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HE following story, which appears in the New York "World," is vouched for as having been told by Secretary Wallace himself:

"The Secretary of Agriculture's mail is opened before he sees it, and the letters are referred to the appropriate bureaus. Somebody sent Secretary Wallace a copy of Knut Hamsun's 'Growth of the Soil.' The package was duly opened and promptly forwarded to the Bureau of Soil Survey. After the lapse of time necessary for conscientious examination, it was dropped again into the proper channel and reached the Secretary with the official notation attached:

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WHITE MOUNTAIN Refrigerators group of people ruled largely by the

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emotions. The Secretary might enjoy reading it for himself."

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"Medium"-Half-way between long shot and closeup.

"Start your action" Director's order to actors to begin moving for picture.

"Set"-The term used to indicate the room, house, cabaret, etc., built in the studio for the picture.

"Set dead"-All the scenes have been taken and the set can be torn down.

"Still"-A plain photograph-stationary-as contrasted with a moving picture.

"Turn on the sun"-More light, chiefly sunlight arc. "Getting any static?"-Static is electric current that exposes on the film in streaks.

If any one deliberately sets out to

YOUR WANTS in every line of household, educational, live a hundred years," observes the New

business, or personal service-domestic

etc., etc. - whether you require help or are seeking a situation. may be filled through a little announcement in the classified columns of The Outlook. If you have some article to sell or exchange, these columns may prove of real value to you as they have to many others. Send for descriptive circular and order blank AND FILL YOUR WANTS. Address

Department of Classified Advertising The Outlook Company, 381 Fourth Ave., N. Y.

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York "Herald" in commenting on such an attempt by Dr. J. M. Peebles, of California, who almost succeeded in reaching the century mark, "he will likely find the first ninety years the hardest."

At an investigation in New York City on the rewriting of history books William Pickens, of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, made a plea that the part played by Negroes be included in American history. "I went through public school," he said, "and graduated from Yale and was a grown man before I ever learned that it was a black man who shot Major Pitcairn at Bunker Hill, or that one man out of every ten at the Battle of Lake Erie was black, or that in the War of 1812 there were many black men be



hind the American parapet of cotton bales, or that George Washington had hundreds of colored soldiers, or that Abraham Lincoln said that without the 200,000 black troops on the Northern side they never would have won. For the sake of good feeling between black and white that is essential, I want our histories to show the part that colored soldiers played in the Great War."

Overheard in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: "Aren't these Chinese mandarin coats marvelous! And those temple sets! And the little ivory curios! The Do Chinese are a wonderful people!


you suppose they have their own musewith our things hung up and labled: 'Dress suit worn by a New York Assemblyman at an East Side reception,' 'Baby carriage from Pennsylvania,' "Thermos bottle used by Brooklynites on a picnic,' 'Bathing suits worn at. Coney Island'? Why not?"

The activity of bandits in securing pay-rolls and mail-sacks has had so much publicity that the headlines detailing such exploits now excite only a languid interest. Some of the outlaws seem to be turning their attention to "heavy stuff." The "Railway Age" reports the theft of a locomotive and a car-load of cheese from the freight yards in Milwaukee. The robbers ran the engine and car eighteen miles, expecting to unload the cheese into a truck and then dispose of the loot. They were forced to abandon their prizes at a crossing, however, where they met another train, but made a safe getaway.

Two American civil engineers who recently came back from a trip to Germany told an incident, as reported in a daily paper, that throws light on present-day manners and conduct in Germany. They were in a fashionable restaurant in Berlin. The bandmaster asked the guests for suggestions as to tunes to be played. An Englishman asked for "God Save the King," and it was played. An American asked for "Yankee Doodle." While the band was playing this a German officer stepped up to the bandmaster, cursed him and then struck him for playing these enemies' tunes. A fierce wrangle ensued, which was quelled when the manager of the restaurant and two husky waiters seized the German officer and his party and threw them into the street! Times have changed indeed when a civilian thus dares to lay hands on the sacred German uniform.


Among "things that one would like to have phrased differently" a subscriber sends this:

"My good old aunt went into her father-in-law's sick chamber anxiously inquiring, 'How do you feel this morning, father?' 'Oh, I don't know; I am terribly sick.' With a heart overflowing with loving sympathy, she said: 'Weil, never mind, father, we all hope you will soon be in a better land.'"


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Pres. Harding's The Outlook

Part in the
Seven Facts

WHICH show that Republicans voted for him

in confident expectation that his election meant either an association of nations which would be a safe and continuing insurance against another world war or else the League of Nations "amended or revised."

FACT FIVE. Senator Harding, from the 28th of August, on to the day the votes were cast, in every important campaign utterance, though he roundly denounced "those obligations" (the supposed superstate features of Article X and the League "brought over from Paris" which contained them and upon which he said he would turn his back), pledged an association of nations to prevent war or the existing League of Nations "amended or revised, if it is so entwined and interwoven in the peace of Europe that its good must be preserved." Seven million majority elected him. Was it in repudiation of those promises or in reliance upon them? This is not to challenge or hurry him. It is to express confidence that the father of the great Washington Conference will in his own good time bring to pass the fulfillment of his promise.

FACT SIX. The party platform, besides approving the Republican Senate stand, which was for the League of Nations with reservations, pledged "an international association . . . so that the nations may exercise their influence and power for the prevention of war."

FACT SEVEN. But in that campaign, as always in national political campaigns, that in which the voter put his trust more than in platform pledges or leaders' promises, was the consistent party record. What was the party record on the question of world peace? It was this, and only this, ratification of the League Covenant with the Lodge-McCumber compromise reservations, twice voted by the Senate Republican majority. That record of their party, discussed from one end of the land to the other, was the faith, and entry into the League upon that basis was the insistence of nine-tenths of the Republican voters for more than a year. Is there any good reason to believe that in repudiation alike of their leaders' advice, the platform and record of their party and their own year-long insistent position they reversed themselves on election day? These only a few of the compelling facts which estab lish the truth as to the mandate of the vote. Read them all, not in a few shortened advertising lines, but established "beyond the peradventure of a doubt," as Arnold Bennett Hall says of it, in "The Great Deception," by Samuel Colcord.

$1.50 of Bookdealers, or Postpaid.





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