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Henson Creek, Prof. N. A. Foss,

Smelter; daily capacity unknown. (A new one in process of construction.) Furnace; capacity, twenty tons.

Eureka District, Duhem & Spencer, reverberatory; daily capacity five tons. Animas Forks, Dakota, and San Juan Reduction Works; daily capacity, twenty tons.

Mineral City, Greenleaf's Concentration Works; capacity, twenty tons.


Hensen Creek, Col. J. Colt, Furnace; capacity, twenty tons.


Austin and Greenelle Furnace; fifteen tons daily capacity.

MARK and consign your goods "care Henson Creek, Green Brothers, K. P. R. W., Kansas City, Mo.," and Smelter; daily capacity of twenty insure prompt transportation and low




smelting and refining.

General Properties.-A metal is a ing, stamping, washing, roasting, body which conducts electricity and heat, which is opaque, and has a high and peculiar brilliancy, known as the metallic lustre.

Assaying. This is the determination of the quantity of metal contained in any particular ore. The knowledge requisite for this is called the docimastic art.


Extraction. Metals are often found naturally in their metallic form. When they so occur, they are said to be in their native state. Their characters are generally masked under This metal has hitherto been found some form of combination with oxy- only in the metallic state, either pure gen or sulphur, and they are then or in combination with other metals. said to be in the state of ore. They It occurs in veins, and disseminated are met with, generally, in veins in primary and secondary rocks, and penetrating the strata, intermixed abundantly in alluvium or drifts, with various earthy substances. To which constitutes certain plains and separate the metal, after it is dug margins of rivers. The rocks in from the mine, the mass is broken up which it most often occurs are granand subjected to the operation of sort-ite, quartz, slate, hornstone, sandTime and Money Saved by taking the Kansas Pacific Railway to the San Juan Mines.


stone, limestone, gneiss, mica-slate, with these pyrites and brass-filings. and especially in talcose slate, and This fraud may easily be detected by rarely in graywacke and tertiary throwing the dust into aqua fortis, strata. It also occurs in veins of iron which dissolves the substances and ore, antimony, zinc, lead, barytes, etc. leaves the gold untouched. When the metal exists in the bosom of primary rocks, it is particularly in schists. The gold which is found in alluvial deposits occurs in small particles or grains, called gold dust, mingled with sand and debris. It sometimes occurs in beds or layers, instead of veins, which conform to the regular structure of the slaty rocks. It is usually found alloyed with small portions of other metals, particularly sil-in sienite, associated with gold. But it occurs principally in alluvium or drift.

ver and copper.

External Characters.-Color, golden or orange yellow, passing into gray

ish yellow; in some varieties, in

This metal occurs only in the metallic state, associated or combined with various metals, as iridium, rhodium, palladium, asmium, copper, iron, disseminated in rocks of igneous orilead, gold and silver. It is frequently gin, as the primary. It is often found

External Characters.-Color, very light steel-gray, approaching to silver white. Occurs in grains or rolled pieces, seldom larger than a pea, and resembling coarse iron-filings. Round

clines to brass yellow. Seldom occurs massive, often disseminated, capillary, amorphous dentritic, and crystalized in cubes, octahedrons, rhomboidal and ish. Shining and glistening. Streak unchanged. Hardness nearly equal to that of iron. Malleable; ductile.

dodecahedrons and tetrahedrons. Internally, shining, glistening and metallic. Fracture, hackly. Tissular. Structure sometimes lamellar, but No cleavage. Soft, malleable, ductile, often not obvious. Specific gravity, Specific gravity, 19.26 to



Chemical Characters.-Unaltered by exposure to air, moisture or acids. Soluble in aqua regia, Fusible with the blow-pipe. Melts at 2016° Fah



Chemical Characters.-Infusible in the hottest furnace, but melts before Unaltered the compound blow-pipe. by exposure to air, moisture or acids. Dissolves in aqua regia.


Distinctive Characters.—Gold is the only metal which has a yellow color. Geognostic Situation.-This metal is Its malleability will distinguish it found mostly in primary and secondfrom iron and copper pyrites, and ary states. It is found native, also as from yellow mica, for each of which ore, combined with sulphur, chlorine, it is often foolishly mistaken. The copper, antimony, lead, arsenic and gold of Africa is often adulterated gold. The rocks richest in it are The future Great Route to New Mexico, Arizona and the San Juan Mines by the Kansas Pacific Railway.

gneiss, mica-slate, clay-slate and gray- not giving a blue globule with borax, wacke. Composition.--Silver, 73; antimony,

Native Silver.-Frimitive and secondary rocks, with the ores of silver, copper, cobalt, etc. It often occurs penetrating crystals or amorphous pieces of common quartz.

External Characters.--Color, silverwhite; often tarnished gray or reddish. Occurs dentiform, capillary, ramose, reticulated, seldom massive, more frequently disseminated; also in plates and spangles, and crystallized in tubes, octahedrons, rhomboidal docahedrons and tetrahedrons. Lustre, splendent to glimmering. Fracture, fine, hackly. Specific gravity, 10 to


Chemical Characters.-Fusible into a globule. Melts at 1873°, or a red heat. Soluble in aqua fortis, forming the

well-known lunar caustic.

Distinctive Characters.-Its color and malleability.

Composition.-Silver, with a little iron, antimony, copper or arsenic.

ANTIMONIAL SILVER -(DIRASITE.) In primary rocks, as granite and gray-slate, associated with the other ores of silver.

External Characters.-Color, silver or tin-white. Occurs massive, in grains, and in cylinders, also in curved laminæ. Yields to the knife. Fracture, uneven. Specific Gravity,

9 to 10.



Found in primary and secondary
rocks, associated with the other ores
of silver. It is an important ore for
the extraction of the noble metal.
External Characters.--Color, dark,
lead-gray; often with
often with an iridiscent
tarnish. Occurs in tubes and octahe-
drons; also reticulated, romose, la-
melliform, amorphous and in plates.
Cleavage, imperfect. Fracture, flat
and conchoidal. Malleable. Easily
sectile. Specific gravity, 7.

Chemical Characters.-Fusible with intumescence and odor of sulphur,

leaving a globule of silver.

Distinctive Characters.-It may be distinguished from silver by its less specific gravity, and its sulphurous odor under the blow-pipe.


Composition.-Silver, 85; sulphur,


Found in primary rock, with the other ores of silver.

External Characters.-Color, dark lead-gray, or bluish-gray, passing into iron-black. Occurs massive and disseminated, also in hexahedral prisms. Lustre, metallic or dull. Structure, foliated; crystals mostly intercept each other. Soft and brittle. Fracture, conchoidal. Specific gravity, 7. Chemical Characters.-Fusible. with Distinctive Characters. Characters. Want of the evaporation of sulphur, arsenic ductility; and the antimonial vapor; and antimony, into a globule of silver All Railroad Towns in Colorado reached via Kansas Pacific Railway.

Chemical Characters.--Fusible, with the emission of antimonial vapor, into a globule of silver.


surrounded by a slag. Soluble in aqua fortis.

Distinctive Characters. It differs from sulphuret of silver in its want of malleability, and from other orest by its dark color and brittleness.

Composition. Silver, 66.5; antimony, 10; iron, 5; sulphur, 12; arsenic, 5.



Primary rocks, chiefly in granite, mica-slate and porphyry. It is a valuable ore.

[blocks in formation]

Found in primary rocks, with the other ores. It is a good ore for the extraction of the precious metals.

External Characters.-Color, pearlgray greenish or yellowish, or greenish white, and brown. Occurs massive, investing other minerals, reniform, amorphous, and crystallized in tubes, octahedrons, and acicular prisms. Lustre, glistening and wavy. Soft; yields to the knife and to pressure. Malleable. Feebly translucent. Becomes brown by exposure. Specific gravity, 5.5.

Chemical Characters.--Fusible in the flame of a candle. Before the blow

External Characters.-Color, red of various shades, passing into lead-gray and grayish-black; powder, crimson red. Occurs in masses and grains, also denitritic, membranous, capillary pipe it emits muratic acid fumes. and crystallized in hexahedral prisms, Rubbed on moistened zinc, it leaves a terminated by scalenohedrons; also in double six-sided pyramids. Lustre, metallic adamantine; crystals often striated. Structure, imperfectly foliated. Yields to the knife. Opaque. Specific gravity, 5.20 to 6.68. Hardness, 2-2.5.

Chemical Characters.-Fusible, with antimonial fumes.

film of silver.

Distinctive Characters.--Muriate of mercury is entirely volatile before the blow-pipe, and does not leave a silver globule.

Composition.—Chlorine, 24.7; silver,



stone; also in large blocks in alluvial districts; very rarely in tertiary ocks. The ores of copper present the following varieties:

Distinctive Characters. It differs Occurs in beds, imbedded in varifrom sulphuret of arsenic in having ous primary rocks, and as high in the a greater specific gravity, and in leav-secondary series as the new red sanding a globule of silver. Sulphuret of mercury is entirely dissipated by the blow-pipe. The sulpuret of silver is malleable. Specular oxyd of iron is magnetic after being submitted to the blow-pipe, and the red oxyd of copper is readily reduced to the metallic state by the blow-pipe.


In the veins of primary and secondary rocks.

Address T. F. OAKES, General Freight Agent Kansas Pacific Railway, az Kansas City, Missouri, as to Shipments of Freight.

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External Characters.-Color, copper- drons. Lustre, metallic. Structure, red, tarnished externally brownish- lameller. Crystals, small, and seldom black. Occurs dentritic, capilliary, perfect. Cleavage, tissular. reniform, and amorphous; also crys- to the knife. Fracture, commonly untallized in cubes and octahedrons. even, Specific gravity, 4.3. Malleable. Specific gravity, 8.5.

Chemical Characters.-Tinges borax

Chemical Characters.--Fusible. Sol-green. Fusible.

uble in acids.

Distinctive Characters.-Iron pyrites.

Composition.--Nearly pure copper. does not tinge borax green. Native


Found in almost every kind of repository in all the great classes of rocks, particularly in beds and veins. in primary and secondary rocks. It is a valuable ore.

bismuth is lamellated, and native gold is malleable.

Composition.— Copper, 40 to 35.3; iron, 40 to 33; sulphur, 20 to 35.


accompanies the other ores of copper. External Characters. — Color, steel-

External Characters.--Color, blackish steel-gray, sometimes iridescent; gray, passing into black; streak, internally lead gray. Occurs massive, brownish. Occurs amorphous, disand in pseudomorphous crystals; also seminated, and crystallized in tetracrystallized in long, tubular, six-head- hedrons. Lustre, metallic; brittle. eð prisms, lamellar. Tissular. Cleav- Crystals, small. Specific gravity, 5. age easy, with brillial faces. Easily Chemical Characters. Fusible, but broken into grains. Fracture, con- not easily reduced. choidal. Specific gravity, 5.

Distinctive Characters. Specular

Chemical Characters.--Soluble in hot oxyd of iron is magnetic; arsenical aquafortis. Fusible.

Distinctive Characters.-Gray copper decrepitates under the blow-pipe, and is harder. This gives out only the fumes of sulphur. Composition - Copper, 76.50; sulphur, 22; iron, 0.5.0


iron is harder, and gives out the fumes of arsenic when heated.

Composition.-Copper, 52; Iron, 23; Sulphur, 14.



External Characters. Color, red. Occurs amorphous and crystallized in Same as that of the preceding. It octahedrons and cubes. Structure, is one of the most abundant and valu- lamellar. Lustre, metallic, adamanable ores of copper. tine. Fracture, conchoidal and uneExternal Characters.--Color, brass- ven. Translucent. Yields to the knife. yellow. Occurs dentritic, stulactical, Brittle. Specific gravity, 4 to 5, 9. amorphous, concretious and crystal- Chemical Characters.-Fusible and lized in tetrahedrons and dodecahe- easily reduced. Dissolve in aquafor

Consign your Freight via Kansas Pacifiic Railway.

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