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for its growth and Manchester Chapter has been a center in itself of zeal and enkindling patriotism.

Iowa City, Pilgrim Chapter, Mrs. Ella Lyon. Regent. As in most of the State Chapters regular meetings have been diversified by days of celebration. A Patriotic Tea netted the sum of $40, which was divided between National Society and Home Company. The Chapter has an enthusiastic attendant member, a "Real Daughter," Mrs. Eliza Melvin Shrader.

Council Bluffs Chapter, Mrs. Charles C. McChesney, Regent. The work of the Chapter, while not striking in any particular, has had in its spirit and intent the power to do much in the community through its unquestioned influence as a strong and efficient agent in instilling patriotism. While its growth has not been rapid, it has been constant, and the harmonious relation of its members has made of its meetings, times of refreshment and inspiration. The Chapter worked with the Sanitary Commission during the summer and did much work for the home company at San Francisco.

Keokuk, while one of the youngest Chapters of the State, has surprised her older sisters with the energy and ability displayed in planning and carrying to successful issue many important lines of work. Miss Cora Pittman, Regent of this Chapter of only nineteen members, has supplied for the young people of Keokuk a reference library made up of Colonial and United States history in general, biographies, etc. This by consent of directors has been placed in Public Library of the city. A resolution on the Desecration of the Flag was passed by the Chapter, and copies sent to National Society and State Regent, as well as being published in the town papers with the hope of creating greater public sentiment on the question.

Relief work was continued all through the summer. If space permitted, a record of work would be given, to show what one small Chapter accomplished. The meetings of the Chapter are monthly, and held at the homes of members, so that the desirable quality of informality and friendliness is greatly increased. The membership grows steadily and the interest never lags.

Waterloo and Cedar Falls Chapter combined in most

friendly relation as one, on August 29th, Mrs. W. Richards, Regent. The work of the year has scarcely been entered upon, but with the efficiency of Mrs. Richards to sustain it in any undertaking, there is promise of much good in the future study and work of these two sister cities united by patriotic sentiment into one active Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.

Marshalltown, Spinning Wheel Chapter, Mrs. Anna B. Howe, Regent. This, the last of Iowa Chapters, completes the circle of fifteen. The enthusiasm with which the new Chapters enter into the work argue well for the advancement of the best interests of the Society at large as well as for greater love and devotion in service, to keeping alive the sentiments that have made this country what it is in greatness, wisdom and strength.

In retiring from the office of State Regent of Iowa, which office I have held for four consecutive years, I am not retiring in any sense from my accustomed and increasing interest in the prosperity of the great work before the Society. Surely the future will overshadow the past, and as my part of the work has been to organize, start and see the beginnings of greater things to come, I take special pride in turning over to my successor State work which has been started in almost every city of size in the State. For the encouragement of one who shall take up the active work which I am unwilling longer for lack of strength and time to continue, I am sure the real encouragement to labor will come to her as to me, through the one real and true source of gratefulness that the object of our Society is glorious, and that its aim crowns the work.

I hope for the future of the Society it has been my pleasure to serve, Unity in power, Harmony in action, Perseverance in purpose. To the National Board, whose countless courtesies have been a source of greatest pleasure to me in my work, I am now as always, grateful.

Respectfully submitted,


State Regent.


Madam President and Members of the Eighth Continental Congress: I herewith submit my annual report of the work of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Kansas for the past year:

The third year of Topeka Chapter's existence has been marked by no special event save that of our late war and the interest which vital National issues must always arouse in a patriotic society.

The regular monthly meetings have been held throughout the year, also two special public meetings-the open meeting of February 22d, and the lawn social of July 20th. This last meeting was for the purpose of raising funds to aid the "Hospital Corps" of the National Society.

Eleven new names have been added to our list of membership, making a total of fifty names. Of this number four have been transferred to other Chapters or dismissed on account of removal from the city, and two have dropped out, leaving an active membership of forty-four ladies, of whom twentynine are residents of Topeka.

Several applicants whose papers have not yet been returned from Washington will soon come into active work.

A course of study in Civil Government and History of the United States which promises to be very interesting has been prepared and the work commenced. Those who have begun the study are much interested and look forward to a year of both pleasure and profit.

Officers for the coming year: Regent, Mrs. Geo. D. Hale; Vice-Regent, Mrs. A. L. Daniels; Secretary, Mrs. S. W. Harrison; Treasurer, Mrs. H. J. Cook; Registrar, Miss L. B. Maltoon; Historian, Mrs. Homer Boughton; Advisory Board, Mrs. A. H. Horton, Mrs. C. C. Baker, Mrs. S. E. Martin.

The Eunice Sterling Chapter numbers twenty-seven members, among whom is an original Daughter, Mrs. Jane Sellers Nighswonger, whose father, Howell Sellers, fought under General Lincoln in the siege of Savannah and in the battles of Briar Creek and Stone Ferry.

The Chapter meets regularly on the first Friday of each month at which time there is presented a program followed by luncheon and a social hour. During the winter of '97 and '98 the Chapter studied Colonial society, costumes, furniture, architecture, travel, music and literature. Excellent papers were presented on the above subjects, some of which were copiously illustrated. In October of this year the Committee on Program recommended reading George Sidney Fisher's Men, Women and Manners in Colonial Times. The Chapter is now engaged in reading this most interesting work.

On the anniversary of Washington's Wedding Day, January 6th, 1898, the Chapter held a reception at the home of its Vice-Regent. The guests invited were those only who were supposed to be eligible to the Society. The program consisted of music and songs interspersed with Washingtonia. The dining-room was beautifully decorated and illuminated with wax tapers. There was much merriment over the favors which were little boxes of wedding cake said to be one hundred and thirty-nine years old.

The annual banquet occurred on February 22d, at the Coronado club house, the Washington Chapter, No. 1, of the Sons of the American Revolution, joining with the Eunice Sterling Chapter in the function. There were about fifty covers laid. Music and songs followed the toasts and the oldest and staidest joined in the Sir Roger de Coverly dance with which the evening's festivities ended.

During the late war with Spain two nurses went out from Wichita under the auspices of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution: one, Miss Julia Woods, a graduate of the Illinois Training School for Nurses, recommended by the Secretary, was sent out in July, and later, the other, Miss Lenna D. Wilson, a graduate of the Baptist Training School of St. Louis, similarly recommended by the Regent of the Eunice Sterling Chapter.

On August 29th the Chapter joined the Washington Chapter in an informal picnic on the beautiful lawn of Mr. J. O. Davidson, a member of the Washington Chapter. A full delegation of both Chapters was present and a bountiful menu discussed and a royal good time enjoyed.

The Chapter has suffered from losses as ows: two members transferred to the Kansas City Chapter, one member transferred to the Hermitage Chapter, of Memphis, and one transferred to the Denver Chapter. The Chapter has gained one member from the Irondequoit Chapter and one from the Saranac Chapter, of New York.

During the year the Chapter has contributed to the fund for the purchase of the George Walton homestead in Augusta, Georgia, and to the Lafayette Memorial Fund.

I have delayed sending my annual report expecting to receive the annual report of the Betty Washington Chapter of Lawrence, Kansas. As yet it has not come. They regret exceedingly that they have no delegate to the Congress and rejoice in a membership at the end of two years of thirty-two. Three dollars were sent to the Lafayette Memorial, which makes their gifts for the year one-half the receipts. The newly elected Regent is Mrs. Mary B. Haskell.

I have the pleasure of reporting an incipient Chapter at Ottawa, Kansas, under the able management of Mrs. M. B. Ward, as Regent. As yet the required twelve are not ready, but vigorous work is being done by Mrs. Ward and Miss Babel Crawford toward organization. I prophesy a very enthusiastic Chapter in the above place, and hope they will soon be chartered.

With many regrets that I cannot attend the Congress, and with best wishes for the future success of the organization, I am earnestly a D. A. R.

Respectfully submitted,

State Regent.


Madam President and Memoers of the Eighth Continental Congress: The work of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Kentucky for the year of '98 has been of a most exceptional nature, and it is with regret I resist the temptation of giving full details of the work of each Chapter, so unselfish and truly patriotic do I consider the efforts made. generous response to calls for help during our late war, not

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