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Conspiracy (-spir'-), a plot.

In'famous, notoriously bad or vile, publicly branded with guilt. Al'mond (ä'mund), a nut. Forg'ery (förj'e-r), crime of counterfeiting.

Cou'rier (koo'rf-ër), a mes


Ob'loquy, calumny.
Hon’eyed (-id), sweet.
Civ'illy, politely.

Sar'dine (-dēn or -din), a small fish of the herring family.

O'riole (-ōl), a kind of thrush.

Annu'ity, a yearly allow


Pac'ify, to appease, quiet.

I'll (Capital I), abbreviation

of I will.

Aisle (il), a passage in a church. Miracle, supernatural event, a wonder. Brill'iancy (yan-), lustre, splendor.

Tattoo', to mark by pricking coloring matter into the

skin. Antece'dent, going before in time. Cor'nice (-nis), highest projecting work of columns, &c. Col❜league (-lēg), a partner. Undeceive', to set right. Accrue' (-kroo'), to be added, arise as profit, result. Extir'pate, to root out, destroy totally.


Extravagant, wasteful, profuse in expenses. Requiem (or rek'wi-), hymn or mass sung for the dead.

Finan'cial, pertaining to finance. Reprehen'sible, blamable, guilty, culpable. Tempest'uous, stormy.

Cor'ridor (-dōr), a gallery

or passage way.

Discrepancy, disagree


Pa'triot, a lover of his country. Aggrieve'(-grev'), to grieve, afflict, or injure. Wield (weld), to use with full command.

Inexpeʼrience, want of


Ran'dom, without aim, chance.

Accompaniment, in addition by way of ornament; an instrumental part in music. Rep'robate, base, depraved; one given over to sin. Fal'ter, to hesitate in speech; to waver, be irresolute.

Cal'culus, stone; one of the higher branches of mathematics.

Deri'sion (-rizh'un), scorn, mockery.

Inter'rogate, to put questions to.

Arrogant, assuming, haughty.

Mort'gage(mor'gāj),pledge for the payment of a debt. Beech, a forest tree. Soliloquy, a discourse to

one's self.

An'guish (ang'gwish), great pain.

Si'lence, stillness.

Em'anate, to flow from, arise.

Syl'van, relating to woods, woody.

Droll, comical, odd. Ascend ́ency, influence,


Diphtheʼria (dif-thē'-), a

throat disease.

Pau'per, a poor person maintained at the public expense.

Inci'sion (-sizh'un), a cut,


Pan'sy, a kind of violet. Chris'tendom (kris'sndum), regions in which Christianity is professed. Lieutenant (lu-ten'- or lev-ten'-), officer next below a captain; a deputy. Astronomy, the science which treats of the stars or heavenly bodies.

Bran, husks of ground grain. Surplus, excess above what is required.

Arrange' (-rānj'), to put in order.

Wrin'kle (ring'kl), a crease or ridge.

Dormitory, a sleepingchamber.

Mem'orable, remarkable. Joc'und, merry, gay, jovial, jolly.

Elix'ir, a compound tincture, quintessence.

Knuc'kle (nuk'l), joint of | Gentil'ity,elegant behavior,

[blocks in formation]

Hypocrisy, a feigning to be what one is not. Act'ual, real or existing. Coerce', to restrain, compel. Succeed', to come after; to take the place of; to prosper. Delay'ed, deferred, put off, lingered.

Com'pendium, an abridg


Veloc'ipede (-los'-), a vehicle moved by the rider's feet. Menagerie (men-aj'er-i or -äzh'-), a collection of wild animals. Impas'sable, that cannot be passed.

Ter'ra-cot'ta, a paste of

clay and sand for statues, &c. Exte'rior, outward surface. Gyp ́sy (jip'sï), one of a wandering race.


Label, a slip containing the name, or contents, &c., affixed to anything. Comprise', to contain, include.

Incorrigible, bad beyond reform.

Ally' (-lï'), to unite by compact; one allied, a confederate.

Ped'estal, base of a pillar, statue, &c.

Hurricane, a violent storm of wind.

Ret'icent, silent, not talka tive, taciturn.

Indel'ible, that cannot be blotted out, permanent. Civ'ilize, to reclaim from a

savage state. Knick'knack (nik'nak), a trifle or toy. Tick'lish, easily tickled; critical.

[blocks in formation]

Chirp, the voice of birds or insects. Intui'tion (-ish'un), seeing by the mind immediately. De'ity, (Capital D), the Divine Being; divinity. Wor'thy (-thi), meritorious, deserving.

Electioneer', to exert one's self to secure an election. Ru'mor, a flying report, current story.

An'cient (an'shent), old, of old time.

Vogue (vōg), fashion; popular use.

Chol'era (kol'-), a malignant disease.

Pip'pin, a kind of apple. Aspirant, one who aspires.

Yoke, a frame to join oxen; a pair; to join by a yoke. Squirrel, a nimble little animal.


Granary (grån'-), storehouse for grain.

Au'tocrat, an absolute sovereign.

Offi'ciate (-fish'Y-), to perform the duties of an office.

Nine'tieth, next after the eighty-ninth.

Fiftieth, next after the forty-ninth.

Wig'wam, cabin.

an Indian's

Tyr'anny, arbitrary exer

cise of power; despotism. Commit'tee, persons appointed to manage any mat


Lit'erary, relating to litera


Cir'cular, round, a letter or paper addressed to various persons.

Chil'blain, a sore caused by cold.

Ra'diant, shining. Inaugurate, to induct into office.

Ear'nest, eager, zealous. Opaque' (ō-pak'), dark, not transparent.

An'gel (ān'jel), a celestial spirit.

Auxiliary (awg-zil'ya-rï), helping; a helper. Ox'ygen, a gas forming part of the air, water, &c. Ben’efit, a favor, advantage; to do good to, to help. Singe'ing, scorching. Dis'cipline, order, a training, regulation. Convulse', to shake violent

ly, affect by spasms. Tres'pass, to enter unlawfully upon another's land; to intrude.

Disappoint', to defeat, (one's expectation), balk, frus


Apos'tle (-pos'l), one sent to preach the gospel. Proph'et, one who proph

esies. Erad'icate, to root up; to end.

U'sage (-zij), the common practice; use; treatment. Competi'tion (-tish'un), rivalry.

Stupen'dous, wonderful, astonishing.

En'velope (env'e-lōp), cover of a letter.

An'cestor, a progenitor, a forefather.

Epis'copal, governed by bishops, &c.

Repeti'tion (-tish'un), act of repeating.

Cli'ent, one who employs a lawyer. Munic'ipal (-nis'-), pertaining to a city or corporation, &c.

Catas'trophe (-trō-fë), final event, calamity, mishap. Ran'som, price paid for re

demption from captivity. Beau'teous (bū'-), hand


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