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Ennui is the only other element necessary to be added in full strength to a deep, damning sense of guilt, to make a hell on earth within the soul itself. It extin. guishes in its dark abyss every treasure and pleasure given to us from above.--Anon.

It is with nations as with individuals, those who know the least of others think the highest of themselves; for the whole family of pride and ignorance are incestuous, and mutually beget each other.-COLTON.

"A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages."

"The pure, the bright, the beautiful,
That stirred our hearts in youth;

The impulse of a wordless prayer,
The dream of love and truth,

The longing after something lost,
The spirit's yearning cry,
The striving after better hopes-
These things shall never die.”

Self-interest is the most ingenious and persuasive of all the agents that deceive our consciousness, while by means of it our unhappy and stubborn prejudices operate in their greatest force.-BRYANT.

Do thou exert thyself and believe that it is not thou but thy body that is mortal. For thou art not the being whom this figure shows, but the mind is the man, and

not the figure which can be pointed at with the finger. Know, therefore, that thou art a divine being, since it is a deity in thee that moves, feels, remembers, forces, rules and governs that body over which it is placed, in the very same way as the Supreme Being governs this world.-CICERO.

"I sat alone with my conscience

In a place where time had ceased,
And we talked of my former living

In the land where the years increased.
The ghost of forgotten actions

Came floating before my sight

And things that I thought were dead things

Were alive with a terrible might;

The vision of all my past life,

Was an awful thing to face
Alone with my conscience sitting

In that silently solemn place."

Nothing can work me damage except myself; the harm I sustain I carry about with me, and am never a real sufferer but by my own faults.-ST. BERNARD.

Human nature with all its infirmities and deprivations is still capable of great things. It is capable of attaining to degrees of wisdom and goodness, which, we have reason to believe, appear respectable in the estimation of superior intelligence.-JOHN ADAMS.

"Here lies a soldier whom all must applaud,
Who fought many battles at home and abroad;
But the hottest engagement he ever was in,
Was the conquest of self in the battle of sin."

Language and thought are inseparable. Words without thought are dead sounds; thoughts without words are nothing. To think is to speak low; to speak is to think loud. The word is the thought incarnate.


Discourse reveals character, and discloses the secret disposition and temper; and not without reason did the Greeks teach that as a man lived so would he speak. -QUINTILLIAN.

Whatever that principle is which feels, conceives, lives, and exists, it is heavenly and divine, and therefore must be eternal.-CICERO.

The history of progress is the history of Christ's challenge and man's response.-NEWELL D. HILLIS.

We make life hallowed in spots, here and there; we beautify certain places and things and days. When shall we learn to hallow all life, beautify every moment and realize that God is intensely everywhere, and that if the end has its halo and crown, the dusty footpath that guides us to it has its visions as well as its healings and light?-Sunday School Times.

There can be no doubt that the captains of industry today, using that term in its broadest sense, are men who began life as poor boys.-SETH LOW.

If you choose to represent the various parts in life by holes in a table of different shapes-some circular, some triangular, some square, some oblong-and the persons acting those parts by bits of wood of similar shapes, we

shall generally find that the triangular person has got into the square hole, the oblong into the triangular; while the square person has squeezed himself into the round hole.-SIDNEY SMITH.

People do not readily blame themselves. They call in a third party, like the mysterious sleeping partner of a money-lender, who always finds the money. The third party is Fate or Destiny.-FRISWELL.

The age of chivalry is never past so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on earth and a man or woman left to say: "I will redress that wrong or spend my life in the attempt."-KINGSLEY.

Life is an arrow- -therefore you must know
What mark to aim at, how to use the bow-
Then draw it to the head and let it go.


There is no fault nor folly of my life that does not rise up against me and take away my joy and shorten my power of possession, of sight, of understanding. And every past effort of my life, every gleam of rightness or good in it, is with me now, to help me in my grasp of this art and its vision.-RUSKIN.

To say well is good, but to do well is better;
Do well is the spirit, and say well the letter;

If do well and say well were fitted in one frame,

All were won, all were done, and got were all the gain. -SIR THOMAS BROWNE.

The pious honoring of ourselves may be thought the fountain-head from whence every laudable and worthy enterprise issues forth.-MILTON.

Believe not much them that seem to despise riches; for they despise them that despair of them; and none worse when they come to them.-BACON.

There are some whom the lightning of fortune blasts, only to render holy. Amidst all that humbles and scathes-amidst all that shatters from their life its verdure, smites to the dust the pomp and summit of their pride, and in the very heart of existence writeth a sudden and strange defeature, they stand erect—riven, and not uprooted; a monument less of pity than of awe. There are some who pass through the lazar house of misery with a step more august than a Cæsar's in his hall.-BULWER.

The human heart is like a still stone in a mill; when you put wheat under it, it turns and grinds and bruises the wheat into flour; if you put no wheat, it still grinds on-and grinds itself away.-LUTHER.

Whoever is acquainted with the nature of mankind in general, or the propensity of his own heart in particular, must acknowledge that self-righteousness is the last idol that is rooted out of his own heart.


I do not believe that a republic can live and prosper whose wage-earners do not receive enough to make life

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