the headwaters in township 12 north, range 10 east, Kateel River meridian to the confluence of the Kugarak River, within the Selawik National Wildlife Refuge; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(42) SHEENJEK, ALASKA.-The segment within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(43) WIND, ALASKA. That portion from its source, including all headwaters and one unnamed tributary in township 13 south, within the boundaries of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(44) ALAGNAK, ALASKA. Those segments or portions of the main stem and Nonvianuk tributary lying outside and westward of the Katmai National Park/Preserve and running to the west boundary of township 13 south, range 43 west; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(45) BEAVER CREEK, ALASKA.-The segment of the main stem from the vicinity of the confluence of the Bear and Champion Creeks downstream to its exit from the northeast corner of township 12 north, range 6 east, Fairbanks meridian within the White Mountains National Recreation Area, and the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(46) BIRCH CREEK, ALASKA. The segment of the main stem from the south side of Steese Highway in township 7 north, range 10 east, Fairbanks meridian, downstream to the south side of the Steese Highway in township 10 north, range 16 east; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

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(47) DELTA, ALASKA. The segment from and including all of the Tangle Lakes to a point one-half mile north of Black Rapids; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(48) FORTYMILE, ALASKA.-The main stem within the State of Alaska; O'Brien Creek; South Fork; Napoleon Creek, Franklin Creek, Uhler Creek, Walker Fork downstream from the confluence of Liberty Creek; Wade Creek; Mosquito Fork downstream from the vicinity of Kechumstuk; West Fork Dennison Fork downstream from the confluence of Logging Cabin Creek; Dennison Fork downstream from the confluence of West Fork Dennison Fork; Logging Cabin Creek; North Fork; Hutchison Creek; Champion Creek; the Middle Fork downstream from the confluence of Joseph Creek; and Joseph Creek; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(49) GULKANA, ALASKA. The main stem from the outlet of Paxson Lake in township 12 north, range 2 west, Copper River meridian to the confluence with Sourdough Creek; the south branch of the west fork from the outlet of an unnamed lake in sections 10 and 15, township 10 north, range 7 west, Copper River meridian to the confluence with the west fork; the north branch from the outlet of two unnamed lakes, one in sections 24 and 25, the second in sections 9 and 10, township 11 north, range 8 west, Copper River meridian to the confluence with the west fork; the west fork from its confluence with the north and south branches downstream to its confluence with the main stem; the middle fork from the outlet of Dickey Lake in township 13 north, range 5 west, Copper River meridian to the confluence with the main stem; to be classified as a wild river area and to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(50) UNALAKLEET, ALASKA.—The segment of the main stem from the headwaters in township 12 south, range 3 west, Kateel River meridian extending downstream approximately 65 miles to the western boundary of township 18 south, range 8 west; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior.

(51) VERDE, ARIZONA.-The segment from the boundary between national forest and private land in sections 26 and 27, township 13 north, range 5 east, Gila Salt River meridian, downstream to the confluence with Red Creek, as generally depicted on a map entitled "Verde River-Wild and Scenic River", dated March 1984, which is on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief, Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture; to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture. This designation shall not prevent water users receiving Central Arizona Project water allocations from diverting that water through an exchange agreement with downstream water users in accordance with Arizona water law. After consultation with State and local governments and the interested public and within two years after the date of enactment of this paragraph, the Secretary shall take such action as is required under subsection (b) of this section.

(52) AU SABLE, MICHIGAN.-The segment of the main stem from the project boundary of the Mio Pond project downstream to the project boundary at Alcona Pond project as generally depicted on a map entitled "Au Sable River" which is on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief, Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture; to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.

(53) TUOLUMNE, CALIFORNIA.-The main river from its sources on Mount Dana and Mount Lyell in Yosemite National Park to Don Pedro Reservoir consisting of approximately 83 miles as generally depicted on the proposed boundary map entitled "Alternative A" contained in the Draft Tuolumne Wild and Scenic River Study and Environmental Impact Statement published by the United States Department of the Interior and Department of Agriculture in May 1979; to be administered by the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture. After consultation with State and local governments and the interested public and within two years from the date of enactment of this paragraph, the Secretary shall take such action as is required under subsection (b) of this section. Nothing in this Act shall preclude the licensing, development, operation, or maintenance of water resources facilities on those portions of the North Fork, Middle Fork or South Fork of the Tuolumne or Clavey Rivers that are outside the boundary of the wild and scenic river area as designated in this section. Nothing in this section is intended or shall be construed to affect any rights, obligations, privileges, or benefits granted under any prior authority of law including chapter 4 of the Act of December 19, 1913, commonly referred to as the Raker Act (38 Stat. 242) and including any agreement or administrative ruling entered into or made effective before the enactment of this paragraph. For fiscal years commencing after September 30, 1985, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to implement the provisions of this subsection.

(54) ILLINOIS, OREGON.-The segment from the boundary of the Siskiyou National Forest downstream to its confluence with the Rogue River as generally depicted on a map entitled "Illinois River Study" and is also part of report entitled "A Proposal: Illinois Wild and Scenic River," to be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture. After consultation with State and local governments and the interested public, the Secretary shall take such action as is required under subsection (b) of this section within one year from the date of enactment of this paragraph. For the purposes of this Act with respect to the river designated by this paragraph, effective October 1, 1984, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as necessary for the acquisition of lands or interests in lands, and such sums as necessary for development.

(55) OWYHEE, OREGON.-The South Fork from the IdahoOregon State line downstream to Three Forks; the Owyhee River from Three Forks downstream to China Gulch; and the Owyhee River downstream from Crooked Creek to the Owyhee Reservoir as generally depicted on a map entitled "Owyhee, Oregon" dated April 1984; all three segments to be administered as a wild river by the Secretary of the Interior. After consultation with State and local governments and the interested public, the Secretary shall take

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