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Treatment of Tetanus.

In the Berliner Klinische Wochenschrift appears a report on a large number of cases of tetanus treated by Dr. Bacelli's method of subcutaneous injection of carbolic acid. Of ninetyfour cases of severe tetanus collected from medical literature (mostly Italian) only two proved fatal. Of thirty-eight very severe cases, sixteen died. From these latter Dr. Bacelli excludes eleven cases, because the doses administered were wholly insufficient. This reduces the mortality of the latter series to 18.5 per cent. Considering that the mortality of severe cases of tetanus is 100 per cent, in ordinary circumstances these figures would appear to be highly satisfactory. Dr. Bacelli uses a 2 to 3 per cent watery solution of carbolic acid, which is injected subcutaneously. He commences with very small doses, but as soon as the proper tolerance of the patient has been established by examination of the urine, the dose should be rapidly increased until the patient takes 1 to 12 grammes in the course of twentyfour hours. According to the author, tetanus patients tolerate carbolic acid in surprisingly large doses, and he is led to formulate the axiom that the toleration is directly proportionate to the severity of the case.-The Hospital.

Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.

Hodgson gives the following points which he thinks are essential to the successful treatment of diabetes mellitus: 1. To impress on the patient that after his apparent recovery, continued care in eating is essential to continued health. 2. To dispense, as a general thing, with such drugs as codeine and arsenic and to make the patient rely practically entirely on the diet and hygiene. 3. To insist on the restriction of the quantity of food just as much as of the kind. 4. To overcome constipation by the use of castor oil and olive oil or by the use of a mixture of these two with glycerin. 5. To insist that the food must be thoroughly masticated. 6. To restrict carbohydrates at the outset to the smallest possible amount consistent with safety. 7. To add starches gradually in but one form rather than in several until the point of tolerance has been reached. 8. To eliminate from the dietary those articles of food that have been found to be difficult of digestion, even in health, though their starch content may not be objectionable for a diabetic. 9. Above all, to impress the patient with the fact that his disease is essentially the result of vicious dietetic habits and that it is useless for him to expect any favorable results so long as the habit is persisted in.


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