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ceremony of immersion,-whether as
pumper or pumpee, I should not have
cared one farthing. As things stood,
I was obliged to let matters take
their course; though I certainly could
have dispensed with his society when,
at the conclusion of the oratorio, he
made a daring, though unsuccessful
attempt, to induce the young lady to
accept his assistance in getting clear
of the crowd, and to leave me the
more honourable, but less pleasing,
post of acting as escort to her anti-
quated companion. This arrange-
ment, however, I was sufficiently on
the alert to frustrate, and almost
dared to flatter myself that the
nymph aided in rendering vain his
manœuvre, as she thankfully accept-
ed my arm, and afforded me the in-
expressible delight of conducting her
to a hackney-coach, which had appa-
rently remained in waiting for the par-
ty. But, notwithstanding the footing I
had contrived to gain by my atten-
tion to their convenience during the
disturbance, as well as afterwards, I
nevertheless found it impossible to
extract from either the young or the
old lady the secret of their address,
and was inexpressibly disappointed
when, having placed them in the
coach, and received their acknow-
ledgments for what they termed my
politeness, the matron simply saying
to the coachman, " To the house you
brought us from!" made me a gra-
cious bow, and drew up the window.
The vehicle was in motion the next
minute, but not before honest Jarvis,
in return for a half-crown piece, had
sold me the interesting intelligence
that the place of his destination was
Jermyn Street. Determined, how-
ever, to be fully satisfied as to the
accuracy of my information, as well
as to ascertain the particular house
to which the party was bound, I
failed not to follow the coach, which
proceeding at a very moderate pace,
enabled me to keep it in view with-
out any difficulty, till I saw it even-
tually disembogue its precious con-
tents at the door of a respectable
looking house in the street above

My first care on having thus fortunately, as I supposed, succeeded in "marking them down," was to put myself in possession of the number of the mansion, after which I proposed to return for the present to

the hotel. But this arrangement by no means met the ideas of my cousin Nicholas, who had kindly, and without any solicitation on my part, accompanied me in the chase. He now found himself at its termination very unexpectedly in the immediate vicinity of an edifice, which contained an object possessing charms, to him not less attractive than those which had operated to bring me into the same neighbourhood. This object of my cousin's devotions was a certain table, most beautifully variegated and adorned with a motley covering of red and black cloth, exhibiting, moreover, the delightful accompaniment of sundry packs of cards, together with all and every the sacrificial instruments necessary for offering up human victims at the shrine of Plutus. Many were the persuasions made use of by my cousin to induce me to accompany him into the penetralia of this temple of Mammon, in the more recondite mysteries of which he very kindly offered to initiate me. But, resisting all his importunities to engage in so dangerous a pursuit, and finding it useless to persuade him to alter his determination, I quitted him in the street, and retraced my steps to the Tavistock, to dream of an angel in a Bath cloak.

The following morning I arose an hour before my usual time, and scarcely allowed myself a few moments to swallow a hasty breakfast, so eager was I to avail myself of the little services I had been fortunate enough to render my goddess the night before, by calling to "hope she had experienced no serious ill effects from her alarm." I was, besides, in a complete fidget lest Nicholas, too, should be taken with a freak of early rising, and insist on joining me in my proposed visit. In this respect, however, my fears were perfectly groundless, as I found, on enquiry, that worthy had not been very long in bed, having, as I doubted not, spent the major part of the prece ding night in that rapturous vacillation of spirit produced by the alternation of good and bad fortune in some exciting game of chance. He was still sound asleep; I took good care not to disturb him, and set out on my adventure alone. However deserving they may be, we know that "it is not in mortals to command

success"-a truth I was destined to experience most painfully in the present instance. On applying at the house in Jermyn Street, I was astounded by the information that no ladies, answering the description which I gave, resided there at all, although two such had certainly taken tea the day before with Mrs Morgan, a lodger who occupied the first floor; that they had afterwards gone away in a hackney-coach, to the theatre, it was believed, and had returned late in the evening, but that they had only remained a few minutes, when, having partaken of the contents of a tray which had been set out in expectation of their arrival, they had finally taken their departure in a handsome dark-green chariot, which came to fetch them away. This, at least, was the account furnished me by the servant girl, whose good offices I secured by a trifling present, and who also informed me, that she had never seen the younger lady of the two before, and the elder not above twice or three times. Much disconcerted at this intelligence, I could not refrain from cursing my own stupidity in allowing them thus to escape me, though wiser heads than mine might have been puzzled to know how to have prevented it, as not the slightest suspicion of their being merely visitors at the house to which I traced them, had ever entered my mind. My only course was to promise the girl an additional gratuity, if she could succeed in learning the place of their abode; which done, I walked, with a very different step, and in a very different mood from that in which I had set out, towards St James's park, revolving in my mind the means which it would be most advisable for me to adopt, in order to obtain the wished-for intelligence. Nor did it fail to present itself to my recollection, that a very short time indeed was left me to make the necessary enquiries, unless I should altogether give up the idea of attending my mother's summons by the day appointed in her letter. Twenty-four hours, however, I thought I could command, and wonders might be achieved in half that time by a sincere and enterprising lover; but vain were all my efforts to discover my fair incognita; in vain did I traverse

half the streets at the west end of
the town; in vain did I peer and peep
into every shop I passed, and scru-
tinise every window with the keen-
ness of a familiar of La Santa Her-
mandad. Once, indeed, I thought
I caught a glimpse of a figure similar
in the delicacy of its proportions to
that of my charmer, and my heart
beat high with hope renewed, but,
alas! only to increase my disappoint-
ment, when, after I had sorely
bruised my shins, and beat all the
breath out of my body, by making a
cannon between an apple-barrow
and an old-clothesman, in my hurry
to "head" the fancied angel, my eyes
were blasted by the sight of a face
as hideous as age and ugliness could
make it. Weary and dispirited, I at
length gave up my fruitless chase;
but, ere I returned to my hotel, re-
solved on making one final and despe-
rate effort to recover the scent. With
this view I entered a jeweller's shop,
whose windows displayed "an ele-
gant assortment" of trinkets, and
having purchased a plain, but hand-
some vinaigrette, which I afterwards
replenished at a perfumer's, once
more retraced my steps to Jermyn
Street. From my new auxiliary, the
maid, I soon learned that I had no-
thing farther to expect in that quar-
ter at present, in the way of intelli-
gence, and therefore boldly de-
manded to see Mrs Morgan herself.
Fortunately, as I then imagined, that
lady was at home; so, desiring the
girl to announce me simply as "a
gentleman on business," I was intro-
duced forthwith into the presence of
an elderly female, furnished with
one of the most forbidding visages
that it has ever been my lot to en-
counter. Nothing daunted, however,
at her "vinegar aspect," I proceeded
at once to unfold the nature of "my
business," which was, as my readers
will doubtless have anticipated, nei-
ther more nor less than "to restore to
the elder of the two ladies I had the
honour of escorting from the play-
house, the evening before, a vinai-
grette, which I had unwittingly
retained after its use was ren-
dered superfluous by the recovery
of her daughter from the terror she
had experienced, and to express my
fervent hopes that her alarm had
been attended by no unpleasant con-

Whether it was that the old snapdragon suspected my veracity from the expression of my tell-tale countenance, I knew not; though I think it far from improbable, as I never in my life could acquire from my cousin Nicholas that happy nonchalance with which he would utter you half a dozen lies in a breath, without the slightest embarrassment or discomposure of muscle: certain it is, that my tormenting auditress soon convinced me that it would be easier to extract a guinea from a miser's purse, or a plain answer from a diplomatist's portfeuille, than to obtain from her the information I so eagerly panted to obtain. With an excess of good breeding, ludicrously at variance with the sourness of her physiognomy, she eluded my request to be admitted to see the lady, parried my enquiries, thanked me for my civility, and, requesting me to give myself no farther trouble about the trinket, (which she pledged herself to return to the right owner at an early opportunity,) fairly bowed and curtsied me out of the house, without my having been able to arrive at any other certainty than that I had thrown away five pounds ten upon a most unprofitable speculation, and one which presented not the shadow of a return; in short, the cool, sarcastic demeanour of that terrible old woman fully convinced me that, from the very first, she had penetrated my motives, seen through my stratagem, and made my whole scheme recoil upon myself. One advantage, however, I had at least gained by my attempt; that was the securing still farther the assistance of my friendly Abigail, to whom I made the most magnificent promises, on the simple condition that she should transmit the desired intelligence to an address with which I furnished her; and, with nothing beyond this frail foundation to rest my hopes upon, I at last quitted London, leaving Nicholas behind me, and fully resolving to extricate myself as soon as possible from any engagement which my mother might have formed for me, that I might return to the metropolis; where only I had any hope of succeeding in my search after the, perhaps unconscious, possessor of my runaway heart.

The evening of a cold, wet, and

dreary day in the month of March saw me once more at Underdown Hall, as gloomy, uncomfortable, and thoroughly out of temper as any dutiful young gentleman in the world could possibly be, when thwarted in his pursuits by the untimely interposition of his mamma. The genuine joy, however, expressed by my dear mother at my arrival, and the cordial greetings of Sir Oliver, soon alleviated, if they failed to dissipate entirely, my chagrin. I say nothing of the friendly shake of the hand vouchsafed me by the taciturn Captain, or the simpering congratulations of Miss Pyefinch, who remarked, in the most flattering manner, that "Master Stafford" (I was nearly twenty-two, and measured five feet eleven in my stockings)" had grown surprisingly, and was very much improved altogether since she saw him last." I found the worthy baronet as stout, as jovial, and as proud of his ancestry as ever; time, indeed, had laid a lenient hand on him, and, but that his hair had begun to assume the tint of the badger rather than that of the raven, little difference was to be observed in his appearance, from that which he had exhibited at the time I had first been presented to his notice. Not so Mrs Stafford; her health had never been good since my father's death, and it was with pain I now remarked that she looked much thinner, and was evidently much weaker, than when I had last quitted her; but her spirits were still good, much better indeed than I had long been accustomed to see them, and her eye gleamed once more, occasionally, with a portion of that playful fire which during the lifetime of her husband had marked its scintillations. She was evidently much pleased at something; but what that something was which afforded her so much apparent satisfaction, remained a mystery not to be solved till the following morning. I therefore repressed my curiosity as I best might, and retired to my couch, in the ardent hope of being visited in my dreams by enchanting visions of my fair but unknown enslaver. Sir Oliver had forced on me certain rations of cold pork for supper. I fell asleep, and dreamt of the devil and Mrs Morgan.

At length

"The morn, in russet mantle clad, Peep'd o'er the top of "our "high eastern hill."

After a breakfast which appeared to me to be unusually protracted, I retired with my mother to her dressing-room, there to receive from her a communication of those weighty motives which had induced her to summon me thus abruptly. I learned that her so doing was the consequence of a letter which she had lately received from a paternal uncle of mine, of whom I had hitherto heard but little, and seen nothing, General Lord Viscount Manningham, the elder, and now sole surviving, brother of my lamented father. This epistle stated the fact of his lordship's arrival in England, after an absence from his native land of many years' duration, in the course of which time his paternal affections had been severely lacerated, by witnessing a fine and dearly-loved family of promising children yielding, together with their mother, one by one, to the fatal effects of a climate but too uncongenial with a European constitution. Of three boys, and as many girls, one only of the latter now remained to him; and, trembling lest the same dreadful cause which had robbed him in succession of her brothers and sisters, should also deprive him of this, now become his only, hope, Lord Manningham had relinquished the high and lucrative situation, and the state, little short of regal, which he held in one of our richest colonies, to seek once more the shores of his own country, loaded, indeed, with wealth, but all too dearly purchased by the loss of his wife and offspring. Great indeed were the changes which the gallant Viscount found had taken place during his long absence from England. His two brothers were, both of them, no more; of all his once numerous relatives and connexions my mother and myself were the solitary survivors, neither of whom he had, of course, ever be held. His attachment to his brothers, and to Charles especially, had been a strong one; and although the confined state of his own finances, which in the earlier part of his career were altogether unequal to the decent support of his rank, had prevented his

doing for him what his affection dictated, and indeed forced him to sacrifice all his early habits and attachments for the valuable appointment which eventually crowned him with wealth as well as honour, still he ever entertained the kindliest feelings towards his youngest brother, and, as far as lay in his power, aided his promotion, by the exercise of all the interest he possessed; fully de termining, at the same time, to appropriate to his use no niggard portion of that daily increasing property which the gradual contraction of his own family circle rendered the less necessary for his and their exclusive use. Death, as we have already seen, frustrated this project; and Colonel Stafford expired, comparatively ignorant of his fraternal intentions; but now that the same cruel spoiler had robbed him also of those beloved boys to whom he had once looked up as destined to transmit his name and honours to posterity, he recurred with greater warmth than ever to his original design, and, as the father was beyond the reach of his benevolence, resolved to confer his benefits on the son. In this intention he was the more confirmed, as that son was now, by the failure of his own issue-male, become heirpresumptive to the title of Manningham, and the last possessor of the noble name of Stafford.

Such was the tenor of his epistle, which concluded with the expres sion of an earnest desire to see him who was destined to inherit his honours, and intimated that the character he had already heard of his nephew, (my mother read me this part of the letter with a swelling heart,) in reply to the enquiries which he had instituted respecting him, made him anxious that the meeting should take place as soon as possible. The letter, which, I need hardly say, was a very long one, and couched in the handsomest and most affectionate terms, contained also a pressing invitation to my mother, urging her to accompany her son to Grosvenor Square, as his engagements with Ministers would, for a time, render it impossible for the ex-Governor himself to visit the Hall; a hint, too, was conveyed of an embryo plan, the object of which was the union of the senior and junior

branches of the House of Stafford, by the marriage of the two last remaining scions of the family.

Of all the proposals that could have been submitted, it is doubtful if any one could have been recommended of a nature more gratifying to my mother than the one thus alluded to. Lord Manningham's wealth was now immense, and, being almost entirely of his own acquisition, was, of course, with the exception of the very small entailed estate which went with the Viscountcy, completely at his own disposal. To me, indeed, a barren title would descend, but that, without the funds necessary to support its dignity, might rather be considered as a misfortune than a boon. An arrangement like that proposed would obviate every inconvenience. Report spoke highly of the person and accomplishments of the Honourable Miss Stafford, although (from her father's time having been hitherto too much occupied since his return to admit of his forming a suitable establishment) she had not yet been introduced into general society, but at the next birthday she was to be presented; then, of course, her career of fashion would commence, and, beyond all doubt, num. berless admirers, among the votaries of ton, would rapidly present themselves in the train of the possessor of so many charms, and the inheritrix of so many rupees. On every account, therefore, my mother was anxious that I should lose no time in securing to myself an interest both with my noble uncle and his fair daughter; and nothing prevented her from at once writing to me, and explaining the whole affair, but the idea she entertained that she could better expatiate upon the advantages of such a match in a personal interview, combined with a wish of hear ing from my own lips the pleasing assurance, that my most earnest endeavours should be forthwith applied to the realization of this, her most fondly cherished hope.

Although naturally of a sanguine temperament, and fully alive to all the advantages which rank and property bestow on their possessor, there was nevertheless a something in all this which did not present itself to my view in quite such glowing colours as it did to that of my


mother. To be thus unceremoniously disposed of, without being even consulted on the subject, appeared to me neither consistent with the respect I thought my due, nor altogether reasonable. Miss Stafford might, for aught I knew to the contrary, be all that my mother represented her to be, but then againshe might not-or, if she were, I might not like her, or-though selflove whispered that was scarcely possible-she might not like me. Nor should I be acting with candour were I to deny that, had this proposal been made to me before I quitted Oxford, it might have been viewed in a very different light. At present the charms of the unknown fair one certainly tended most materially to bias my inclinations, and though I was not so far gone, either in love or in romance, as at once to resolve on rejecting so fair an offer,-if offer that might be called, which at most was only an insinuation,-still the recollection of the tender, yet modest glances I had encountered in the pit of Covent Garden Theatre, undoubtedly contributed to render me averse from a proposal, my acceptance of which would, of course, preclude the possibility of any farther acquaintance with the object of my search, even should I be fortunate enough to discover her retreat. Nevertheless, I could not help feeling the force of Sir Anthony Absolute's observation, “it is very unreasonable to object to a lady you have never seen;" and the idea at the same moment occurring to me that my attendance on Lord Manningham in town would be, perhaps, the most efficacious method I could take to make the discovery that lay so near my heart, I gave my assent to the proposal, that I should pay my uncle a visit, not only without reluctance, but even with an alacrity, to which an unwillingness to occasion so much pain to my mother, as I saw the expression of my real feelings on the subject would give her, mainly contributed. A sort of coxcombical feeling that, perhaps, after all, i MIGHT like a young lady who, it was ten to one, might not like me, contributed to decide the matter, and I


gave in my adhesion" with a tolerably decent share of apparent resignation. My mother, however,

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