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Engineer', one who manages an engine or who superintends the construction of public works. Undaunt'ed (-dänt'-), fearless, bold.

Hydraulics, the science of the motion of liquids. Corpse, a dead human body. Gallery, covered passage; balcony; upper floor of seats.

Co-op'erate (kō-op'-), to work together for the same end.

Replen'ish, to stock, fill again.

Hem'isphere (-i-sfēr), a half-globe.

Discern' (diz-zërn'), to perceive, see, judge.

Wom'en (wim'-), plural of



Supersede', to set aside, supplant, displace. Fee'ble, weak, sickly. Conta'gion, transmission

of a disease by contact. Impos'tor, a pretender. Form'al, ceremonious, stiff. At'titude, posture, position. Insane', crazy, mad. Ar'chives (ar'kīvz), public records or the place in which they are kept. Dismiss', to send away. In'terval, void space between.

Contin'gent, liable but not certain to happen, accidental. Appari'tion (-rish'un), appearance, spectre, a ghost.

Indif'ferent, neutral, im partial, unconcerned; passa


Skeleton, the bones only of an animal, preserved in their natural position; framework. Res'idence, an abode. Transgress', to go beyond a just limit, to break a law,sin. Bois'terous, stormy, furious, noisy.

Nego'tiate (-gō'shi-āt), to arrange for, bargain. Opti'cian (-tish'an), maker or seller of optical instru


Tel'egraph, apparatus to give signals to distant places; to announce by telegraph.

Sanc'tum, a sacred or re

tired place. Protract', prolong, delay. Belle (bell), a young lady of superior beauty and much admired.

Merʼriment, sport, gayety, jollity.

Illic'it (-lis'it), unlawful. Hymn (him), religious song. Au'ger, a tool to bore holes. Exec'utor, one who executes the will of a deceased person. Suspicion (-pish'un), a sus

pecting, mistrust. In'tricate, complicated, ob


Bombast (bum'-), an inflated style; high-sounding words.

Gen'erous, nobly liberal.
Efface', to blot out, erase.
Cav'ern, a cave.

Dis'tance, space between;


Preference, estimation or choice above another. Con'sonant, agreeable,consistent:-a closer sound than a vowel.

Enough' (e-nuf'), sufficient. For'ceps, surgical tongs or pincers.

Eighth (atth), next in order after the seventh. Conceal', to hide, secrete. Fres'co, a painting on wet plaster.

Deni'al, negation, refusal. A'theism, disbelief in God. Settee', a long seat with a back. Fau'cet, a spout for a barrel.

Bis'cuit (-kit), a kind of bread.

Influen'tial, powerful. Excres'cence, a superfluous growth, as a wart. Ceil'ing (sel'-), covering of the inner roof.


Cel'lar, a cell under a house. Misspell', to spell wrong. Weird (werd), witch-like. Or'ange, a kind of tree and its gold-colored fruit.

Simultaneous (sī-), at the same time.

Lis'ten (lis'n), to hearken. Plaid (plăd), a variegated cloth.

Sciatica (si-), neuralgia in

the hip.

Prov ́ender, dry food for horses, &c.

Providen'tial (-shal), effected by the providence of God.

Blur, a blot, dark spot. Fli'er, one who flies. Gazette', a newspaper. Fem'inine (-nin), relating to women; delicate. Inebriate, to intoxicate, make drunk; drunkard. Descend', to come or to go down; to be derived. Fos'sil, petrified vegetable or animal remains. E'quinox, time when the nights and days are equalabout 21st March and 23d Sept. Clum'sy,awkward, ungainly. Epis'tle (-pis'l), a letter. Bequeath' (-kwēth'), to leave by will.

Syr'inge, a medical instru


Paid, discharged; recompensed. Vag'abond, vagrant. Par'cel, a small bundle; a → portion.

Or'phan, a child who has

lost either father or mother or both.

Adjourn' (-jurn'), to put off to another day, defer. Gaunt (gänt), lean, meagre. Lad'ing, freight, load. Hon'or (on'-), esteem due to worth, dignity, reputation. Exhaust' (egz-hawst'), to drain wholly, tire out. Cavalry, troops on horses. Thief (thef), one guilty of theft.

Bade (bad), ordered, directed, commanded. Vet'erinary, pertaining to the art of treating diseases of horses and cattle.

Respect'fully, with respect, courteously. Prepossess', to preoccupy, bias.

Ar'senic, a poisonous substance. Enthu'siasm (zĭ-azm), heat of imagination, passionate zeal.

Quo'tient (-shent), the result of an operation of division. Mal'ice, ill-will, spite. Remit'tance, money, &c., transmitted by mail or other wise; an enclosure.

[blocks in formation]

Society, a number of persons associated for a common interest, company. Fiend (fēnd), a deadly foe. Corʼporal, relating to the body; a low military offi


Ven'tilate, to air; to make known.

Face'tious (fa-se'shus), witty, humorous.

Trai'tor, one who betrays. Defi'ance, act of defying. Quin'sy, inflammatory sore

throat. Infinites'imal, inconceivably small.

Cru'el, inhuman, hardhearted.

Embezzle,to steal by breach of trust.

Gar'rison (găr'ri-sn), troops to hold a fort; to supply, as a fort, with troops. Interrupt', to stop by breaking in upon. Preponderance, superiority of weight, power or influence.

Cas'simere, a thin woolen cloth.

Pit'tance, a small allowance, trifle. Barom'eter, an instrument to measure the weight of the atmosphere.

Sol'itude, a lonely life or place.

Admoni'tion (-nish'un), kind reproof.

Jurisdic'tion,legal authority, extent of legal power.

Disburse', to spend or lay


Ped'al, foot-key of an organ, &c.

Ped'dle, to travel about and sell.

Fero'cious, savage, fierce. Cart'age, act of or pay for carting.

Mar'riage (măr’rij), a wedding, wedlock. Excheq'uer(-chek'ër),court which has to do with the


Associate (-shĭ-āt), to join in company with or to keep company with.

Triv'ial, trifling, of little value.

Cam'eo, a stone or shell

carved in relief. Hos'pital, a house for the sick, the old, &c. Financier' (-sēr'), one skilled in finance. Beach, shore, strand. Pit'iful, sad; mean, base. Secretary, one who writes for another; an officer of State or of a society. Ambi'tion (-bish'un), eager

desire for power or fame, &c. Cas'tigate, to chastise. Li'cense, permission; abuse of freedom:-to permit by legal grant.

Ore, metal in its mineral state.

Elys'ium (-lizh'e-um), a heaven.

Bev'erage, liquor to be drunk.

League (lēg), alliance; 3 miles. Ex'cavate, to scoop out,


Ter'race, a level plot of earth thrown up; a level roof. Char'latan (shar'-),a quack. Li'brary, a collection of books; a building or room for books.

Cur'rency, circulation; money or what circulates as such.

Harangue' (-rang'), a pompous speech.

Op'tion, power of choosing, choice.

Acquiesce' (-wĭ-es'), to be satisfied with, assent.

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