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instead of giving a sharp reply is tact. It is just as easy to make a person feel good as to make him feel bad. It pays big in happiness, influence and business, but for the sake of the feelings of the other party alone, it is one's duty to please. Tact gets the thing done. The business man doesn't find people waiting for him, or many people tumbling over themselves to get to him. He must work up his trade, and many people who are out of sorts and grumpy are, by the use of tact, made to forget their unpleasantness, and are led to do business. Discourteous people, when handled by a careful person, are made to feel ashamed and are glad to make prompt restitution. Tact is a lubricator, and if there's enought of it used, it takes out the squeak. It can easily be developed.

People are really more tactful than they think they are, but we are all apt to be too thoughtless when things go wrong, and that's the time we need our tact most. How are we to develop this wonderful little something which makes people liked and appreciated? By saying and doing things that will please. It is too bad that we so often say things which displease, or don't say things which please, when it is just as easy. But

even this can be overdone. I know a young man who overdoes it; it has unconsciously made him a flatterer, and he is disliked on that account. Saying things that please, like everything else, has a limit. Nothing is more appreciated than a cup of cold water by the thirsty traveler, but he wouldn't like to have the "water cure" tried on him. However, it is pretty hard for a wellmeaning, honest person to say too many good things. It is, of course, simply a matter of seeing the good that is in people. Saying things that displease never yet accomplished anything. If one is doing business he can't afford to be witty at another person's expense.

Give a person what he wants. There's no use telling him that roast duck for supper will be his ruination, if he likes roast duck. Why contradict people and say things which might better be left unsaid? "I'm not going to tell a person he's all right when he isn't." Perhaps, but neither would it be tactful to tell him he is all wrong. He may be right in more things than we are, and average up better. However, we are seldom called upon to judge another man's merits or demerits to his face. It is the little things which are occurring every hour that we

must look out for. Make things as agreeable as possible; it is just as easy as to argue, even if you are right. Arguing and doing business don't go together. We can develop tact by not expecting too much tact from others. How many annoying and displeasing things we can hear if we are listening for them. When we try to "get even" it gives tact a "black eye." This thing of retorting is where the rub comes. It is a magnificent thing to be big enough to ignore petty slights and insults. Half of them are never intended, and when they are intended, the offender doesn't deserve the satisfaction of having them noticed.

Stroke the fur the right way; it's a pleasant way to live.


"By their fruits ye shall know them" is a good motto to live by, and is as applicable now as it was two thousand years ago. The business world considers but one thing-results. Unless a man does the business, he isn't counted. History is made and the world advanced by men who get results and care not for salary, time, nor hardships.

Bismarck learned how to run the German Empire while he was Secretary for the German Legation in Russia. Had he done only what he thought he had to, there would have been no Bismarck, and Germany would not have been a first-class power to-day. The men who make history are the men who get what they go after -the men who get results. A man might as well judge himself as others always judge him -by the business he gets. Excuses and explanations aren't necessary if a man is getting business. If he isn't getting business, they won't do any good. Local conditions aren't a sufficient

excuse; too early or too late; competitors; not feeling well; wet weather or dry, it's all the same. Nothing on earth will save a man but actual results. If he gets business he is the whole thing; if he doesn't, he's "dead grass,” in spite of everything.

In war, as in everything else, men are judged by just one thing results. It doesn't make any difference how mighty the contending forces if the commanding officer doesn't win victories for his country, he is recalled. The travelling man who doesn't get business for his firm is given a permanent vacation. It matters not what the conditions are; excuses don't go. The minister may be eloquent, he may be a tireless worker, and have the interests of his people at heart, but if he doesn't add to the membership, he has to go. Results are what count. It is nature's law, and from it there is no appeal.

I'll tell you who get results. The men who are never daunted, who never doubt, who glory in doing the things that can't be done big men, who take in the whole situation, who have high hopes, high ambitions, believe in great things, and are not afraid.

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