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besides hospital supplies of all kinds; over $2,000 in money was raised and disbursed.

A large and flourishing Children's Society was organized this year by Mrs. Austin McGregor, a member of the Nova Caesarea Chapter. It is called the Molly Pitcher.

The Nova Caesarea and the General Lafayette Chapters each have two original Daughters, one of whom is one hundred and four years old.

Several of the Chapters have made a specialty of furnishing and keeping up the Wallace House at Somerville, while others have been equally interested in the Rocky Ford House. Many of the Chapters have endeavored to stimulate interest in the study of American history in the public schools by offering prizes for the best essays on the subject. Most of the Chapters have sent in contributions to the Washington and Lafayette statue funds, and to the Continental Hall.

Respectfully submitted,

MRS. D. A. Depue,
State Regent.


Madam President and Members of the Eighth Continental Congress: I have the honor to present to the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution the report of the work done in North Carolina during the past fiscal year.

The initial Chapter of the State, duly organized September 27, 1898, and known as the Mecklenburg Chapter, with Mrs. Stonewall Jackson as its Regent, has an enrollment of twentyseven members. The Elizabeth Steel Chapter, of Salisbury, organized November 22, 1898, with twelve members. The Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, of Waynesville, was organized January 24, 1899, with a membership of fifteen, making a total enrollment of fifty-four members.

In making the above report, I beg to call your attention to the fact that the work in this State is but just begun. But it is my devout hope that North Carolina will, in the near

future, take her place in the National Society, to which she is so justly entitled through her historic past.

Respectfully submitted,


State Regent.


Madam President and Members of the Eighth Continental Congress: I have very little to report for the year just closed upon the work for the Society in Mississippi. Everything has been against us. As stated in my report to the War Committee last fall, the conditions of fever, flood and war have very much impeded the growth of the organization. I receive letters of inquiry from individuals scattered all over the State showing that interest in the subject is spreading. But after faithful effort, I have not yet been been able to gather these widely separated members into additional Chapters. Death and removal have dampened the prospect of a Chapter at Oxford as soon as we hoped. But there are still a few names there that will serve as a nucleus for continued effort. The sowing time has been long and difficult, but I see the promise of a harvest in the future. And hence, encouraged by a few hearty co-workers, I am willing to continue in the good work awhile longer, trusting in the promise: "In due season ye shall reap if ye faint not."

Respectfully submitted,

State Regent.


Madam President and Members of the Eighth Continental Congress: While the patriotism of the women of North Dakota has been most marked and creditable, their efforts and interest. have, for the past nine months, been centered in the soldiers at the front, in the present war, absorbing all their attention.

and preventing, meanwhile, many from joining our Society that doubtless otherwise would have done so. But the result will be, I think, a healthy growth, and a large increase of membership when the "white dove" comes back to her resting place and a permanent peace, which we trust will be established in the near future.

Concerning our own State work, while it may have been far less than my desire, I submit, in brief, the following:

I have appointed Chapter Regents in the following localities: Mandan, Fargo, Grand Forks, Jameston, Rugby, and Carrington. Owing to the great distances from large centers, and the sparsely populated condition of the intervening country, it has been necessary to have members from distant towns unite and thus form a Chapter. For example, the William Mason Chapter, of Fargo, was formed from members from the adjacent and far removed towns. On the 13th of January, 1898, I signed and forwarded its charter to the Chapter Regent. Its membership is composed of Daughters residing hundreds of miles apart, from Fargo, Rugby, Rolla, Minot, Erie Farm, Sanborn, Rome and Jamestown. This Chapter has also three honorary members, namely: Frances C. Holley, State Regent, Bismarck, North Dakota; Mrs. Hunt, of St. Paul, Minnesota; Mrs. M. E. Haynes, Oliphant Chapter, New Jersey. Has sent to the National Society, from the members, $18. Has a good Executive Board, I believe, and will continue to grow from time to time.

State Regent.


Madam President and Members of the Eighth Continental Congress: The report which I have the honor to present as State Regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Pennsylvania is meagre and inadequate in comparison with the scope and earnestness of the work done by the Chapters during the year 1898. The War Relief Work, a report of which has been rendered elsewhere, has engrossed more than half

the year and, in consequence, a smaller amount has been given to regular Chapter work, but the Chapters are none the less active and interested. They have come out of their manysided experiences quickened and ready for any object which may need their efforts.

The chief events of the year, as a whole, have been two; first the meeting of Chapter Regents in Philadelphia, June 8th last, to consider the best way of promoting the interests of the War Relief Work. Dr. McGee, Director General of the Daughters of the American Revolution Hospital Corps, addressed this gathering in so helpful and inspiring a manner, that the delegates went home with their zeal quickened and enlightened. Their Chapters fell into line either as leaders in their respective localities or co-workers with societies already formed, and an active summer followed. The State Regent kept herself in touch with the two National Committees in Washington and the Chapters, and stood ready to promote in every way possible the interests of the War Relief Work. About one-quarter of the whole number of trained nurses applying to the Hospital Corps were from Pennsylvania. The Training Schools of the State were well and ably represented, and we had many Daughters in camp and hospital doing what their hands found to do as volunteer aids. Private houses were opened in several localities for convalescents. Altogether there is much honor due to those who "stood and waited" as well as those who served in camp, field, and hospital.

The second combined gathering of the year, the State Conference, held in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, December 5, 1898, was largely attended. A few rules were framed to give cohesion to the movement, which is simply a union of the Chapters to increase the interest in the National Society and to extend the knowledge and purpose of the Daughters of the American Revolution throughout the State of Pennsylvania. The rules adopted cover this object, and also provide for officers, meetings, representation, and the small dues required to pay the expenses of the Conference.

A reception was given by the State Regent at the Acorn Club, on the evening of December 5th, to the Pennsylvania

Daughters-officers of other patriotic societies were invited to meet them.

The next meeting will be held in Lancaster, November, 1899, by invitation of the Donegal Chapter.

Three new Chapters have been organized during the year. One in Germantown-Mrs. Herman Burgin, Regent-June 7, 1898. One in Titusville-Mrs. Roger Sherman, RegentNovember 30, 1898. And one in Philadelphia-Miss Harriet J. Baird Huey, Regent January 3, 1898. There are now thirty-five Chapters, with a membership of about 2,000.

Several "Real Daughters" have passed away during the year, but there is still quite a residue left-and Pennsylvania has the honor of holding in its membership the oldest, as well as the youngest, of the whole number in the Society.

The Pittsburg Chapter, the largest in the State, reports fully its work of the year. Several notable gatherings were held at one of which Mr. Ellsworth, of New York, gave a lecture for the benefit of the Block House, whose history is included in a beautiful little book, well illustrated-which has been issued by the Chapter-entitled "Fort Duquesne and Fort Pitt."

This Chapter sent out the first nurse of the war, who went to the hospital at Key West, Miss Alice Patton Lyon, a member of the Chapter. Miss Lyon is now on her way to Manila to continue her ministrations to the troops still in the field. There have been five deaths in this Chapter during the year.

The Wyoming Valley Chapter reports, through its Recording Secretary, who speaks in glowing words of their Regent, "who has planned the patriotic work of the Chapter and inspired the members by her own zeal and interest." The membership is increasing.

Meetings of a business or literary character are held fortnightly. The Chapter is at present interested in the erection of two memorial tablets to mark the sites of Forts Durkee and Wyoming.

The war work of the Chapter has been co-extensive with that of the city of Wilkes-Barre itself, and the families of soldiers in the field will long remember with gratitude the faithful labors of the Wilkes-Barre Daughters in their behalf.

The Washington County Chapter is active in the promotion

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