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1898. The Yangtse Valley and its trade. Archibald Little. Contemp. Rev., vol. 74 (Sept., 1898), 363–374.
1898. British record in China. A. Krausse. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 70 (Sept., 1898), 347.
1898. Great Britain and Russia in China. Harper's Weekly, vol. 24 (Sept. 17, 1898), 906.
1898. England and Russia in China. National Rev., vol. 32 (Sept., 1898), 12.
1898. The trade of East Africa. With map. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 25 (Oct., 1898), 390.
1898. England's destiny in China. F. E. Younghusband. Contemp. Rev., vol. 74 (Oct., 1898), 457.
1898. British record in China. A. Krausse. Eclectic Mag., vol. 131 (Oct., 1898), 486.
1898. England and Russia in the Far East. G. Drage. Forum, vol. 26 (Oct., 1898), 129.
1898. China, England, and Russia. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 6 (Oct., 1898), 300.
1898. Coming struggle in the Pacific. B. Taylor. Nineteenth Century, vol. 44 (Oct., 1898), 656.
1898. United States policy in China. M. B. Dunnell. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 167 (Oct., 1898), 393.
1898. The United States and the Far East. M. W. Hazeltine, Mark B. Dunnell.
1898. Customs tariff of Japan. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 25 (Nov., 1898), 546.
1898. Trade regulations of the Yang-Tsze Kiang. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 25 (Nov., 1898), 534.
1898. The resources and means of communication of China. G. G. Chisholm. Geogr. Jour., vol. 12 (Nov., 1898), 500-519.
1898. Crisis in the Far East. A. R. Colquehoun. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 167 (Nov., 1898), 513.

No. Amer. Rev., vol. 167 (Oct., 1898), 385.

1898. Coming struggle in the Pacific. B. Taylor. Eclectic Mag., vol. 131 (Nov., 1898), 662. 1898. England's destiny in China. F. E. Younghusband.

Eclectic Mag., vol. 131 (Nov., 1898), 708.

1898. The Chines1, and recent industrial progress in the Far East. J. S. Fearon and E. P. Allen. Engineering Magazine, vol. 16 (Nov., 1898), 165.

1898. British trade and the integrity of China. Holt S. Hallett. Fortnightly Rev. n. s., vol. 63 (1898), 664–679.

1898. Eastward expansion of the United States. A. R. Colquhoun. Harper's Monthly, vol. 97 (Nov., 1898), 932.

1898. Le problème chinois: Pékin—la classe des lettrés. Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu. Revue des Deux Mondes, vol. 150 (Nov. 15, 1898), 314. 1898. Chinese railway development, past, present, and future. Charles Denby and E. P. Allen. Engineering Magazine, vol. 16 (Dec., 1898), 339.

1898. Coming fusion of East and West. E. F. Fenollosa. Harper's Monthly, vol. 98 (Dec., 1898), 115.

1898. Shall the open door be closed? G. Reid. National Rev., vol. 32 (Dec., 1898), 491.

1899. The commercial development of Japan. O. P. Austin. National Geogr. Mag., vol. 10 (1899), 329-337.

1899. A journey through the khanate of Bokhara. (Russian Central Asia.) Mrs. Rickmer Rickmers. Liverpool Geographical Society, Transactions (1899), 37–43.

1899. The Yangtze valley and the British sphere. Archibald J. Little. Liverpool Geographical Society, Transactions (1899), 15-20. - 1899. Les télégraphes et les postes en Chine. With map. A. A. Fauvel. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales, vol. 6 (1899), 83-87. 1899. La Chine économique, d'après les travaux de la mission lyonnaise, 1895-1897. With map. M. L. Raveneau. Annales de géographie, vol. 8 (1899), 62–73. "A summary of the great report of the commercial mission of the Lyons Chamber of Commerce."


Eine Rekognoszierungsreise in der Provinz Schan-Tung. With map. A. Gaedertz. Petermann's Mittheil., vol. 45 (1899), 49– 56, 82-91, 106–113.

- 1899. The prospect in Chinese trade and the present opportunity. G. F. Scott Elliot.

Glasgow, 1899, p. 20.

1899. La Chine entr'ouverte; sa perfectibilité.

- 1899.

- 1899.

Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of

Paul Barré. Revue de géographie, vol. 45 (1899), 347, 418.

Les chemins de fer en Chine. With map. Jean de Marcillac. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales, vol. 7 (June 15, July 15, 1899), 265, 321.

Les chemins de fer en Chine. (With map.) J. Servigny. Revue Française, vol. 24 (1899), 157-164. 1899. Notice géographique, ethnographique et commerciale sur le haut Fleuve Rouge (de Yuan-kiang à Man-hao). (With map.) Société de Géographique Commerciale, Paris. Bulletin, vol. 21 (1899), 80-97.

1899. La province du Tehé-Kiang (Chine). A. A. Fauvel. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales, vol. 8 (September 1, 1899), 22. 1899. The administrative history of the British dependencies in the farther East. H. M. Stephens. Amer. Historical Rev., vol. 4 (Jan., 1899), 246.

1899. Anglo-America and China. G. Sharp. Anglo-American Mag., vol. 1 (Jan., 1899), 90.

1899. American interests in the Far East. J. Foord. Anglo-American Mag., vol. 1 (Jan., 1899), 1. 1899.

Russia and England in China. P. S. Reinsch. The Arena, vol. 21 (Jan., 1899), 75.

1899. The relations of the United States to their new dependencies. A. T. Mahan. Engineering Magazine, vol. 16 (Jan., 1899), 521. 1899. China: spheres of interest and the open door. R. S. Gundry. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 66 (Jan., 1899), 37–52. 1899. Future relations of Great Britain and the United States. C. W. Dilke. Forum, vol. 26 (Jan., 1899), 515.

1899. The partition of China. A. Little. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 7 (Jan., 1899), 58.

1899. A colonial empire on economic and just principles. H. R. Fox Bourne. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 7 (Jan., 1899), 94.

1899. Le problème chinois; le peuple chinois et ses relations actuelles avec les Européens. Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu. Revue des Deux Mondes, vol. 151 (Jan. 1, 1899), 43.

1899. Le problème chinois. Le Chine et les puissances. Pierre Leroy-Beaulicu. Revue des Deux Mondes, vol. 152 (Mar. 1, 1899), 112. 1899. The open door in China. Independent, vol. 52 (Jan. 11, 1899), 137.

1899. America in the Far East. 1899. Mr. Morley on jingoism. 1899. The commercial future. 1899), 274.

W. E. Griffis. Outlook, vol. 61 (Jan. 14, 1899), 110.

Spectator, vol. 82 (Jan. 21, 1899), 77.

The new struggle for life among the nations. Brooks Adams.

Fortnightly Rev., vol. 65 (Feb.,

1899. The awakening of China. J. Smith. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 168 (Feb., 1899), 229.

1899, Lord Beresford's open door mission to the United States. Public Opinion, vol. 26 (Feb. 23, Mar. 2, 1899), 233, 263. 1899. Effects of England's war; a retrospect from the twentieth century. J. Foreman. Westminster Rev., vol. 151 (Feb., 1899), 146. 1899. The trade and trade routes in Siam. (With map.) Board of Trade Jour., vol. 26 (Mar., 1899), 267. 1899. The trade of Thibet. (With map.) Board of Trade Jour., vol. 26 (Mar., 1899), 284.

1899. China to be partitioned? Independent, vol. 51 (Mar. 16, 1899), 775.

1899. Crisis in China. Independent, vol. 51 (Mar. 16, 23, 1899), 731, 798. [Map.]

1899. Breaking up of China. Nation, vol. 68 (Mar. 30, 1899), 236.

1899. The dissolution of the Chinese Empire. D. C. Boulger. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 168 (Mar., 1899), 258.

1899. Lord Charles Beresford on America and the Far East. C. H. Shinn. Outlook, vol. 61 (Mar., 1899), 530. 1899. Italy, Russia, and England in China. Outlook, vol. 61 (Mar. 18, 1899), 618.

1899. Far Eastern press on the Beresford policy. Public Opinion, vol. 26 (Mar. 9, 1899), 299.

1899. Italy's demand upon China. Public Opinion, vol. 26 (Mar. 30, 1899), 394.

1899. Russia versus England? Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 19 (Apr., 1899), 401.

1899. Japanese view of China's predicament. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 19 (Apr., 1899), 481.




A year's diplomacy in Peking. Blackwood's Mag., vol. 165 (Apr., 1899), 773; Living Age, vol. 221 (May, 1899), 371.
New routes for Persian trade. (With map.) Board of Trade Jour., vol. 26 (Apr., 1899), 397.
British North Borneo. John Jardine. Contemp. Rev., vol. 75 (Apr., 1899), 578.

1899. Lord Salisbury's new Chinese policy. Diplomaticus. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 71 (Apr., 1899), 539.

1899. American opportunities in China. G. Reid. Forum, vol. 27 (Apr., 1899), 237.

1899. Chinese reform and British interests. "Sinicus." Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 7 (Apr., 1899), 318.
1899. China and her persecutors. Public Opinion, vol. 26 (Apr. 20, 1899), 484.
1899. American policy in the Far East. J. M. King, jr. Anglo-American Mag., vol. 1
1899. The commercial relations of the United States with the Far East. W. C. Ford.
suppl.), 107.

(May, 1899), 432.

Annals of the American Academy (May, 1899,

1899. Political relations of the United States with the Far East. Wu Ting Fang, L. M. Keasbey, F. W. Williams. American Academy (May, 1899, suppl.), 168.

1899. Partition of China. Harper's Weekly, vol. 43 (May 20, 1899), 492.

1899. Relation of the United States to Asiatic politics. J. B. Moore. Independent, vol. 51 (May 4, 1899), 1206. 1899. China; a coroner's inquest. H. Norman. Independent, vol. 51 (May 4, 1899), 1226.

1899. England and Russia. Independent, vol. 51 (May 11, 1899), 1315.

1889. China and the powers. C. Beresford. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 168 (May, 1899), 530.
1899. Russia, England, and Italy in China. Outlook, vol. 62 (May 13, 1899), 100.
1899. Anglo-Russian agreement. Public Opinion, vol. 26 (May 25, 1899), 650.
1899. Le partage de la Chine. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales.

(May 1, 1899.)

1899. The division of China. Saturday Rev., vol. 87 (May 20, 1899), 612.

1899. Wei-hai-wei; its value as a naval station. Blackwood's Mag., vol. 165 (June, 1899), 1069.

1899. The trade of the nations with their colonial possessions, 1895-97. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 26 (June, 1899), 651. 1899. China and the powers. P. Leroy-Beaulieu. Chautauquan, vol. 29 (June, 1899), 274.

1899. Europeans in China. Current Literature, vol. 25 (June, 1899), 484.

Independent, vol. 51 (June 15, 1889), 1595.
Outlook, vol. 62 (June 17, 1899), 369.
A. V. V. Raymond.

1899. Unsettled situation in China.
1899. American trade in China.
1899. The Far Eastern question.
1899. England's commercial policy toward her colonies.

Outlook, vol. 62 (June 24, 1899), 425.

Polit. Sci. Quar., vol. 14 (June, 1899), 211.

1899. The expansion of Russia. Saturday Rev., vol. 87 (June 17, 1899), 755.

-1899. American trade interests in China. Protectionist, vol. 11 (June, 1899), 71.

1899. The imperialism of British trade. "Ritortus." Contemp. Rev., vol. 76 (July, 1899), 132.

1899. China; spheres of interest and the open door. R. S. Gundry. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 66 (July, 1899), 37.

1899. America in China. Harper's Weekly, vol. 43 (July 29, 1899), 736.

Annals of the

1899. Intercourse in the past between China and foreign countries. T. L. Bullock. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 8 (July, 1899), 92.

1899. Khokand and China. E. H. Parker. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 8 (July, 1899), 114.

1899. Shall the United States unite with England or Russia? Independent, vol. 51 (July 13, 1899), 1895.

1899. England's policy in China. V. Holmstrem. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 169 (July, 1893), 17.

1899. Interview with the foreign adviser to the Emperor of China. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 20 (Aug., 1899), 204.

1899. The break-up of China, and our interest in it. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 84 (Aug., 1899), 276.

1899. Regulations for navigation on Chinese inland waters. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 27 (Aug., 1899), 172.

1899. United States; the paramount power of the Pacific. J. Barrett. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 169 (Aug., 1899), 165. 1899. Trade relations with our islands. Protectionist, vol. 11 (Aug., 1899), 215.

1899. American policy on the Chinese question. Protectionist, vol. 11 (Aug., 1899), 234.

1899. The awakening of an island empire.

1899. The opening of new ports in Japan.


(Japan.) R. W. Grant. Anglo-American Mag., vol. 2 (Sept., 1899), 269.
Board of Trade Jour., vol. 27 (Sept., 1899), 292.

1899. Immigration regulations for the islands of Cuba and the Philippines. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 27 (Sept., 1899), 305. White man's burden in China. Senex. Contemp. Rev., vol. 76 (Sept., 1899), 318; Living Age, vol. 223 (Mar., 1899), 274. 1899. America, England, and Germany as allies for the open door. J. Barrett. Engineering Mag., vol. 17 (Sept., 1899), 893. 1899. Yangtze region. R. S. Gundry. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 72 (Sept., 1899), 448.

1899. Ex oriente lux; a reply. A. Little. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 169 (Sept., 1899), 329.

1899. Territorial government and differential duties. A. Clarke. Protectionist, vol. 11 (Sept., 1899), 288.

1899. China's appeal to Japan. Public Opinion, vol. 27 (Sept. 14, 1899), 331.

1899. How to save China. Public Opinion, vol. 27 (Sept. 28, 1899), 402.

1899. Imperial Chinese railways. Engineering, vol. 68 (Oct. 20, 1899), 500.

1899. Commercial Japan. O. P. Austin. Forum, vol. 28 (Oet., 1899), 146.

1899. The coming struggle for Persia. R. P. Lord. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 8 (Oct., 1899), 284. No. 455

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1899. America and England in the East. Sir C. W. Dilke. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 169 (Oct., 1899), 558.
1899. Chinese railroad and mining concessions. C. Denby, jr. Forum, vol. 28 (Nov., 1899), 334.
1899. Will Chinese development benefit the Western world? J. P. Young. Forum, vol. 28 (Nov., 1899), 348.
1899. Saxon or Slav? (With map.) J. R. Procter. Harper's Weekly, vol. 43 (Nov. 25, 1899), 1179.

Our duties in China. Independent, vol. 51 (Nov. 16, 1899), 3103.

1899. From London to Karachi in a week. (With map.) Francis H. Skrine. Scottish Geogr. Mag., vol. 15 (Nov., 1899), 462-470. "Suggestion for a mail route by India by uniting the Russian railway at Kushk with the Indian system at Chaman by the new line of 438 miles."

1899. Trade of the new "open ports" of Formosa. Board of Trade Jour., vol. 27 (Dec., 1899), 540.

1899. Foreign trade of the United States. W. P. Sterns. Journal of Political Economy, vol. 8 (Dec., 1899), 34.
1899. The coming storm in the Far East. (China.) "Ignotus." National Rev., vol. 34 (Dec., 1899), 494.
1899. Russia and Japan; a coming struggle. A. White. Harper's Weekly, vol. 43 (Dec. 23, 1899), 1291.
1900. Our interests in China. J. Barrett. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 21 (Jan., 1900), 42.
1900. Gains and losses in the Pacific. J. G. Leigh. Fortnightly Rev., vol. 73 (Jan., 1900), 45.
1900. Commercial possibilities of China. G. S. Fearon. Forum, vol. 28 (Jan., 1900), 592.
1900. Foreign trade of the United States. W. P. Sterns. Jour. of Polit. Economy, vol. 8 (Jan., 1900),
1900. Philippine islands and their environment. J. Barrett. National Geogr. Mag.. vol. 11 (Jan., 1900), 1.
1900. The open door in China. Outlook, vol. 64 (Jan. 13, 1900), 19.


Philippines; the Oriental problem. N. P. Chipman. Overland Monthly, vol. 35 (Jan., 1900), 22.
Quar. Rev., vol. 191 (Jan., 1900), 1.

1900. British interests in China.

1900. The British sphere in China.

1900. Reform in China. G. Reid.

Saturday Rev., vol. 89 (Jan. 6, 1900), 16.

Forum, vol. 29 (Feb., 1900), 724.

1900. Japan's entry into the world's politics. G. Droppers. International Monthly, vol. 1 (Feb., 1900), 162. 1900. The expansion policy and the protectionists. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (Feb. 3, 1900), 139.

1900. The "Palace revolution" in China. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (Feb. 17, 1900), 223.

1900. China and the Philippines. P. Carus. Open Court, vol. 14 (Feb., 1900).

1900. Lettre d'Extrême-Orient; le Japon, l'Angleterre et la Russie. Jean de Cuers de Cogolin. Questions Diplomatiques et Coloniales, 4 année, no. 71 (Feb. 1, 1900), 139. 1900. Eastern commerce; what is it worth? E. Atkinson. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 170 (Feb., 1900), 295. 1900. Our interests in China. Protectionist, vol. 11 (Feb., 1900), 595.

1900. Chine entr'ouverte; sa perfectibilité. P. Barré. Revue de Geographie (Févr., 1900). 1900. Les droits de la France au Siam. P. Ibos. Revue de Géographie (Févr., 1900). 1900. Growth of our foreign policy. R. Olney. Atlantic, vol. 85 (Mar., 1900), 289. Note: Discusses "Open door" advantages, etc. 1900. The warfare of railways in Asia. A. H. Ford. Century, vol. 59 (Mar., 1900), 794. 1900. Western benefits through China's development. Ho Yow. Forum, vol. 29 (Mar., 1900), 79.

1900. Russia's sphere of influence; or, A thousand years of Manchuria. E. H. Parker. Imp. and Asiatic Quar. Rev., 3d series, vol. 9 (Apr., 1900), 287.

1900. The warlike policy of the Empress dowager of China. W. N. Brewster. Am. Rev. of Reviews, vol. 21 (Apr., 1900), 462. -1900. Trade corporations in China. M. M. Courant. Appleton's Pop. Sci. Monthly, vol. 56 (Apr., 1900), 722.

1900. The Eastern question. E. Maxey. Arena, vol. 23 (Apr., 1900), 358.


A successful colonial experiment. (Hongkong.) Poultney Bigelow. Harper's Mag., vol. 100 (Apr., 1900), 712.

1900. Secretary Hay and the "open door" in China. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (Apr. 7, 1900), 415.

1900. A Japanese view of Japan in transition. A. Kinnosuké. Critic, vol. 36 (May, 1900).

1900. The United States and the future of China. W. W. Rockhill. Forum, vol. 29 (May, 1900), 324. 1900. Problem of Asia. A. T. Mahan. Harper's Mag., vol. 101 (May, 1900).

1900. The British sphere in Asia. C. E. D. Black. Nineteenth Century, vol. 47 (May, 1900), 767. 1900. Japan and Russia in the Far East. J. Murdock. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 170 (May, 1900), 609. Powers and the partition of China. G. Reid. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 170 (May, 1900), 634. The impending partition of China.



W. W. Rockhill. Collier's Weekly, vol. 25 (June 16, 1900), 3. 1900. Russia's opening for Anglo-Saxon enterprise in Asia. A. R. Ford. Engineering Mag., vol. 19 (June, 1900), 354. 1900. The attitude of the United States toward the Chinese. Ho Yow. Forum, vol. 29 (June, 1900), 385.

1900. In the Far East. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (June 9, 1900), 705.

1900. Antagonism of England and Russia. D. C. Boulger. No. Amer. Rev., vol. 170 (June, 1900), 884.
1900. The Chinese situation. Outlook, vol. 65 (June, 1900), 328.

1900. The ferment in China. The Nation, vol. 70 (June 21, 1900), 470.
1900. America's part in the far-Eastern crisis. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (June 23, 1900), 743.
1900. The Chinese disturbances and the powers. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (June 23, 1900), 764.
1900. Is Russia to control all of Asia? A. H. Ford. Cosmopolitan, vol. 29, (July, 1900), 253.
- 1900. Railway development in China. W. B. Parsons. McClure's Mag., vol. 15 (July, 1900),


1900. Kritische Studien zur Bevölkerungsfrage China's. E. M. Köhler. Deutsche Rundschau für Geographie, vol. 22 (1900), 337-347. "The total population of the Chinese empire is here estimated at 450,000,000.”

1900. Russian Central Asia: countries and peoples. By Archibald R. Colquhoun. With map. Journal of the Society of Arts, vol. 48 (1900), 554-568.

1900. La Chine entr'ouverte; sa perfectibilité. Paul Barré. Revue de géographie, vol. 46 (1900), 25, 107.

1900. À travers le Tonkin. La rivière Claire. G. L'Homme. (With maps.) Revue maritime, vol. 144 (1900), 5–56.

1900. La Chine d'après des auteurs récents. G. de Leval. (With illustrations.) Société des études coloniales, Bulletin, 7o année (1900), 1–23, 71–100. "A résumé of recent writings on the resources of China and the prospects of European trade.”

- 1900. L'action économique des puissances en Chine. Maurice de Coppet. Annales des sciences politiques, 5o année (Jan., 1900), 65. 1900. Le partage de Samoa et la politique dans le Pacifique-Sud. P. Lefébure. Annales des sciences politiques, 5o année (Jan., 1900), 116.

[ocr errors]

1900. Eisenbahnen und Eisenbahnpläne in China. H. Schumacher. Archiv für Eisenbahnwesen, Jahrg. 1900 (Jan., Feb., 1900), Heft 1.

1900. Secretary Hay's open-door victory. Public Opinion (N. Y.), vol. 28 (Jan. 11, 1900), 37.


"Things Chinese." With a short account of a journey through the heart of China. Capt. A. W. S. Wingate. (With a map in sections.) Journal of the United Service Institution of India, vol. 29 (Jan., 1900), 1–28. "The journey referred to was described in the Geographical Journal, vol. 14 (1899), 639.”

1900. Le nouveau porte de San-tow-ao. A. A. Fauvel. La Géographie (May 15, 1900), 385.


Last palace intrigues at Peking.

R. S. Gundry.

Fortnightly Review, vol. 73 (June, 1900), 958; Littell's Living Age, vol. 226

[blocks in formation]

(R. K. Douglas.) Nineteenth Century, vol. 47 (June, 1900), 988; Littell's Living Age, vol.


Géographie générale des provinces chinoises voisines du Tonkin. A. Leclère. (With illustrations.) La Géographie, Bulletin de la Société de géographie (Apr. 15, 1900), 267–288.

1900. British and Russian diplomacy. By a diplomat. North American Review, vol. 170 (June, 1900), 871.

1900. Great Britain in Asia. Sir Richard Temple. North American Review, vol. 170 (June, 1900), 897.

1900. Tsi An, the ruling spirit of China. M. A. Hamm. Independent, vol. 52 (June 14, 1900), 1430.

1900. The Chinese disorder. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (June 30, 1900), 776.

1900. Chinese ideas about China. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (June 30, 1900), 794.

1900. European politics and the Chinese imbroglio. Literary Digest, vol. 20 (June 30, 1900), 793.

1900. La situation dans le nord du Chine. Maurice Courant. Annales des sciences politiques, 5e année (July, 1900), 523.

1900. The scramble for China. D. C. Boulger. Contemporary Review, vol. 78 (July, 1900), 1.

Forum, vol. 29 (July, 1900), 572.

1900. France, Russia, and the peace of the world. Karl Blind. Fortnightly Review, vol. 68 (July, 1900), 28. 1900. The crisis in the Far East. Diplomaticus. Fortnightly Review, vol. 68 (July, 1900), 143. 1900. Kiaochou: A German colonial experiment. C. Denby. 1900. The revolt of the "Boxers" in China. E. H. Parker. Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, 3d series, vol. 10 (July, 1900), 57. 1900. Mutual helpfulness between China and the United States. Wu Ting Fang. North American Review, vol. 171 (July, 1900), 1. 1900. The struggle for reform in China. Charles Johnston. North American Review, vol. 171 (July, 1900), 13. 1900. Missions and missionaries in China. Poultney Bigelow. North American Review, vol. 171 (July, 1900), 26. 1900. Chine et Japon. Projets des Japonais en Chine. Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 25 (July, 1900), 187. 1900. La Chine économique. Anciens rapports commerciaux de la Chine avec l'Occident. Revue encyclopédique, année 10 (July 7, 1900), 531.

1900. Party of reform in China. J. Foord. Independent, vol. 52 (July 12, 1900), 1651.


L'insurrection des Boxeurs et la politique de la France en Chine. Henri d'Orléans. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, année 4 (July 15, 1900), 65. 1900. De Canton à Yun-Nan-Sen. A. François. (Lettres sur le Tonkin et la Chine méridionale.) Revue de Paris, 7° année (July 15, 1900). 1900. Les emprunts chinois et l'avenir financier de la Chine. P. Leroy-Beaulieu. L'Économiste français, année 28 (July 21, 1900), 85. 1900. La Chine économique. C. Saglis. Revue encyclopédique, année 10 (July 21, 1900), 366. 1900. Kouang-Tchéou Ouan. L. Maury.

La Chine, l'Europe et le saint-siège.

Revue encyclopédique, année 10 (July 21, 1900), 577.

E. Lamy. Le Correspondant, 72° année (July 25, 1900), 193.
1900. La Chine et le gouvernement français. D. Cochin. Le Correspondant, 72° année (July 25, 1900), 216.
1900. Les Chinois. Moeurs et état social des Chinois. Nadaillac. Le Correspondant, 72° année (July 25, 1900), 225.

1900. European aggressions in China. The Nation, vol. 71 (July 26, 1900), 65.

1900. Distracted China. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 168 (Aug., 1900), 287.

1900. Openings for mechanical engineers in China. Lord C. Beresford. Cassier's Magazine, vol. 18 (Aug., 1900), 290. 1900. China and the powers. E. Bainbridge. Contemporary Review, vol. 78 (Aug., 1900), 172.

1900. The United States in China. J. Quincy.

Contemporary Review, vol. 78 (Aug., 1900), 183. 1900. Who's who in China. D. C. Boulger. Contemporary Review, vol. 78 (Aug., 1900), 255.

1900. China in regeneration. J. Foord. Engineering Magazine, vol. 19 (Aug., 1900), 655.

1900. Peking-and after. D. C. Boulger. Fortnightly Review, new series, vol. 68 (Aug., 1900), 198.

1900. Have we a policy in China? Diplomaticus. Fortnightly Review, new series, vol. 68 (Aug., 1900), 327.

1900. Les intérêts européens en Chine. D. Bellet. Journal des économistes, vol. 43 (Aug., 1900), 161.

1900. The Chinese revolt. F. Greenwood. Nineteenth Century, vol. 48 (Aug., 1900), 330.

1900. Vengeance and afterwards. E. Dicey. Nineteenth Century, vol. 48 (Aug., 1900), 339.

1900. America's duty in China. John Barrett. North American Review, vol. 171 (Aug., 1900), 145.

1900. The responsibility of the rulers for the disturbances in China. Carlyon Bellairs. North American Review, vol. 171 (Aug., 1900), 158.

1900. America's share in a partition of China. D. C. Boulger. North American Review, vol. 171 (Aug., 1900), 171.

1900. Causes of anti-foreign feeling in China. George B. Smyth. North American Review, vol. 171 (Aug., 1900), 182.

1900. The Japanese view of the situation in China. By a Japanese diplomat. North American Review, vol. 171 (Aug., 1900), 198. 1900. The gathering of the storm in China. Robert E. Lewis. North American Review, vol. 171 (Aug., 1900), 208. 1900. America's treatment of the Chinese. Charles F. Holder. North American Review, vol. 171 (Aug., 1900), 214. 1900. Nos missionaires, patriotes et savants en Chine. A. A. Fauvel. Le Correspondant, 72° année (Aug. 10, 1900), 438. 1900. The enemies of civilization. Nation, vol. 71 (Aug. 16, 1900), 125.

1900. American dealing with China. Nation, vol 71 (Aug. 23, 1900), 145.

1900. Die internationale Lage in China. Koloniale Zeitschrift, Jahrgang 1 (Aug. 30, 1900), 239.

1900. Can China be saved? Talcott Williams. American Review of Reviews, vol. 22 (Sept., 1900), 295.

1900. Missions in China. A defense and an appreciation. J. S. Dennis. American Review of Reviews, vol. 22 (Sept., 1900), 302.

1909. Japan's present attitude towards China. J. K. Goodrich. American Review of Reviews, vol. 22 (Sept., 1900), 308.

1900. Sir Henry Parkes in China. S. Lane Poole. Anglo-Saxon Magazine, vol. 6 (Sept., 1900), 225.

1900. Mongolian vs. Caucasian: China's defensive strength; J. H. Wisby. Philosophic basis of Chinese conservatism; A. K. Glover. Our Asiatic missionary enterprise; J. M. Scanland. Prince Hamlet of Peking; C. Johnston. The Arena, vol. 24 (Sept., 1900), 244. 1900. Influence of the Western world on China. Progress, mistakes, and responsibilities. D. Z. Sheffield. Century, vol. 60 (Sept., 1900), 784.

1900. The revolution in China and its causes. R. Van Bergen. Century, vol. 60 (Sept., 1900), 791.

1900. China and the powers. J. B. Walker. Cosmopolitan, vol. 29 (Sept., 1900), 468.

1900. Crisis in China-its meaning for engineering interests. Engineering Magazine, vol. 19 (Sept., 1900), 801.

1900. China against the world. The national uprising agrinst foreigners. P. S. Reinsch. Forum, vol. 30 (Sept., 1900), 67. 1900. Japan's attitude toward China. D. W. Stevens. Forum, vol. 30 (Sept., 1900), 76.

1900. La Chine et la diplomatie européenne. É. Réclus. L'Humanité nouvelle, 4° année (Sept., 1900), 257. 1900. On égorge en Chine *

1900), 289.



si nous parlions du péril japonais. Félix Régamey. L'Humanité nouvelle, 4° année (Sept.,

1900. Problems of the East and problems of the Far East. A. Rambaud. International Monthly, vol. 2 (Sept., Oct., 1900), 211, 341. 1900. The conflict in China. Edmund Buckley. International Monthly, vol. 2 (Sept., 1900), 323. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, année 4 (Sept., 1900), 304.

1900. Les affaires de Chine.

1900. Les sociétés secrètes en Chine. C. Saglio. Revue encyclopédique, vol. 10 (Sept. 1, 1900), 686.

1900. L'Europe en Chine. Revue de Paris, 7° année (Sept. 1, 1900), 1.

1900. L'évacuation de Pekin et la sécurité des étrangers en Chine. Francis Mury. Le Correspondant, 72° année (Sept. 25, 1900), 1046. 1900. China's "Holy Land.” A visit to the tomb of Confucius. Ernest von Hesse-Wartegg. Century, vol. 60 (Oct., 1900), 803. 1900. The Chinese as business men. Sheridan P. Read. Century, vol. 60 (Oct., 1900), 864.

1900. Chinese education. Romyn Hitchcock. Century, vol. 60 (Oct., 1900), 900.

1900. Chinese traits and Western blunders. Henry C. Potter. Century, vol. 60 (Oct., 1900), 921.

1900. A plea for fair treatment. Wu Ting Fang. Century, vol. 60 (Oct., 1900), 951.

1900. Our future policy in China. Contemporary Review, vol. 78 (Oct., 1900), 483.

1900. China and international questions. Edinburgh Review, vol. 192 (Oct., 1900), 450.

1900. À Pekin. H. Delorme. Le Correspondant, 72° année (Oct. 10, 1900), 59.

1900. The coming regeneration of China. John Henry Barrows. Gunton's Magazine, vol. 19 (Oct.,

1900. Wei-hai-wei. Poultney Bigelow. Harper's Magazine, vol. 101 (Oct., 1900), 645.

1900. The Chinese resentment. H. H. Lowry. Harper's Magazine, vol. 101 (Oct., 1900), 740.

1900), 303.

1900. The Chinese imbroglio and how to get out of it. E. H. Parker. Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, vol. 10 (Oct., 1900), 252. 1900. Missionary trouble in China. Taw Sein Ko. Imperial and Asiatic Quarterly Review, vol. 10 (Oct., 1900), 278.

1900. The German danger in the Far East. X. National Review, vol. 36 (Oct., 1900), 178.

1900. A plea for the control of China. F. E. Younghusband. National Review, vol. 36 (Oct., 1900), 210.

1900. China and Russia. Josiah Quincy. North American Review, vol. 171 (Oct., 1900), 528.

1900. Misunderstood Japan. Y. Ozaki. North American Review, vol. 171 (Oct., 1900), 566.

1900. The Chinese crisis. Quarterly Review, vol. 192 (Oct., 1900), 542.

1900. Great Britain and China. The Spectator, vol. 85 (Oct. 20, 1900), 517.

1900. Cultural factors in the Chinese crisis. P. S. Reinsch. American Academy of Political and Social Science, Annals, vol. 16 (Nov., 1900), 435.

1900. Sir Robert Hart. H. C. Whittlesey. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 86 (Nov., 1900), 699.

1900. The Peking legations: a national uprising and international episode. Sir Robert Hart. Fortnightly Review, new series, vol. 68 (Nov., 1900), 713.

1900. Europe, China, and the peace conference. F. de Martens. Monthly Review, vol. 1 (Nov., 1900), 32. "Favors the Russian policy of leniency to China; opposes the exaction of severe penalties and concessions."

1900. Effects of Asiatic conditions upon international policies. A. T. Mahan. North American Review, vol. 171 (Nov., 1900), 609. 1900. The industrial revolution in Japan. Count Okum. North American Review, vol. 177 (Nov., 1900), 677.

1900. China and the western powers. F. Crispi. North American Review, vol. 171 (Nov., 1900), 692.

1900. Le problème chinois. Le céleste empire et le monde civilisé. Revue des Deux Mondes, vol. 162 (Nov. 1, 1900), 61.

1900. La Chine et les puissances. A. Moireau. Revue Bleue, 4e sér. t. 14 (Nov., 24, 1900), 658.

1900. With the Peking relief column. F. Palmer. Century, vol. 61 (Dec., 1900), 302.

1900. Chinese foreign policy. John Ross. Contemporary Review, No. 420 (Dec., 1900), 761-775.

1900. Missionaries and governments. Louise C. Brown. Contemporary Review, No. 420 (Dec., 1900), 870-876.

1900. Russia's foreign policy. A Russian publicist. Contemporary Review, No. 420 (Dec., 1900), 776–783.

1900. Of some of the causes which led to the preservation of the foreign legations in Peking. Roland Allen (of the Church of England Mission, Peking). Cornhill Magazine, No. 54 N. S. (Dec., 1900), 754–776.

1900. The Peking legations: a national uprising and international episode. Sir Robert Hart. Cosmopolitan, vol. 30 (Dec., 1900), 121. 1900. A plea for peace-an Anglo-Russian alliance. Capt. J. W. Gambier, R. N. Fortnightly Review, No. 408 N. S. (Dec. 1, 1900), 998-1008.

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