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Bringing Customers to Your Store

How the House of Mennen will co-operate with you during 1916.

Last year over 10,000,000 people went to the drug stores to buy Mennen products. This huge army is increasing every year. It has increased every year since the House of Mennen was established.

A satisfied customer is your most valuable asset. You gain their confidence when you recommend an article which you know will give satisfaction. And customers who place confidence in your judgment return to your store and buy more of the same article -and other articles.

That the number of Mennen users is increasing every year conclusively proves that Mennen's meets with the approval of your customers-makes satisfied customers. Whenever you sell a can of Mennen's you are making an everlasting customer for your store, for its surpassing quality causes customers to return for more Mennen's-and other articles. Mennen's to you is an asset.

In order to direct to your store those who do not use Mennen's, and to assist you in increasing the huge number of Mennen users, the House of Mennen will spend a larger sum for advertising during the coming year than ever before.

Read the following list of the publications in which we will advertise. Although only a partial list, it includes practically every leading woman's publication and others:

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In the above magazines we will have back covers, inserts in colors and so on. Every worth-while family will be reached by a Mennen ad—not only one month but for many months.

Better get prepared for the new demand now-your jobber can supply you. Did you get a copy of the new Price List together with a booklet entitled "Taking the Bunk out of Bonus." It is yours for the asking.

The House of Mennen will absorb cost of Revenue Stamps.

The House of Mennen

Newark, N. J.

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Sixteen years ago a committee was appointed by the president of the American Pharmaceutical Association to collect sufficient funds to erect a monument to the memory of William Procter, Jr., often termed the "Father of American Pharmacy." John F. Hancock, of Baltimore, has served as chairman of that committee during the entire period of its existence.

In 1914, it was reported that the required amount had been raised, the money coming in small amounts from all over the United States, thus being truly representative. The sum of $8000 was available. It was planned, however, to secure the consent of Congress to place the monument in the Smithsonian Institute grounds at Washington, and also to get Congress to appropriate $2000 for a suitable base or pedestal; and to that end a bill, known as H.

Chairman Hancock, Prof. Remington, E. G. Eberle and others have appeared before the committee to which the bill has been referred, and members of this committee did not hesitate to remind them that Congress receives calls for similar appropriations which average in the neighborhood of $16,000,000 a session; moreover that certain Treasury statements "indicated a hole to the extent of about $57,000,000."

Therefore it will be seen that some active work is yet necessary; and it is now being urged that druggists write to their congressmen in behalf of the bill, which must be brought out of committee and strenuously pushed, if it is to pass. The cause is a good one; let every man do what he can to assist Chairman Hancock and the other members of the committee.




A consolidation of unusual importance has been nounced that of three large wholesale houses in the State of New York: Walker & Gibson, Albany; C. W. Snow & Co., Syracuse; and the Gibson Drug Co., Rochester.

A new holding company has been formed, known as the Gibson-Snow Company, Inc., having a capital stock of $1,000,000. Charles Gibson, of Albany, president of the National Wholesale Druggists' Association, and formerly president and treasurer of Walker & Gibson, is president of the new company; Charles W. Snow, of Syracuse, is first vicepresident; Nelson P. Snow is second vicepresident; and William W. Gibson is secretary and treasurer. Each business is to be conducted separately, as heretofore. The new company will have thirty-six traveling salesmen who will cover Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and parts of Connecticut, as well as New York State. It is estimated that the first year's business will be in the neighborhood of $4,000,000.



Influences back of the GoldWATER ORDINANCE water formula-disclosing ordinance evidently came to the conclusion that the phraseology of their measure called for a little more than any court was likely to allow. At any rate, the ordinance has been revised somewhat, the revision consisting of the deletion of two phrases, the absence of which largely emasculates the ordinance. It will be remembered that according to the old wording the Board of Health was given arbitrary power to deny registration to any "patent" medicine which did not meet with its approval; also that labels and advertising matter should be passed on and approved by the Board. The revised version does away with all this; in no instance does the remodeled ordinance authorize the Board to either grant or withhold its approval. The measure therefore becomes merely a device to compel manufacturers to list their preparations and disclose the active parts of their formulas to which a great many manufacturers do not object in the least. What they do object to is a group of men setting themselves up arbitrarily as a court of justice; for under the measure before it was remodeled the Health Board had power to refuse to grant registration to a preparation if the "Director of the Bureau of Food and Drugs" and the "Sanitary Superintendent" did not “approve" of it.

Just what effect these changes in phraseology will have on the three suits now pending (mentioned in detail in the February BULLETIN) it is hard to say. Both sides are at work, but the day for final hearing has not yet been set.



That the promoters of the HAMILTON-FERTIG Goldwater ordinance are not altogether idle, however, is shown in a number of ways, one of them being the introduction of a bill into the New York legislature known as the Hamilton-Fertig bill. What has been deleted from the ordinance under discussion has been made the vital part of this new bill. It is proposesd to clothe the State Commissioner of Health, "who must. be a competent physician," with power to fix standards of drugs.

Thus would be set up another arbitrary court, a State one instead of a municipal one, but with powers perhaps a little broader than those conferred by the Goldwater ordinance.

The Kings County Pharmaceutical Society, as well as other New York pharmaceutical associations, have come out against the proposed law, holding that it would "destroy the present concentrated control and supervision of pharmacy by the State Board," and that the pharmacists would "thereby be placed under the orders and supervision of two separate State departments." Especially is it contended that no one man, or any group of men, no matter how worthy, should have power to fix standards.

Thus the battle-front changes to Albany; and an interesting side-light may be noted in the fact that propaganda material in favor of the Hamilton-Fertig bill is being sent out in envelopes bearing the imprint of the New York



Druggists should not overlook the fact that with the beginning of May a New Treasury Decision goes into effect-new in the sense that it will not be enforced until the date mentioned. mentioned. This is an amended form of T. D. No. 2244, issued last October. It will be recalled that so strenuous were the objections to the requirements of this ruling as it originally appeared that it was not put into force, but a hearing was held in Washington and the matter given detailed consideration. The rigors of the decision have been reduced somewhat, but it is still rigorous enough. Briefly stated, these are the requirements:

Beginning May 1, when any of the narcotics covered by the Harrison law are ordered, it will be necessary to state on the order form how much narcotic drug to the ounce the proIf the item orduct or preparation contains. dered is a pill or tablet, it will be necessary to state how much of the involved narcotic is contained in each pill or tablet. For examples we will use the illustrations employed last month: "Fluidextract of White Pine for Syrup, morphine sulphate 1 grain per fluidounce," and "100 Pill Anodyne (morphine acetate 1/20 grain)."

Such a course must be followed when the preparation or substance ordered is not an N. F. or a U. S. P. preparation. In case it is one of these, then the detailed narcotic statement may be omitted and the designating letters "N. F." or "U. S. P." may be used in its stead. The narcotic content need not be stated.

It must be remembered, also, that it is unlawful to order items other than narcotics on a government form. A physician's buggy case, for instance: the case itself must be ordered on an ordinary blank, the narcotics on a narcotic order form. The two must be separated.



Lawyers contend that there is a vast difference between an act of Congress and a departmental ruling based on the act. For instance, the definite provisions of the Harrison law are one thing, and a Treasury Decision quite another. The latter represents a combination of a department's opinions, interpretations and regulatory provisions, and might or might not be upheld by court decision.

Of course all this is quite obvious; one does not need to be a lawyer to comprehend it. Nevertheless, the average man feels that it is best to be guided by departmental rulings as long as they stand. He does not feel that it would be wise to enter into costly litigation with the government.

And sometimes such rulings stand for a long time before they are strenuously questioned, a case in point being an issue recently determined by Judge Anderson in the United States District Court at Chicago, in which certain standards set up by the Department of Agriculture under the Food and Drugs act were declared unwarranted and therefore illegal. The standards related to the strength, grade and quality of food products, and were promulgated in June, 1906, nearly ten years ago.



A spice company was prosecuted for alleged failure to live up to requirements, in that their extracts of peppermint and orange did not contain the 3 and 5 per cent, respectively, set as standards by the department. Judge Anderson dismissed the case, holding that in so far as foods were concerned the law itself imposed no definite restrictions other than that such products should contain no injurious or substitute adulterants and no diluents, and that the department had exceeded its authority when it supplied what it may have deemed a deficiency in the law. The ruling carried with it "great moral force," the court held, but no actual legal foundation.

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A Chicago commercial paper is authority for the statement that a new six-story building is to be constructed for the FullerMorrisson Company, wholesale druggists, and that the company has taken a lease for 25 years and three months, the total rental for the term being $669,125. The building is to be located on the northwest corner of West Randolph and Clinton Streets, and will be ready for occupancy February 1, 1917.

Since the merging of Morrisson, Plummer & Company and Fuller & Fuller, the result being the Fuller-Morrisson Company, the new firm has found its present quarters inadequate to meet the requirements of the business.


On January 19, a committee TREASURY RULING. appointed by the National Drug Trade Conference consisting of Prof. Beal, Samuel C. Henry, and Chas. M. Woodruff appeared before the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and voiced its objection to the restrictions imposed by Treasury Decisions No. 2244 and No. 2213. A slight modification of No. 2244 was announced within a few days, and becomes effective May 1, as stated elsewhere in this issue of the BULLETIN; but it is only recently that the Commissioner's decision with reference to No. 2213

has been made known. A slight modification was granted in this case, also, but the concession is so slight, indeed, that it amounts to very little-and so hazy, in addition, that it appears absolutely impossible to comprehend it.

Treasury Decision No. 2213, it will be recalled, relates to the filling of prescriptions. The committee asked that prescriptions calling for small quantities of narcotic drugs be included in the exemptions under Section 6 of the act, and that druggists be allowed to fill such prescriptions, and to refill them, without regard to the Harrison law.

The ruling starts off with the statement that "Section 6 does not apply to extemporaneous prescriptions;" in other words, we take it, to prescriptions which must be compounded. But a little farther along in the ruling we encounter this paragraph:

"The refilling of a narcotic prescription for an exempted preparation or remedy, as herein defined, combined with other non-narcotic medicinal agents, with a consequent further dilution of the mixture, will be permitted."

It would seem, therefore, that the refilling of a prescription that was not exempted in the first place "will be permitted," quite regardless of the fact that the act of compounding is involved. However, before attempting too detailed an interpretation, it is safest to await further advices from Washington.


Dates on which the 64th annual meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association will convene have been announced-September 5 to 9. The first Council session will be held on Monday, September 4, at 7:30 P.M., the first general session on Tuesday, and the final general session on Friday, September 8, at 2 P.M. The 1916 meeting will be held at At-· lantic City, N. J.

The American Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculties and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy will meet at Philadelphia on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the week preceding.

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One or two prize collections of druggists' show-cards-very helpful for those who are anxious to get up something effective.

"Cashing in on a Hobby"-how a wise druggist took one of his pleasures and turned it into money.

An article from a live manager describing ways and means used by him in increasing his candy sales.

The fifth and last paper in the series by Mr. Whitehead-this time on the subject of salesmanship.

"What Is the Most Interesting Department of My Store"-three very readable and suggestive papers.

"Little Helps in Promoting Business"-schemes and wrinkles devised by a clever dealer for the upbuilding of trade.

The first of a series of articles on the new Pharmacopoeia, written by an expert.

"How to Meet Big Competition"-three prize papers resulting from our recent contest. "How I Advertise My Drug Business"-one of the best things we have had in many a day. A paper from an experienced druggist-advertiser who tells all about the movie slide as a medium of publicity—the latest word on the subject.

Three readable and entertaining narratives in which druggists confess to dispensing errors made in their younger days.

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