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or doubt, 504.

Samskara, instincts, 419.
Samskaras and Vâsanâs, 469.
- impressions, 469.
Samvritika, 480.

Samyama constituted of Dhâranâ,
Dhyana and Samâdhi, 459.
leads to Siddhis, perfection, 459.
Sânanda, joyous, 449.
Sanandana Akârya, philosopher re-
ferred to in Sâmkhya-Sûtras,

Sankara is evolution, 345.
Sanskrit proper names, 410.
Santa, pleasurable, 331.
Santi Rakshita, 576.
Sânumana, 327, 328.

- with inference, 351.

Sârîra, body, 227.

Sarmanas, 35.

Sâsmitâ, with false conceit, 449.
Sastra, the, 379.

Sat-karyavâda, every effect pre-
exists, 208.
Sat-karyavâda, 396.

Saumanasya, serenity, 468.

Savage tribes, their philosophy, 7.
Savîga, with a seed, 448.

Savikalpa, one kind of Pratyaksha,

Savikârâ, deliberative, 449.
— and Nirvikârâ, 454.
Savitarkâ, argumentative, 449, 453.
Savitri (Asura), the enlivener, one

of the agents of recurring
events of nature, spoken of in
Veda, 46.


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translation of the Upanishads,

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Sensation without perception, 514.
Senses, Indriyas, 545.

Sesha, name for Patangali, 410.
or posterior, 497, 499.
Shashti-tantra, 298.

the Sixty-doctrine, 355-

Siddhânta, 267.
tenets, 504.

Siddhis, perfection, 459-461.
miraculous powers, 466.
Sign, Linga, or Vyâpya, 498.
bearer of a, Lingin, 498.
Silâditya Harshavardhana, com-

monly called Sri-Harsha of
Kanyakubga, 610-650, 37.
Silalin, author of Nata-Sûtras, 127.
Similarity, Samyam, 232.
Sîtâ, daughter of Ganaka, 14.
Siva, found on earliest Mauryan
coins, 80.

Six systems of philosophy, 589.
Sixteen Topics, or Padarthas, 489.
Sixty-two systems of philosophy,

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Space, 582.

Sphota, 'the eternal word = Brah-
man,' 85, 90, 527.

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Vedanta on, 536.

Yoga and Sâmkhya on, 539.

Nyaya on, 542.

Vaiseshika on, 543.

sound, distinct from the letters,


Sphotâyana, 527.

Sraddha, faith, 348.

Sruti and Smriti, 3.

- or revelation, the only evidence
invoked by Bâdarâyana, 191.
and Âpta-vakana, difference be-
tween, 307.

— inspiration, 325.

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Vedantists derive the unreal from

the real, 397.

Vedas, authority of the, 195.
- sound of, eternal, 273.

words of the, supernatural, 273.
Vedic gods, three classes-(1) of

the sky; (2) of the mid-air;
(3) of the earth, 48.

Vedic hymns, date for, 2000 B. C. or
5000 B. C., little gained by this,

Vedic Vak, a feminine, 74.
coincidence with Sophia of O. T.,

Vedos dhyetavyah, 269.
Verbal symbols, 216.

Vibhuti-pâda, 438.

Vibhutis, powers, 458.

Videhas, bodyless, 448, 449.
Vidhâtri, arranger, name given to

the one god, 62.
Vidvan-moda-taranginî, 278.
Vidyâmâtra, knowledge only, 210.
— doctrine, 559.

Vignana-Bhikshu, supposed to have
composed the Sutras, 289.

· 373, 377, 590.

Vikaras, sixteen, 330.

Vikâsa, or higher enlightenment,

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Yoga, is Samatva, equability, 404-
not union, but disunion, 405.


means really Viyoga, 406.

steadying of the mind, 440.
Taraka, or ferry across the world,

is it Nihilism? 471.

and Samkhya on Sphota, 539-
Yoga-Sûtras, 438.
Yogakaras, 29.

Yogangas, helps to Yoga, 456.
accessories of Yoga, 458.
Yogânusâsanam, 415 n.

Yoga-sara-samgraha, abstract of the
Yoga, 416.

Yogins in Maitrây. Up. VI, 288.
- perceptions of the, 429.
nine classes of, 450.

ZARADES (Zoroaster), name found
among followers of Mani, 84.



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