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whofe Birth-right was faid to be feiz'd by his younger Brother SATURN; (b) and he found like Measure from mightier Jove, who was his Son by his Sifter RHEA; (i) fo the ufurping JUPITER reign'd.

THESE Idols were first known in CRETE, (k) and IDA,

(b) Saturn; XV. Heb. i. e. Hid, Lat. i. e. A Sower or full of Years, i. e. Old: The most antient of all the Heathen Gods, the youngest Son of Heaven and Earth, whom the Poets made the Grand-father of all the Gods, and Father of Jupiter. In the Greek, Kronos, i. e The God of Time. Titan was his elder Brother; therefore Milton here calls him, younger Saturn, and in another Place, Old Saturn, because he was the God of Time; which was the oldeft of them all. Saturn was a wife Prince, but unfortunate; for his Son Jupiter expelled him the Kingdom of Crete, from whence he fled into Italy, and taught thole People Husbandry, Plowing, Sowing and the ufing of the Scythe. Saturn is Adam, who hid himself from God, Gen. 3. 8. or Noah, who was the Father of Men, the Inventor of Husbandry, Wine, Architecture, Navigation, &c.

(i) Rhea ; XVI. Gr. i. e. Flowing. The Daughter of Heaven and Earth, the Wife and Sifter of Saturn, and Mother of Jupiter: She is called alfo, Sylvia and Ilia. This Fable reprefents Eve and the Earth, which floweth with the Abundance of all good Things, for the Ufe and

Comfort of Mankind. For the old Heathens worshipped and feared Things according as they were good and useful, or terrible to themfelves, as the Sun, Moon, Crocodile; and fome adored the Devil, that he might not deftroy them? which the wild Americans do ftill.


(k) Crete; Heb. i. e. An Archer: Because these People were excellent Archers. At first it was called Curete from the Curetes, Gr.i. e. Shorn; because they cut off all the Hair of their Heads; they came from Palestine. The Greeks called it Hekatompolis, i. e. The Ifland with 100 Cities. is one of the largest Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, in the Mouth of the Archipelago, between Greece and Africa, 240 Miles from Eaft to Weft, 80 from South to North; about 600 Miles in Compafs; and about 600 Miles from Jerufalem to the Weft, 600 from Conftantinople, and 300 Miles from Cyprus. It is now called Candia, i. e. An Intrenchment, from the chief Town, built by the Saracens, A. D. 823. The Venetians bought it from the Marquis of Montferrat, A. D. 1204. But the Turks took it from them, A. D. 1669. There Jupiter is faid to be both born,


IDA, (1) and thence upon the Top of OLYMPUS, (m) cover'd with Snow; they rul'd the middle Air, which was their highest Heaven; or on the Cliff of DE L PHOS, (n) or in DODONA, (0) where Oracles were;

brought up, and buried. The old Cretians were famous for Lying, See Titus 1. 12. which St. Paul quoted from Epimenides.

(1) Ida; Lat. from the Gr. i. e. A Profpect: Because upon it one had a fair View of the whole Island of Crete, the adjacent Countries and Seas. A famous Mountain in that Ifland, where Jupiter was nurfed in a Cave. It is now called Pfiloriti, Gr. i. e. The Little Hill: And from it Jupiter is called Idaus by the old Poets.

(m) Olympus; Lat. from the Gr.


Sons of Jupiter, were worshipped there. Or from Delphos, the Founder of it. It was very antient, and flourished 100 Years before the Trojan War; the first, moft magnificent and richeft of all the Oracles of Apollo, and of all the other Gods. An antient City in Baotia, at the Foot of Parnaffus, built upon a steep Rock, without any other Walls; now Delpho. There was a magnificent and famous Temple and Oracle of Apollo, whether all Nations reforted for Answers in all dubious Affairs; and enrich

therefore he was called Apollo Delphius. It had its Original from a Flock of Goats, that reforted there, and from an enthusiastical Girl. In it was kept a perpetual Fire; which Custom they borrowed from Moses.

i. e. All fining, clear and feed with the most valuable Gifts rene. It is the Name of feveral Mountains; but here, of that between Theffaly and Macedon: So high, that no Clouds or Darkness appeared upon it, and was covered with Snow; therefore it is called Cold: The Poets used it for Heaven; and faid that Jupiter reigned there, therefore he is called Jupiter Olympius. Anaxagoras found it but one Mile and a Quarter in perpendicular Height, as Plutarch relates. It extends from East to West, and the Top of it extended a great Length all of a Height; yet fome Part of the Alps is much higher, Clouds are feen fometimes upon it, neither is it always covered with Snow, as the Antients reported.

(n) Delphian, of Delphi, from Adelphoi, Gr. i. e. Brothers; becaufe Apollo and Bacchus, both

(0) Dodona; Lat. from the Gr. i. e. Sounding Day and Night: Or because it was built by Dodon the Son of Javan, and Grandfon of Japhet, the Captain of a Colony, which first inhabited that Part of Epirus, Gen. 10. 4. A famous and antient Town in Chaonia, the Weft Side of Epirus; famous for the Vocal Foreft and Oracle of Jupiter, where the Oaks confecrated to him, gave Anfwers; from thence he was called Dodone us. Hefiod fays, it was the most antient of all the Oracles of Greece.

or were difpers'd through GREECE, with all those who with old SATURN fled over the ADRIATICK (p) Sea into the Weft, and roam'd over the Kingdoms and Islands of the Earth.


Satan, though fenfible of the Diminution of his Glory, directs his Speech to the Fallen Angels, and comforts them with Hope yet of regaining Heaven. Then tells them of a new World, and a new Kind of Creature to be created, according to an antient Prophecy, or Report in Heaven; and threatens the Deity: Which the rebellious Angels all affent to.


LL thefe and many more appear'd in Multitudes, but with down-caft Eyes, and full of Shame; yet not fo but that there appear'd fuch Looks, wherein fome Glimpfe of Joy faintly was feen; to have found their chief Captain not in Defpair, and to have found themselves not utterly annihilated; which was alike evident from his doubtful Countenance: But SATAN foon recollecting his ufual Pride, with lofty Words, which had a Refemblance of Worth but not the Reality, gently rais'd their fainting Courage, and for a little Time put off their Fears. Then immediately he commanded, that at the warlike Sound of loud Trumpets, and of Clari

(p) The Adriatic Sea, now, the Gulf of Venice or Illyria; which feparates Greece and Illyricum from Italy. Saturn pass'd over it when he fled into Italy; where he propagated the Phanician and Grecian Idolatry, Arts and Sciences; for which he


was entertained by Janus the King of it, and deified after his Death. Thefe Inftitutions made Men fo happy, that the Poets called that Time, the Golden Age. Saturn is Adam; and that Age, the State of Innocence, before his Fall.

ons, his mighty Standard fhould be fet up: Az AZEL, (q) a powerful Cherub, claim'd that proud Honour as his Right; who forthwith from the glittering Staff spread out the Imperial Enfign; which litted up high, fhone like a Comet ftreaming to and fro in the Wind, adorn'd with rich Workmanship and golden Luftre, being Seraphic Trophies and Arms; mean Time the warlike Mufick of SATAN, was blowing with fuch Sounds as ftir up to Battle; at which the whole Army fent up a Shout that shook Hell, and pierc'd farther to the great Space. In a Moment Ten Thoufand Banners were feen to rife thro' the Glooin into the Air, waving with Colours fuch as are seen in the Sun at his Rifing; and with them were lifted up a vaft Number of Spears, and Helmets, and Shields, joined together in Order of Battle, of extream great Depth. Soon after they begin to move in exact Order, not unlike the GREEKS to the Sound of Flutes and Pipes, fuch as rais'd the Spirits of the Heroes (r) of old to nobleft Heights, and breath'd_deliberate, firm, and unmov'd Valour, inftead of Rage, with lefs Dread of Death, than of Flight, or Cowardice: Nor did fuch Mufick want Power to mitigate and affwage, with folemn and grave Sounds, troubled Thoughts; and to drive away Anguish, Doubts, Fears, Pain, or Sorrow, from the Mind of Mortals or Immortals.

(g) Azazel, or Gnazazel; Heb. i. e. A Goat going away, or fent away. The Scape Goat, which bore all the Sins of the People into the Wilderness, and died there, Levit. 16. 7. A Type of Chrift. But others take it for a Devil, therefore Milton very properly makes him to be Satan's Standard Bearer in chief.


(r) Heroes; Lat. Gr. i.e. Great and illuftrious Men, renowned for their Valour, Wisdom or virtuous Deeds; for which they were deified and highly celebrated af ter Death: As Jafon, Achilles, Hercules, &c.

THUS they, united with all their Force, and fix'd in Thought, march'd on in Silence, to foft Pipes, that in fome Measure eas'd their painful Steps over the burnt Soil: And now they stand advanc'd in Sight, a terrible Front, dreadful in Length, and in dazzling Armour, after the Manner of old Warriors, with Spear and Shield, waiting what Commands their mighty Chief had to give out; he cafts his experienced Eye thro' the armed Files, and cross the whole Battalion, by which Means he observed their due Order, their Countenances, and Statures, fhewing them like Gods; at last he numbers them.

AND now his Heart fwells with Pride, and valuing himself upon his Strength he glories; for never fince did ever any created Man meet fuch Force, not in the most numerous and powerful Armies, which if nam'd with thefe, could only deferve to be compar'd to a Imall People in INDIA, known to us by the Name of Pigmies; tho' all the Brood of Giants that are faid to have made War against the Gods, were join'd with the Race of Heroes, who fought at THEBES (p) and TROY, (q) with auxiliary Deities mix'd on each Side and

(s) Thebes, Lat. Gr. from the Phan. i. e. Dirt or Mud; because it was covered with Water, Snow and Dirt in the Winter Time. A famous City of Baotia in Greece, built by Cadmus, or at least the Citadel of it, which was called Cadmea, from him. There Cadmus with his Heroes fought: There alfo Etocles and Polynices, Sons of Oedipus, fought one against another; and there Hercules the Giant was born, who flew the Centaurs, the Nemean Lion, the Monster


Hydra, and the wild Boar of Erymanthus, near Thebes, &c.

(t) Troy, Ilium, Ilion and Ilios; Lat. from the Gr. from Ilus the fourth King of Troy, who enlarged it, and gave it that Name. It is called allo Troy, from Tros, the fecond King; founded by Erythonius, about A. M. 2574. The City of Troy in Phrygia, in the Leffer Afia, three Miles from the Egean Sea, upon the River Xanthus, near Mount Ida. What Heroes fought there on both Sides, while the Greeks befieged


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