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accěl'erate, to hasten.



acknowledgement, recog

ac'cent, a mark; stress. nition.

accent'uate, mark stress ac'me, highest point.

accept', to receive.

accept'able, welcome. accept'ance, reception. ac'cess, admission. acces'sary, accomplice. accès'sible, approachable accés'sion, addition to. acces'sory, accompanying ac'cident, casualty. accidén'tal, casual. acclaim', to applaud. acclama'tion, applause. acclam'atory, applauding accli'mate, get used to a climate.

accliv'ity, steep ascent. accom'modate, oblige. accommoda'tion, provi

[blocks in formation]

acous'tics, science of sound acquaint', to inform. acquaint'ance, intimacy. acquiesce', to agree. acquire', to obtain. acquire'ment, attainment acquisi'tion, thing gained acquit', set free. acquit'tal, discharge. a'cre, 160 square rods. a'creage, acres. c'rid, bitter. ac'rimony, asperity. ac'robat, gymnast.


sion of convenience. acropolis, Grecian citaaccom'paniment, that acros'tic, a poem. which attends upon. actin'ophene,

accom'pany, to attend.

accom'plice, partner in


accomplish, to complete


instrument. ǎc'tion, operation. ǎc'tive, busy. ac'tor, one who acts.

Act'ual, real.


accord', make agree. ac'tress, female who acts accord'ance, conformity. accordion, musical wind ǎct'uary, insurance adinstrument.

act'uate, to influence. acu'men, discernment.

accouche'ment, child-acupunct'ure, surgical


ǎd'age, a maxim.

account'. computation, acute', penetrating.

accost', speak to.


narrative, reason.

accou'tre, to equip.

account'able, answerable adä'gio, slow movement. account'ant, bookkeeper. ǎd'amant, very

accrěd'it, to countenance accretion, increase. accrue', to add gain. accüm'bent, reclining. accu'mulate, to increase. accu'mulator, electrical term.

ac'curacy, exactness. ac'curate, exact. accurse', to curse. accurs'ed, cursed.

accuse', blame, censure. accus'tom, habituate. aceph'alous, headless. acerb'ity, sourness. acet'ic, vinegar-like. acet'ify, to make sour. äche, continued pain. achieve', to perform. achlev'able,


may be

achromat'ic, colorless. ac'id, sour.

acid'ulate, to acidify. acknowledge, to admit.

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adjoin', to join to.
adjourn', to postpone.
adjudge', to sentence.
adjü'dicate, to adjudge.
ad'junct, an appendage.
adjüre', charge solemnly.
adjust', regulate.
ad'jutant, military officer
ad'juvant, helpful.
adměas'urement, size.
admin'ister, to manage.
administra'tion, conduct.
administra'tor, one who


ǎdz, a cutting tool. aeolian, produced by [gas.

a'erate, combine with
ae'rial, the air.
a'erolite, meteoric stone.
aerŏl'ogy, science of air.
aerom'eter, air-measure.
a'eronaut, a balloonist.
aesthět'ics, the science
of the beautiful in na-
ture and art. [causes.
ae'tiology, science of
afär', at great distance.

administra'trix, she who af'fable, courteous.
affair', transaction.
adʼmirable, praiseworthy affect', influence.

adʼmiral, commander of affecta'tion, insincerity.
a fleet.
[miral. affec'tion, love, disease.
adʼmiralty, office of ad- affi'ance, betrothment.
admire', to delight in.

affl'ant, maker of an

admis'sible, allowable.


[on oath.


grant en

affida'vit, declaration up


admixt'ure, a mixing. admon'ish, to warn. admonl'tion, reproof. admon'itory, warning. adō'be, brick unburnt. adoles'cence, youth. adō'nis, a dude, fop. adopt', take as one's own adore', to reverence. adorn', to ornament. adrift', floating at random.

adroit, having dexterity. adula'tion, servile servile flattery.

adult', grown up. adül'terate, to corrupt. adultery, unfaithfulness

to the marriage bed. adům brate, overshadow. ad valo'rum, by value. advance', to go forward. advance'ment, promotion advan'tage, superiority.

affil'iate, to associate.

affin'ity, connection.
affirma'tion, assertion.
affirm'ative, that affirms.
affix', append.

affla'tion, inspiration.
afflict', to grieve.
affic'tion, grief.
af'fluence, abundance.
afford', to be able.
affrån'chise, make free.
affray, a quarrel.
affright', to terrify.
affront', to insult.
affüse', to pour upon.
af'ghan, worsted wrap.
afield', to the field.
afore'said, said before.
afoul', entangled.
afraid', fearful.
afresh, anew, again.
af'terclap. unexpected
subsequent event. [ing.
af'termath, second mow-
af'terward, subsequently.

advantageous, profitable. against', in opposition.

ǎd'vent, a coming..

agape', staring eagerly.

adventi'tious, accidental. ag'ate, rare stone.

adventure, a daring feat advent'urous, daring. ǎd'verb, modifying word ǎd'versary, antagonist. ǎd'verse, contrary. adver'sity, misfortune. advert', turn attention. advertisement, notice. advice', counsel given. advis'able, prudent. advise', to counsel. advisory, counselling. ǎd'vocacy, pleading. ăd'vocate, to support.

aga've, century plant.
a'gency, instrumentality.
'gent, a representative.
agglom'erate, mass to-
aggla'tinate, make unite
ag'grandize, make great.
ǎg'gravate, to provoke.
aggravation, irritation.
Aggregate, to collect.
aggres'sion, attack.

aggres'sive, first to attack aggress'or, an assailant. aggrieve', to give sorrow.

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aghast', horror-stricken.
ǎg'ile, active to move.
ag'lotage, stock jobbing.
ag'itate, put in motion.
agita'tion, violent motion
who ag
ǎg'nate, kin by the
agnos'tic, one opposed to
orthodox teaching.
agog', eager curiosity.
ǎg'ony, violent pain.
ǎgrā'rian, relating


ǎl'iment, nourishment. alimentary, pertaining to aliment. ǎl'imony, maintainance. ǎl'iped, wing-footed. [or. àl'iquant, uneven divisàl'iquot, even divisor. ǎliz'arin, coloring matter al'kali, a chemical. [kall ǎl'kaloid, resembling alallah, Mohammedan God. allay', to assuage. allega'tion, affirmation. allege', to affirm. allegiance, loyalty. al'legory, metaphor. alle'gro, lively time. allelü'iah, praise God. allē'viate, make easier. ǎl'ley, narrow passage. military alll'ance, a confederacy. ai'gret, feather ornament alliga'tion, rule of arithall'ment, illness. [tion.



agrêê'able, suitable to.
agrēĕ'ment, bargain.
ǎg'riculture, tillage.
agricult'urist, a farmer.
aground', stranded.
a'gue, fever chill. [officer


ain't, illiterate contrac- ǎl'ligator, crocodile.

air'ily, lightly.
air'y, relating to air.
aisle, passage in church.
ajär', partly opened.
akim'bo, with a bend.



of the same letter. alloca'tur, legal term. allocution, a speech. allop'athy, opposed


akin', related to. [ness. homeopathy.

alăc'rity, cheerful readi-allot, to apportion. [tity. a-la-mode', like the fash-allow'ance, stated quan


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alloy', a baser metal.
all'spice, Jamaica pepper
allüde', to refer.
allure', to entice.
allu'sion, reference to.
allu'vium, accumulation

of earth by water.
ally', to unite.
ally', a confederate.
al'manac, calendar.
al'mandine, kind of in-
ferior ruby.
almighty, omnipotent.
al'mond, tree and its
[utes alms.
al'moner. who distrib
alms, gift of charity.
alms'house, poor-house.
àl'oes, juice of the aloe.
aloft', on high.
alone', by one's self.
along, by the side of.
aloof', at a distance.
aloud', loudly.
alpăc'a, Peruvian sheep.
al'pha, first Greek letter.
alphabet, letters of a

al'pine, mountainous. alread'y, at this time. al'tar, communion table. al'ter, make otherwise. altera'tion, change. al'terative, a medicine




a build

alterca'tion, controversy. | amphithe'atre, alter'nate, act by turns. ing of circular form.

alter'native, a choice.

although', grant that.

al'titude, elevation.
al'to, musical term.
altogeth'er, entirely.
al'um, a mineral salt.
aluminum, a metal.
alum'nus, a graduate.
al'veary, a beehive.
alve'olar, full of pits.
al'ways, at all times.
amǎl'gam, any mixture.
amanuen'sis, a writer.
amanuen'ses, plural

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am'ple, large, diffusive.




am'plify, to enlarge.

ăm'plitude, extent.
ăm'putate, to cut off.
amputa'tion, a cutting off
amuck', a frenzied state
am'ulet, a charm.
amüse'ment, a diversion
amyg'dalate, made of al-

anabăp'tist, one who ad-
vocates rebaptism.
ǎn'abas, climbing fishes.
anach'orite, a monk.
anach'ronism, chronolog-
ical error.

anacon'da, a large ser-
an'aesthetic, producer of

am'ative, loving. amaurō'sis, eye trouble. amaze', to astonish. an'aglyph, an ornament. am'azon, warlike woman, an'agram, transposition of ambas'sador, an envoy. letters of a word. am'ber, a mineral. analěp'tic, a restorative, ǎm'bergris, a perfume. anal'ogous, similar. ambiguous, equivocal. anal'ogy, resemblance. ambl'tion, desire to excel anǎl'ysis, the resolution ambi'tious, aspiring. of a thing into its am'ble, a pace. elements. [ ing. ambro'sia, fabled food. analytics, art of analyzam'bulance, a vehicle. an'alyze, solve by analambuscăde', an ambush. ysis. am'bush, to waylay. an'apest, a metrical foot. amel'iorate, make better anar'chic, without govame'nable, tractable. ernment. [anarchy. aměnd'ment, alteration. an'archist, believer in aměnds', recompense. an'archy, lawlessness. amên'ity, pleasantness. anath'ema, a malediction amerce', punish by fine. anătomist, one skilled in americanism, a phrase or anatomy. [ing. word peculiar to Amer- anăt'omy, art of dissectica. ǎn'bury, a tumor. am'ethyst, precious stone ăn'cestor, a progenitor. amethyst'ine, like ameǎn'cestral, relating



amiability, amiableness. ǎn'cestry, lineage. amiǎn'thus, flaxen as- ǎnch'or, an instrument bestos.


for holding a vessel.


am'icable, friendly, kind. ǎnch'orage, am'ity, friendly relations


place to

ammoni'acal, containing ănch'oress, a female herammonia. [firearms. anch'orite, a recluse. ammuni'tion, loading for ancho'vy, a little sea fish. am'nesty, general pardon än'cient, not modern. am'orous, full of love. ăn'cillary, subservient. amorphous, shapeless. amount', the aggregate. amour', affair of love. ampere, unit of current in electricity.

[blocks in formation]

nous, having two sexes ǎn'ecdote, a short story. amphib'ious, able to live aněm'one, a plant. land or water. [speech. ǎn'eurism, arterial tumor amphibology, ambiguous anew', over again.

12 Antiquity

Angel An'gel, a celestial spirit. | ăn'swerable, accountable ǎn'ger, resentment, rage. antäg'onism, opposition. ǎn'gle, where two lines antåg'onist, adversary. striving


ǎn'glican, English.


opposite to

ǎn'glicism, English idiom antãl'gic, an anodyne. ǎn'glicise, make English antare'tic, ǎn'gry, excited by anger! ǎn'guish, great pain. ǎn'gular, sharp cornered ǎn'gulated, with angles. ǎn'il, the indigo dye. ǎn'ile, like an old woman aniline, a dye..

arctic. antarthrit'ic, counteracting the gout. ant'eater, an animal. an'te, before. antece'dent, before.

that goes

animadver'sion, censure. ăn'tedate, to anticipate. animadvert', to censure. antedilu'vian, before the animal'cule, minute an- flood.

imal. animal'culum,

cule. [nettle. ǎn'imal-flower, a seaanimal'ity, animal life. ǎn'imal-magnetism, mesmerism, hypnotism. ǎn'imate, to quicken. anima'tion, life, spirit. ǎn'imator, who gives life animosity, hatred. anʼimus, animating spirit anʼise, a plant.

an'telope, animal. [noon.

animal antemerid'ian, before antemŭn'dane, before the creation of the world. antepenul'timate, last syllable but two. ante'rior, going before. anterior'ity, priority. ǎn'them, a sacred song. ăn'ther, part of a flower ant'hill, hill made by ants. anthol'ogy, collection of flowers or poems. ǎn'thracite, hard coal. anthropol'ogy science of

ank'er, a Dutch measure ǎn'kle, lower joint. ǎn'nalist, a writer of annals.


[ords. ǎnthropomorphism,

ǎn'nals, chronicles, recannealing, tempering. annex, to unite.


lief that God is in human form. [balism. anthropoph'agi, canni

annexa'tion, act of an-an'ti, contrary to.


anni'hilate, to destroy.

anniver'sary, annual.

ǎn'notate, to make notes.

ăn’tic, odd, playful.

antic'ipate, to forestall.

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ǎn'notator, commentator. anticosmet'ic, destroying

annŏt'to, a dry, hard paste.

or impairing beauty. [tion. ǎn'tidote, counter-poison. announce'ment, declara-an'timony, a brittle metal annoy'ance, vexation. antino'mian, one

ǎn'nually, every year. annu'itant, one having an annuity. [ance. annu'ity, yearly allowannul', to abolish, repeal ǎn'nular, ring shaped. ǎn'nulet, a little ring. annŭl'ment, an annulling annu'merate, to add. annun'ciate, to proclaim. ǎn'odyne, mitigating pain anoint', to rub over. anom'alism, irregularity. anom'alous, irregular. anom'aly, irregularity. anon, at another time.

who denies obligation of moral law. antin'omy, a contradiction between two laws. antipathět'ic, dislike for. antip'athy, aversion. ăn’tiphon, musical re[hymns. antiph'onal, book of antip'odal, diametrically opposite.


antip'odes, opposite side
of the globe.
ăn‘tipope, against the


ăn'tiquary, one versed in ăn'tiquate, to make old,

ǎn'orexy, want of appetite, antique', ancient, old.

anonymously, nameless.

anoth'er, not the same.

antiq'uity, old times.

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