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28th. Went to visit Mr. Marquat, at Allan Willem; he lives with Mr. Berg, the Landdrost, and speaks both to Christians and Heathens; he likewise visits some of the farmers' places, and teaches their slaves.

Aug. 2d. We had service in the house of Mr. Van Aarde: they were so delighted with the singing of the Hottentots, that they were at different times called into the house to sing our hymns.

9th. Attended the Dutch church at Twartland; the Rev. Mr. Scholz preached a plain sermon on justification; after which, I had the pleasure of dining with him: so we reached Cape Town, where we experienced the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. West, and many others.

Berg Rivier, Sept. 6, 1818. HAVING again left the hurry and bustle of Cape Town, and being now four days journey therefrom, I have a little leisure to transcribe a few extracts from my journal. It is true I have but little of importance to communicate, yet from the occasional extracts sent to the Committee, they will obtain a more perfect knowledge of our situation, our labours, and the whole of our proceedings.

May 1. The easterly winds have begun to blow with violence: though in some parts of the colony they are accompanied with a degree of heat almost insupportable, yet with us the reverse is experienced. The winds with us blow strong and cold, and seldom fail in producing great lassitude in the European constitutien. On the ceasing of those winds, we are then generally attacked from the west, by heavy mists brought from the ocean: these thick mists bury our mountains, and the poor natives, with their skin clothing, are almost paralyzed with the cold.

"Sore pierc'd by wintry winds, they sink Into the sordid hut of cheerless poverty!"

The cattle of the natives, during these misty seasons, are allowed to roam whereever their instinct may lead them. The Namacquas, (unlike the hardy English shepherd, wading through the snow) are either too idle, or too much affected with the cold, to go in pursuit of them. The cattle generally resort to the huge mountains, where they find a temporary shelter from the driving storm; many of them, however, are often found stiffened with the piercing cold, and others fall a prey to the wolf or the tiger.

Sunday 3. Endeavoured to explain, in a plain manner, the cause of the amazing agony-the bloody sweat-and the

accursed death of Jesus. Afterwards the Lord's supper was administered to the society. Though these poor Namacquas are excluded from the tables of the people called Christians, yet the Lord invites them to his table, and feeds their souls with heavenly food.

10. Shewed our people this morning that sin is a most dreadful malady, and the very worst of plagues-that a healing balm has been provided as an effectual remedy-that a Physician of infinite skill may be applied to, who administers this balm, and restores health and vigour to the soul.

Met the children after dinner, in order to speak with them on spiritual subjects. One said, "I remember what Mr. Edwards said to us on Sunday. He told us that the pharisees were angry when the publicans and sinners came to Jesus to be taught. The pharisees, I think, thought themselves better than others, which was not good. They prayed, and did many things, only that people might see them; they even despised poor sinners, as I recollect what the pharisee said, spoken of by Jesus; he said, I am not like that publican.

Another little girl said, "When I pray, it is almost as if some one spoke to me, and said, you must continue in prayer so long as you live. When I pray I find something very sweet, especially when I think of the heathenish woman who called after Jesus: if I can only go to him as she went, I doubt not but he will hear me.'

A little boy, about six years of age, said, with great simplicity, "I often feel a desire to pray, but when I am about to go, (amongst the bushes) I feel afraid lest the tigers should come and catch me. I never prayed but once, and that is now some time since. I don't mind the jackals, but I fear the tigers." Some of the little girls complained, and said they were afraid that they had not been sufficiently convinced of sin, and had not truly repented. They should like to be baptised, and give themselves to the Lord, but said one, about nine years of age, "I think wherefore shall I be baptised? if my heart is not changed, and I should profess to believe in Jesus, &c. I should only be as the pharisees were." They said they feared that their hearts were not right, and when they came to think of Jesus-of what he had done and suffered for them, and how much he had loved them, they could not help weeping on that account.

12. We have actually for the two days last past been buried in the clouds, and

the cold is almost insupportable. The wind has raged most tremendously, and the rain fell almost in torrents.

14. The waggon which had been sent for the iron, forge, &c. returned. Our thanks are certainly due to Mr. Peter Van Aarde, and his son Mr. David, for their great kindness in assisting us with their waggon and oxen. Likewise to Mrs. Van Aarde, in sending my wife potatoes, onions, and many little necessaries.

15. All our people were anxious to see the forge, &c. and were ready to assist in conveying them to the house appointed for their reception. When the bellows were put in action, and brotirer Edwards begun to exercise his hammer, they stood with astonishment: and as the Greeks bemoaned the unhappy lot of their ancestors, who by death had been deprived of the sight of Alexander on the throne of Darius, so our people seemed to mourn the fate of those Namacquas, who had not lived to see a forge erected in the midst of their camp.

17. Our people were reminded of some of the promises made respecting the heathen, from Zech. ix. 10, 11, 12, " He shall speak peace to the heathen, his dominion shall be from sea even unto sea," &c. &c. How encouraging are those promises to the Missionary in a solitary region, surrounded with people who are sitting in darkness. He believes, is comforted, and expects their fulfilment.

18. The weather is now more severe than I have ever seen before. We have not only had mist and rain, but the most bitter storms of hail and snow; the wind has also increased to such a degree that we have now a complete hurricane. This storm has had such an effect on the house of Brother Edwards (being in an unfinished state,) that it has found its way to the ground, where it must he till the rainy season shall be over before it can be re built.

19. The wind continued to increase during the night of yesterday, and blew with so much violence, that we feared our dwelling-house would fall upon us: but we have cause to thank him whose providence is over all, that it stood the fury of the storm, and has suffered no material injury. We felt the cold much during the night, but our poor people felt it much more than ourselves. Many of their houses were upset by the wind, and in the silent watches of the night, they

and their children were constrained, in the midst of teeming floods of rain, to seek shelter in the corn houses, chapel, or wherever they could find a place sufficiently dry to lay their heads. On our looking out early in the morning, we were sorry to find that the winds and the rain had sported themselves with the smith's shop, and every thing appeared in the most deplorable state. Our first business was to call for the people to assist in removing the forge and appendages into the chapel; but alas, poor creatures, being so starved during the night, they were helpless as children.

28. Begun to cast our seed into the ground, hoping that the Lord will give us the increase. The service of brother. Edwards to this station, and the forge and iron sent by the Committee, have been exceedingly great. Six ploughs are now nearly ready for action, and we hope that the natives, having reaped the fruit of their last year's labours, will not be backward in putting their hands to them.

I have often been much tried with some of the natives, who are amazingly idle, though many have certainly improved much in labouring for themselves and their families.-I am often tempted and harassed by satan, yet I am by far the most tried with myself. I am quite satisfied with respect to my providential station-quite satisfied with respect to the conversion of some of the natives-quite satisfied to submit to the many little privations that a Missionary in this remote region must experience-but when I consider the numberless privileges that I have enjoyed, and the privileges that I still enjoy above many others, I am quite dissatisfied with myself, and must say, "I am an unprofitable servant."

We cannot but be grateful for the very valuable present sent by Mr. Irving, viz. a bell: we wish that the same gentleman could enjoy the sight of our little Namacquas running to school or to chapel at the sound thereof; or that he could see the old creeping out of their huts, on a sabbath's morning, in the months of summer, to the place where his bell is fixed.

Mr. West, haberdasher, who has remembered us in our high station, (on the mountains far above the level of the sea) has done kindly; we shall find his present useful. I hope you will return him our hearty thanks.


Messrs. BAKER and GILLISON, appointed to Sierra Leone, to succeed Mr. Brown, who, having been two years on that station, is to be removed to the West Indies, sailed from Gravesend on December 16. They were, with Mr. Davies, appointed

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to the Bahamas, solemnly set apart for the work, on the Saturday evening previous to their sailing, in the Spitalfields Chapel; and commended by the prayers of the congregation to the blessing of God. May they have a prosperous voyage by the will of God, and be preserved in that insalubrious climate, for the benefit of the important mission committed to their charge.


JAMAICA. The following alterations and additions have been made in the stations in that island:-Kingston, G. Johnston, O. Adams; Spanish Town, W. Bining; Morant Bay, W. Radcliffe, J. Hartley; Grateful Hill, J. Underhill; Falmouth and Montego Bay, J. Shipman, J. Hudson; Port Antonio, (a new station,) J. Horne.

la Kingston, premises have been purchased for an additional place of worship, which when completed will be rendered capable of containing a nearly equal number of hearers with the present chapel, and thus two large congregations will find suitable accommodation. The prospects in every part of the island are such as to call for great thankfulness. Every where the objects of the Missionaries seem better understood, and the brethren meet with attentive hearers, and great encouragement in their labours.

will be found acceptable, as given from a desire to glorify God, and with a single eye to his service. I present per bearer a parcel, containing Four Doubloons, two of which I purpose to the aforesaid use, one I humbly request you will transmit to the honourable trustees of the Bible Society, in aid of their cause, and let the other be applied to such occasions as you may deem most expedient.

The following is an extract from a Letter of Mr. SHIPMAN to the COMMITTEE, dated Falmouth, September, 1818, which, with the extracts of Letters it contains, will be read with great pleasure. The new openings for the preaching the word of God in this important island call for great thankfulness; and we trust that we shall be able soon to announce that the doors thus opened are "great and cffectual." CONSIDERING myself in duty bound to acquaint you and the Committee with every circumstance which materially affects the mission, especially if it be of a pleasing nature, I think it right to communicate an account of what has recently occurred. A few weeks ago I received a very affectionate and pious letter from a Serjeant Waugh, of the Royal Artillery, now stationed at Montego Bay; who has attempted to keep the remains of the society raised by Mr. Fish, together for some time. His letter, breathing the spirit of genuine religious zeal, I am per. suaded you will not be displeased with the following extract from it.

"Having for some time been desirous of contributing my mite towards building or purchasing a new chapel in Falmonth, whenever it pleaseth God to order it so; I feel happy to avail myself of this opportunity of communicating my intentions to you, through the agency of my worthy friend, Mr. Fosbrooke, the only one I know to forward this small testimony of my sincere regard for such a glorious cause, which you do so atdently labour to defend;-hoping the grace of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, whose power alone will enable you in his due time to surmount every obstacle that apparently obstructs your progress in building again the shattered walls of Zion. And although I own the donation to be inadequate in the extreme, if compared with the manifold blessings that I, the vilest of the vile, have been counted worthy to receive, through the redemption that is alone in the blood of Jesus, I still trust it

"There are not more than four or five of the old members in this place now surviving, whom I was enabled to lead for more than twelve months. But I firmly believe there are many souls still, who would be led in the way of salvation, were there labourers to clear away the old foundation, and to dissolve the leaven of the Pharisees."

Since I received the above, I have been favoured with another very gratifying letter from a Mr. J. Jones, a mer chant of that place; and as it shews their great anxiety for the word of life, I shall also send you an extract from it. It runs thus:

"Under God's blessing, which we have begged upon our undertaking, we have purchased the old Court House in this town, for a chapel, payable by subscription, for 4001.

"We have also to beg you to put us in the way of getting a licence for the place. We, whose names are subscribed, will be ready to meet your wishes in any way in which our weak endeavours may prove useful. As our list increases, we shall inform you of it, and hope to enjoy a portion of your labours in this place; and trust, yea, we believe the Lord wi!!

make a fruitful vineyard here. Many wish to hear the sound of the gospel, and have expressed great pleasure at the prospect before them, earnestly entreating an interest in your prayers. We beg leave to subscribe ourselves, affectionately your's, &c."

I intend, God willing, to attend the next Court of Quarter Sessions at Mon

tego Bay, for the purpose of applying for a licence. This, when added to my present field of labour, will make my circuit upwards of seventy miles long, which will be too much upon the whole for my strength, and far too much for one horse. But as I expect a colleague next year, I shall do as well as I can, till I am favoured with that assistance..

St. Vincent's.-The following extract of a letter from Mr. BELLAMY, will greatly interest our readers, who know how to appreciate the importance of the commia'nication of Christian instruction to children.

Extract of a Letter from Mr. BELLAMY to Mr. BENSON, dated Kingstown, St. Vincent's, Oct 6, 1818.


A gentleman of high respectability has recently requested me to undertake the religious instruction of his negro children: to which I replied, that I would willingly comply, and considered it as a providential event, in point of example, as well as for the moral benefit of the chil

dren. Consequently the next Sunday after this interview, he sent about sixty of his children, neatly and uniformly dressed, according to their sex. The children are healthy, pretty, active, and interesting. While I was there that morning to breakfast, he had all assembled before the hall door of his noble house, and requested me to catechize them, which I did, in the presence of Mr. C. and many others. Sir, the sight I am persuaded, would have gratified you, and all the real friends of missions, to have seen your missionary so properly engaged. Sixty little negroes, forming a crescent two or three deep, about the bottom step of the front door of their master's 's mansion, with their eyes sparkling, and their black countenances glistening; and your missionary standing on the top step, instructing them in the principles of our most holy and beneficent religion; and the Hon. Mr. C. sitting at my left side, and the Hon. Mr. D. stand ing behind me, and three or four ladies in the door-way, and servants and seve ral negroes standing by; and all this not far from the public road. At the con clusion, Mr. C and company manifested their gratification; I felt satisfied, and the dear children pleased, and I hope some little protited. Mr. C. continues to send them regularly to our chapel every Sunday, and we have liberty to go once a week to his house to instruct them, when

he assembles them in his fine, large hall. I feel a peculiar attachment to the children, (and did the first time I saw them,) and a pleasure in instructing them; they also feel an attachment to me and their teacher. As an instance: as I was riding through the cane-field to visit one of our sick members, they were all busy at work, and at first did not see me. But one happening to turn his head and see me, he immediately cried out, smiling, "Massa, dere is Massa!" The rest looked, and in an instant they laid down their little hoes, and ran to me, and surrounded my horse, and bowed, and curtsied, saying with one voice, "How do, Massa, how do, Massa?" I talked to them a few moments, and told them to work well, and be kind one to another, and to fear the great God, as he saw them; yes, Massa, yes, Massa, was their reply. I told them to be good children, and said, Now all of you go, and take up your hoes; they said, Yes, good bye, Massa, and ran immediately after, making their obeisance, and took up their hoes, and went cheerfully to work. According to expectation, the example of the Hon. Mr. C. in this, has influenced other honourable gentlemen to follow it. The Hon. Mr. D. has sent forty of his children to be instructed at our chapel at Chateaubeliain, on the leeward of the island. He was present while I catechized them, and gave me an invitation to his house. The Hon. Mr. D--t, the attorney general, also sent his children to be instructed, and gave us an invitation to see him. So now we begin to have our hands full, and blessed be God for it. This I regard as an important door to future prosperity.

Tortola. We greatly regret to state the death of an excellent young man, Mr. COLMAR, sent out in 1816; the following extract of a letter from Messrs. WHITWORTH and JACKSON, his colleagues, bears ample and just testimony to his pious life and Christian death,

Extract of a Letter from Messrs. WHITWORTH and JACKSON, dated Tortola, Oct. 30, 1818.

It is in the deepest affliction that we are constrained to impart to you the intelligence of the death of our dear brother Colmar. In the prime and vigour of his youth, and in the midst of his usefulness, he has been called to his eternal rest. He died on the 15th ult. of a bilious fever, after a sickness of only five days. The day following he was buried in the midst of the tears and sighs of a large and deeply affected congregation, of all descriptions. He was an amiable young man; his piety was genuine, and Lis religion was that of the heart; he felt it, and could describe it, not as a cunningly devised fable, but as the power of God to salvation. He lived in commution with, and in the enjoyment of God. His person, time, and talents were all devoted to God, and to the work of the ministry. With great fervour he has sometimes said, "I want to be a man of God, a Bible Christian."

As a minister he studied to shew himself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. He promised to be an able and useful minister of the New Testament. He studied hard, made considerable improvement, and was acceptable and useful.

His death was very sudden and unexpected; but it found him ready. His

loins were girded, and his light was burning, and he was found waiting for the coming of his Lord. In his affliction he discovered great patience and resignation to the will of the Lord. Being asked the state of his mind, he replied, "All is well; I have great peace in God." Thus died our invaluable friend and, fellow-labourer, Mr. Colmar, aged about twenty-three years.

We greatly mourn the loss, not on his part, for he has entered into the joy of his Lord, but on our own part, who needed his example, exhortation, and prayers, to excite us to piety and diligence.

This awful providence was improved in a funeral sermon to a very crowded audience, on Sunday the 27th ult. from Titus i. 2.

The state of religion among us at present wears different aspects. In our last letter we mentioned the stability to which the society had attained. The steady and uniform deportment of its members is a strong proof of their growth in grace. We trust that we can now say that our people generally, not only hear, but keep the sayings of Christ; and therefore, like a house founded upon a rock, they will stand unshaken, when assailed by all the storms of earth and hell.

the females and children, who greatly lament her loss.

Tobago-To this new and promising station Mr. RAYNER was appointed last year. He is labouring with great encouragement, but has lately had the affliction to lose l's excellent wife. In a letter dated Oct. 18, 1818, he says, The feelings under which I labour while I write these lines, are indescribable; nor will you wonder that this should be the case, when you learn what has befallen me. The awful stroke of death has deprived me of a most affectionate and amiable wife, who was a comfort to me in this land of strangers; and was exceedingly useful, both as an example and in other respects, to the infant society in this place, particularly Grenada. The following very pleasing letter has been received from Messrs. SEREWSBURY and Goy, dated Oct. 7, 1818. Our readers will remember, that it was but lately that an additional Missionary was appointed.

On the morning of the 28th ult. she gave birth to a lovely infant; and in the afternoon of the same day breathed her last, when her happy spirit was gathered home to God. I sorrow, but not as those without hope my dear Mary fell asleep in Jesus, and I know my loss is her eternal gain. The little innocent left with me is very likely to live.

Great is our cause of rejoicing, when ber, it may be affirmed with truth, they we behold the unity and love so generally prevailing amongst our society. Peace reigns in all our borders, and prosperity within our palaces. The great enemy of God and man has endeavoured on different occasions to introduce discord and contention; but by the grace of God, every such endeavour has been frustrated, and we have still maintained "the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." From the distinct and intimate knowledge that we have of every mem

are " growing in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." For that unspeakable blessing, more to be desired than thousands of gold and silver, entire holiness of heart and life, many are earnestly seeking; and in humble expectation of possessing what they so ardently desire, are already rejoicing, even with joy unspeakable. As the servants of Jesus Christ, our ministry seems to be owned of God, chiefly in the establishment of believers; and so far as

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