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Calendar, Jewish, cont'd.

Redisch (H.) Einiges zur Kalenderkunde. (In Monattsschrift f. Gesch. u. Wiss. d. Judenthums. v. 38 (1894). pp. 267-272.)

Reinach (T.) Le calendrier des Grecs de Babylone et les origines du calendrier juif. (In Rev. d. Études juives. v. 18 (1889), pp. 90-94.)

Rimini (M. G.) Machar Chodesh. Firenze, 1794. 8°.

Printed with Terni (D.) Matnat Yad.

Risbas (J. Z.) Der Himmel Rechnung... Warsaw, 1896. 8°. Judeo-German.

Shebile de-Rakia... Warsaw, 1896. 8°. Rühl (F.) Der Ursprung der jüdischen Weltära. (Deutsche Zeitsch. f. Geschichtswiss. N. F. v. 2, pp. 185-202. Freiburg, 1898.)

Saalschuetz (J. L.) Festliche Zeitrechnung. (In his Das mosaische Recht. Berlin, 1853. 8°. v. I, pp. 396-406.)

Sarfati. Concordance de dates judaïque et julienne... 49me siècle. (In Archives israélites. v. I (1846), pp. 98-101.)

Scheinman (S. J.) Amude Shayish. A calendar... from 1826 to 2240, containing . . . the exact period of every new moon's appearance, sabbaths, festivals and scriptural portions on each, also the equinoxes of the solar year. . . with English and Yiddish annotations. New York, 1900. 4°.

The transliteration in the book is: Angmudai Shaish. Schindler (S.) Israelites in Boston . . . Preceded by the Jewish calendar for the next decade. [Boston: pref. 1889.] ob. 24°.

Schlesinger (H.) Luchot Hachaggim Wehamoadim oder Hundert Tabellen, enthaltend die Angabe der jüdischen Fest,- Feier- und Fasttage, 5622-5722 (1861-1961), mit erläuternden Vorbemerkungen und Nachweisungen. German. Creuznach, [1862]. 8°.

Schmidt (H.) Dissertatio chronologica de anno Ebræorum ecclesiastico... Wittebergae, 1661. 4°. Schuerer (E.) Grundzüge des jüdischen Kalenders. (In his Gesch. d. jüd. Volkes. 3. Aufl. 190102. v. I, pp. 745-760.)

Comp. Register s. v. Aera; Chronologie; Kalender. Schwarz (A.) Der jüdische Kalender historisch und astronomisch untersucht... Breslau, 1872. 8°. Reviewed by C. S. Slonimski in Ha-Shachar, v. 4 (1873), pp. 383-387. Comp. P. Smolensky, ibid., pp. 63-64.

Zur Geschichte des constanten Kalenders. (In Monatsschrift f. Gesch. u. Wiss. d. Judenthums. v. 23 (1874), pp. 375-383.)

Sekles (S.) Zum jüdischen Kalender. (In Monatsschrift f. Gesch. u. Wiss. d. Judenthums. v. 30 (1881), PP. 424-427.

Selden (J.) De anno civili veteris ecclesiæ, seu reipublicæ Judaicæ dissertatio. (In Thesaurus antiquitatum sacrarum. v. 17, col. 141-232. Venetiis, 1755. F°.)

Seyffarth (G.) Das bürgerliche und kirchliche Jahr der Hebräer vor und nach dem Exile. (In his Chronologia sacra. Leipzig, 1846. 8°. pp. 26-80.)

See also above under Gumpach.

Shraga Feivel ben Moses, of Grodno. Luach al col Elef ha-Shishi... Jerusalem, 1867. 16°.' Calendar for 1241-2240.

Simon (M.) Hundertundzwanzigjähriger DoppelKalender der jüdischen und christlichen Zeitrechnung von 5541 bis 5660 und von 1781 bis 1900, nebst den Jahres- und Monatsformen des immerwährenden christlichen und jüdischen Kalenders... Berlin, 1873. ob. 16°.

Neue einfache Methode zur Vergleichung jüdischer und Christlicher Daten. (In Mag. f. d. Wiss. d. Judenthums. v. 18 (1891), pp. 288-295.) Slonimski (C. S.) Yesode ha-Ibbur. saw, 1852. 8°.

2. ed. Zhitomir, 1865. 8°.
Warsaw, 1888. 8°.

3. ed.


Eine allgemeine Formel für die gesammte jüdische Kalenderberechnung. (In Journal f. reine u. angewandte Mathematik. v. 28 (1844), pp. 179– 183.)

Reprinted in Allg. Zeitung d. Judenthums, v. 9 (1845), PP. 600-601. Comp. J. Eichenbaum ibid., v. 10 (1846), pp. 307308, and Slonimski's reply, ibid., pp. 483–484; H. Filipowski in his Ha-Asif, v. 2 (1849), pp. 85-91.

Eine allgemeine Formel für die gesammte jüdische Kalenderberechnung. (In Literaturblatt des Orients. v. 5 (1844), col. 696–700.)

Comp. J. Eichenbaum in Allg. Zeitung des Judenthums, V. 10 (1846), p. 308, and Slonimski, ibid., pp 483-484. For a list of his other articles on this subject see M. Schwab's Répertoire, p. 355, and Supplément p. 166.

Sossnitz (Joseph] L[oeb]). Ewiger Kalender. Riga, 1884.


Idan Olamim oder ewiger Kalender nach jüdischer, christlicher und mohamedanischer Zeitrechnung. Warschau, 1888. 8°.

In Hebrew. Reviewed by J. L. Lewik in his Talpiyoth. Berdichev, 1895. 8°. Scientific part, pp. 13-14.

Steinschneider (M.) Hosafot ve-Haarot leMaamar [Slonimski].. (In Ha-Yonah. Berlin, 1851. 8°. pp. 17-35.)

[Letter to S. Sachs.] (In Kerem Chemed. v. 9 (1856), pp. 37-42.)

V[entura] (M.) Calendrier hébraïque. 55255624... 1764/5-1863/4. Amsterdam, 1745 [1765?] 12°.

Weil (I.) Histoire du calendrier juif. (In Archives israélites. v. 24 (1863), pp. 107-108, 193– 196.)

Wette (W. M. L. de). Zeiteintheilung. (In his Lehrbuch d hebr.-jüd. Archäologie. Leipzig, 1864. 8°. pp. 236-241.)

Wieseler (K.) Excurs über die Form des jüdischen Jahres zur Zeit Jesu. (In his Chronologische Synopse der vier Evangelien. Hamburg, 1843. 8°. pp. 437-486.)

Excursus on the form of the Jewish year at the time of Christ. (In his Chronological synopsis of the four Gospels. Cambridge, 1864. S. PP. 399-436.)

Woolhouse (W. S. B.) Hebrew calendar. (In his Measures.. of all nations. 6. ed. London, 1881. 12°. pp. 187-197.)

Zahalon (A.) Yad Charuzim... 1595. 4°.


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Tabellen zur Berechnung des Eintritts der Nacht für alle Orte zwischen dem 47. und 55. nördl. Breitengrade, in Abständen von zehn zu zehn Tagen. (In Jüdisch-theologisches Seminar. Jahres-Bericht. Breslau, 1892. 8°. pp. 19–25.)

Sectarian and Local. [Dönmeh Calendar.] Danon (A.) Tableau des fêtes [de la secte des Deunméh]. (In Rev. d. études juives. v. 35 (1897), Pp. 276-279.)

Luach Moadehem. (In Sefer ha-Shanah. V. I (1900), pp. 172-175.)

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Comp. C. S. Slonimski in the monthly Ha-Carmel, v. I (1872), pp. 360-362.

Maamar be Kiddush ha-Chodesh al pi Darkenu anachnu Bene Mikra. (In Deinard (E.) Masa Krim. Warsaw, 1878. 8°. PP. 95-99. Joseph Solomon ha-Zaken, Karaite. ad Shenat TaRSa... [Eupatoria? 18-] 8°. Calendar for 5619-60 (1858/59-1899/1900).


Kokisow (M.), and Slonimski (C. S.) Michtabim al debar Kiddush ha-Chodesh li-Bene Mikra. (In Ha-Carmel, v. 1 (1861), pp. 246–247, 270-272.)

Kornick (M.), and Filipowski (H.) Hasagot al Tikkun ha-Karaïm... (In Ha-Asif, ed. Filipowski. v. 2 (1849), pp. 92-97.)

See also Filipowski (H.) in the above list of works relating to the general jewish calendar.

Krimi Kostini (I.) Karaimski kalendar na 5650 (1889/90) g. Odessa, 1884. 24°.

Lewik (J. L.) Cheshbon ha- Kebiuth ve-Ibbur ha-Shanim li-Bene Mikra. (In his Talpiyoth. Berdichev, 1895. 8°. Scientific part, pp. 32-38.)

[Palestinian Jews and the Calendar, especially in

reference to the second days of festivals.] Parchi (E.) Caftor va-Ferach... Berolini, 1852. ob. 8°. Also Jerusalem, 1897-99. 12°. chap. 14 and 51.

Comp. J. M. Pines in Yerushalayim, v. 5 (1900), pp. 278-282. In reference to foreign Jews residing in Palestine see Caro (J.) Abkat Rochel, no. 26.

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[Samaritan Calendar.]

Heidenheim (M.) Der Samaritanische Kalendar. (In his Bibliotheca Samaritana. Bd. 3, Heft 5/6, Einleitung, pp. XXXVI-XL; 118-122.) Scaliger (J. J.) Opus de emendatione temporum... Colonia Allobrogum, 1629. Fo.

De periodo Samaritanorum (pp. 114-118); Computus Samaritarum (pp. 657-669).


Plunkett (E. M.) The Median calendar and the constellation Taurus. 5 pl. (Proc. Soc. of Biblical Archæol. London, 1897. 8°. v. 19, pp. 229-249.)


Brinton (Daniel G.) The native calendar of Central America and Mexico, a study in linguistics and symbolism. Philadelphia: MacCalla & Co., printers, 1893. 59 pp. 8°.

Seler (Eduard). Das Tonalamat der alten Mexikaner. Illus. (Berliner Gesellsch. f. Anthropol. Verhandl. 1898, p. 165–177. Berlin, 1898.)

Valentine (Philipp John Joseph). The Mexican Calendar Stone, sculptured in the year 1497 A. D. The stone shows the ancient Mexican division of time, represented by the symbols for the great period of 52 years, by those of the year's division into 260 lunar and 100 solar rays and the 5 Epagomena, by those of the symbols for the 20 days of the month, and the day's division into 8 hours. Wash drawing, 74 inches in diameter, on muslin to roll, 7 feet long by 9 feet wide.

Vortrag über den mexicanischen CalenderStein gehalten... vor dem Deutsch Gesellig-Wissenschaftlichen Verein. New York, 1878. pl. 8°.

The Mexican calendar stone. (In American Antiquarian Society. Proceedings. 24 April, 1878.) The Mexican calendar stone [translated by Stephen Salisbury, jr.]. (In Salisbury (S.), jr. The Mexican calendar stone. Worcester, 1879.)


See also Arabia, above.

Kropf (Lewis L.), and Lane-Poole (Stanley). The Mohammedan calendar. (Eng. Hist. Rev. London, 1898. 8°. v. 13, pp. 700–701.)

Martin (R.) Mémoire sur la calendrier musulman et sur le calendrier hébraïque. Paris: MalletBachelier, 1857. 2 pl., xx, 169 pp. 8°. Contains Supplement de 1860.


Gray (Louis H.) Zu den byzantinischen Angaben über den altiranischen Kalender. (Byzantin. Ztsch. v. II, pp. 468-472. Leipzig, 1902.)

Oppert (J.) Le calendrier perse. (In: Internat. cong. of Orientalists. Acts... Sess II. Paris, 1899. 4°. Sec. 1, pp. 327-348.)

Oppert (Julius). Der Kalendar der alten Per(Deutsche morgenländ. Gesellsch. Ztsch. v. 52, pp. 259-270. Leipzig, 1898.)


Prášek (J. V.) Die ersten Jahre Dareios' des Hystaspiden und der altpersische Kalender. (In: Beiträge zur alten Geschichte. Leipzig, 1901. 4°. Bd. 1, Heft 1, pp. 26-50.)

Calendar, cont'd.


Dattari (Giannino). Le date sulle monete d'Augusto e l'introduzione del nuovo calendario. (Cong. internat. de numismat. 209. Paris, 1900.)

Tittel (P.) Methodus technica, brevis, perfacilis ac perpetua construendi calendarium ecclesiasticum stylo tam novo quam vetere pro cunctis christianus Europæ populis... Goettingae: C

Herbst, 1816. 4 p.l., 85 pp. 4°. 1900. pp. 205

Greswell (Edward). Origines kalendariæ Italicæ: Nundinal calendars of ancient Italy; nundinal calendar of Romulus; calendar of Numa Pompilius; calendar of the Decemvirs; irregular Roman calendar and Julian correction; tables of the Roman calendar from U.C. 4 of Varro B.C.750 to U.C. 1108 A.D. 355. Oxford, 1854. 4 v. 8°. Kalendaria sive Diaria varia et diversa, ex recensione N. Reusneri. Francofurti, 1590. 4to. Mommsen (Theodor). Die Einführung des asianisichen Kalenders [mit Bemerkungen von U.


Wilamowitz-Möllendorff]. (Kais-deutsch. archäol. Inst. Mittheil. Athen. Abth. v. 24, p. 275293. Athens, 1899.)

Muliers, Nicolaus des. Calendarium Romanum vetus, formâ Iulianâ, auctum cyclis solis & lunæ & methodo Paschali Dionysianis; necnon ortu & occasu siderum ex accuratissimis observationibus Tychonianis...[Alcmariæ, 1611]. sq. 8°.

Unger (G. F.) Die lezten Jahre des altrömischen Kalenders... Hof: Mintzel [1870]. 19 pp. 8°. (Studien Anstalt Hof. Programm... 1870.) Russia.

Hegner-Rezelfeld (J. v.) Die Reform des Kalenders in Russland. (Deutsche Rundschau f. Geog. u. Statistik. Jahrg. 23, PP. 241–252. Wien, 1901.)

O'Sullivan (D.) Proposed reformation of the calendar by the Russian astronomers. (Amer. Cath. Quar. Rev. v. 25, pp. 757-766. Philadelphia, 1900.)


For Jewish perpetual calendars see above under Jewish calendar.

Calendarium purum et fixum durans in perpetuum. Basil, s. a. 4°.

P. (H.) A constant kalender or an almanack for 300 years, being more exactly serving for the next xix years... beginning in...1656. By H. P. [i. e. H. Phillippes]. London: E. Cotes, 1667. 5 p.1., 24 pp. 12°. (In: Phillip[pe]s (H.) The purchasers pattern... London, 1667. 12°.)

Benincasa (R.) Almanacco Perpetuo. Venetia, 1705. 8°.

Masson ( ). Nouveau calendrier perpétuel, approuvé par M. Pingré et M. de Lelande. n. t.-p. [Paris, 1786.] sq. 8°.

Mazzoni (R.) Almanacco perpetuo martiroetimologico. Firenze: Mazzoni, 1839. 168 pp. 24°. Shortrede (Capt. R.) Scheme of a table for all time. 2 pl. (Jour. Asiat. Soc. of Bengal. Calcutta, 1841. 8°. v. 10, pt. 2, pp. 595-612.)

Goldberg (B.) Chronologische Tafel zur Berechnung des christlichen Kalenders. Für die ganze Julianische Periode berechnet. Königsberg: E. J. Dalkowski, printer, 1842. 8°.

16 pp.

De Morgan (Augustus). The book of almanacs, with an index of reference, by which the almanac may be found for every year...up to A.D. 2000. With means of finding the day of any new or full moon from B. C. 2000 to A. D. 2000... London: J. Walton, 1871. xix, 89 pp. ob. 24°. 2. ed. London, 1851. ob. 24°.

Recordon (C. F.) The perpetual cross calendar. London: Trübner & Co., 1871. 81. 8°.

Bonsall (Spencer). Computation of time, and changes of style in the calendar. Addressed to students of history and genealogy. (In: The Pennsylvania Magazine, 1878, vol. 2, pp.394-406; 1879, vol. 3, pp. 65-78. With table, vol. 2, p. 406.)

Stern (Z.) Stern's United States calendar for full 200 years, showing at a glance the day of any date from 1770 to 1970... Also a commercial calendar for the use of courts, banks, countingrooms, schools and families. Philadelphia: Z. B. Lippincott & Co., 1883. 20 pp. 8°.

Perpetual calendar. Cleveland, O.: Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling Ry., cop. 1896. 5 in. in diameter.

Phillips (D. H.) A perpetual English calendar from the year 1800 to 2200; with an explanation how to use the same to perpetuity. New York: D. H. Phillips, 1892. 121. 8°.

Pinaud (L. S. F.) A perpetual calendar, with notes and explanations on chronology, chronological cycles and other useful information. Albany, N. Y. Albany Daily Herald Print, 1896. 4. 8°. iii-x, 5-319 pp., 1 l.

Century (A) calendar. (Home study for machinists, steam engineers. v. 1, p. 176. Scranton, Pa., 1897.)

Something new and yet 1900 years old. Time analyzed and set up in order, thereby forming a perpetual cycle calendar for all time. Piqua, O.: J. M. Moore, 1901. 12 pp., 21. 16°.



Larousse (P. A.) Nouveau Larousse illustré. Dictionnaire universel encyclopédique. Tome 6. Paris [1903]. Fo.

Meyer (H. J.) Meyer's Grosses KonversationsLexikon. Ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens. Bd. 3. Leipzig, 1903. 6. ed. 4°.



Bryce (James). Studies in contemporary biography. London: Macmillan & Co., 1903. xi, 487 pp. 8°.

Hutchinson (John). A catalogue of notable Middle Templars, with biographical notices. [London:] Soc. of the Middle Temple, 1902. xiv, 284 pp. 8°.

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Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von). GoetheBriefe. Bd. 4. Berlin, 1903. 8°.

Orr (James). David Hume and his influence on philosophy and theology. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1903. ix, 246 pp. 12°. (The World's epoch makers.)

Burleigh (Charles). The genealogy and history of the Ingalls family in America. Malden, Mass.: G. E. Dunbar, 1903. 324 pp., I l., 3 pl., 13 port. 8°.

Buell (Augustus C.) Sir William Johnson. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1903. vii, 281 pp., I map, 4 pl., 4 port. 12°. (Appleton's historic lives series.)

Gedenkbuch zur Erinnerung an David Kaufmann. Hrsg. von Dr. M. Brann und Dr. F. Rosenthal. Breslau: S. Schottlaender, 1900. 3 p.l., ii, lxxxvii, 682, 3 1., 112 pp., I port., I tab. 8°.

Schiff Collection.

Holborn (J. B. Stoughton). Jacopo Robusti called Tintoretto. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1903. xii. 156 pp., 36 pl., 2 port. 8°. (The great masters in painting and sculpture.)

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Gohier (Urbain). Le peuple du XXe Siècle aux États-Unis. Paris: Charpentier, 1903. 2 p.l., 311 pp., 1 l. 12°.

Hart (Albert Bushnell). The romance of the Civil War. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1903. xiv, 1 l., 418 pp., I pl., 12°. (Source readers in American history. No. 4.)

Mosher (Robert Brent). Executive register of the United States 1789-1902... Compiled by R. B. Mosher. Baltimore: The Lord Baltimore Press [1903]. I p. 1., x, 351 pp. 8°.

Southborough, Mass. Vital records... to the end of the year 1849. Worcester, Mass.: F. P. Rice, 1903. 137 pp. 8°. (Systematic History Fund.)

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Edited by A.

Black's guide to Manchester. R. H. Moncrieff. London: A. & C. Black, 1903. 2 p.l., 84 pp., 2 maps, 4 pl. 16°.

Brierley (Alice). The registers of the parish church of Chipping... 1559-1694. Wigan: Lancashire Parish Reg. Soc., 1903. viii, 172 pp., 6 1. 8°. (Lanc. Par. Reg. Soc. Publ. no. 14.)

Godfrey (Elizabeth). Home life under the Stuarts 1603-1649. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1903. xx, 312 pp., 2 fac-sim., 15 pl., 2 port.


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Lavisse (Ernest). Histoire de France, depuis les origines jusqu'à la Révolution... Tome 11-2, 22, 31-2, 41-2, 51. Paris: Hachette & Cie., 1900. 8°.

McCarthy (Justin). Ireland and her story. London: H. Marshall & Son, 1903. 4 p.l., 190 pp. nar. 12°. (The story of the empire series.)

Michael (Emil). Kulturzustande des deutschen Volkes während des dreizehnten Jahrhunderts. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1903. 8°. (Michael (E.), S. J. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes seit dem dreizehnten Jahrhundert bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters. Bd. 3.)

Pierre (Eugène). Organisation des pouvoirs publics. Recueil des lois constitutionnelles et organiques de la république française. Paris: Motteroz, 1902. 2 p.1., 892 pp., 1 l. 12°.

Philippi (Adolf). Florenz. Mit 222 Abbildungen. Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1903. 4 p. l., 244 pp. 8°. (Berühmte Kunststätten. no. 20.) Riehl (Berthold). Augsburg. Mit 103 Abbildungen. Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1903. 2 p.l., 148 pp. 8°. (Berühmte Kunststätten. no. 22.)

Ruge (Sophus). Dresden und die Sächsische Schweiz. Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1903. 3 p.l., 3-175 pp., I map. 4°. (Land und Leute. Monographien zur Erdkunde. 16.)

Sastrow (Bartholomew). Social Germany in Luther's time. Westminster: A. Constable & Co. 1902. xxv, 349 pp., 4 pl., 4 port. 8°.

Tardif (Ernest Joseph). Coutumiers de Normandie. Textes critiques. v. 12. Rouen: A. Lestringant, 1903. 8°. (Soc. de l'histoire de Normandie. [Publications.])

v. 12 Le très ancien coutumier.

Tenant right in Tipperary; being a series of humorous epistles from Tague O'Flannigan, Ballinamuck, to Mike Collins, Renfrewshire. [Glasgow: W. Holmes & Co.,] 1903. 152 pp. New ed. 12°. Theraeische Graeber. Unter Mitwirkung von W. Dörpfeld... R. Zahn hrsg. von H. Dragendorff. Berlin: G. Reimer, 1903. 7, 338 pp., 4 diag., I map, 3 pl. 4°. (Thera. Untersuchungen... in den Jahren 1895-1902...hrsg. von F. Frhr. Hiller von Gaertringen. Bd. 2.) Wood (Charles W.) Norwegian by-ways. London: Macmillan & Co., 1903. 3 p. 1., 384 pp., 9 pl. 12°.


Morel (Edmund D.) The British case in French Congo. The story of a great injustice, its causes and its lessons. London: W. Heinemann, 1903. xxii, 215 pp., I map. 12°.

Sykes (C[lement] A.) Service and sport on the tropical Nile. London: J. Murray, 1903. xii, 306 pp., I map, 16 pl., 1 port. 8°.

Velten (C.) Sitten und Gebräuche der Suaheli. Göttingen: Dandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1903. xii, 423 pp. 8°.

Zeys (Paul). Code annoté de la Tunisie. Tome 1-2. Nancy: Berger-Levrault & Cie., 1901. 4°.

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Bryden (H. A.), and Tozer (B.) How to buy a gun. The rifle, by H. A. Bryden. The shot gun, by B. Tozer. London: G. Newnes, Ltd., 1903. 2 p. l., v-viii, 159 pp. pl. 16°. ("How to buy" series.) ENGLISH

AND AMERICAN LITERATURE. Bell (Mrs. Hugh). The dean of St. Patrick's. A play in four acts. London: E. Arnold, 1903. vii, 94 PP. 12°.

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