National Association of Drug 85 Clerks, annual meeting of.... 261 concerning the new 84 2 concerning the high cost of. 482 175 law 485 Paralysis epidemic, the infantile 348 Park case in the courts. 44 Parke, Davis & Co. awards prizes discussions on the ... 85 polish for metal. 180 Lieut. Robb.: "My 321 258 for tan shoes.. 169 non-drying library 342 126 potassium chlorate tooth. 434 168 429 83 172 51 Minnich, Thos. C.: "Turning on aspirin expires in 1917.. 305 Waste Into Cash". 19 New Jersey health department, 46 "Minor Complaints" 202 Mirbane oil insecticide. 302 Newspaper letters to educate the "New Use for an Old Product, A' 380 483 339 404 Payne, Dr. George F., mention of 304 .45, 348 business 75 432 for automobiles, anti-freeze. 433 Nitrate of silver stains from Pennsylvania, a commendable 123 432 form of publicity in. 47 Nitroglycerin tablets, the sta- Pepsin 122 digestion, substances Model Drug Store, C. W. Hart- 300 Nitro-solvent gun oil. 346 in cheese making. 329 Non-drying library paste.. 342 Percentage solutions .388, 475 Non-stocked articles into cash, 109, 198 Moerk, Frank X., communication the right and Norris Drug Company, view of Perfumes, handling 384 158 Mollison, Colonel W. T., snap- fountain of 271 solid 258 "Money-makers and Money-sav- 443 67 Obvious leaks that are often prize picture submitted by 396 Pet, a drug-store. ... Peterson, Alex F.: "Displaying 137 461 98 243 465 Morrison, Jas. W., portrait and 437 Officers elected at 1916 N. A. R. 408 Oglesby, G. D., death of. "Learning from Others" 451 319 348 liquid 345 Competition" 189 Pharmaceutical associations, in- portrait and mention of. Mortimer, Mrs. Arthur, portrait and mention of. 91 emulsion of cod-liver. 42 creasing membership of... 259 415 34 with hypophosphites, Amer- Pharmacists, "Don'ts" for. 122 ican mineral 43 Farmer" 498 in army receive recognition 304 testing 390 U. S. 434 Movie slides as an advertising colleges, increased standards medium 192 Moving merchandise Oilskins, waterproofing 80 512 Muller, Edith M.: "How I Spent Ointment, analgesic 389 493 cause of darkening in re- sorcin 432 antidote for 348 Murgittroyd's Drug Store clerks' for burns 82 banquet, photograph of. camphorated .44, 389 138 Murphy, Dr. John B., death of.. 347 decolorizing 214 Ointments, 317 Philadelphia College of Phar- thyol in 255 macy combines with Medico- Chirurgical College of Phar- Nagle, Frederick, and his daugh- ter, snapshot of... 355 One-cent sales good advertising 154 Phosphite of sodium. 346 Photographic flashlight 126 Physician, going after the dis- Naphthol, camphorated 44 pensing 307 Narcotic drugs, concerning the illegal traffic in. 481 that drew thousands of pa- 184 free diarrhea mixture.. 432 Orange, glycerite of. 123 Orders, illiterate....36, 120, 121, Pictures, prize-winning camera. 310 36 Pill, kidney Place of business, should a druggist live at his?. 301 326 Planning a modern drug store Outlook based on figures, an. 48 109, 198 391 Overcoming the cigarette habit. 169 Plants, growing drug. 348 125 .3, 174 Ownership, a letter announcing preserving the green color 213 214 Own-make preparations, display- Plea for pharmaceutical re- 97 search, a 415 IX Tonic, witch-hazel hair. Sodium phosphite 250, 297, 340, 386 Soldering fluid 80 .... Soldiers on the border, snap- Model Drug Store, Waseca, Tooth paste, a potassium chlo- rate 434 168 shot of U. S. 181 Ind. 443 Soliciting Christmas business... 473 Solidified liniment 390 Murgittroyd Drug Company, Tracey, Arthur A.: "Advertising 374 Trade bringing methods. 385 266 how putting in another Solid perfume 258 Newcomer & Sons, M. F., door doubled 124 Solution for fire-proofing fab- Toledo, Ohio 313 marks, information concern- 382 Pantlind Pharmacy, Grand ing ..125, 522 Harrington's 477 Rapids, Mich. 198 Tragacanth, toilet creams, fil- making standard-strength Fowler's 166 Rogers & Son, H. C., Up- tering 520 95 Trained nurse as a business Wright's 477 Solutions, percentage. .388, 475 Vance Drug Co., Los An- creator, the 516 509 Sorley, Stanley M.: "Qualities of Importance in a Clerk”. 56 Veale, W. R., Granite, Okla. Trees, destroying 434 14 Tricks of the trade, some. 37 tor, Vt. 14 Tupper, Frank H.: "Luck as a Speeding up delivery boys. 211 Spiers, D. R., Wilson, J. I., Cambridge, prize-winning Factor in My Business Career" 147 Ohio 113 show-cards by 225 Sponges, marking 430 Sporting goods an interesting Wheeler, Carlton B., Hud- articles into cash. 27 137 line 195 Stout, M. A., portrait and men- waste into cash. 16 306, 350, 439, 449 409 Spurlock-Neal Company, adver- Strang, David: "The Movie Slide U tisement of 296 Stability of nitroglycerin tab- as an Advertising Medium".. 192 122 Stabilizers in ice cream, the use 297 Own-make Preparations" 97 133 Stains from hands, to remove nitrate of silver. 123 Strontium bromide and potassi- United Drug Company and South 393 81 to get rid of fruit. 390 Stuckey, E. to remove indelible ink. 389 W., portrait and mention of 410 Stamp selling idea 385 Standards among pharmacy col- Studholme, Foster, portrait and United States Chamber of Com- 88 50 485 Standish, F.: "Planning a Mod- ern Drug Store". .109, 198 Staple, Geo. W.: "What Do You Stationery pays good profits.. sales are boosted, how. Status of whiskey and brandy.. 478 Stephens-Ashurst bill, concern- 382 Stults, E. C.: "Showing Real In- 502 Changes in the new.....322, 362 485 28 Concerning the new.... 263, 279, 304 383 a 384 240 novocaine not a synthetic.. 303 Distribution of the. 260 of enforce- 342 ment of 413 120 Sulphur, liquid 42 Revision committee votes 301 Suppan, Dr. Leo, snapshot of. 223 Suppository mold soap solution 346 United States, reciprocal regis- son law 263 Sterilizing novocaine 390 Sweet oil defined 126 Sterling, Harold "How a Clerk Fattens His Pay En- Synthetic substitute, novocaine Urine specimens 303 not to reopen the brandy tration throughout the....236, 288 tests for sugar and albumin 125 86 258 383 velope" 366 Syrup, making simple 163 Stevens bill, the course of the.. 171 System of bookkeeping for the 223 druggist, a complete...... 232 17 stories, prize-winning 490 Stock, age marks on. 75 reducing scheme, a.. 206 T Store, advertising the drug.. 73 Table, advantages of a "dollar" 516 developing business during. 429 490 516 441 Vance Drug Co., store of. 509 375 Vance, J. G., portrait of.. 509 165 39 Tablets, blue color in bichloride 390 starts new drug chain. 509 301 200 Tablet-triturate board, advan- 518 Tague, John R., death of. 436 Vance, Luther H.: "A New Use 329 244 .... Veale, W. R., store of.. 14 portrait of 436 Takamine, Dr. Jokichi, mention of STORES, PICTURES OF: of 482 "Taking a Gun on a Question- Vermin, remedies against. Baldauf Drug Co., Milwau- Blake Drug Co., John S., Wheeling, W. Va.. able Account" 153 Viscid liquids, filtering.. 95 Tan shoe paste 169 Vermont Marble Company, store Volatile principles of coffee.... 276 14 300 520 shoes, blackening 80 W 137 Company, John, Tariff, medicinal coal-tar chem- Cone, E. H., Atlanta, Ga.. 223 Tasmania, drug conditions in.. Wages paid to clerks, concern- 219 didn't 35 74 442 "A Wall Tent Window Dis- Wallace, Mrs. Emma Gary, por- 51 115 Wallace, William E., convicted under Harrison law 314 442 ance of a good. 306 Wall tent window display. 115 ing 38 Walter, Harry G.: "Developing 429 goes to Peru 94 "Temptation" tables 76 New York 481 Gillespie, F. T., St. Joseph, Testing oils 390 Warren, Milton A: "Turning Mich 14 Tests for sugar and albumin in Creditors Into Cash" 35 Gurley's, Sanford, No. Caro- urine 125 lina 340 Washington, liquor conditions ..259, 435, 480 Hamburg Pharmacy, Ham- "That Quinine and Aspirin In- 53 compatibility" 249 Hernandez, Antonio, Ciego ....94, 139 Thomas, Charles J.: "One-Cent Washington State Pharmaceu- 129 155 Waste into cash, turning. 16 Hunter & McGee, Jackson, "Three Mistakes" 438 Water bath, an economical. 255 184 25 15 Johnston, Jas. D., Launces- Kelley, J. J., Seattle, Wash. 445 Tincture of iodine, restoring old 214 Thulin, E. C., pricing table de- discoloration in distilled.. 389 411 to purify drinking 510 Waterproofing oilskins 80 Waters, medicated 475 Want-book entries, the impor- tance of making 206 manship" Weis, J. E.: "As I View Sales- 451 522 snapshot of 478 Worley, George R.: "Bulk Can- "Turning Waste Paper Into 150 505 Cash" 16 Disinfectants 211 portrait of 16, 151 22 Germicidal Soap 339, 486 Wright's solution 477 "Making Use of Satisfied Hallowe'en 418 Writing business letters 431 152 Patriotic 339 ink 212 "Making Use of the Printed One-cent sale 155 Wrothwell, J. H.: "National In- Advertisement" "Sending Out Business-pull- 61 .... Toilet accessories 65 Wall tent 115 surance in England". 159 104 257 White, J. Leyden, mention of..4, Witch-hazel hair tonic.. 81 and mention of... 8 Wohlfort, H. L.: "A System Y That Keeps Down Ex- penses" mitted by 397 "Testing One's Puzzle- Williamson, Chas., prize picture guessing Ability" 120 Yancey, Otis L., snapshot of. 11 353 submitted by 397 Wolgamot, Mr. and Mrs. M. C., Wilson, Frederick H., mention of 8 daughter of 268 Yellow color for mineral oil.. 302 113 Wilson, Virgil: "Selling Ex- Women clerks, should they be 20 One" 121 370 tracts in the Home". Window, an artificial lake in the 36 W. O. N. A. R. D., 1916 meet- detective, a 165 displays, getting the most Wood, J. Russell, prize picture out of 22 Wool-fat substitutes 342 strating That Price Tags Pay" 248 Vol. XXX. DETROIT, MICH., JANUARY, 1916. No. 1. THE medical diploma and his State registration as a BULLETIN OF PHARMACY physician gave him constitutional as well as CONVICTED moral rights of which he was being deprived by the enforcement of the Harrison antinarcotic law. He seemed to hold the belief that a physcian should be subjected to little, if any, restraint in prescribing narcotics. In sentencing him Judge Landis stated that he took his advanced age into consideration. Dr. Blunt was released under $5000 bond, pending appeal to a higher court. For this he was sentenced to the penitentiary During the last sixty days for two years; upon each of the other charges there seems to have been more Harrison law cases in court than there have been during any corresponding period since the measure went into effect last March. From all our larger centers activity in the imposing of fines and jail and prison terms is being reported. A case that has attracted considerable attention is that of Dr. Arthur L. Blunt of Chicago. In spite of repeated warnings, Dr. Blunt persisted in violating the law, and after several trials he was convicted on a number of counts. He is an old man, comparatively-61; and on his sixty-first birthday he stood up to receive a sentence of two years of penal servitude in the Federal prison at Leavenworth, Kansas, and a fine of $2500. Dr. Blunt made a long and somewhat eloquent plea in his own behalf, claiming that his the penalty imposed was five years. The court instructed that the three five-year terms should be served concurrently, however, and this means that the time served will have been seven years in all. A circumstance which is said to have influenced the judge in passing sentence was the defiant attitude of the defendant. At the time sentence was imposed Wallace was unable to raise a $20,000 bond and was remanded to the county jail. It is understood that Wallace, also, will attempt to get a hearing in another court. MERGER PLANS TEMPO- It is reported by Eastern commercial papers that the plans of the Riker & Hegeman Company and the United Drug Company to effect a consolidation have been brought temporarily to a standstill by reason of a re |