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By the death of Ex-President Benjamin Harrison the United States loses one of its ablest and worthiest citizens. He was a great statesman, an accomplished orator, and a devoted Christian man whose influence was always given to the noblest causes. "The Review of Reviews" for April contains a character sketch of him prepared by Gen. Thomas J. Morgan, who was associated with President Harrison in the Army and, during his Presidential term, served as Commissioner of Indian affairs.

Mrs. William Scott who has been laboring in the Philadelphia District during the past year, is soon to be transferred to New England to labor under the direction of District Secretary Dr. F. T. Hazlewood. Mrs. Scott is probably the ablest Negro woman who has appeared upon the public platform. She is a speaker of rare power, and never fails to instruct and interest her audience. Her services are in great demand, and it is impossible for her to respond to all the invitations she receives. Those desiring her to address churches associations or other religious gatherings should apply to Dr. Hazlewood.

A negro pastor in Virginia writes: "I enclose $1.00 with which to purchase as many copies as it will buy of the April number of the MONTHLY to distribute among my people. The number is so timely, so well arranged, the writers so happily chosen, and their views so clearly set forth, that it ought to go far toward interesting our people in the work and policies of the Society."

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No. 5.

The Baptist Social Union of New York City, at its meeting April 4th, listened with great interest to Mr. Booker T. Washington of Tuskegee and Dr. Wallace Buttrick of Albany, who had been invited to speak of the conditions and needs. of the colored people of the South. Mr. Washington dwelt particularly, as was expected, upon the value of industrial education. Dr. Buttrick, who had recently returned from an extended visit among schools for the colored people, forcibly presented the great need for capable Christian ministers and teachers, at the same time advocating, so far as practicable, industrial training of a distinctly educational character.

We are very glad to be able to say that the financial year of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, which closed March 31, 1901, has been exceptionally prosperous. The Society has been able to pay the debt of $32,000 with which it began the year; has fully met the current expenses for an enlarged work; has in the treasury a small balance with which to begin the new year. In addition, $5,000 have been added to the Permanent Trust Funds; $39,000 to the Annuity Funds, $33,000 have been received for the erection of chapels and about $135,000 -mostly designated-have been used in the erection and improvement of school buildings.

It ought to be specially emphasized in this connection, that this most happy termination of the year has been made. possible by the payment into our treasury of $68,666, being a portion of the

magnificent sum bequeathed to the Soci- Washington, one of our best Home Misety by the late Daniel S. Ford.

Capt. G. W. Schroeder, of Brooklyn, author of a recent "History of the Swedish Baptists," reached the advanced age of eighty years on April 9th. His many friends will be glad to learn that he is still strong and active and unremitting in his faithful labors for the evangelization of his people.

One enterprising New England pastor not only presents Home Missions in his pulpit when an offering is to be made, but uses the weekly Church Calendar to advertize the work and furnish illustrations of some of its more interesting features. This example is worthy of imitation, and we are always glad to be of service to pastors wishing to give such information. to their people.

The Assistant Corresponding Secretary was recently invited to speak at a meeting for the organization of a Baptist Young Peoples' Union, in a Colored Church at East Orange, N. J., and was greatly pleased to find that the pastor was a graduate of Richmond Theological Seminary (one of Dr. Corey's boys), his wife had been trained under Joanna P. Moore, and the secretary of the Society was a former student of Hartshorn Memorial College, of Richmond, Va. What more valuable testimony could be given of the importance of our work among the colored people than is furnished by such a case, especially when it may be added that this Church is doing a most excellent work in this important town for the cause of Christ.

Booker T. Washington, who has already accomplished so much for himself and his race, and who has still a limitless field of usefulness before him, was for one year a student in Wayland Seminary, at

sion schools. Mr. Washington recently visited Wayland College in its new location at Richmond, Va., and made a very acceptable address, in the course of which he said: "I vividly recall the time when I was at Wayland and the valuable instruction I received there under Dr. King. I learned much about the Bible and to love •

it. If I have any power to express my thoughts in speech or writing, it is due to the training I received from Dr. King, especially in Bible study."

The immediate aim of all religious and educational effort is improved manhood and womanhood. The preacher

has accomplished a mighty work when, with God's blessing, he has brought men and women into vital relationship with Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. During the past year, four thousand nine hundred and six have been added to our missionary churches by baptism, and during the last ten years the aggregate number of converts exceeds fifty thousand.

We present elsewhere pictures and brief sketches of some of the men and women who have been trained in our Southern schools. "By their fruits ye shall know them." Our educational work is amply vindicated by the character of those who have enjoyed its advantages.

The American Baptist Home Mission Society publishes in the columns of the HOME MISSION MONTHLY a full statement of all moneys received, stating their source and the purpose for which given. It goes without saying that all contributions made to the treasury of the Society by Negroes are acknowledged the same as money received from other people. It is a simple matter for anyone who wishes to know the facts, to ascertain from these published statements how much the

Negroes have given to the work of the Society year by year. We are sorry to say that the total amount thus given will be found to be exceedingly small. To say that the Negroes have given "hundreds of thousands of dollars" to the Society is a gross and misleading exaggeration which ought not to be made by any one who has regard for the truth.

What the Negroes give to meet the expenses of board of their children while at school does not come into the treasury of the Home Mission Society, but is expended for the purchase and preparation of food which the students eat; should there be a surplus of money received for board over and above its cost, that surplus is turned into the treasury; but if there should be a deficiency, as is often the case, that deficiency is made up from the treasury of the Society.

The money that is raised by the Negroes and paid into the schools which are owned and controlled by themselves, having Negro trustees and Negro faculties, money which is used for payment of salaries, does not come to the treasury of the Home Mission Society at all, and consequently is not, in any proper sense, to be regarded as a contribution to the Society.

Latterly an effort has been made to gather up as near as possible all the money contributed by Negroes for the payment of the board of their children or for the payment of teachers' salaries or other expenses connected with their own schools, and to print this in our educational statistics, not because it is a part of the receipts and expenditures of the Society, but simply as showing what the Negroes are doing for the education of their children. It is designed for their encouragement. It is manifestly improper to seize upon these figures and insist that they represent contributions of the Negroes to the Home Mission Society.

The time has come when the vast body of Negro Baptists in the South should

have presented to them the claims of Home missions; they should be instructed by their pastors and others as to the immense and important work that the Home Mission Society is doing, not only in the South for their people, but in the West; among the foreign populations of the country; in Cuba, Porto Rico, Mexico and Alaska. If there is any class of citizens more than another which should be profoundly interested in the evangelization of North America and the dissemination of Christian principles everywhere within the bounds of the Republic, that class is the Negroes. It is not to be expected that they will in their present condition either give largely to this work or intelligently comprehend its significance, but there is no reason why a beginning should not be made, nor why they should not be made to feel a sense of obligation resting upon them as Christians to share in the burden, and participate in the privilege of evangelizing North America.

Mr. W. H. Thomas, in his book entitled "The American Negro," has made a fearful indictment of his race. We cannot help thinking that he has done his people a gross injustice: he could not possibly have facts which would warrant him in the broad generalizations of denunciation in which he indulges; he could not possibly prove his propositions if he were to try. The injustice of it appears in the fact that he has made his statements of arraignment in such form that it is impossible to successfully refute them.

That there is much immorality among the Negroes is undeniable; so there is among white people: that the Negroes still occupy a low plane in civilization is. true; so do multitudes of the Irish both in Ireland and in this country; so do vast numbers of the Italians, Poles, Hungarians and others who are thronging to our shores; so do multitudes of American white people, as is evidenced by the crowds

who delight in the murderous barbarisms of lynchings, Negro burnings, etc.

We believe that the ten million Negroes in the United States have "the promise and the potency" of progress along all the lines of civilization. That their progress will be slow is to be feared, but whether it will be slower than that which has characterized the Anglo-Saxon race we are not prepared to admit. Our belief is that, under proper conditions, the Negroes of this country can in the next hundred years rise to a high plane of respectability and usefulness. They must expect criticism, and if it is given in the right spirit, they will be helped by it; but we cannot help thinking that such unsparing denunciation as is heaped upon them by Mr. Thomas is unjust, unwise and harmful. If the Negroes are weak, they need the help of the strong; if they are superstitious, they should have the Gospel in its purity; if they are ignorant, schools should be provided for them where they may learn; if they are vicious, they should be punished for their crimes; if they are industrious, thrifty, selfrespecting, upright, they should have sympathy and encouragement. Their progress in this country will be much more rapid and certain if their essential manhood is recognized and if they are treated with justice.

Just now the Roman Catholic Church seems to be having a pretty hard time of it the world over. Very severe and apparently just charges have been made against Roman Catholic missionaries in China, and at their doors is laid the charge of being largely responsible for the outbreak against foreigners, and especially against foreign missionaries; in Italy the schism between the Pope and the King grows wider and wider, and the selection of a new prime minister who is a wellknown opponent of the papacy does not look toward the healing of the breach; in France the government has taken a

very positive attitude against the Catholic societies, and, notwithstanding the cry has been raised and urged that the movement is against Catholicism, it is the evident intention of the government to carry its purpose into successful operation; in Austria the cry, "Los von Rome," has lost none of its effectiveness, and multitudes of Roman Catholics are said to be breaking their allegiance to the church; everywhere through Spain there has been great unrest and bitter animosity manifested toward priests, convents, and an apparent disposition on the part of multitudes to strike at the church. The same thing is true in Portugal. The newspapers report a very decided movement towards Protestantism in the Philippine Islands, especially at Manila, where large meetings have been addressed by Rev. Mr. Rogers, the Presbyterian missionary. The church has suffered great loss in both Cuba and Porto Rico, where the people are evidently quite favorable to Protestantism, and hundreds have already united with Protestant churches.

The Pope doubtless spends many a weary hour as he reflects upon these ominous signs; he may console himself with the apparent progress of the Roman Catholic Church in America, where, notwithstanding the defections of many and the loss of thousands of the youth, the numbers increase yearly, chiefly by reason of the vast multitudes of immigrants from Roman Catholic countries that are pouring into America.

The way in which the HOME MISSION BULLETIN is being received is very gratifying. One church alone sends a gift of 500 subscribers; another 252; another 253; several others 100 and upwards; many from 50 to 100; while a large number send in lists from 20 to 50.

Hearty commendations of the BULLETIN accompany many of these orders. We want a club for it in every church. Remember the remarkably low terms: Five

cents per year in clubs of five and multiples of five, when sent to one address. If you have not seen a copy, send for sample copies and secure a club in your church.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Feb. 5, 1901. Rev. T. J. MORGAN, LL.D.,

Dear Brother-I have been a beneficiary of the American Baptist Home. Mission Society since 1881. I was first a student in Roger Williams University, where I was kept in school, money or no money, till I completed the Classical Course then maintained there. After that I came back to my native State, where I was employed by the Society as General Missionary to the Colored people of Arkansas. A year later I was employed as President of this school and worked a year or two at great odds till he Society took hold and became responsible for half of my salary. For all this I have given the Society nothing

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but indirect service and good will. I am pleased to be able now to hand you check for fifty dollars, which please pass

Anthony Binga, Jr., D.D.,

was born June 1st, 1843, at Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada. His father is Anthony Binga, Sr., a Baptist Minister, and his mother Rhoda Binga. A. Binga, Jr., spent all his early life in attending the public schools. He also attended King's Institute, at Buxton. As a means of assisting himself through school, in 1866, he accepted the offer of a school in Atchison, Kansas. His health failing him, after a short time, he returned to his home, as he supposed, to die. But the Lord willed it otherwise. In 1867, he became a Christian. This change marked a new era in his life, for he now felt called to the ministry. In eight months after he was baptized he was ordained as a gospel minister. Soon after this he accepted the principalship of the Albany Enterprise Academy, in Albany, Athens County, Ohio. After laboring here three years he went to Richmond and taught a private school for a few months, after which, on May 1st, 1872, he accepted a call from the First Baptist Church of Manchester, Va., where he has served over twenty-eight years. In connection with his ministerial work he was employed as principal of the public schools for sixteen years, after

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