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Lindenberger, F. T., chairman committee on hostile legislation Ameri-
can Ticket Brokers' Association, Detroit, Mich
McGovern, P. J., chairman Southern Classification Committee, Atlanta,

Markham, M. C., assistant traffic manager Illinois Central Railroad and
Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad, Chicago, Ill..
Nicholson, William, manager Central Railway Clearing House, Buffalo,
N. Y...

McLeod, Archibald A., former president of the Reading Railroad, New
York City.

Parsons, Prof. Frank, president National Public Ownership League,
Back Bay post-office, Boston, Mass.






123-193, 883-890 400-412

Penje, William, secretary Lake Seamen's Union, Chicago, Ill.
Randall, A. L., chairman International Typographical Union committee
on Government control and ownership of the telegraph, Washington,
D. C.





Rice, Isaac Leopold, president Consolidated Rubber Tire Company,
New York City.

Ripley, Prof. William Z., professor of economics, Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology, Boston, Mass
Roberts, F. C., member International Typographical Union telegraph
committee, Washington, D. C..

Saward, Frederick E., editor The Coal Trade Journal, New York City.. 508-520
Schiff, Jacob H., of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., bankers, New York City
Stearns, Irving A., president Coxe Bros. & Co., incorporated, Wilkes-
barre, Pa.



Stubbs, J. C., third vice-president of the Southern Pacific Company, San
Francisco, Cal


Talcott, T. M. R., assistant to the president Seaboard Air Line, Richmond, Va.


Teisberg, A. K., secretary State Railroad and Warehouse Commission of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn.


Thomas, E. B., president Erie Railroad Company, New York City.
Walter, Alfred, president Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, South
Bethlehem, Pa



Wheeler, William R., representing Pacific Coast Jobbers' Association,
San Francisco, Cal


Wilson, Edward P., secretary various Ohio commercial organizations,
Cincinnati, Ohio.


Woodlock, Thomas F., railroad editor Wall Street Journal, New York




(References give names of witnesses and pages of testimony-not in digest. For
index of digest see p. CCLXXXIX.)

Accidents (see also Employers' liability; Relief department; Safety appli-


Appliances, defective, as cause

Comparison of railways, in different countries.
Interstate Commerce Commission, reports to


Fuller, 41

Accounts of corporations:

Audit and examination, difference between

Balance sheets, proper items to be published, discussed
Depreciation, method of accounting for
Methods of auditing discussed..

Parsons, 153

Fuller, 41

Greene, 481

Greene, 492, 493

Greene, 493

Greene, 479-482. 483, 489-494

Accounts of public and quasi public corporations (see also Uniform

public accounting) auditing, in England.

Accounts, public:

Examination of, in Wyoming

Public regulation, importance of
Publicity of municipal, advocated

Bemis, 93

Bemis, 93; Foote, 104
Bemis, 93; Foote, 107; Schiff, 773

Bemis, 91

Uniform system of, for public and quasi public corporations advo-

[blocks in formation]

advantage of requirement by Interstate Commerce Commis-

Age limit, Railroad employees, injustice of
Agreements of employers and employees (see also Arbitration):

[blocks in formation]

Agreements of railroads (see also Community of interest; Pooling):
Denver rates fixed by

Transcontinental freight rates, nature of

Wheeler, 749; Stubbs, 764

Agreements between telegraph companies, effect on rates.
Alabama, telegraph service in

Alabama Great Southern Junction Railway Co., relation

western Investment Security Co

Alkali products:

Classification in different districts.

[blocks in formation]

Government ownership of telegraph, favored by Randall, 242; Roberts, 274
Lake Seamen's Union, connected with..

Lindenberger, 329

Penje, 400

American Merchant Marine. (See Merchant Marine, American.)
American ships:

Relative cost of building
Short-sighted policy of builders


Howes, 705, 707, 708

Howes, 705

American Telegraph Company absorbed by Western Union Telegraph


Roberts, 272

American Telephone and Telegraph Company. (See also Telephones.)

General system described..

Accommodations of..

[blocks in formation]

Wages paid

Hall, 820-823
Bethell, 784
Hall, 819
Hall, 823

Bethell, 810-811

Hall, 819

Hall, 819
Bethell, 783

Bethell, 783
Hall, 819

Bethell, 784, 785
Bethell, 779-780

Hall, 817

Bethell, 782.783
Hall, 820-823
Bethell, 786-808

Hall, 819, 821

Bethell, 783, 784
Bethell, 812

Western Union Telegraph Company, relations to
American Ticket Brokers' Association, membership, constitution, etc.

Lindenberger, 320–325

American Union Telegraph Company, absorption of, by Western Union
Telegraph Company

Amsterdam, Holland:

Telephone service and rates in, comparison of
Wages of telephone operators.

Anthracite Coal:

Clark, 220-221; Roberts, 272

Allotment of tonnage between railroads discussed..

Bethell, 793-795
Bethell, 794-796

Woodlock, p. 451;

Childs, 500; Saward, 514, 515; Haddock, 527;
Walter, 545, 547: Thomas, 550, 554: Stearns,
581-583; Harris, 598, 601, 602; Rice, 748

Desire of railroads to increase their proportions.
New York, Ontario and Western
Pennsylvania Railroad, attitude toward
Reasons for existing proportions

Result of gradual development, not of agreement
Slight variations between railroads in recent years.
Bituminous coal, competition of.

Cars, discrimination in supply of, discussed

Stearns, 590
Childs. 496, 500
Haddock, 532

Harris, 602

Thomas, 550, 554

Harris, 601, 602
Greene, 469, 470;

Childs. 501, 502; Saward. 510, 512; Haddock, 528-530;
Fleming, 537, 541; Walter, 543, 548: Thomas, 555,
McLeod, 562, 567, 569; Stearns, 583, 585; Harris, 602
Fleming, 536, 537;
Walter, 545; Stearns, 588; Harris, 600, 601
Central Railroad of New Jersey, purchase by Reading Company
Woodlock, 451, 455; Greene, 471, 475; McLeod, 572; Harris, 607-609
Saward, 516
Stearns, 584

Children, employment at mines.
Coal lands, accumulation of fund to cover exhaustion
Control by railroads

Woodlock, 451, 453; Greene, 468;
Childs, 497, 498, 503; Saward, 509; Haddock,
521; Stearns, 588, 589; Harris, 604; Rice, 742

Reading's purchases forced by competition
Reason for holding in reserve..

Coke, competition of

Colorado, deposits in

Haddock, p. 523
Harris, 602, 606
Stearns, 585

Saward, 519; Griffith, 857

Combination and community of interest among railroads-

Absolute ownership not sought

[blocks in formation]


Anthracite Coal-Continued.
Combination and community of interest, etc.-Continued.
Economies and advantages to public...

Woodlock, 452;

Greene, 468-471; Saward, 517, 519; Haddock, 534; Wal-
ter, 544; Thomas, 556; McLeod, 568, 571, 575; Harris, 598

Competition not destroyed by
Middlemen, possible elimination.
Effect on prices and general public

Childs, 502
McLeod, 568
Greene, 469, 470, 473;
Harris, 609; Rice, 738

Stearns, 586, 587
Childs, 502, 504;
Harris, 598, 599, 608
Woodlock, 451-455;

Haddock, 530-531: Stearns, 586, 587;
Independent operators, impossibility of driving out of
Proportion of railroads and traffic controlled by.
Haddock, 526; Stearns, 586, 589, 594;
Recent movement described...
Conditions of mining in different regions
Cost of mining, different regions. Walter, 547; Stearns, 584; Harris, 606, 607
Estimation of..
Greene, 472, 474; Saward, 515;


Saward, 512, 513, 516; Walter, 545
Harris, 605, 606

Fleming, 540; McLeod, 565, 566, 567, 570; Harris, 602, 606, 607
Saward, 511; Walter, 544; Harris, 606, 607

[blocks in formation]

Culm piles, utilization of waste.

Saward, 516

Walter, 544

Stearns, 592-596

Stearns, 581

Stearns, 590-592

Stearns, 577, 581

Haddock, 525, 535; McLeod, 573

Stearns, 584

Haddock, 528

Delaware and Hudson Railroad, relation to other companies

Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill Railroad

Electricity, competition of...

Erie Railroad, combination with other companies.
Purchase of Pennsylvania Coal Company

Harris, 608
Woodlock, 451,
Stearns. 577, 590

Greene, 470

Thomas, 552, 553
Woodlock, 452;

Greene, 475; Haddock, 521; Thomas, 552, 553; McLeod, 572; Stearns, 589

[blocks in formation]

Percentage of tide water price, chiefly determined by
Percentage contracts, comparison of tariff rates with.

Relation to prices..
Reasonableness discussed

Greene, 470
Woodlock, 453, 454; Fleming. 536, 539
Childs, 496, 497; Saward, 509

McLeod, 561, 562
Saward, 509

Haddock, 523, 532, 534; Thomas, 549

Various points

Western shipments.

Gas and other products, competition of.

Childs, 496

Stearns, 583

McLeod, 570

Independent operators, discrimination against, in supply of cars, dis-


Haddock, 524-526, 532; Fleming, 536, 537;
Walter, 545; Stearns, 580, 588; Harris, 600, 601

Different positions of different classes of operators.

Number decreasing
Policy of....

Haddock, 521, 522, 527, 532
Stearns, 579, 580
Haddock, 531

[blocks in formation]

Production, proportion of total

Greene, 468; Saward, 508, 509;

Haddock, 521, 522, 527, 532; Fleming, 535, 542, Stearns, 580; Harris, 600

Proportion on different roads.

[blocks in formation]

Childs, 498; McLeod, 563
Thomas, 556

McLeod, 573; Harris, 600

Haddock, 521;

Walter, 547; Stearns, 588; Harris, 603

General satisfaction with existing conditions
Direct shipments of freight by

Alleged restriction of output by limiting supply of cars

Small proportion sell their own coal

Labor, beneficial effect of combination of operators.
Condition and relation to employers..

Condition of, satisfactory-

Foreign, importation of

Number of days worked.

Saward, 508, 509

Fleming, 541, 542
Thomas, 549, 556

Childs, 498

Childs, 504;

Haddock, 524-527; Walter, 545

McLeod, 576

Greene, 474

Saward, 515, 519

Stearns, 596

Saward, 519, 520; Stearns, 593

Fitzpatrick, 833, 834, 837-840

Stearns, 581

Walter, 543, 548

Walter, 543, 547

Labor organizations, attitude of Reading Company toward. Harris, 610, 611;

[blocks in formation]

Percentage of output

Relations to independent operators

McLeod, A. A., attempted combination of railroads, 1892.

Middlemen, economy from elimination.

Miners, nationality of

Morgan, J. P., relations to.

New England, shipments to..

Walter, 543, 545

Saward, 513
McLeod, 568
Stearns, 595, 596
Woodlock, 452, 455
Childs, 500, 501;

Thomas, 553; McLeod, 561, 562; Stearns, 585

New York, Ontario and Western Rai road, coal business...... Woodlock, 452

Connection with New York Central Railroad
Purchases of coal lands...

[blocks in formation]

Greene, 475; Haddock, 521; Thomas, 552, 553; McLeod, 572, Stearns, 589
Pennsylvania Railroad, attitude toward agreements of railroads

Relation to coal companies
Relation to other railroads.
Percentage contracts, system described.

Harris, 598, 599, 603, 608

Childs, 502

Childs, 500

[blocks in formation]

Railroads, do not apply to mines controlled by
Restriction of output under .... Haddock, 524, 525, 527, 532; Fleming, 537

65 per cent contracts-

Adoption, probability of

Cover life of property

Childs, 496, 500;

Walter, 543; Thomas, 549; Stearns, 577; Harris, 610
Haddock, 531, 532;
Walter, 545; Thomas, 549; McLeod, 563; Stearns, 578
Effect on independence of operators
Investigation, method of.

Haddock, 531, 532

Stearns, 577

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