Friars Street Ditto, India Tacket Street Stowmarket Ditto, Widows and Mitcham. Zion Chapel. Rev. G. Stewart, 55 13 0 Annual Sermons 36 7 6 Miss East Mr. Howes. 886 Missionary Boxes... Bethesday-Fro. Legacy of the late Jenkin Morgan ... 4 15 0 Llangattock. Rev. E. Watkin. 110 0 8 10 8 Mr. C. Vaughan (D.) 100 10 20 Goole. Collection Sunday School 4 12 6 47. 128 Rev. E. Williams. Pennant by Mrs. J. Thomas and Miss J. Evans 0126 Llanerfyda by Mrs. Orphans 200 Mrs. Carter 14 7 3 Rees 098 Exs. 118.; 107. 128. Halifax District. M. Oates, Esq., Treasurer. Collections. 111 Harrison Road Cha- Llanymaudday. Milford. Tabernacle. Donations. Rev. E. F. Woodman 100 Woodson.. 05 0 Ditto for Caffre Or Church Juvenile Missionary Society, for a Native Teacher in India, to be named David McEwan John Street U. P. Congregation ary Association... 500 Prayer Meeting Young Men's Class, a for Native Teacher in the South Sea Islands Women's 2100 Miss Morris, Penn- J. B. Leisham, Esq. 910 0 Joshua Buchanan, Esq. John Jameson, Esq. 060 James Brown, Esq. 060 Wm. Morrison, Esq. 010 0 Robt.Goodwin, Esq., for Special Indian Fund... J. James, Esq., 100 Mrs. Roberts, Stud dolph Hall 100 Essex Gray, Esq., Castle Hill Less Expenses. Collections and Mis 156.68. 2d. Newcastle Emlyn, sionary Boxes ...... 11 6 2 Miss Walters Swansea. 200 Auxiliary Society, per Mr. English Auxiliary. 110 Kirkcaldy. Annuity Perth Auxiliary. John Gray, Esq., Treasurer. 10000 Subscriptions & Donations. 100 Mrs. Murray, Tar sappie 100 Robert Hay 100 James Balmain 0 100 William Frew 050 James Ramsay David Morton 200 200 100 110 110 110 010 0 Rev. Dr. Newlands. 100 500 Rev. Robt. Cameron Joseph Bower 113 5 8 Melville Jamieson... 04 0 John McNeill E. Mitchell 118 1 8 David Mackenzie 400 Mrs. John Stewart. 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 John Flockhart 0100 G. L. Cornfute 0 10 0 John Sanderman 0 10 0 Hector Sanderman. 0 10 0 John Gray..... 010 0 010 0 U. P. Church, Rev. J. S. Taylor Robert Storer 076 1000 AndrewCunningham 050 Laur. Pullar 050 H. H. Vivian, Esq., M.P. 290 of late Mr. R. Philp 400 James Duncan James Readdie, jun, 050 050 Miss Forrester 050 H. K. Eaton, Esq.... H. I. Bath, Esq. 2 20 110 Dr. Bramwell 050 Dr. Frew. 050 Collection at Public Meeting 705 Legacy of late Mr. William Garvie 050 Geo. Robertson, Treasurer. William Greig 050 Meeting, Patrick Soutar 050 U. P. Church James Baikie, Esq... Geo. Robertson Young Class, for ditto..... Ditto, for China 112. 28. Per Mr. A. Galbraith. Collected by Cards, Edinburgh. W. F. Watson. Captain Walker, for Fund Collection at Queen J. McKenzie, less less 12 5 5 Less Expenses. 11 2 5 D. Macintosh 130 Dalkeith. Back St. 100 Jno. Reid 0 19 4 Charles Law 200 James Law 100 Mrs. Aikman 050 Mrs. A. Imrie 050 050 050 050 Gavin Peacock.......... 0 5 0 Mr. and Mrs. Prince. 10 0 Disposition of the foregoing. Pirrie and Anderson 050 Two Friends. 20 0 NOVA SCOTIA. son, Esq... 2000 25 0 751 30 India........ 500 00 10 0 350/ A Friend. Mr. T. Pelliloff Contributions in aid of the Society will be thankfully received by Sir Culling Eardley Eardley, Bart Treasurer, and Rev. Ebenezer Prout, at the Mission House, Blomfield-street, Finsbury, London; by Mr. W. F. Watson, 52, Princes-street, Edinburgh, Robert Goodwin, Esq., 235, George-street, and Religious Institution Rooms, 12, South Hanover-street, Glasgow; and by Rev. John Hands, Society House, 32, Lower Abbey-street, Dublin. Post-Office Orders should be in favour of Rev. Ebenezer Prout, and payable at the General Post Office. WILLIAM STEVENS, PRINTER, 37, BALL YARD, TEMPIR BAB |