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Our trees and vines have suffered very little from diseases, unless the fire (pear) blight be classed as a disease; all others having been easily destroyed by spraying.

Of insects we have and have had the following: The borer, both apple and peach. The scolytus, a small brown beetle that bores into the limbs and body of the trees and, if not checked, will kill them. The apple and plum aphis. The codling moth. The curculio. The oyster shell bark louse. The soft or plum scale, and last, though (perhaps) not least, the much-dreaded San Jose scale.

I began war on these insects early in the year 1898, but on account of other duties was not able to do very much, and consequently met with but little success (with some). Since early in the winter my very efficient assistant, Mr. Carter C. Newman, under my general direction only, has been making a systematic effort to destroy them, and I am happy to say that his efforts have been crowned with success. His specialty has been the San Jose scale, all others being more or less easily killed.

Quite a number of apple trees on which this scale was found were sprayed with various solutions and per centums of kerosene oil and whale oil soap. These sprayings were begun the first days in January, 1899, and have been continued since. Almost daily examinations of the scales sprayed have been made, and although the scale, with his winter coat of mail, was in its most resistant state, yet, eight days after the first application, not a live scale could be found, looking at them through a compound microscope of 96 to 450 diameters. Every solution was death to the oyster shell louse and the plum scale, but only one killed the San Jose.

Within thirty days we hope to give the public full particulars of these experiments, formulas and results in bulletin form.


The Arboretum began in 1895 and grown principally as an experiment to test the adaptability of certain trees and shrubs to this climate, now has growing in it over one hundred species and varieties, and additions are being made thereto from time to time.

I have said nothing about the diseases and insects that infest the vegetables. We have done a great deal of work on that line with varied success. Full reports will be made of this work as bulletins are issued on each particular species of plant. Respectfully submitted,



1886 to 1888.

1888 No. 1.

No. 2.


Report of Experiment Farm.
Tests of varieties of cotton.

Tests of commercial seeds.

No. 3. Analyses of fertilizers and feeding stuffs.
Annual report.

1889 No. 4. Entomology.


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1890 No. 8, Chemical statistics of corn crop in S. C. Maize fodder ensilage, cow peas as a forage crop. Composition of soja bean vines.

Annual report.

Columbia series.

1891 No. 1. Analyses of commercial fertilizers, part 1.

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Cotton experiments with varieties and ferti


No. 3. Analyses commercial fertilizers, part 2.
Fertilizer Tests with wheat.

No. 4.

Annual report.

No. 5. Methods of keeping sweet potatoes.

1892 No. 6. Analyses of commercial fertilizers. No. 7. Experiments with wheat and oats. Annual report.

No. 8. Investigation chemical composition cotton

seed meal.

1893 No. 9. Experiments with Irish potatoes. No. 10. Notes on varieties of beans.

No. 11. Analyses commercial fertilizers, part 1.

No. 12. Co-operative soil tests of fertilizers.
No. 13. Analyses commercial fertilizers, part 2.
No. 14. Experiments with corn.

Annual report.

1894 No. 15. Fertilizer experiments with corn.
No. 16. Experiment with tomatoes.

No. 17. Analyses commercial fertilizers.
No. 18. Fertilizer experiments with cotton.
Annnal report.

1895 No. 19. Dairying.

No. 20. Analyses commercial fertilizers.

No. 21. Technical.

No. 22. Colic in horses and mules.

Annual report.

1896 No. 23. Lameness in horses.

No. 24. Analyses commercial fertilizers in 2 parts.
No. 25. Distemper in horses and mules.

No. 26. Founder in horses and red water in cattle.
No. 27. Wounds and their treatment.

Annual report.

1897 No. 28. The sweet potato as a starch producer.
No. 29. Analyses commercial fertilizers.

No. 30. Determination of starch in the sweet potato.
No. 31. Hog cholera and swine plague.

No. 32. Protection and improvement of warm soils.
Annual report.

1898 No. 33. Tests of Dairy methods and apparatus.
Comparative tests of butter-fat.

No. 34. Sugar beets.

No. 35. Analyses commercial fertilizers.

No. 36. Diseases of plants.

No. 37. Wheat.

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