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The ftate of politics in Europe appears pregnant with extraordinary events. In the pre

fent volume we have completed our account of the diffentions in Holland, and have thus cleared the way for the more extensive concerns of the commotions in France, and the intrigues of the Czarina and the Emperor,

The Literature of the year 1787, has not been altogether fo productive of valuable publications as the year 1786, or as the prefent year promises to be. In the mean time fome performances of merit have appeared, and the reader will find that they have not escaped our notice,



Circular Letter from the right hon. Lord Sydney, one of his Majefty's Prin

cipal Secretaries of State, to the overal High Sheriffs of England, in-

clofing the foregoing Proclamation

Convention between his Britannic Majefty and the Meft Chriftian King,

figned at Verfailles, the 15th of January, 1787

Convention between bis Britannic Majefty and the Moft Chriftian King,
figned at Versailles, August 31, 1787
Declaration and Counter Declaration exchanged at Verfaillss, between the
Minifters of his Britannic Majefty and the Moft Chriftian King, October
27, 1787,

Remonftrance of the Parliament of Paris to the King, against the Declara-

tion of a Stamp Duty, July 24, 1787

His Mof Chriftian Majefty's Speech to the Parliament of Paris, Nov. 19,

(70), (71)


From the fame to the fame, Nov 3, 1787,
The Anfwer of his ferene Higbnefs the reigning Duke of Brunswick, Nov. 5,

1787, to the preceding Letters,


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