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shortly seen in the publication of a goodly volume, which is to be prepared by some of the members of the Conference at Madras, and which I hope in three months hence will be issued from the press.

"The Conference commenced each day's proceedings with reading the Scriptures and prayer, and concluded with the same. During the middle of our sittings, prayer was offered up for our respective Missions. Eight of the Brethren were located in a

large house on the hills, and Mrs. P. was appointed as their caterer during their stay. We felt greatly refreshed by their company, and were very sorry when they left us for their stations two days after the Conference broke up. The Conference was concluded with a public breakfast and meeting, at which there was a good attendance, notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather."


AT PESHAWUR in the PUNJAUB, a meeting was held in the month of April, for the purpose of raising subscriptions in aid of the Karen Missions, at which General Sir Sydney Cotton presided, and nearly 3000 rupees were at once contributed. Colonel Edwardes, to whose judicious measures the tranquillity of the Punjaub during the recent mutiny is in great part to be attributed, took a leading part in the proceedings, and in the course of his speech addressed to the meeting the following pungent remarks, which deserve to be well remembered by the Christian friends of India :

"It is really painful to read the statements that are put forward so commonly in England to conceal facts; such as that there have been churches built in every large Station in India (the roofless one at Peshawur, probably included), that there are a large number of chaplains and three bishops, and a prospect of as many more-as if these ecclesiastical provisions for the European soldiery and officers of government had the slightest thing to do with the publication of the Gospel to the natives! To say the least of it, I am not aware of one public measure by which England has stood forth as a Christian power in Hindoostan. Indeed, a kind of boast has been made of our neutrality and impartiality--as if there ever could or ought to be an impartiality between good and evil, light and darkness, except to a blind man. And what has been the result? What has been the end of our aggrandizing England year by year with the empire of India, and never paying the equivalent? Why, the year 1857, which is simply an imperial bankruptcy ! The Hindooism and Mohammedanism which we have been afraid


to Christianize, has turned on us and struggled
for the only thing we valued-political rule;
and the English in India, in 1858, like men
after some fearful earthquake, are now
standing amid the ruins of their homes. I
ask you if this is not true. And if so,
shall we say to these Americans who, with
no imperial duties lying on them, have come
across the seas to help in evangelizing India ?
We must admit that they have been doing
our work; that, seeing a great field of labour
which we too much neglected, they (without
reproaches) have stepped in, like men of
metal, and ploughed and sowed and reaped
it for us. In doing this, the American Mis-
sionaries have, I maintain (whatever may be
said by the advocates of neutrality), con.
ferred on England lasting political advan-
tages. Look back for a moment on 1857.
Where has rebellion raised its head the
highest ? In Bengal, where there were
fewest Native Christians, and in the Bengal
army, whence a Christian convert was ex-
pelled as a matter of course. Where only
has there been no mutiny and no rebellion ?
In Madras, where the Native Christians are

most numerous, and where they form a large section of the native army! Sir, this is a broad and undeniable fact, and it behoves us, as men of practical sense, to lay hold of it for future use. In future we know exactly how we stand in India. We may and ought to be very kind to both Hindoos and Mohammedans; we may and ought to find many

friends and loyal subjects for ordinary times among Mohammedans and Hindoos; but for the hours of real trial, for the crisis of our empire, taught by experience, let us reserve our implicit confidence for the men of our own blood, and the men of our own religion. We can, in the last resort, rely on NONE BUT EUROPEAN AND NATIVE CHRISTIANS."


THE recent hostilities at Canton, and the unsettled state of our political relations with the Chinese Government, have in no degree interfered with the labours of our Missionaries in the North. The following communication from the Rev. Wm. Muirhead, under date Shanghae, 1st April ult., will serve to show that the good work in that section of the field has been carried on with growing encouragement:

"During the past six months there have been considerable changes in the Mission here. Dr. Lockhart, Messrs. Williamson and Edkins, have all left for England, and Mr. John has lately removed to a station in the country, about 100 miles distant, where he is labouring with much encouragement. Dr. Hobson, Mr. Wylie, and myself, remain at this place, and each is actively employed in his appropriate duties.



"For several months of the past half year I was engaged chiefly in itinerating with Mr. John in different parts of the country, during which time Mr. Edkins resided at Shanghae, taking charge of the church and congregation assembling in the city chapels. Of his own labours Mr. E. has fully informed you, and of the results, in the accession of seven individuals to the membership of the Church. Since his departure, I have resumed my position here, and am wholly occupied with Missionary work in the immediate neighbourhood and several country stations. With the help of a Native Assistant the daily services in the city chapels are kept up without diminution, either in the number or the amount of attendance, while the interest among the people continues to be unabated. At both places we have

encouraging audiences from day to day, and many have been making inquiries about the truth. In the course of last month eleven persons were baptized into the profession of Christianity, and some of them have attained to a clear and satisfactory knowledge of the Gospel. Idolatry and the other vicious customs of their countrymen have been renounced, and they manifest an earnest desire, and, I trust, a sincere determination to give themselves wholly to the Lord. In regard to several in particular, I have had occasion to rejoice. One has been exposed to family persecution in consequence of his religious profession, but he continues to persevere, and seems resolved to hold on unto the end. Scarcely a day passes without some interesting and hopeful cases being presented. My constant aim is to preach Christ crucified, in all the simplicity and attractiveness of the great theme, and I see increasing proof of the deep, powerful impression it is calculated and able to produce. Nothing but the story of the Cross will win the hearts of these poor Chinese, and the arguments drawn and enforced from it, as to the evil of sin, the means of salvation, the duty of repentance and faith, and the privileges of believers, come home with an interest and force to the native mind, which has often delighted me, and awakened my

heartfelt thankfulness and praise to God for his manifest blessings.

"The importance and extent of the sphere here occupied renders this all the more encouraging. There are from 200 to 300 persons from different parts of the empire daily in attendance at the two chapels, many of whom come frequently; and besides, I ain often engaged in preaching in the streets of the city, while several Native Assistants are employed in distributing books in the crowded thoroughfares and on board the numerous junks chartered to convey the imperial tribute grain to the north.


"With regard to the Native Church, there are not a few connected with it who appear to adorn their Christian profession, and both by their consistent conduct and efforts to do good to their countrymen, furnish pleasing evidence of their being true followers of the Saviour. Others, again, occasion anxiety, and require to have the spiritual and holy precepts of Christianity solemnly urged upon them. There are two of the Native Brethren who have long laboured with us in the Gospel, and who are both zealous and able in the work of preaching, whom it is intended to set apart for that specific office-one of them, Pwanseng-she, as the pastor of the Church here; the other, Wong-tso-seng, as an Evangelist. The former is a literary graduate of good standing. After several years' study, as a Teacher and Native Assistant, he has attained to an extensive knowledge of Scripture truth, and shows himself well qualified to expound it to his fellow members in an earnest, solemn, and affectionate manner, while he is greatly respected by all who know him. The other brother has been long and well tried in connexion with us, and has been highly useful in different spheres of labour. It is my wish and aim to form different Christian communities in the neighbourhood and all around, and to station Native Pastors there, in whom perfect confidence can be placed, while I shall exercise a general superintendence over them. The designation of these two Brethren will be the first step in the proposed onward movement.


"In the country about three miles from Shanghae, two Stations have been formed at some distance from each other. Several months ago, I was in the habit of visiting the hamlets in that neighbourhood every day, and conversing with the people on divine things. I was pleased on seeing the interest awakened amongst them, and the desire was generally expressed that I should open a place for preaching there. A convenient room being at hand, this was done, and many came to hear. As they became acquainted with the truth, and what it enjoined, a goodly number professed a determination to believe in Christ and observe his holy ordinances. One who had heard the Gospel for more than a year before, and seemed particularly earnest and active in the matter, was first baptized, and gradually others came forward in the same mannerin all twenty-four persons. They are for the most part in poor circumstances, but engaged in ordinary country avocations, spinning cotton, making cloth, &c., and though their knowledge and faith are as yet weak, they are, I trust, sincere in their profession, and are regular in the observance of the means of grace. They are spoken of as much distinguished from those around them, and give evidence of an interest in the truth. One of the Native Teachers is residing in that part of the country, and constantly visits them at their own houses, as well as others not yet professing Christianity. He reports well of what he has seen and heard of them, while my Missionary Brethren and myself have the opportunity of meeting them at more stated times. Besides these, a number more are desirous of being baptized, and I pray that the work may go on improving in character and increasing in extent. It is all important that the villages and hamlets be well cultivated; for, however necessary it be to have a place in a large city like Shanghae, the people are less stationary, and less to be depended on in the city than in the country.


"The case of one of these converts is more than usually interesting. It is that of a female eighty-four years of age. On my visiting the preaching-room, she came in,

apparently in good health and spirits. It was the first time I remembered having seen her, though she had heard me before, while the Native Brothers had talked frequently with her, and had spoken to me about her as having apprehended the truth. I asked her if she believed in Jesus. She replied in an energetic manner, 'Yes, I do.' 'Do you know who Jesus is?' She said, 'The Son of the Heavenly Father.' What did Jesus come from heaven to do?' To die for sinners.' 'Where did he die?' 'On the cross.' And what became of him after


wards? On the third day he arose from the dead, and ascended to heaven.' 'What good did Jesus do by dying for sinners?' He died to save them from hell and take them to heaven.' 'Are you a sinner?' 'Yes, sir; my sins are heavy and great.' 'How have you sinned?' 'All my life long I have not worshipped God nor served him.' Was that very wrong?" 'Yes, because every thing I have comes from him, and I ought to have thought of him and thanked him.' 'True; but as you say you are a great sinner, what do you think will become of you?' 'I deserve to go to hell; but I believe that Jesus died for sinners, and will take me to heaven.' Are you happy in

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believing in Jesus?' 'I never was so happy all my life.' 'What about the happiness of your early days?' 'It was not to be com. pared with what I now feel.' What about the happiness of the Emperor, and of being rich in the world?' 'Oh, I don't want such happiness; of what use would it be to me? I only want Jesus to take me to heaven and make me happy.' 'True, my old lady; but tell me if you think much about Jesus?' 'Yes, I think about him from morning to night. I am engaged in doing a little household work, spinning cotton; but though I am eighty-four years old, I never feel tired like people of my age. My heart is always leap. ing for joy at the thought of what Jesus has done for me.' Thus the conversation went on for some time, and in no instance did she manifest the slightest hesitation. The ques tions I put to her were simple, though appropriate, and sufficiently searching, I thought, and were all most readily answered; and in such a straightforward, warm-hearted manner, that convinced me of her having understood and believed the truth. I felt happy in administering the ordinance of baptism to her at once, and also to another person who gave similarly pleasing evidence of trusting in Christ."



Ir was stated in our Number for April ult., that the Rev. R. Moffat had set out from the Kuruman at the end of July, 1857, to pay another visit to the great chief of the Matabele, to secure his concurrence in the es tablishment of the proposed new Missions on the Zambesi river, and that Mr. M., after passing through the territories of Secheli, chief of the Bakwains, and of Sekomi, chief of the Bamanguato, had arrived on the 8th of September within ten or twelve days from the country of Matabele. Taking up the thread of his narrative from that point, Mr. M. has supplied the following additional particulars, referring mainly to the incidents of the journey, and his arrival at Moselekatse's residence. The remaining portion of the journal, which has not yet come to hand, will describe the interview of the traveller with the barbarian monarch, and the success which crowned his Mission.

"I was glad," writes Mr. Moffat, "to find, on my return to the Kuruman, that Mrs. M, had culled from my letters sent to

her, what she thought would be interesting to the Directors. The last of these was sent by a party of Lekatlong people, who were

returning from near the Shashe river, where they had been on a fruitless search for elephants.


"Parting with my friends after a very short interview, being necessitated either to hasten forward with the uncertain hope of finding water, or retrace my steps to where I had started that morning, I had only time to supply wants of which they (the party) were in urgent need. Having gone far to the east of my course, I turned to the direction of nearly north-west, in order to fall in with the most southern outpost of the Matabele. No one knowing a yard of the way, and buried in trees, I had recourse to my compass, as on my former journey, to thread my way through a rather dense forest, over fallen trees, rocky ravines, and hills, none of which were sufficiently high to enable us to look around for portions where the trees were more sparse. Very frequently the waggon had to stop till a road was cut through the trees. This excessively laborious mode of travelling continued till the sun set, when we found ourselves among high hills, with hopes of finding water. The day had been extremely hot, while a deathlike silence pervaded the country, for we fell in with no kind of game nor saw a single bird, but occasionally crossed the narrow paths where lions had lately left their foot-prints. The wearied oxen were loosed from their yokes and fastened to trees, we being well aware that, if left to roam, they would wander in search of water. When this was done, every one laid them down on the warm earth, indifferent to everything in the world, but tired nature's sweet restorer,' although no one had tasted anything since sun-rise, except occasionally a drink of water. A cup of tea or coffee, which is always valued by African travellers, soon revived us, when the day's toils were rehearsed, and plans laid how we might the best get out of an unenviable situation. We read and prayed, and with thankful hearts retired to rest. Next morning at dawn every one was on his feet in search of water. After ascending hills and traversing ravines, in fruitless search, we returned by ones and twos to the waggon. The day began to get very hot, and, there being no time to deli

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berate, we quickly got the waggon started, and proceeded on our laborious, thirsty, and circuitous course. The prospect at times seemed almost hopeless, in a labyrinth of hills and dense thickets; but stern necessity exerts a wonderful influence. It was evident that rain had not fallen in that part of the country for a long time, as not a blade of grass was to be seen, while in the open portions of the country through which we had passed, the fire had swept off every vestige of dry pasture. About one P.M. we descended the rugged steep to the bank of the Shashe river. As soon as the green trees which line its banks came into view, every one, more eager than another, got on the highest spot or rock within reach, to assure himself of the certain prospect of a drink of water. The instant we halted, away went oxen, sheep, dogs, and men, some heels over head, down the bank, to the sandy bed of the river, where cool and refreshing water was in abundance. After getting ourselves washed from the dirt and perspiration of nearly a week, and refreshed with a cup of coffee, we sat down on the grass, under the shadow of a spreading tree, where we spent an hour in reading the Scriptures, singing, and prayer. Every one appeared to feel deeply thankful. It could scarcely be otherwise, for it seemed impossible not to see that we had escaped many evils which threatened from every side. Had any part of the waggon broken down, or the oxen taken fright at the scent of the lion, and dashed it against trees or rocks, we should have been in an unpleasant condition without water. All were contented and cheerful, after lips and lungs were enabled to play, with reviving draughts of water. I read and expounded a portion of the 107th Psalm; and though in what might be called desert solitude, the haunts only of wild beasts, we all felt as happy and cheerful as language can well describe. While thus engaged, there moved in the umbrageous, overhanging trees, not many hundred yards distant, the lion, apparently equally sensible with ourselves of the sweets of the shadowing trees. A due estimate of our blessings and happiness can only be fully understood by comparison. After the toils of the past fortnight, we felt as if we possessed all that

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