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"It is not accident that helps a man in the world, but purpose and persistent industry." Samuel Smiles.

är' bu tús, a trailing plant.

bry' tal, cruel; inhuman.

elause, part of a sentence.

elean' ly, neatly; in a clean manner.

eō' må tōse, drowsy; lethargic.

côr' pu lent, fat; obese.

hi er o glyph' Ĭe, a symbol in ancient writing.

hol' o caust, a burnt sacrifice; a sacrifice of many lives, as by burning. hỹ pŏth' e sis, theory supposed for the purpose of argument.

erĕs' çent, increasing; shape of a new il leg' i ble, incapable of being read;

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bag' gage, trunks, valises, etc., con- | in' freight, a term applied to goods

taining clothing which a traveler carries on a journey.

eȧ boose', a trainmen's car attached to a freight.

coach, a first-class passenger car.

ĕx eûr' sion, a pleasure trip; a brief tour.

ĕn gi neer', one who manages an engine; to manage.

coming to a central point.

june' tion, a place where two or more roads meet.

lad' ing, freight; the act of loading. lim' it ěd, restricted; in railway usage meaning fast trains.

lō' cal, applied to trains stopping at, or business connected with, way stations.

měs' sen gĕr, carrier; one who bears | ter' mi nùs, the limit; the end of a

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NOTE: The second word in each pair is opposite in meaning to that of the first.

su pē' ri or, greater; excellent.
in fe' ri or, subordinate; lower.

lē' ni ent, mild; merciful.
se vēre', harsh; grave; stern.
do měs' tie, pertaining to home.
for' eign, not native; alien.

dis' çi pline, training; government. dis or' der, confusion; tumult.

sub ju gāte, to subdue; to enslave. lib' er ate, to free.

ō' ral, verbal; unwritten.
writ' ten, expressed in writing.

per' må nent, enduring; lasting. trăn' sient, brief; passing.

çĕr e mō' ni oŭs, precise; exact. în fôrm' al, irregular; unusual. a' mi à ble, gracious; kindhearted. sûr' ly, snarling; crabbed.

ĕx plic' it, plain; definite. ob seūre', indistinct; unintelligible. dū'rå ble, not changeable; lasting. un stā' ble, not firm; wavering. puğ na' cious, quarrelsome. peace' à ble, quiet; unwarlike.

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"Little wastes in great establishments, constantly occurring, may defeat the energies of a mighty capital."

ǎg gres' sor, the one who first attacks. | guess, a conjecture; a surmise.

ǎp pa rì' tion, a ghost; a phantom.
a' que oùs, pertaining to water.
ǎr' ro gant, proud; haughty.
bay' ou (by'-), an arm of a lake or

bûr' glà rỹ, feloniously entering a
dwelling-house or other buildings.

eǎv' al ry, troops on horseback. çiv' il ly, politely.

hĕr' e sy, doctrinal view contrary to accepted belief.

in tim i date, to deter; to make afraid.

jäunt, a ramble; a short journey.
měr' ri ment, gayety, with laughter

per' me āte, to pervade.
re pulse', to repell.

co los sal, huge; of immense size or sěd' en ta ry, sitting much; sluggish;

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eru' çi fy, to fasten and put to death so lil' ō quỹ, monologue; talking to

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ȧ eǎd'e my, a school ranking between | com měnçe' ment, origin; day of cele

a college and common school. băch' e lor, the first university de

gree in a course of study. chǎp' er on, an attendant and pro


brating the completion of a course in college.

eur rie' u lum, a course; especially, a prescribed course of study, as in a college.

di plō' må, a certificate of gradua- | măth e må ti' cian, one versed in tion; or, one conferring privilege or honor.


må trie' u lāte, to enroll, as a student.

dôr' mi tō ry, a building containing mon' i tor, one who warns.

sleeping rooms.

fresh' man, a first year student.
gym nā' şi um, a place for athletic ex-

hŏl' i dāy, a day of exemption from

in' sti tūte, to establish; an institution.

pre çèp' tor, a teacher.

pro fěss'or, a public teacher of any science or branch of learning.

se měs' ter, six months; one-half a school year.

sēn' ior (-yêr), an elder; last year in college.

soph' o mōre, second year in college.

jūn' ior (-yēr), one in the third year tu i' tion, instruction; teaching; the

charge for instruction.

in college. lăb'o rȧ tō ry, a place devoted to ex- tu' tor, an instructor of lower rank periments; a workshop. than a professor.

li' bra ry, a place for, or a collection ū ni vēr' si ty, a school for promoting of books. education in the higher branches.



Consult your dictionary for the meaning of words.

A Briton is a native of Great Britain.2

I am quite confident that I did not divulge your secret to my most intimate confidant.

Did you say the decease of your friend was caused by a lingering disease? &
The thief tried to elude his pursuers, but they illuded and seized him.
The wheat shoots down the chute. 10

The colonel" was choked with a peach kernel.12

What is the difference between a cord 13 of wood, a chord" in music, and the chord 15 of an arc?

Your speech and gesture 16 would make people believe you were a jester.17 Besides his being very ingenious 18 he is a very amiable and ingenuous 19 companion.

A metal 20 horse could not be called a horse of mettle.21

The Dane 22 will not deign 23 to notice him.

Two centuries 24 ago, more sentries 25 kept guard about this castle than do now.



"Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings."-Proverbs.

ǎe count å bil' i ty, the state of being hy drăn' ġe å, a shrubby plant with accountable. flowers.

ǎp pâr' ent, evident; clearly percept- hy' phen, a short dash (-), indicating


ǎx' i om, a self-evident truth.

bûr lesque' (-lěsk'), a ludicrous resentation; a parody.


im pa' tient, uneasy; restless. rep-in iq' ui tous (-ik' wi tus), wicked; un


chi rog' rå phy, the art of writing; in trin' sie, inherent; real; true. juice, fluid of fruit, etc.; sap.


ehor' is ter, one who leads a choir. eon' science (-shĕns), moral sense. con ten' tion, strife; controversy. fig' ûr å tive, metaphorical.

ges' ture, a motion designed to enforce thought.

glis' ten, to shine.

knắp' săck (năp-), a soldier’s lug gage sack.

mis' tle tõe, an evergreen plant.

mū niç' i pal, pertaining to a city or corporation.

mys' ter y, a secret; something incomprehensible.

hå răngue' (-răng'), a loud, bombastic Ŏp por tu' ni ty, fit or convenient

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băl' last, heavy matter to steady a eap' stan, a machine in ships for rais

ship, balloon, etc.

bin' na ele, a compass box.

bulk' head, partition in a vessel separating rooms on same deck.

ing great weights or exerting power. eǎp' tain, chief officer of a boat. ea reen', to incline to one side, as a


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