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Pa'tient (pä'shent), suffering without complaint; one sick.

Incu'rable, that cannot be cured.

En'ergy, inherent power, vigor. Convey'ance, a transference; a carriage. Lyre, a kind of harp. In'finite, without end or limit, boundless. Negligent, careless, inattentive.

Allay', to quiet, alleviate. University, a seminary for all branches of learning. Espou'sal, adoption. Diagno'sis, the distinguishing of a disease by its symp


Pen'ance, suffering inflicted for sin.

Appease', to quiet, pacify; to make calm As'sets, goods or property for the discharge of debts or legacies, &c. Pen'sion, allowance for past services.

Anonymous, without a name,-often contracted to


Equa'tor, a great circle round the earth half way between the poles. Nos'tril, one of the holes of the nose.

Antip'athy, dislike, aversion, opposition.

Prec'edent (près'-), an example, parallel case. Co'pious, plentiful, abund


Gos'ling, young goose. Pal'pitate, to beat as the


Bil'ious (bil'yus), pertaining to bile.

Demur', to hesitate, to object.

Tar'iff (tǎr'-), a list of duties

to be paid the government

on goods.

Suf'frage, a vote.

Va'ry, to change, diversify. I'cy, full of ice.

Tan'gible, perceptible by Abyss' (-bis'), a bottomless

the touch.

Reimburse', to repay, refund.

Analogy, agreement or correspondence in some respects between things otherwise different. Transparent (-pair'-), that may be distinctly seen through. An'archy, want of govern

ment in a state. Con'crete, formed or united into a solid mass; not abstract. Inconsis'tent, not consist

ent, contrary, not uniform. Commis'sion (-mish'un), act of committing a trust, charge, allowance to an agent; body of commission


or very deep gulf. Nonpareil' (rel'), a thing without an equal; a small printing type.

Coun'cil, an assembly for advice.

Coun'sel, advice, consultation.

Sin'gular, single, alone,

uncommon, rare.

Enig'ma, a riddle. Percent'age, rate by the

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Pres'ents, gifts. Pres'ence, the state of bepresent; nearness, attendance.

Ly'ing, addicted to falshood; reclining.

Mamma' or (mam'ma), mother.

Mis'chief(-chif), harm, hurt.

Mis'chievous (-chiv-us), injurious, hurtful.

Synonymous, similar, of

the same meaning. Luxu'riant, exuberant,very


Pronuncia'tion, act or

mode of utterance.

Courteous (kur'te-us), polite.

Drug'gist, a dealer in drugs.

Invet'erate, old, firmly established.

Pas'senger, traveler. Benzine (ben'zin or -zēn'),

an oily substance from coal. Di'alogue (log), conversa

tion between two or more. Helve, handle of an ax. Obe'dient, obeying, dutiful.

Mis'erable, wretched. Religʻion (-lij'un), a system of faith and worship, piety. Good-by' or bye, farewell; contr. of "God be with you." Cis'tern, a tank, reservoir. Tem'poral, pertaining to worldly matters, not eternal; relating to the temples. Immediately, without delay.

Respect'fully, with res


Respect'ively, as relating

to each.

Respect'ably, in a respectable manner, decently. Defi'cient (-fish'ent), having defect, wanting. Tab'ernacle, a tent; a place of worship. Pur'chase, to buy. Grotesque' (tesk'), fantastic.

Pre'cious (presh'us), of great worth, costly.

Indefinite, not definite;


Seize, to grasp, to take by force.

Celebrate, to make famous, praise.

Muf'fle, to wrap up closely.

Doz'en (duz'n), twelve. Sew (so), to join with a needle.

Cheat, to defraud and deceive.

Nei'ther (ne'thër), not either. Caboose', a ship's cook


Immense', vast, very large. Stile, steps for climbing over a wall, &c.

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Bal’sam (bawl'-), a fragrant | Cal’ico, a stuff made of cot

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Judi'cious (-dish'us), prudent, discreet, wise. Approx'imate, to draw


Stat'ute, a law made by a


Hila'rious, very merry, gay. Def'erence, a yielding, re


Fanat'ic, wildly enthusi


Va'riegated, varied, di


Refu'sal, denial; right of taking in preference to others, option. Remit'tance, money, bills, &c., transmitted by mail or otherwise; an enclosure. Superintendent, an over


Certificate, a written declaration.

Unscrupulous,regardless of moral principle. Gest'ure, a motion when speaking.

Duc'at, a European coin.

Tes'timony, evidence, proof.

Paralysis, loss of motion in part of the body. Caprice' (-prēs'), a freak, fancy, whim.

Rum'mage, search by overturning things. Interfere', to interpose; clash.

Bal'lad, a short narrative


Pu'rify, to make pure, cleanse.

Absurd', unreasonable,nonsensical.

Fleece, the wool of one sheep; to plunder. Disinher'it, to deprive of an inheritance.

Crema'tion, act of burning. Sup'plement, an addition, appendix.

Rab'bet, to cut in a partic

ular way, as boards, in order to join their edges. Rab'bit, a small rodent animal.

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