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March 17. Rev. William Pearce, to be a privy counfellor of Ire B.D. to be mafter of the Temple. land. Rev. Jofeph Turner, D. D. to the rectory of Sudburn, cum capella de Orford, Suffolk.

23. Sir John Skynner, knt, a privy counsellor.

2. Thomas Rogerfon, efq. to be affiftant-commiffary of ftores, &c. in Antigua.

April 4. William Greene, efq. to be standard-bearer to the band of gentlemen penfioners.

17. John Seton, efq. to be governor of St. Vincent.

-. Arthur Philip, efq. to be governor of New South Wales.

21. John Edward Aftley, efq. fon of fir Edward Aftley, bart. to be one of the equerries to the duke of Cumberland.

27. Sir Thomas Wroughton, K.B. envoy extraordinary to Sweden, to be minifter plenipotentiary at the fame court.

-. William Fawkener, efq. to be envoy extraordinary to the grandduke of Tufcany.

25. Gerard Fortefcue, efq. to be Uler king at arms, and principal herald of all Ireland.

May 1. Earl of Leven, to be high commiffioner to the general affembly of the church of Scotland. - Dr. George Hill, to be dean of the order of the Thistle, and of the chapel royal, in Scotland.

Earl of Dunmore, to be governor of the Bahama Islands.

5. William Cockell, efq. ferjeant at law.

10. Hugh Carleton, efq. to be chief justice of the Common Pleas in Ireland.

John Bennett, efq, to be one of the judges of the King's- Bench, in Ireland,

1. Arthur Wolfe, efq. to be folicitor general of Ireland.

14, Lord chief justice Carleton,

23. Appointments in the house. hold of the prince of Wales, viz. Lord Southampton, groom of the stole.

Viscount Parker, viscount Melbourne, lord Spencer Hamilton, and vifcount St. Afaph, gentlemen of the bedchamber.

Henry Lyte, efq, treasurer. Hon. Hugh Conway, master of the robes and privy purse.

Col. S. Hulfe, comptroller of the household.

J. Kemys Tynte, efq. col. fir John S. Dyer, bart. Hon. G. Fi:zroy, col. Stevens, lieut. col. St. Leger, hon. lieut. col. Stanhope, Warwick Lake, efq. lieut. col. Sloughter, and the hon. Edward Bouverie, grooms of the bed-chamber.

Lieut. col. Symes, capt. Wynyard, and capt. Birch, gentlemen ufhers of the privy-chamber.

A. Robinfon, efq. major J. Mackay, and William Wilfon, efq. gentlemen ufhers daily waiters.

Rev. Dr. J. Lockman, clerk of the closet.

Col. Gerard Lake, firft equerry and commiffioner of the stables.

Col. Charles Leigh, Edward Scott, efq. major Churchill, hon. capt. Ludlow, and Anthony St. Leger, efq. equerries. /

F. G. Lake, and Edward J. S. Byng, efqrs. pages of honour. John Fenn, efq. knighted. June 1. Henry, duke of Beaufort, to be lord lieutenant of the county of Brecon,

23. Lord Carteret and lord Walfingham, to the office of poftmaftergeneral.

27. Henry Partridge, Fofier Bow. er, and Edward Law, efqrs. to be king's counfel.

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king's fecond ferjeant at law, and the hon. Jofeph Hewitt, to be his third Terjeant at law in Ireland.

30. Matthew Robert Arnott, efq, to be usher to the order of the Thistle.

July 5. Dr. Richard Warren and Dr. Robert Hallifax, to be phyficians in ordinary to the prince of Wales.

7. Sir George Auguftus Eliott, K.B. to be baron Heathfield, of Gibraltar.

10. Geo. Auguftus, lord Heathfield, to have the arms of Gibraltar, as an honourable augmentation of his family arms.

14. Sir George Baker, bart. to be phyfician in ordinary to his majefty.

21. Anthony Merry, efq. to be conful at Madrid.

Auguft 2. George Hardinge, efq. to be judge of the counties of Glamorgan, Brecon, and Radnor.

4. Lord Hervey, to be envoy extraordinary to the great-duke of Tufcany,

8. The duke of York, a privy counfellar.

10. Major-general Grenville, to be comptroller; col. George Hotham, to be treasurer; col. Robert Abercrombie, lieut. col. William Morfhead, capt. Charles Crauford, and Henry Bunbury, efq. to be grooms of the bedchamber to the duke of York.

11. Rev. Charles Inglis, D. D. to be bishop of Nova Scotia. See Public Occurrences, p. 37:.

18. Right Hon. W. Eden, to be ambaffador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the king of Spain.

28. William Richardfon, John Craven Carden, Charles Defvoeux. Edward Leflie, Henry Mannix, and Richard Gorges Meredyth, efqrs. to be baronets of Ireland,

September 1. Edward Verney Lo

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conful at Malaga.

24. Richard, vifcount Howe, and John Montagu, and Hugh Pigot, efqrs. to be admirals of the White.

- Molyneux, lord Schuldam, fir Hugh Pallifer, and fir Peter Parker, baronets, John Vaughan, John Reynolds, and Matthew Barton, efqrs. and the hon. Samuel Bar. rington, to be admirals of the Blue,

Marriot Arbuthnot, Robert Roddam, George Darby, John Campbell, James Gambier, William Lloyd, and Francis William Drake, efqrs. to be vice-admirals of the Red.

Sir Edward Hughes, K. B. fir Joshua Rowley, bart. fir Edward Vernon, knight, John Evans, Mark Milbanke, Nicholas Vincent, and Robert Edwards, efqrs. to be viceadmirals of the White.

- Samuel, lord Hood, fir John Lockhart Rofs, bart. fir Chaloner Ogle, knight, Thomas Graves, Roþert Digby, Benjamin Marlow, and Alexander Hood, efqrs. to be viceadmirals of the Blue.

- Sir Richard Hughes, fir Francis Samuel Drake, and fir Edmund Affleck, barts, to be rear-admirals of the Red.


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The above were already flag

- Sir John Lindfay, K. B. and John Elliot and William Hotham, efqrs. to be rear admirals of the Red.

Sir Charles Middleton, bart. fir Richard King, knt. John Peyton, John Carter Allen, John Dalrymple, Herbert Sawyer, and Jonathan Falconer, efqrs. to be rear-admirals of the White,

Sir John Jervis, K. B. fir Richard Bickerton, and fir Charles Douglas, barts. hon. John Levefon Gower, and Philip Affleck and Adam Duncan, efqrs, to be rear-admirals of the Blue.

- Hon. William Cornwallis, and Philip Coby and George Bowyer, efqrs. to be colonels of ma rines.

28. Major-generals Spencer Cowper, William Wynyard, Edward Mathew, Richard Burton Philipfon, Francis Smith, John Pattifon, John Douglas, hon. Alexander Leflie, Samuel Cleavland, hon. Henry St. John, fir William Erfkine, John Campbell, and fir George Ofborn, bart. to be lieut. generals.

Colonels Thomas, earl of Lincoln, John Campbell, John Leland, James Hamilton, John Scratton, Allan Campbell, James Rooke, Samuel Birch, Charles Crofbie, John Martin, Winter Blathwayte, John, earl of Suffolk, Ralph Abercrombie, hon. Chapel Norton, Alexander Rigby, and John Gunning, to be major-generals.

29. John Douglas, D. D. to be bishop of Carlifle.

October 2. John Cayley, efq. to be conful-general of Ruffia.

25. Samuel Wallis, efq. to be a commiffioner of the navy.

26. Paul Joddrell, M. D. knighted.

27. George, viscount Townshend, to be marquis Townshend.


Samuel Marthall, efq. to be a commiffioner of the victualling office.

-John Daniell, efq. to be camptroller of the falt duties.

29. Richard, lord Rokeby, archbishop of Armagh; James lord Lifford, lord chancellor; and the right hon. John Forster, fpeaker of the house of commons ¿ to be lord juf tices of reland.

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17. Dr. Beilby Porteus, bishop of Chefter, to be bishop of London. 27. Charles Runnington, Samuel Marfhal, and James Watson, efqrs, to be ferjeants at law.

30, Right hon. Alleyne Fitzherbert, a privy counfellor.

December 5. Henry, duke of Beau, fort, to be lord lieutenant of Lei cefterfhire.

7. Beilby, bishop of London, a privy counfellor.

8. Beilby, bishop of London, to be dean of the chapels royal.

-Rev. Benjamin Blayney, to be Hebrew profeffor at Oxford.

. Rev. John Wollcock, to the united lectories of St. Austin and St. Faith, London.

15. Rev. William Longford, D.D, to be prebendary of Windfor.

-Rev. John Plumptree, M. A, to be prebendary of Worcester.

16. Right Hon. Alleyne Fitzherbert, chief fecretary to the lord lieutenant, to be a privy counsellor of Ireland.

29. Thomas Millar, of Barskimming, efq. to be president of his majefty's college of juilice in Scot

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the Ifle, efq.

Somerfetfhire-Nath. Dalton, of Shanks, efq.

County of Southampton-SirHenry Powlett St. John, of Dogmerf field, bart. Staffordshire-Thomas Whieldon, of Fenton, efq.

SHERIFFS appointed for 1787. Shropshire-Humphry Sandford, of Berkshire-William Byam Martin, of White Knights, efq. Bedfordshire-Jofeph Partridge, of Cranfield, efq. Bucks-R. Dayrell, of Lillingstone Dayrell, efq. Cornwall-Sam. Thomas, of Tregols, efq. Cumberland-Thomas Whelpdale, of Skirfgill-Hall, efq. Chefter-Sir Richard Brooke, of Norton, bart. Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonfhire-William Camps, of Wilburton, efq.

Devonshire-J. Quick, of Newton Saint Cyres, efq. Dorsetshire-Peter William Baker, of Ranfton, efq. Derbyshire-Sir Rich. Arkwright, of Cromford.

Effex-J. Judd, of Chelmsford, efq. Gloucefterfhire-Sam. Richardfon, of Newent, efq. Herefordshire-R: Cope Hopton, of Cannon Froome, efq. Hertfordshire-J Roper, of Berkhamflead, St. Peter, efq. Kent J. Cotton, of Hill Park, efq. Lancashire-William Bamford, of Bamford-Hall, efq. Leicestershire-John Goodacre, junior, of Afliby Parva, eiq. Lincolnshire-Theoph. Buckworth, of Spalding, efq. Monmouthfhire Thomas Lewis, of Chepstow, efq. Norfolk Edward Billingfley, of Hockwold with Wilton, efq Northamptonshire-William Walcot, jun. of Oundle, efq. Northumberland-Edward Collingwood, of Chirton, efq. Nottinghamshire-T. Waterhouse, of Beckenham, efq. Oxfordshire-Charles Marfack, of Caversham Park, efq. Rutland hire-George Belgrave, of Ridlington, efq.


Suffolk-J. Meadows Theobald, of
Henley, efq.
Surrey-Richard Ladbroke,
Tadworth Court, efq.
Suffex-Richard Wyatt, of Trim-
mings, efq.
Warwickshire-Thomas Mafon, of
Stratford upon Avon, efq.
Worcestershire-Richard Harrison,
of Temple Langhern, efq.
Wiltshire-Ifaac Webb Horlock, of
Afhwick, efq.

Yorkshire-Francis Ferrand Foljambe, of Aldwork, efq.

SOUTH WALES. Breconshire-John Jones of Llanavan awr, efq.

Cardiganfhire-J. Martin, of Allt-
goch, efq.
Carmarthenshire-Hugh Mears, of
Llanftephar, efq.
Glamorganfhire - John Price, of
Llandaff-court, efq.
Pembrokeshire-James Phillips, of
Penty park, efq.
Radnorfhire-John Price, of Penny
Bont, efq.

NORTH WALES. Anglefey-J. Griffith Lewis, of Tryfelwyn, efq.

Carnarvon hire-john Lloyd, of
Gaffel Gyfarch, efq.
Denbighshire-Sir Fofter Cunliffe,
of Acton, bart.
Flintshire-P. Yorke, of Maes y
Groes, efq.
Merionethfhire-John Jones,
Rhyd y fen, efq.
Montgomeryshire-Trevor Lloyd,
of Llanafen, efq.





His Majesty's Speech to both Houses of Parliament, Jan. 23, 1787. My Lords, and Gentlemen, HAVE particular fatisfaction in acquainting you, that fince I laft met you in parliament, the tranquillity of Europe has remained uninterrupted, and that all foreign powers continue to exprefs their friendly difpofition to this country.

I have concluded a treaty of navigation and commerce with the Mott Christian king, a copy of which fhall be laid before you. I must recommend it to you to take fuch measures as you fhall judge proper for carrying it into effect; and I trust you will find that the provifions contained in it are calculated for the encouragement of industry, and the extenfion of lawful commerce in both countries, and, by promoting a beneficial intercourfe between our respective subjects, appear likely to give additional permanence to the bleffings of peace. I fhall keep the fame falutary objects in view, in the commercial arrangements which I am negociating with other powers.

I have alfo given directions for laying before you a copy of a convention agreed upon between me and the Catholic king, for carrying into effect the fixth article of the last treaty of peace.

Gentlemen of the Houfe of Com-

I have ordered the eflimates for the prefent year to be laid be

fore you, and I have the fulleft re-
liance on your readiness to make
due provifion for the several branches
of the public fervice.

The ftate of the revenue will, I
am perfuaded, continue to engage
your conftant attention, as being
effentially connected with the na-
tional credit, and the profperity and
fafety of my dominions.

My Lords and Gentlemen,
A plan has been formed, by my
direction, for transporting a num-
ber of convicts, in order to remove
the inconvenience which arofe from
the crouded ftate of the gaols, in
different parts of the kingdom'; and
you will, I doubt not, take fuch
further meafures as may
be necef-
fary for this purpose.

I trust you will be able, in this
feffion, to carry into effect regula-
tions for the ease of the merchants,
and for fimplifying the public ac-
counts, in the various branches of
the revenue; and I rely upon the
uniform continuance of your exer-
tions in purfuit of fuch objects as
may tend ftill further to improve
the national resources, and to pro.
mote and confirm the welfare and
happiness of my people.

His Majefty's Speech to both Houses
of Parliament, May 30, 1787.

My Lords and Gentlemen,
I cannot close this feffion of parlia-
ment, without expreffing my entire
approbation of the zeal and affiduity


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