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Sten'cil, a thin sheet with

letters, &c., cut out for marking through.

Car'at, a weight of 4 grains.

Mam'moth, an extinct spe cies of elephant; very large. Cu'pola, a cup-shaped roof, dome.

Sau'cy, insolent, impudent.


Lu'dicrous, laughable ridiculous.

A'miable, worthy of love; lovely. Mon'osyllable, word of only one syllable. Al'cohol, highly rectified spirit.

Plan'tain, a tropical tree

and its fruit; an herb. Dem'onstrate(or demon'-), to prove with certainty. Ide'a, image in the mind, notion.

A'lias, assumed name. Recollect' (rek-), to recall to mind.

Famil’iar, (-yar), intimate, well acquainted, well known, affable.

Drawee', one on whom a bill of exchange is drawn. Presump'tion, strong probability; forward conduct.

Appren'tice, one bound to a master to learn a trade. Char'ity, disposition of heart to do good to others; benevolence; alms. Lon'gitude, length; distance east or west from a meridian.

Stampede' (-pēd'), sudden flight through fright. Cough (kof), effort of the lungs, with noise, to get rid of phlegm.

Deter'mine, to limit; to

resolve on; to end. Quarʼry, a mine of stone; game.

Prom'ise, a declaration which binds the one who makes it.

Impa'tient(-shent), uneasy,


Reli'ance, trust, depend


Obey' (-bā'), to do as told.

Eclipse', an obscuration of the light of a celestial body. Inces'sant, unceasing. Tel'egram, a message sent by telegraph. Ingrat'itude, unthankful. Chintz, cotton cloth printed in colors.

Meer'schaum(mēr'shawm) a white earth used for making tobacco-pipes. Cal'omel, a preparation of

mercury used in medicine. Recruit', to obtain fresh supplies, gain new strength, &c., enlist new soldiers. Forbid'ding, repulsive. Molas'ses, sugar sirup, treacle. Court'-mar'tial, court of military or naval officers. Gra'vy, juice of roasted


Velocity (-los'-), swift


Demoralize, to corrupt the

morals of.

Ju'bilee, time of great joy. Cir'cus, an arena for feats of horsemanship, &c. Salera'tus, a salt prepared from pearlash.

El'ephant, the largest quadruped.

Ten'sion, stretching, strain. Depot (dē'pō orde-pō'), storehouse; railway station. Quarantine' (-tēn'), time of non-intercourse for a ship suspected of infection. Perspire', to sweat.

Bag'gage, luggage. Spu'rious, not genuine, false.

Cartoon',a sketch on strong

paper to be transferred. Tam'arack, an American tree.

Embalm' (bäm'), to preserve with aromatic drugs.


Neces'sity, that which is unavoidable; poverty. Bus'iness (biz'nes), that which keeps one busy, employment, an affair.

Whis'tle (hwis'l), to make a shrill musical sound; shrill musical sound; an instrument to whistle with. Bea'con(bē'kn), a signal-fire.

Gos'pel, history of Christ,

the Christian revelation. Sen'tence, doom, a judgment; words containing a complete thought: to judge, condemn.

Naught'y (nawt'-), worthless, bad, wicked.

Sub'jugate, to conquer. Clink'er, a cinder or slag. Subordinate, inferior in rank.

Compel', to force, oblige, → constrain. Irretrievable (-re-trēv'-), not to be recovered. Fu'el, wood, coal, &c., for fire.

Rogue (rōg), a dishonest person; a mischievous per


Man'uscript, a paper writ


Bait, to put food upon, as a hook; to give refresh

ment to.

Delegate, to depute, intrust: a deputy. Transcend', to rise above,

sui pass.

Admis'sible, that may be admitted, allowable. Pathetic, affecting the feelings.

Nego'tiable, transferable

by assignment or indorsement to another person. Chow'der, a kind of fish or clam stew.

Benefi'cial (-fish'al), ad..

vantageous, useful. Trop'ical, figurative; relating to the tropics.

Despair', loss of hope. Lu'natic, an insane per


Inel'egant, not elegant. Petroleum, a liquid inflammable substance, issuing from the earth. Chandelier' (shan-de-lēr'), a frame with branches for lights. Knap’sack (nap'-), a soldier's provision-bag. Tal'ent, a weight; special gift or ability.

Insin'uate, to introduce gently or artfully, hint. Crochet' (krō-shā'), fancy knitting by means of a small hook.

Submis'sion, yielding, surrendering.

Cabbage, a garden plant. Jaun'dice (jän'dis), a disease producing a yellow skin.

[blocks in formation]

Ridic'ulous, worthy of being laughed at, absurd. A'gue (-gu), an intermitting fever.

Neg'ative, that which dedies.

Crease, a mark made by folding.

Plea (plē), what is urged in

defence of a cause. Hieroglyphic, symbolical character or writing. Indestruct'ible, that can not be destroyed. .

Arrive', to come to any place. Plu'ral, denoting more than


Cas'tor-oil, a cathartic oil from a tropical plant. Preci'sion, exactness. Consum'mate (or con'-), to complete; perfect. Recite, to repeat, tell over. Em'igrate, to remove from one's native land. Im'migrate, to come to a country to reside.

Mu'tilate, to maim, cut off. Bar'gain (-gin), contract;

favorable purchase. Dom'ino, a hood and cloak, mask; a piece of bone used in playing the game. Colli'sion (-lizh'un), a dashing together.

Veil (val), a thin cover for the face. Irreproachable, free from blame. Irresist'ible, that cannot be successfully resisted. Exten'uate, to lessen, palliate.

Sal'ad, food of raw herbs. Pros'ecute, to pursue; to sue by law. Per'secute, to pursue so as to injure, harass, oppress. Char'acter, a mark, a letter; personal qualities, reputation.

Pul'sate, to beat, throb. Def'icit, deficiency. Parti'tion (-tish'un), a dividing wall, &c., that which divides. Bach'elor, an unmarried man; one who has taken his first degree in arts. Beef'steak (-stāk), a cut of beef to broil.

Seine (sen), large fishing net. Lau'rel (lor'rel or law'rel), an evergreen tree. Dy'namite (di- or dī-), a highly explosive compound. Unchange’able, immuta


Loathe (lōth), to feel disgust at, hate utterly. Ingen'ious (-jēn'yus), skillful in inventing. Ingenuous (jĕn'), open, frank, candid. Eq'uipage (ek'wY-), outfit. carriage and retinue, &c. Pom'ace (pum'-), crushed apples with the cider squeezed out.

Fuch'sia (fu'shĭ-a), a plant and its flowers. Sub'stitute, to put in the place of another. Draught (draft), act of drawing; a quantity drunk at once; sketch; current of air.

Tol'erate, to endure or allow what we do not approve. Conun'drum, a sort of riddle.

Jaunt (jänt), to ramble; a trip. Chem'ical (kem'-), relating to chemistry.

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