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THIS work is made up of original essays, prepared expressly in response to my appeal, by eminent theologians in England. and the United States, for the purpose I had in view, namely, to show the status of great questions at this period and how far religion and theology have been influenced by the progress of scientific research.

President Faunce of Brown University had promised an original essay on Christian Science, but he subsequently felt compelled to substitute the one which he wrote for the Chicago Standard, and which is one of the series of studies published by the Fleming H. Revell Company, under the title "Search Lights on Christian Science."

My task has been a laborious one, covering a period of two years. There are sad memories connected with those years, and I wish to express my great obligation to my friend, the Rev. H. O. Rowlands, D. D., Lincoln, Nebraska, for the benefit of his varied and ample experience. I thank that noble-hearted man, Dean Hart of Denver, for his unfailing encouragement, and also the various contributors for their sympathetic cooperation. No eloquence of words can do justice to their confidence and affection.

The questions discussed represent almost all aspects of theology and of the ministry, and they possess an urgency to-day which they have never hitherto possessed. Care has been taken in arranging the subjects so as to give the discussion a systematic completeness. The discussion goes down to the roots

of things and has high and permanent value. It shows the scientific drift of the century now closing, together with its bearing upon the intellectual and ethical movements which are now going on around us-movements that have changed not only our theories but the very spirit of our thinking. I wish to say that while I have been honored in presenting these authors to the public, it cannot be expected that I should endorse all their views. I have endeavored to be impartial, and to give an honest analysis of the trend of current thought upon these fundamental questions, as shown in this book. I have given special attention to two or three themes that seem to be absorbing public thinking at the moment. Want of space forbids me to call attention to every topic in full.

December, 1900.

J. VYRNWY Morgan.


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The Reverend Harry Jones, M. A., Prebendary of St.
Paul's, London, and Chaplain-in-Ordinary to Her late
Majesty, the Queen

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The Reverend Charles A. Dickinson, D.D., Pastor of
Berkeley Temple, Boston, Massachusetts

II. Is Punishment Everlasting?

The Reverend James De Normandie, D.D., Pastor First

Religious Society, Roxbury, Massachusetts

III. The Bearing of the Teaching of Jesus Christ on Man's Fu-

ture Destiny.

The Reverend Caleb Scott, B.A., LL.B. (London), D.D.
(St. Andrews); Principal of Lancashire College, Man-
chester, England.


I. The Reverend I. M. Atwood, D.D., General Superintendent
Universalist Church, Rochester, New York


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II. The Reverend David N. Beach, D.D., Pastor First Congre-
gational Church, Denver, Colorado

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I. The Reverend Frederick Wilkins Aveling, M.A., B.Sc.

(London), Principal Christ's College, Blackheath, London 239

II. The Reverend Charles F. Dole, Pastor First Congregational
Society, Jamaica Plain, Boston, Massachusetts.

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The Reverend Robert Collyer, D.D., Church of the Mes-
siah, New York.


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III. The Reverend W. H. P. Faunce, D.D., LL.D., President of
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island


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