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Gentlemen: We beg to advise that the fountain which you recently installed for us in the Mills Building, No. 15 Broad Street, this City, is most satisfactory.

While we expected a good fountain from you, you certainly surprised us in having furnished us with the best construction and workmanship we have ever seen in a fountain; the materials which you have used are well selected and of the best.

Although this fountain is a small one-so small in fact that we call it our "Watch Charm "- it is complete in every detail, and has the facilities and conveniences to take care of a very busy, up-to-date soda trade.

You doubtless know that we operate a number of high class places and consider that we are in a position to know what constitutes a good fountain, and we must concede that the AMERICAN SODA FOUNTAIN CO. have exceeded our best expectations.

Yours very truly,

SNOW'S FOUNTAINS, Inc. Archer Poe, Gen'l Mgr.


Starts You on The


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For 25 or 30 years we have been
manufacturing HYDROGEN
PEROXIDE to meet the critical
requirements of the retail drug
trade, and our aim has always been
to make the very best preparation
that could be made and to sell it
at the lowest possible cost consist-
ent with its superior qualities.

Considering quality and cost we
feel sure that druggists will find it
to their advantage to always carry
our brand in stock and give it
preference with their trade. ALL




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Electrically Operated National
Cash Register

Greatest labor-saving machine for re-
tail merchants.

It does 15 things in three seconds.
It does quickly what clerks can't do.
Tells which clerk sells the most goods.
Advertises your goods direct to your


The New N. C. R. Credit File Cuts out all bookkeeping of customers' accounts.

No customers' ledger, blotter or daybook.

Every customer's account balanced to
the minute.

Complete record with one writing.
Saves time and work for clerks.
Customers like it; it saves their time.

War or no war, prosperity is increasing. Hence don't delay.
Order now and get the profits which our system will make for you.
Sold on small monthly payments.

It more than pays for itself out of the money it saves.
Old cash registers repaired, bought, sold, rebuilt and taken in exchange for new registers.


Adapted to retail stores of all kinds, from the smallest to the largest

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Hydrogen Peroxide, P.D.& Co. Cheap Peroxide?



WHEN you get a call for peroxide do you offer your customer a


cheap product at a cheap price, or the best peroxide that can possibly be produced-Parke, Davis & Co's hydrogen peroxide?

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, P. D. & Co., is a pure, dependable peroxide. It is full strength. It conforms strictly to the requirements of the United States Pharmacopeia.

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, P. D. & Co., means satisfied customers. It means a good profit. Your patrons will cheerfully pay a fair price for it when they know they are getting a product of the highest grade.

Why push peroxide of questionable strength and purity? Why descend to the level of cheap competition?

Pint, half-pint and quarter-pint bottles.

Home Offices and Laboratories,

Detroit, Michigan.

Parke, Davis & Co.

50 Years of Pharmaceutical Progress

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