Report of the Commissioner of Education Made to the Secretary of the Interior for the Year ... with Accompanying Papers, Volume 2U.S. Government Printing Office, 1908 |
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Common terms and phrases
8,000 inhabitants Agricultural and Mechanical Agricultural College Alabama Arizona Arkansas Average Bapt bond Boys buildings California cent Certificates College of Agriculture Colorado Connecticut courses current expenses day schools Delaware dental college Department diploma District of Columbia elementary endowment engineering B. S. expenditures Female Florida funds Georgia Girls grade graduates Hampshire high school Idaho Illinois Indian Territory Indiana Institute Iowa Jersey Kansas Kentucky lege loans Louisiana Male Maryland Massachusetts Mechanic Arts Mechanical College Medical College ment Mexico Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada Nonsect normal schools North Atlantic North Carolina North Central Division Number Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Pharmacy Presb private benefactions pupils receipts Rhode Island Seminary sity South Atlantic Division South Dakota statistics student fees TABLE teachers Tennessee Texas Theological tional services tions Total number tuition Univer University University of Arkansas Utah Vermont versity Washington West Virginia Western Division Wisconsin Women Wyoming York
Popular passages
Page 846 - Territory shall be twenty-five thousand dollars to be applied only to instruction in agriculture, the mechanic arts, the English language and the various branches of mathematical, physical, natural and economic science, with special reference to their applications in the industries of life, and to the facilities for such instruction...
Page 913 - All laws in force in the Territory of Oklahoma at the time of the admission of the State into the Union, which are not repugnant to this Constitution and which are not locally inapplicable, shall be extended to and remain in force in the State of Oklahoma until they expire by their own limitation or are altered or repealed by law.
Page 856 - SECTION 1. There shall be assessed in the year nineteen hun- One-temh miii dred one and each year thereafter, upon the taxable property """"" ' of the State, as fixed by the State Board of Equalization in the year nineteen hundred one and each five years thereafter, for the use and maintenance of the Michigan Agricultural College...
Page 915 - Territory for a period of at least five years upon the certificate of the board of dental examiners or a like board of the State or Territory in which such dentist was a practitioner, certifying his competency and that he is of good moral character, and upon the payment of twenty-five dollars.
Page 727 - Pennsylvania South Atlantic Division: Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia. Florida South Central Division: Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Oklahoma...
Page 856 - University in like manner as the interest on the university fund is paid to the treasurer of said board ; and the regents of the University shall make an annual report to the governor of the State of all the receipts and expenditures of the...
Page 851 - The said department shall consist of three commissioners to be appointed by the governor, with the consent of the senate, for a term of six years, one of the members to be a civil engineer.
Page 867 - Established a course of study in architecture leading to the degree of bachelor of science and a three-year course in veterinary medicine leading to the degree of doctor of veterinary medicine. Established a separate and independent professorship in animal industry. Colorado Agricultural College. — Established a three-year course in veterinary science, to take effect September, 1907; the two-year practical courses in agriculture and domestic science lengthened from three months to five months;...
Page 911 - Kentucky. — Diploma of a reputable medical college and an examination (fee, $10), but "all students who are matriculated in any medical or ostéopathie college in this Commonwealth on or before February 1, 1904, and shall have graduated prior to September 1, 1907, and make application to the board prior to January, 1908, shall receive certificates without examination.
Page 917 - State of the United States, showing that he or she has been a licensed practitioner of dentistry in that State for at least five years just previous.