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Bhûtâtman, elementary Atman,


Bimbisara, 21, 35.

Boar-legend that it brought forth
the earth, allusions in Bråh-
manas, 96.

Bodda, name found among followers
of Mani, 84.

Boddo (on coins), name of Buddha,

Bodhâyana, 153, 301.

Body, a subtle and a gross, 393-
Sarira, 545.

is it the same as Âtman, 545.
Brahmâ, creator, with Buddhists,


called Vasudeva, 246.
Brahmadatta, 22.
Brahma-gâla-sutta, 21.

Brahman, various meanings, 68.
identified with speech, 85.



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is the sun, 185.

is Manas, 185.

is food, 185.

is Vigñana, 185.

as the Word, the first creation
of divine thought, 190, 196, 197,


or Vâk or Brih, eternal, 197.

is everything, 226.

as the Kantian Ding an sich,

is the world, 367.

may become to us Brahmâ, 368.
of the Vedanta, 374.

– is Anirvakanîya, undefinable, 378.
Brahmana, a social title, 22.
Brahmanas consist of Vidhis, in-
and Arthavadas,
glosses, 262.

Brahmans, two, Saguna and Nir-
guna, 220.

Brih, parallel form of Vridh, 71.


to grow, c. p. Latin verbum
and German wort, 72.

- speech, 520.

Brihaspati, synonymous with Vâkas-
pati, lord of speech, 71.
Sutras, lost, 113.
philosophy, 123.





Laukya, 124.

Angirasa, 124, 125.

Budh, means to awake, 371.
Buddha, a Kshatriya, 14.

-guru, identified with Pythagoras,

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CALF, the new-born year, 67.
Case, five members of a (Adhi-
karana), 267.

Caste, Portug. casta, II.
Castes, origin of, in India, 12.
Categories of the Nyaya, 577-
Causal state of Brahman, 247.
Cause and effect, Vedantist theory
of, 203.

with them are the same thing,
seen from different points, 203.
Causes, are intimate, non-intimate,
and instrumental, 580.
Chronology of thought, 158.
Cleanthes and Boethius, 422.
Clement of Alexandria, 36.

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Cripple who could not walk, and
cripple who could not see, 396.

DAKSHA, force, one meaning of
Brahman, 92.

Dakshina-bandha, bondage, 306.
gifts to priests. 357.

Damascius says Brahmans lived at
Alexandria saec. V, 81.

Dandasana, 457-

Darsanas, or systems, the six all
orthodox, 377.

Death, state of, 229.

Deity, existence of a, 553.

Deussen, Professor, theory of evo-
lution of Word and Brahman,

Deva, supreme, never asserted by
Kapila, 396.

Devadhammikos, 315.

worshippers of the Devas, 316.
Devas, thirty-three in number, ac-
cording to Rig-veda and Avesta,
difficulty of filling up this
number, 50.

Devayâna, path of the gods, 231.
Devotion to the Lord, one of many
expedients, 418.

Dharma, duty, 261.

Dharmakîrtti, seventh century, 478,
479, 576.

Dharmamegha, cloud of virtue, 471.
Dharmarakshita, a sage, 576.
Dharmottara, ninth century, de-
fended Dharmakîrtti, 479.

Dhâtri, maker, name given to the
one god, 62.

Dhishana (Brihaspati), 599.
Dhriti, energy, 348.

Dhyanas (Ghana), four, 26.
Dignaga, the logician, 476, 477.
Dignaga's writings lost, 479 n.
translation of, 479 n.

a Tibetan

Dipamkara Srigñâna, 576.
Distinction of good and evil, 236.
Divakara, a sage, 600 A. D., 40.

Divine thinker, every word an act

of a, 196.

Divyadása Datta, living Vedantist,
203, 216.
Dosha, faults, 552.

Dreaming, state of, 229.

Drishtam, what is seen, 359.
Drishtanta, example, 504.

Drumstick and drum together con-

vey, even to the deaf, the idea
of sound, 498.

Dual gods, two or three gods work-
ing together, tendency towards
unity among the gods, 52.


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or beatitude depends on philo-
sophy, 512.
Frog-wife, the, 401.

GAIMINI, author of one of the
Mîmâmsås, III.

referred to by Bâdarâyana, 119.
his work atheistic, 599.
and Vyâsa, 596.

Sûtras, contents of, 263.

Gaina literature, 574-
Gainas, in white robes, 41.
Galpa, sophistical wrangling, 509.
Gamgesa Upadhyaya, fourteenth
century, 479.
Gamaka, king of Mithila, the Vide-
ha, 14, 16, 34.

Ganganatha Jha, of Bombay, 416.
Gârgî Vâkaknavî, 15.
Gâti, kith and caste, 13.

birth or genus, a transitio in

alterum genus, 510.

futility, 509-510.

Gatilakos, 315.

Gauda pada, date of, 292,

Gaurî-Samkar, Mount, 241.
Ghora, fearful, 331.

Ginabhadra, eighth century, 574-
Givanmukti, 236.

Gnanayoga, 407.

Guâtiputra, teacher mentioned in
Buddhist annals, the Nirgran-
tha, founder of Gainism, 117.
Gnomina, nomina, 492.

God in the beginning created
names and forms of things,

Gods of the Vedic people, the

agents postulated behind the
great phenomena of nature, 47.
Gondaphoros, king, authenticated
as Gondophares, 83.

Görres on Sk. terms retained by the
Greeks, 506.

Gosha-Samgha, from Bactria, 577.
Gosaliputra, teacher mentioned in
Buddhist Annals, 117.

Gotama, philosophy of Kanâda,
philosophy of, 105.

Gotamakos, 315.

Greek accounts of India, 34.

Gunas, constituents of nature, 146.
the three, 146, 282, 334, 335, 344,


as Dravyâni, matter, 345.
- equilibrium of the three, 345.
of Prakriti, 445.


not qualities, but substantial,

Gyotishtoma sacrifice, 274.

gara, 237.

Haribhadra, his Shatdarsana-sam-
ukkaya-sûtram, 575.
died, 528 A.D., 575.
Harihara, 336, 410.
Harsha, King, 600 A. D., 36.
- history of, by Bâna, 40.
- court of, 478.

Hatha, or Kriyâ-yoga, 451, 453-
Head, forfeited in disputations, 17.
Heart, seat of consciousness, 467.
Hegel's thesis, antithesis, and syn-
thesis, 345.


Henotheism = phase in which God
is addressed as if the only god
in existence, with forgetfulness
of all others, 53.
Herbart's Selbsterhaltung des Realen,

- philosophy, 228.

Hetvåbhàsas, specious arguments,
four kinds, 509.

Hiouen-thsang, Buddhist pilgrim,
visits India, 629–645 A.D., 36,

Hiouen-thsang, did not translate
the Vaiseshika-Sûtras by Ka-
nada, 317.

Hiranyagarbha, 336, 410.
Holenmerian theory of Plotinus
and Henry More, 227.
Homoiousia, 421.

Human souls reborn in animal and
vegetable bodies (in Upani-
shads), 137.

Hume's view of causality, 208.
Hyades, stars marking time of rain,

Hylobioi, forest-dwellers, 35.
Hymn to the Unknown God, 60.
Hymns, adaptations of, 264.
Hypnotic states, how produced, 465.
Hypnotism, 458.

Idealism, is Samkhya? 384.
Identity, Sabhavyam, 232.
Idolatry, a necessity of our nature,

Ignorance, or Mithyagñâna, 512.
Immortality of the soul, 138.
India, a nation of philosophers, 9.
-early philosophers in, 10.
Indian coinage, 80.

leaven in our thoughts, 255.
philosophy, books on, 481-483.
Individual soul is Brahman, not
vice versa, 202.
Indra, the rainer, 46.

Indriyagaya, subjugation of senses,

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Kaivalya-pâda, 438.

means isolation of the soul, 438.
Kaivalya, 455, 471.
Kaiyata, 529.

Kakrapravartana, the turning of
the wheel, 32.

Kakuda Katyayana, teacher men-
tioned in Buddhist annals,

Kalanos (Kalyâna) gymnosophist,

Kalidasa, alludes to the logician
Dignaga, 477.
Kanada, 577.

Kandrakanta Tarkâlankåra, author
of Sanskrit treatise, 114.
Kanishka, King, 85-106 A.D., 576.

his Great Council, under
Vasumitra and Pûrnaka, 576.
Kan-ti, not a good Chinese scholar,

Kapila and Patañgali, 402.
Kapila and Buddha, existence side
by side of their systems, 414-
Kapila appeals to the Veda, 428.
Kapila's atheism, 395.

Kapila, did Buddha borrow from?

Kapila did not borrow from Buddha,

Kapila-Sutras, age of, 288.

Kapila revived the Samkhya, 319 n.
Kapila-vâstu or västu, birthplace
of Buddha, 312.

Kapya Pâtañkala, 402 n.

Kǎrana and Kârana, difference be-
tween, 580.

Karanavastha, causal state of Brah-
man, 144, 247.

Karman, 143.
- or deed, 224.

Karmans, theory of, 432.
Karmâtmans, 328, 350.

Karmayoga, 407.

Karmayonis, five, 348.
Karmendriyas, five, 330.

Karshnagini, referred to by Bâdara-

yana, 119.

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