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mals on the stage, I am induced to make a few remarks thereon, under the fullest conviction that his arguments are erroneous.


From my partiality to the noble animal the borse, I bave often witnessed with the greatest pleasure their introduction at Astley's Aniphitheatre, where the sagacity of the horse (but what your correspondent is pleased to term exquisite foolery,") is displayed in the greatest perfection. The cruelty as described, I am inclined to think, could never have taken place, as that would have rendered him desperate, although his "passive courage" is most certainly great, and having frequently had favourite horses, which I have instructed iu a variety of tricks, I am thereby enabled to speak with more precision, and have always found them equally tractable with the canine species, and that the only means to obtain success were by indulgence and well-timed correction, never amounting to severity. I am rather surprised your Correspondent has not made some observation on the breaking of pointers, for in their tuition I am fully persuaded they necessarily undergo more severity than is used either to dress horses for the stage, or in the modern manege, and which, however condemned, is of the greatest utility, particularly for military purposes, and to which, in a great measure, may be attributed the present excellence of our cavalry; and were horses generally broken in the manege, the advantages thereof would soon be self-evident.

As to what severity may be necessary in the instruction of elephants, I am not enabled to speak of my own immediate knowledge,

but naturalists allow that that is endued with the greatest sagacity


of all animals, consequently I should conceive more easily taught. Yes! these are spectacles which even Britons may enjoy, without either a "breach of justice, bumanity, or common sense," for surely it is neither unjust or inhuman, much less a breach of common sense, to admire the perfection to which the sagacity of animals may be brought, and which is effected without abominable severities being necessary in their training."

As to the humanity displayed by your correspondent to the feline race, I shall make no observation on, excepting that the detail of it cannot have the smallest connec tion with the exhibition of animals on the stage. It is much to be doubted that horses bought for the kennel are often worked, but it has frequently occurred that those bought for that purpose have, by rest, regained their vigour so as to be employed in the purposes of husbandry for a great length of time without distress to themselves, and I have even heard of a horse being brought to the post and winning a plate, which was some time before bought for the hounds.

What can be a more convincing proof that kindness is the greatest thing in training the horse, than the account given us of the horses of the Arabs, the partiality of which for their masters is unequalled, and who always treat their steed with the greatest kindness.


THE annexed engraving describes

a remarkably large stag, of sixteen hands, whose horns had grown so close together at the top,

that they could not be separated with a knife; he was shot by his Serene Highness Lewis, the reigning Landgrave of Hesse Darmstadt, the 23d of August, 1740, in the chace of Ruppen.

Every circumstance relative to the sports of the field, that contain the least interest, is highly valued by those who make this healthful diversion an object of pursuit.The following observations on deer are from Col. Thornton's "Sporting Anecdotes."

"Deer (says the Colonel) cast their horns about the month of May. Nature seems to have intended this for the purpose of supplying those which have broke their horns by fighting, with new ones the succeeding year; as no animal fights more desperately, or viciously, than the deer. Their fencing and parrying, to those who have witnessed it, is beyond every thing, and, it may be said, scientific. During the time of the velvet, they remain concealed as much as possible, conscious of their inability to attack or defend themselves; as the most trifling touch upon the velvet, in this state, gives them exquisite torture. The velvet, when fried, is considered by epicurean sportsmen, the most delicate part of the deer. The growth of the horns only occupies about six weeks between the casting to the bringing them to perfection, when they have been known to weigh twenty pounds. It is a mistaken notion, that the antlers impede the deer in cover, as they enable him, on the contrary, to dash through thickets and save his eyes, as also to aid him when reared on their hind legs, (which they do to an extraordinary height) to draw down the young branches for sustenance."



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To the Editor of the Sporting Magazine.

I Conceive the Levarian horseshoe, spoken of by your correspondents IGNORAMUS et VETERINARII DUÆ, pp. 4th, 66th, and 121st, to be a something intended in its effects to be what your eccentric, though learned country man, Bracey Clarke, whose book I have read with some pleasure and more disappointment, has been recommending and seeking after so long, but which has hitherto appeared to elude his grasp.

Not having been long enough in this country to become more than partially acquainted with your different modes of shoeing horses, I can say but little on the subject at present; but it is my opinion that the barred shoe ought, if possible, to be always dispensed with, since if in cases either of corns.or sandcracks, either of which diseases may originate in contracted heels, the frog also is tender or diseased, that organ can be in no condition to form a bearing for the shoe, without being subjected to great pain. Besides, should the mode which appears to have of late been fashionable among you, of remoy ing the frog from pressure by raising the horny heels with iron, and paring away its external coat, continue to exist, its constant elevation must render it impossible for the bar to hear on it, so as to permit the animal to work in the slightest degree. Having therefore no bearing, it is quite clear that the weight thrown upon it -must either bend the bar so as to bring the shoe in contact with the diseased parts, or the front nails will be drawn, either of which VOL, XLVI.-No. 275.

would be sufficient to frustrate the salutary effects intended to be produced by the shoe.

Seeing the shoe above-mentioned has been in some measure talked of, my enquiries have been directed among people of different ranks; and having had a kind of description of it given me by the coachman of a noble Earl, whose horses have been shod with it for some years, and as I have more reasons than one for believing this to be the "last-invented and newest new horse-shoe," as VETERINARIUS SENEX designates it, I think it but right to send the description for insertion; but as my correspondence is neither to herald the fame, or expose the blunders of any person before his pretensions have passed the ordeal, I must be excused from stating them.


The Levarian horse-shoe, then, is nailed quite round the toe, and is fastened on with eight, ten, or twelve nails: the heels of it are so contrived, either when forged, or by the application of the file, as to leave the seat of corn free from degree of pressure likely to produce disease, and the heels equally unconfined to the discharge of their functions, as when in a state of nature. The ill effects, therefore, of loading the heels with iron, are not only obviated, and the seats where corns and sandcracks most commonly appear, greatly relieved, but when the frog is kept firm and unmutilated, and allowed to receive the pressure nature intended, and the bars to remain unshorn of their strength, contraction of the heels is retarded, even after such tendency actually exists.

This is the sum and substance of what I have beard. He who informed me is a stranger, but the Ee


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