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Acerbi. TRAVELS through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the Years 1798 and 1799. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1802.

Adanson. Voyage to Senegal, the Isle of Goree, and the River Gambia, by M. Adanson. 8vo. London, 1759. Amer. Phil. Tran. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia. vol. i.iv. 4to.

Philadelphia, 1771. Anderson. Account of the present State of the Hebrides and the Western Coasts of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1785.

Recreations in Agriculture, Natural History, Arts, and Miscellaneous Literature. vol. i. iv. 8vo.

London, 1799. Anson. Voyage round the World, in the Years 1740, 1741, 1742, 1743, and 1744. 8vo.

London, 1748.

London, 1798.

Asiat. Res. Asiatic Researches. 4 vols. 8vo.
Audebert. Histoire Naturelle des Singes, et des Makis, par
J. B Audebert, Membre de la Société d'Histoire Natu-
relle de Paris. folio.
Paris, an 8, 1800.
Bancroft. Essay on the Natural History of Guiana, in South
America. 8vo.
London, 1769.

Barbot. Description of North and South Guinea; in Churchill's Coll. of Voyages, vol. v.

London, 1732.

It may be proper to remark, that translations of foreign works, as more easy of access, have been in general preferred to the originals.

Barbut. Genera Insectorum of Linnæus, exemplified by various species of English Insects drawn from Nature. 4to. London, 1781.

Genera Vermium, exemplified by various Specimens of the Animals contained in the Orders of the Intestina and Mollusca of Linnæus, drawn from Nature. 4to.

London, 1783.

London, 1801.

Barrow. Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa, in the
Years 1797 and 1798. 4to.
Barton. Fragments of the Natural History of Pennsylvania,
part the first. folio.

Philadelphia, 1799.

Bartram. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, &c. 8vo.

Battel. In Purchas's Pilgrimes, vol. ii.

London, 1792.

Baumgarten. Travels through Egypt, &c. in Churchill's Collection of Voyages, vol. i.

London, 1704.

Beauplau. Description of Ukraine; in Churchill's Collection. vol. i.

Bell. Travels from St. Petersburg to divers Parts of Asia, 2 vols. 8vo.

London, 1764.

Bewick. General History of Quadrupeds. 5th Edit. 8vo.

Newcastle, 1807.

History of British Birds, 2 vols. 8vo.

Newcastle, 1800. 1805.

Bingley. Memoirs of British Quadrupeds, 8vo. London, 1809. Bloch. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, par Bloch. Ouvrage classé par Ordres, Genres, et Espèces, d'après le Systême de Linné; avec caractères generique par René Richard Castel. 10 tom. Paris, an 9.

Borri. Account of Cochin China; in Churchill's Collection, vol. ii.

Borlase. Natural History of Cornwall. folio.

Oxford, 1758.

Bosc. Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles, par L. A. G. Bosc.

5 tom.

Histoire Naturelle des Vers, par L. A.

Bosman. Description of the Coast of Guinea.

Paris, an 10. G. Bosc. 3 tom.

Paris, an 10.

[blocks in formation]

Boyle. Philosophical Works, edited by Dr. Shaw. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1738.

Brickell. Natural History of North Carolina. 8vo.


Dublin, 1743.

Ornithologie, ou Méthode, contenant la Division des Oiseaux en Ordres, Sections, Genres, Espèces, et leurs Variétés. 6 tom. 4to.

Paris, 1760. Browne. Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. folio.

London, 1754.

Brown. Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, from the Year 1792, to the Year 1798. 4to. London, 1799. Bruce. Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, in the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773. 5 vols. 4to. Edinb. 1790. Buffon. Histoire Naturelle, generale et particulière, par Leclerc de Buffon, ouvrage formant un cours complet d'Histoire Naturelle; Rédigé par C. S. Sonnini. 64 tom. 8vo. Paris, 1800, &c. Carreri. Voyage round the World, by Gemelli Carreri; in Churchill's Col. of Voyages, vol. iv. Catesby. Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands. 2 vols. folio. London, 1731-43.

Charlevoix. Journal of a Voyage to North America, containing in particular a Description and Natural History of Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1761.

Childrey. Britannia Baconica; or the Natural Rarities of England, Scotland, and Wales. 8vo. London, 1660.

Church. Cabinet of Quadrupeds. 4to. I.ondon, 1796, &c. Churchill. Collection of Voyages and Travels. 6 vols. folio. London, 1704, &c.

Consett. Tour through Sweden, Swedish-Lapland, Finland, and Denmark, in the Year 1786. 4to. London, 1789. Cook. Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, in 1779, and 1780. 4 vols. 8vo.

1776, 1777, 1778,

London, 1784.

Coxe. Travels through Switzerland, with Remarks, Characters, &c. 3 vols. 8vo.

London, 1789.

Crantz. History of Greenland; containing a Description of the Country and its Inhabitants. 2 vols. 8vo.

London, 1767.

Da Costa. Historia Naturalis Testaceorum Britanniæ. 4to.

London, 1778.


Cuvier. Tableau Elémentaire de l'Histoire Naturelle des
Animaux, par G. Cuvier. 1 tom. 8vo. Paris, an 6.
Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, translated from
the French of G. Cuvier, by William Ross. 2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1802.
Dampier. Voyages, containing a Voyage round the World; a
Supplement to the Voyage round the World; two Voyages
to Campeachy; and a Voyage to New Holland. 3 vols.
London, 1699--1763.
D'Auteroche. Voyage to California; with the Natural His-
tory of the Province of Mexico. 8vo. London, 1778.
Daniel. Rural Sports, by the Rev. W. B. Daniel. 2 vols.
London, 1801-1803.
Daudin. Histoire Naturelle, generale et particulière, des
Reptiles, par J. M. Daudin. 8 tom. 8vo. Paris, an 10.
Denon. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, translated by
Francis Blagdon. 2 vols. 12mo.
London, 1802.
Derham. Physico-Theology; a Demonstration of the Being of
a God from the Works of the Creation.


Dillon. Travels through Spain, in a Series of Letters, 4to.

London, 1782. D'Obsonville. Philosophic Essays on the Manners of various Foreign Animals. 8vo. London, 1784.

Donovan. Epitome of the Natural History of the Insects of China. 4to. London, 1798.

Du Halde. The General History of China, containing a Geographical, Historical, Chronological, Political, and Physical Description of the Empire of China, Chinese Tartary, Corea, and Thibet. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1736. Du Pratz. History of Louisiana; containing a Description of the Western parts of Virginia and Carolina._8vo. London, 1774. Edwards, G. Natural History of uncommon Birds, and some other rare and undescribed Animals, in four parts, 4to. London, 1743, &c.

Gleanings of Natural History, 3 vols. 4to.

London, 1758. Edwards, B. History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1793. Egede. Description of Greenland, showing the Natural His

tory, Situation, Boundaries, &c. translated from the Danish. 8vo. London, 1745. Ellis. Natural History of many curious and uncommon Zoophytes, collected from various Parts of the Globe, 4to. London, 1786. Ellis. Voyage to Hudson's Bay in 1746 and 1747, for the Purpose of Discovering a North West Passage. 8vo.

London, 1768.

Forrest. Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas. 8vo.

London, 1780.

Forster. Voyage round the World, in the Resolution, commanded by Capt. Cook, during the Years 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1777. Fortis. Travels into Dalmatia; containing general observations on the Natural History of that Country, and the neighbouring Islands. 4to. London, 1778.

8 vols. 12mo.
Grieve. History of Kamtschatka and the Kurilski Islands.
Gloucester, 1764.

History of the Earth, and Animated Nature.
London, 1791.

Grose. Voyage to the East Indies, in the Year 1750, &c.
2 vols. 8vo.
London, 1772.
Hakluyt. The principal Navigations, Voiages, Traffiques, and
Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or Ouer-
land, at any Time within the Compass of these 1500
Years. 3 vols. folio.
London, 1598.

Hamilton. Account of the East Indies. 2 vols. 8vo.

London, 1744.

Harris. Aurelian, or Natural History of English Insects, namely, Moths and Butterflies, together with the plants on which they feed. folio, London, 1766.

Collection of Voyages and Travels. 2 vols. folio.

London, 1705.

Hasselquist. Voyages and Travels in the Levant, in the Years 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, containing Observations in Natural History, &c. 8vo. London, 1766. Hawkesworth. Account of the Voyages performed by Commodore Byron, Capt. Wallis, Capt. Carteret, and Capt. Cook. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1773. Haworth. Lepidoptera Britannica.-Auctore A. H. Haworth. 8vo. London, 1803.

Hearne. Journey from the Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's

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