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by a lengthened and elaborate exposition of a book of Sacred Scripture like that of the Epistle to the Romans, especially if regarded as a book for continuous reading, for the purposes of edification and devotion.

If, however, the object be to facilitate a clear understanding of the meaning of the Apostle, to which we may turn with the greatest facility, we cannot but think that a more concise and condensed exposition has greater advantages. In this respect we think that Mr. Walford's Notes on the Epistle to the Romans, with a revised translation, is exceedingly valuable, as we thus obtain the opinion of the expositor regarding the meaning of any passage with the greatest facility. We think also that in the interpretation of Scripture, conciseness greatly contributes to clearness.

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AMONG the contents of this valuable and interesting Number, we find the following subjects:

The Demoniacs of the New Testament; Olshausen on the New Testament; and a Glimpse of German Theology. There is also an article of great power on the questionWill the Jews, as a Nation, be restored to their own Land?

Considerable strength of argument is em ployed, and we think with success, in favour of

that most entertaining and instructive work, as the author of this book observes, was "too voluminous and costly for extensive circulation." We do not agree with him in thinking it "not adapted to attract the general reader." His own production is intended to supply a deficiency, which he has been able to do by the mass of material placed in his hands, in addition to the volumes just referred to. The author's work seems to be carefully and diligently done. It abounds, of course, in interesting anecdotes, and deserves to be read by the religious community at large. We quite agree with the remark in the Preface: "The example of Lady Huntingdon is still needed to arouse and animate the Christian Church. Although there is much that is bright and prosperous in the religious condition of England, there is much that is dark and deadly. Error in the form either of rationalism, or of a refined Popery, is Secretly poisoning many fair districts: a spirit of indifference is creeping over the people, and a morbid taste is springing up, which readily turns from the Gospel to welcome any novelty in doctrine or practice. The times require the services of sincere, zealous, evangelical minis ters and laymen, who shall be instant in season and out of season,' to win souls; and, like the illustrious lady, whose life is here recorded, shall consecrate everything they possess to secure the extension of Christ's king

dom on earth."

their restoration to the land of their fathers. THE MIRACLES OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR.

As the subject was discussed at some length in our pages not long since, we cannot give even the outline of the argument; but we will quote a passage from the conclusion, which is deserving of attentive consideration:

London: Wertheim and Macintosh.

WE are sorry that we have not been able to no. tice this book before, and that we are now com

"It is our impression that we do a great in pelled to compress what we have to say into a jury to the simple and natural interpretation very few words. It strikes us, on the whole, as a very admirable work, full of fresh and vaof Scripture, when, because the Millenarians ried thought. The illustrations are generally incorporate upon this question of the restoravery happy, and the book will be found well tion of the Jews certain judaizing and unworthy of the perusal of all classes. It is not tenable theories, we give up the whole quesat all critical. There are no learned disquition, as of the same nature with Millenariansitions, no notes of reference to erudite books, ism. But if Paul is correct, the national conbut it contains the result of study, and is, version of the Jews will usher in Millennial throughout, simple, earnest, good. glory. The conversion of the Jews,' says Mr. Barnes, 'shall be attended with a removal

of the obstruction to the Gospel, and to its rapid | THE FAMILY WHICH JESUS LOVED. By the Rev. spread among the nations.'" For this he gives

three reasons:

1. That they are scattered among all nations, and so an impulse communicated to them will reach the world.

2. They speak nearly all the languages of the world.

3. They will make the best missionaries. "If the casting away of them," says the Apostle, "be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead?"



London: Hatchard.

A NEW edition of an excellent book by an excellent man.

GEOLOGY AND GENESIS; a Reconciliation of the
Two Records. By the Rev. GEORGE KNIGHT.
London: Snow.

THIS is an enlargement of a work published some years ago, under the title of "The Mosaic Creation, viewed in the light of Modern Geology." It comes with a recommendation from Dr. Alexander, of Edinburgh, and well deserves what he says in its favour. The prin

of the Right Honourable Selina, Countess of ciple of reconciliation is that adopted by Dr. Huntingdon. By the Rev. A. H. NEW.

London: Partridge and Co.

MAXY of our readers will remember the sensation produced by the" Life and Times" of the Countess, published some years since. But

Pye Smith. It is here largely illustrated. We have before expressed our difficulty in regard to that scheme; but there is a large portion of the present volume which has our hearty approval.

Susanna Bromiley. With Extracts from her
Correspondence, Diary, and unpublished Poems.
By the Rev. T. W. AVELING.

London: Judd and Glass.

It is evident that the subject of this sketch was possessed of more than the ordinary share of gifts and graces. And, inasmuch as her brief but interesting life is calculated to afford many useful lessons to the young, we think her pastor has done wisely in preserving her memory from oblivion. Naturally high minded, she could find no rest, until, in a child-like spirit, she cast herself at the foot of the Cross; and though disposed, from the nature of her mind, to wander in a dream-land far away from this matter-of-fact world, she was made willing, from love to her Saviour, to assume the self-denying office of a Ragged School Teacher. At the early age of eighteen she was removed from a world where her sensitive

spirit must have sustained many a rude shock

on the battle-field of life.

Her poetical talents were of no mean order, but we are reluctantly compelled to take from her the "Lines on Death," and assign them to Blair, their rightful owner. They must have been copied by her from his celebrated poem on the "Grave," and by some oversight admitted into the work as original.

We think it only the part of a candid reviewer to mention the fact, that in a new edi tion, which we shall be glad speedily to welcome, the necessary alteration may be made.

Parents cannot do better than furnish their daughters with a copy of this Memoir, from which they may derive both pleasure and profit.

VOICES FROM THE ROCKS: a Reply to the late
Hugh Miller's "Testimony of the Rocks."

London: Judd and Glass.

WE do not wish to say more of this book than that it is a feeble attempt to overturn the main conclusions of modern geology. The merit of originality claimed in the Preface can only provoke a smile. Some of the principal argu. ments are drawn from Mr. Fairholme, whose character as a geologist may be seen by just referring to Dr. Pye Smith's Congregational Lecture. Whatever we may think of Dr. Smith's theory of reconciliation, there cannot be two opinions of his scientific knowledge.

THE SHEEPFOLD AND THE COMMON; or, Within and Without. Vol. I.

Glasgow: Blackie and Son.

illustrated edition of the well-known "EvanTis is an elegantly printed and beautifully which found such favour with the public, that, gelical Rambler," issued many years ago, according to the Preface, from sixty to a hundred thousand copies were sold. Such a popular work must have considerable merit to recommend it. The sentiments are thoroughly evangelical; the descriptions are vivid; and the conversations, though to our mind not natural enough, are certainly very instructive.

Tract Society.

A VOLUME very convenient for devotional use
The notes are short and explanatory.



2. RICHARD KNILL, died at Chester, 1857. He was equally distinguished as a missionary to India and Russia, as a preacher, and as a Christian. He was born April 14th, 1787.

1. ULRICH ZWINGLE, leader of the Reformation in Switzerland, was born on New Year's Day 1484, at Wildhaus, a small hamlet in the district of Tockenburg. In 1506 he became pastor of Glaris, where he laboured hard for the benefit of his flock, and his own improvement. He was afterwards preacher and professor at Zurich. His views were more advanced than those of Luther, and he professors which his age and country have takes a very high place among the Refor- produced. He was born on March 26th,

mers of his time. On the outbreak of civil war, Zwingle attended the army as chaplain, and perished in battle, Oct. 11th, 1531.


4. MOSES STUART, of Andover, in America, died 1852. He was one of the most eminent and successful biblical critics and


6. BERENGARIUS, of Tours, died 1088. He was a man of great learning and cou rage, and especially deserves our regard


for his opposition to the Romish doctrine of transubstantiation.

7. FENELON, Archbishop of Cambray, died 1715. He was born in 1651, and became an eminent preacher and divine. He was pious and amiable, but much persecuted for his opinions.

W. BENGO' COLLYER, D.D., LL.D., of Peckham, died 1854. One of the most popular and successful ministers of his time. His works are much esteemed. He was born at Blackheath, April 14th, 1782.

10. Archbishop LAUD, executed on Tower Hill, 1641. He was born at Reading, Oct. 7th, 1573, and was a bigoted advocate of high-church principles, and a persevering opponent of all liberal mea


11. JURIEU, died 1713. A French Protestant, very distinguished as a controversialist. Born in 1637.

Dr. DWIGHT, of America, died 1817. He was born May 14th, 1752, and was the author of some very popular theological works.

13. GEORGE Fox, founder of the sect called Quakers, died 1691. He was born at Drayton, in Leicestershire, in July, 1624.

JOHN CLAUDE, died 1687. An eminent French Protestant pastor and divine. Born in 1619.

Dr. MACKNIGHT, died 1800. Born in 1721. A well-known divine of the Church of Scotland.

14. Bp. BERKELY, died 1753. Born in Ireland in 1684. Celebrated for his peculiar philosophical opinions.

Dr. EDWARD HARWOOD, died 1794. An eminent scholar, but a poor theologian. Born in 1729.

17. Bp. HORNE, author of a well-known commentary on the Psalms, and other works, died 1792. He was born 1730.

19. Bp. BALGUY, an eminent prelate of the Church of England, died 1795. Born Sept. 27th, 1730.

20. JOHN HOWARD, the Philanthropist, died 1790. He was born about 1726, and after a life of unexampled Christian benevolence, died in the Crimea on a mission of mercy.

MILES COVERDALE, died 1568. He was born in 1487, and laboured with great zeal and perseverance to translate and circulate the Scriptures in English.

25. The Hon. ROBERT BOYLE, born 1626. Equally eminent as a Christian and as a philosopher, he was an active promoter of science and of revealed truth. He died Dec. 11th, 1691.

26. Dr. WILLIAMS, died 1716. Born at Wrexham in 1644. He rose to considerable eminence and influence during his life, and at his death gave a noble collection of books to found the library known by his name in Redcross Street.

27. G. S. FABER, died 1854. For half a century a diligent student and expounder of prophecy, on which subject he published many works. He was born Oct. 25th, 1773.

ABRAHAM BOOTH, a Baptist minister of great talent and originality, died 1806. He was born in 1734.

29. MATTHEW WILKS, one of the fathers of the London Missionary and Bible Societies, died 1829. He was born in 1746, and became very popular as a preacher, and promoter of institutions for the spread of the Gospel at home and abroad.


THE Trustees of the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE are requested to meet at the Milton Club at 11 o'clock, on Wednesday, the 13th of January, for the half yearly distribution. The Auditors to meet at 10 o'clock. New cases to be taken into consideration at one o'clock.


To the Editor of the Evangelical Magazine. SIR,-I feel exceedingly obliged to you for your kindness in lending me the EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE for 1794, which I now return. A perusal of it makes me much regret that our churches do not collect together complete sets for their congregational libraries, as reference books, not only for their sound theology, but especially for the purpose of obtaining at all times information respecting denominational church affairs, as they may, in many instances, furnish information very useful in drawing up jubilee and centenary reports. If you could persuade some one who has the tact of magazine correspondence, and who feels an interest in our denominational statistics, to bring the subject before the attention of the churches before it is too late, (as the early volumes are nearly gone,) you would be rendering a great service to the Christian public, and, perhaps, be the means of increasing the circulation of your valuable magazine, as they would then have an interest in keeping up the series for the sake of the denominational object I have named.

Yours respectfully,

R. W. T.

To the Editor of the Evangelical Magazine. DEAR SIR,-I learned from my brother, Mr. Mummery, that it was in contemplation to suggest to our churches the propriety of devoting a small portion of the sacramental funds to the purchase of some

copies of our religious periodicals, for the purpose of circulation among the poorer members of the church, who are unable to procure them for themselves. Acting on this suggestion, I brought the matter before my people, at the last church meeting, and found from them a most cordial response, and a recognition of the suggestion as a happy one. We resolved to begin with 6 Evangelical Magazines, 6 Christian Witnesses, and 12 Christian's Penny. This will involve anexpense of about £2 10s. per annum. I have no doubt, however, that we shall be able to double these numbers, without our poor people, who receive help from the sacramental fund, suffering any diminution of assistance; and thus, while they continue to be benefited pecuniarily, they will, in addition, have the mental and spiritual advantages which the perusal of these publications cannot fail to afford. I thought it might not be amiss to send you this communication, of which you can make what use you please, in order to stimulate other brethren and churches to a similar course.

Very faithfully yours,



ON Tuesday, Dec. 8, a conference of ministers and influential laymen was held at the Congregational Library, Blomfield-street, London, to receive a report from the Rev. J. H. Wilson, at the close of his visit to the churches-Mr. Samuel Morley was in the chair. Mr. Wilson read a most practical and interesting report, from which it appeared that during eight weeks he had addressed 50 meetings, and preached 20 sermons, occupying 30 pulpits, and speaking to 70,000 persons, his single object being to impress the membership of the churches with the conviction that Christianity is an aggressive system of truth, and that every

Christian is responsible, according to the measure of his abilities and opportunities, for doing good to the moral condition of the masses around him. In many churches he had seen this truth practically realized, but in not a few instances it was systematically neglected. He gave some very alarming statistics of the spiritual destitution of London; such, for example, as the parishes of Camberwell and Lambeth, where, with a population of 190,000 souls, there was only accommodation for 51,000 persons. The chairman highly approved of the report, and

said he had heard on every hand the best accounts of Mr. Wilson's visit, and hoped that, in the providence of God, he would be directed before long to come and settle amongst them, and work out his own scheme in London. The Revs. T. James, J. H. Hinton, J. Kennedy, and other ministers and gentlemen, also spoke warmly in favour of the report. meeting was most numerous throughout; and it was arranged that Mr. Wilson


should pay a second visit to London in the spring, and that the scheme should be fully launched at the meetings in May.


Ar a special meeting, held Dec. 8, 1857, the Rev. C. Gilbert in the chair, a letter was read from the Rev. T. Seavill, resigning the pastorate, on account of illness. It was resolved unanimously, "That this meeting receives, with sentiments of the deepest regret and concern, the announcement of the continued indisposition of their beloved pastor. That it desires to express its fervent sympathy with him in the affliction which obliges him to retire from the ministry of the gospel for a time. That, with feelings of mingled gratitude and joy, it congratulates him on the great spiritual success which has attended his ministrations in this place, and assures him that, in earnestness and affection, it commends him to the Great Head of the church, praying that his spirit and his body may be in health, that many years may yet be

added to his valuable life, and that in some other sphere of usefulness, his la. bours may, in time to come, be crowned with still more abundant proofs of the Divine favour and blessing."

GREAT DRIFFIELD, YORKSHIRE. THE services in connexion with the ordination of the Rev. William Mitchell, late of Cheshunt College, were held in Providence Chapel, as follows:-On Monday evening, the 2nd ult., there was lowing evening the Rev. Frank Soden, a special prayer meeting. On the folof Clapton, preached on the power of spiritual joy. On Wednesday afternoon Revs. J. Dickenson and F. Soden readthe services were commenced by the ing suitable portions of Scripture and offering prayer. The usual questions were Rev. R. Pool, formerly pastor of the proposed by the Rev. James Sibree. The church, offered the ordination prayer; the Rev. A. L. Mitchell, of Exeter, gave Rev. W. Spencer preached to the church to his son the charge, after which the and congregation. A public meeting was held in the evening, the Rev. A. L. Mitchell in the chair, when addresses were delivered by the Revs. G. F. Ryan, D.D., W. Spencer, F. Soden, J. Sibree, J. Hutchin,- Woodcock, and-Johnson.


THE Rev. Robert Bowman, minister of Fish-street Chapel, Hull, having accepted a call to become the minister of an Independent church in Melbourne, Australia, on account of the delicate state of his health, preached his farewell sermon on Sunday week, in Fish-street chapel. On the Monday evening, a social tea meeting was held in the schoolroom, at which some 500 persons assembled. After tea, Mr. Bowman took his leave in a very interesting and touching speech. He assured them that it was hard to come to the decision he had, and from the time he had signified his intention of accepting the offer, he had been in a state of continual anxiety, and striving to lengthen every hour which had to elapse before

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