OF THE CONVENTION, ASSEMBLED AT SPRINGFIELD, JUNE 7, 1847, IN PURSUANCE OF AN ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF FOR THE PURPOSE OF ALTERING, AMENDING, OR REVISING THE CONSTITUTION ΟΣ ΤΗΣ STATE OF ILLINOIS. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE CONVENTION. SPRINGFIELD: LANPHIER & WALKER, PRINTERS. 1847. JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION. In pursuance of an act of the general assembly of the state of Illinois, entitled "An act to provide for the call of a convention," approved, February 20, 1847, members elected to said convention appeared in the hall of the house of representatives, at the city of Springfield, at 3 o'clock, p. M., on Monday, the seventh day of June, A. D. 1847, the secretary of state, Horace S. Cooley, being in attendance. The convention was called to order by Francis C. Sherman, of Cook county; upon whose motion, Zadok Casey, of Jefferson, was unanimously elected president, pro tempore, of the convention. On motion of Mr. Scates, Louis M. Booth, of the county of Adams, was appointed secretary, pro tempore, and John A. Wilson, of Hamilton county, door-keeper, pro tempore. On motion of Mr. Thompson, A call of the members elect to the convention, was ordered. On motion of Mr. Dement, Henry W. Moore, of the county of Gallatin, was elected assistant secretary, pro tempore. On motion of Mr. Sherman, William J. Kline, of the county of Kane, was appointed assistant doorkeeper, pro tempore. The call of members of the convention progressed, and the following named persons appeared, presented certificates of their election as such members, and took their seats: Adams county-William Laughlin, William B. Powers, Jacob M. Adams and Highland counties-Archibald Williams. Bond county-Michael G. Dale. Boone county-Daniel H. Whitney. Brown county-James W. Singleton. Brown and Schuyler counties—James Brockman, Alexander McHatton. Calhoun and Jersey counties-William Bosbyshell. H |