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high frequency current were used for some months with some im provement in hearing and slight abatement in the tinnitus. Calc. carb. rhus and other remedies were given along with the treatment. Accomplishing so little, I sat down one day to take the symptomatology as accurately as possible and this is what was obtained: Tinni tus, never of the ringing variety, but a low buzzing, whizzing sound becoming loud roaring on damp days or when near the water. Deafness greatly aggravated on damp, windy days. This patient lived near the lake and wind off the lake always made her much worse. There were absolutely no general symptoms to be obtained as nothing was complained of but the deafness and tinnitus. After some little study, petroleum 6x-a remedy I had never used before-was prescribed. Five days later the patient said to me, "I never had anything do me so much good in all my life; the buzzing has practically disappeared and I hear much better,"-which statement the watch and the fork confirmed. This was over a year ago. I see her occasionally now, for with a cold there is slight return of the tinnitus which petroleum promptly relieves.

CASE II. Another patient with interstitial changes in the tube and tympanum but with an atrophic and flabby reddened drumhead. Complained of deafness and an intense pounding, throbbing in the ears much worse at irregular intervals. The same local treatment was given as in the other case and the drumhead supported by collodion. Fer. phos., china and other remedies were given, but after three months the subjective conditions were as before. One day she came into the office and said the pounding was terrific, she was dizzy and nauseated. Her face was flushed, the eyes suffused and the carotids throbbing. It took me about three minutes to prescribe atropine 3x. Two days later she reported the throbbing tinnitus as having disappeared very shortly after the first dose of the medicine. This was eight weeks ago. She is still under my treatment and to her intense relief there has not been the slightest return of the tinnitus.

CASE III. A patient who for years had had chronic dermatitis of the external auditory canal, with moist, scaling of the external covering of the drumhead of both ears; discharge foul, and irritaing the external auditory meatus. At the time I saw him he had been having a crop of furuncles not confined to the ear but upon the neck and body. One good sized one at the auditory meatus had driven him to the aurist. Under Hepar 6x the furuncles disappeared but the foul discharge still persisted from the external canal. It was carefully cleaned, the scales and dead epithelium removed and swabbed with ichthyol and he was directed to use the ichthyol at home. Gra

phites 6x was given. In three weeks there had been no improvement. Tellurium 3x was then given, the ichthyol continued however, and there has been a complete cessation of the trouble. I have seen him several times since and there has been no return.

CASE IV. A man 65 years of age, with pachydermia laryngis. Had been hoarse for several years and now had almost lost his voice. Local treatment was instituted and thuya 30x prescribed without result. Under cocaine and by direct laryngoscopy, much of the irregular hypertrophy of the cords was removed and silver nitrate 40 gr. to the oz. was applied locally, weekly under cocaine, for some time after the operative work, but the trouble gradually recurred. Finally thuya 9 five drops t. i. d. was prescribed and all local treatment stopped. Six weeks later the voice was very much improved. The cords while still showing some hypertrophy were quite smooth and even and approximated very well. He himself, expressed great satisfaction with the improvement and especially with the gentle manner in which it had been accomplished as compared with the local treatment.

CASE V. A little girl to 3 years old, came to me with a marked phlyctenular conjunctivitis which she had had continuously for more than a year. She had been under the care of two of my confreres of the other school and finally, for the past six months, had been going to Lakeside Hospital. Her family physician, an old school man who is not altogether familiar with homeopathic remedies, referred her to me. She was a fat, towheaded, pot-bellied, little youngster, with eyes intensely sensitive to light; two or three scars on each cornea and phlyctenular ulceration at each corneo-scleral margin. Yellow oxide ointment was rubbed into the conjunctiva, the mother remarking meanwhile that she had used barrels of that already, and calc. carb. 6x given internally. Ten days later I saw the child again. She entered the room with her eyes wide open and was as anxious to have me look at them as she had previously dreaded it. The redness and ulcerations had disappeared, the first time in more than a year. I did not see the child again but was told by the family physician several weeks later, that there had been no return.

CASE VI. Is the wife of a physician and is not a wholly satisfactory case to report as a credit to the homeopathic remedy. It has, however, to do with a disease which the average oculist dreads to meet, and the relief of the subjective symptoms and some of the objective conditions was so prompt I am adding it to the list. Patient stated that, four or five weeks before visiting me, the vision in the left eye, which previously had been good, began rapidly to fail until


within four or five days it was reduced to indistinct perception of large objects. Flashes of light occurred and a cloudy, misty sensation was constantly present. Within the past few days the right eye had acquired the same feeling and although vision was still good, reading was intolerable. Examination of the right eye showed fluffy irritable fundus and slight blurring of disc margin; vessels neither enlarged nor tortuous, no cupping of the disc, pupil active and tension normal. Left eye; tension normal, pupil active, deep seated patch of injected sclera with considerable aching pain near outer canthus. Fundus showed large patches of choroiditis in the temporal and inferior retinal fields extending up into the macular region. No history of syphilis and urinary examination negative as regards albumen, sugar, and tube casts. Urea normal. Patient had always been a great reader and had been doing much fine sewing. Vision in the right eye was 20/40 indistinctly and 5/200 in left eye. The hygiene of the eye was enforced, pilocarpine and dionin together used locally and after consultation with her husband, phosphorus high-what the potency was I do not know-was prescribed. Improvement followed rapidly, the photopsies disappearing, the scleritis clearing up and the uncomfortable sensation on attempting to use the eyes passing away. Four weeks later I refracted her and found the following:

R-75@15 20/30 plus

L-75@165 20/200 Add plus 150 reading.

Two months later she was perfectly comfortable. This was a choroiditis from eye strain, the low grade myopic astigmatism. undoubtedly being the exciting cause, and the hygiene enforced and the correction given were undoubtedly great factors in the favorable outcome. Yet I cannot but feel, from the prompt relief, that the phosphorus was an active element, especially as very many of these cases do not respond to hygiene and refractive correction alone.

CASE VII. Miss R. was referred to me by one of our consultants here, with a chronic scleritis of two years standing; sometimes better and sometimes worse, but never well. She had been under constant treatment both at home and in this city. The left eye showed a typical scleritis at the inner side of the corneal margin with marked injection of the deep vessels. The eye was exceedingly sensitive to light and touch and there was a constant dull, heavy aching pain in it. Such fundus examination as could be made at this time revealed nothing abnormal. Urinary examination was negative as regards sugar and albumen, and urea normal. A tuberculin test in the other eye was negative. Atropine, hot compresses, bandaging and merc. sol. were prescribed. Slight improvement occurred but not marked

and at various times rhus and aurum were given. Finally, iodide of potash up to 20 gr. doses t. i. d., was prescribed without much effect, the patient stating she had had that before. Now I did what I should have done in the beginning. I got out my reference books and studied for the remedy and the choice fell on Thuya, which had never occurred to my mind before. It was given in the Ø II gtts t. i. d. In two weeks I was able to refract the patient, changing her lenses from minus cyl. at horizontal axes to plus cyl. at oblique axes. In two weeks more the eye was perfectly clear; the pupil had returned to normal. The sensitiveness to light and touch had disappeared and the aching gone. I have not seen the patient since but take it for granted there has been no return or I should have seen her.

Now I don't wish you to take it for granted that I believe homeopathy to be a panacea for all eye, ear, nose and throat affections, or even a foremost consideration in the treatment of these cases. A painful eye, a chronic conjunctivitis, a chronic suppurating ear, chronic form of otitis media, recurring tonsilitis or laryngitis, and numerous other affections of these regions, have in 75 per cent of the cases a local cause for their existencse or persistence, and this cause can be found by diligent search and removed with complete relief. Such conditions as strictured tubes, polypi, cholesteatoma and caries, in the ear; refractive errors, duct obstructions, muscle imbalances, in the eye; septal deflections, turbinal hypertrophies, sinus involvements, in the nose; and adenoids and tonsilar disease in the throat, must receive the local attention necessary. But many times, even after all these have been cared for to the best of our ability, annoying subjective symptoms such as tinnitus,asthenopia, hoarseness, etc., remain, and which the carefully selected remedy will remove. Again, where the local disease is but symptomatic of general nutritive disturbances, in acute disturbances before organic changes have occurred, in chronic functional changes, in circulatory or reflex symptoms remaining after organic changes have been cared for, the indicated remedy is of inestimable value.

Choice of the remedy: In local conditions which are only symptomatic of general nutritive diseases such as phlyctenular conjunctivitis, eczema and dermatitis of the external auditory canal, and the acute affections associated with infectious diseases, the choice of the remedy is made less difficult by having a wider field to draw from in forming the drug picture. But in those conditions which are purely local with no symptoms other than the local ones, the choice is correspondingly difficult. Here one requires an accurate knowledge of the local symptomatology of drugs. For instance, take tinnitus: A

pathogenesis which has in the symptomatology "great tinnitus" alone, is without value to the searcher. But a pathogenesis which has qualified tinnitus as buzzing, whizzing in the ear, tinnitus with great roaring, with throbbing, beating, with high pitched or low pitched ringing, is of great value. If in addition to this qualification it has aggravations from cold, from dampness, at night or some other characteristic qualification, one is still more helped.

An Englishman returning from 25 years residence in a remote Chinese town where none but a Celestial face was ever seen, said on his return to London, that all Englishmen looked alike to him. The long absence of the English face had caused him to lose that discriminating power by which the peculiarities of one English face differentiated that one from all others. All he saw was the generality which distinguished the English from the Chinese. So it is with drugs in special work. To the beginner all drugs look alike when he attempts to distinguish between them on the local symptomatology and until he has familiarized himself with the finer distinctions which give them a local individuality. And when he has familiarized himself with these finer distinctions he is at once wonder stricken at the accuracy in minutiae with which our materia medica has been compiled. The different forms of tinnitus before mentioned often indicate different pathological entities, viz. affections of the 8th nerve are often characterized by a roaring tinnitus; of the cochlea, a ringing tinnitus; of the mouth of the tubes a buzzing, crackling tinnitutubal obstructions with sunken drumheads a throbbing pounding tinnitus, and these pathological entities have their analogues in our drugs. Thus we find china which has a ringing tinnitus is of value in cochlear affection not often in tubal disturbances; petroleum, which has a buzzing, whizzing tinnitus with some vertigo and nausea, is of value in tubal obstruction with disturbances of the static labyrinth from disturbed air pressure. Many of our drugs were proven before otology was born, yet the provers have accurately defined and differentiated these minor symptoms making it possible for the careful student of today, to pick accurately his remedies proven years ago.

The same finer distinctions can be made in eye work and nose and throat work, and upon close study we are surprised to find that often these apparently minor and fanciful distinguishing symptoms are the very same as those used by the discriminating specialist in differentiating accurately between the myriad local pathological conditions.

In conclusion I hope you will not be led by what I have said to think that I am an expert in special homeopathy, or always have

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