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We go forth in the morning of life, armor on,
Gleaming bright;

The bugles are blowing, our young spirits yearn
For the fight.

We rush to the thickest, we face shot and ball,
Our weapons are tarnished, our young comrades fall;
But what does it matter, if we, after all,

Stand for right?

Let us draw on our mantle of Truth, long and wide, Pure and white;

Its folds will protect us; wrapped in it, no foe

Can affright.

Let us arm us with kindness and march to the fray,
With a smile for our flag of truce, patient alway;
"Onward!" our watchword; face set night and day
Toward the height.

We will meet with discouragements, oft on our way
Long for rest;

Our friends may prove false; lurking trouble at times
Will molest;

But we set our teeth firmly, and up, up, and on;
No time for repining, the day will be gone;

So we press back all doubts, and with brain and with


Do our best.

We come home in the evening with slow step and tired, Colors down;

The night air is still, save the rustle of leaves,

Sear and brown.

But our hearts are still warm, though the night winds are chill;

We have fought a good fight; we have worked with a will, And we know that, though beaten and scarred, we have


Won the crown.



You are going to do great things, you say-
But what have you done?

You are going to win in a splendid way,
As others have won;

You have plans that when they are put in force
Will make you sublime;

You have mapped out a glorious upward course—
But why don't you climb?

You're not quite ready to start, you say;
If you hope to win

The time to be starting is now-to-day-
Don't dally; begin!

No man has ever been ready as yet,

Nor ever will be;

You may fall ere you reach where your hopes are set-
But try it and see.

You are going to do great things; you say
You have splendid plans;

Your dreams are of heights that are far away;
They're a hopeful man's-

But the world, when it judges the case for you,
At the end, my son,

Will think not of what you were going to do,
But of what you've done.

-S. E. KISER (Record-Herald).


Make way, make way for the Sunshine Brigade!
There comes no gloom where its troops have strayed,
For they bear the peace of the fairy dells,
And laughter's the music that ripples and swells
To the rhythmic tread of their marching feet,
And they love the world, for the world is sweet;
And Worry and Trouble creep back, dismayed,
When they view the flag of the Sunshine Brigade.

Make place, make space for the Sunshine Brigade, As it cheerfully marches, in joy arrayed, For the world has need of laughter's tone, And has worries and flurries enough of its own; And a smiling face is a message of cheer: "Let the world wag on, there is blessing here." Oh, we need them all on life's upward grade, The beautiful folks of the Sunshine Brigade!

The flag, the flag of the Sunshine Brigade!
It is woven of light that the sunbeams made
As they kissed the waters that love them well
As they crept, as they leaped through a hidden dell;
And there's never a thread of gloom that is hid
The strands of the sunlight beneath, amid,
For a cheery heart is the emblem displayed
By those who would march in the Sunshine Brigade.

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