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(Photograph by N. Lazarnick.)

demonstrations wholly separate from those
held on May. 1, by labor organizations in
the great cities of Europe. American work-
ingmen's aspirations and ideals are not the
same as those which dominate some of the
associations of workingmen
The remarkable strikes of last
spring in Belgium and Sweden, for example,
form in the suffrage
were in behalf of


2 field and therefore entirely outs of American effort. Demonstrations of so

cialists which startle Europe on May day
do not, as a rule, appeal to the sympathies
of workingmen in the United States. Labor
day 1. his country is celebrated in an im-
pressiv nanner by great parades of union
workingmen and by open air gatherings of
a social nature, where addresses are made
by public men and others who have the re-
gard of labor unions. September 1 of the
present year found the labor organizations
in a strong position, with full ranks and
with their members employed regularly at
good wages. The very large number of
new unions which turned out for their first
Labor day parade gave evidence of the ag-
gressiveness of the union principle. The
processions in the chief cities were notably
large, larger than ever before. Among the
distinguished orators who addressed gath-
erings on that day was United States Sena-
tor Fairbanks of Indiana, who said to the
workingmen of Kansas City: "The unions
have increased wages, shortened hours, paid
millions of dollars in benevolences, abol-
ished or modified conditions in the sweat-
shops. They have stood against the abuses
of child labor and taught workingmen to
observe contracts. They have opposed an-
archy, which has no greater foe than the
labor union." General recognition of these
facts reconciles the public in a measure to
the many abuses of power of which work-
ingmen frequently are guilty in the name
of union labor. That the unions are grow-
ing better continually, are more wisely led
year after year, decry violence more gen-
erally as time goes by and show a better
temper in their dealings with their em-
ployers than in former seasons, is certain.
The successful leaders of union men are
the intelligent and conservative leaders.
They stand for arbitration and fair dealing.
These leaders set good examples at times
to representatives of great corporations in
the care with which they keep their agree-
ments. A few years more of evolution
should lead to the incorporation of the best
of the labor unions, since they pride them-
selves already on their orderly methods and
honorable dealings. A significant word was
spoken at Philadelphia on Labor day by
President Mitchell of the United Mine
Workers. "I hope to see the time," said
Mr. Mitchell, "when no man who earns his
bread by the sweat of his brow will be out-
side the ranks of the trade union. I look
forward to the time when the workers of

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A group of miners discussing the strike and listening to an address by one of their leaders. (From a photograph taken for THE WORLD TO-DAY by N. Lazarnic..)

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WILLIAM A. STONE. Governor of Pennsylvania.

Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan and with President Mitchell of the United Mine Workers: rumors of an approaching settlement of the strike were numerous in consequence. The belief was very generally expressed that peace would be restored in some way or other and the miners put to work before the state election in November. Since so many thousands of men, if desperately dissatisfied with existing conditions when casting their votes, would be a grave peril to the success of the party in power, political expediency, in this case possibly more potent than considerations of justice, was believed to be likely to force a settlement of the strike. The long strain of the contest had caused numerous aci: of violence to be committed in various parts of the anthracite region, though the almost complete paralysis of mine operation continued. The miners of West Virginia, however, who went on strike a few weeks after the miners in the anthracite region, took up their picks once more early in September at practically the old rate of wages, having despaired of securing concessions from the mine owners. The report of the United States commissioner of labor, Carroll D. Wright, on conditions in the anthracite mining industry,

was made public last month. It suggests that the miners in the anthracite region form an independent union, making it by incorporation financially responsible for its agreements and thus putting it in a position to enter into binding contracts with the mine owners. Then a joint committee, says Mr. Wright, should be formed by miners and mine owners to investigate and remedy all grievances. This latter recommendation, together with others made by the commissioner regarding a nine-hour day and reforms in the weighing of coal, indicates that he sympathizes with the claim of the mine workers that substantial reforms are due them. In September the scarcity of coal and the very high prices resulting from it became a terrible hardship to the people, while the approach of winter caused grave forebodings of greater evils to come.

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President of the Reading Railroad, who refused to arbitrate the differences between the coal roads and the strikers.

and the government of Cuba, together with his other duties, quite enough to keep his mind occupied during office hours. The other cabinet members also have heavy tasks and special duties in abundance to give variety to the routine. Attorney General Knox has been engaged of late in examining into the affairs of the French Panama Canal company to ascertain whether or not it can give to the United States a good title to the unfinished ditch on the isthmus and the other property of the stockholders whose interests it claims to represent. His researches in Paris, though interesting, must have tried his patience, in view of the bewildering complexity of French legal methods. It is to be supposed that he will be able to inform the president before the next session of congress begins whether or not the terms of the Spooner act can be complied with in regard to the Panama route. If the actual digging can begin within a few more months, Secretary Hay in the meantime having brought to a prosperous close his negotiations with Colombia, regarding the strip of territory to be occupied by the canal, the performance of the greatest engineering feat of the twentieth century will confront

the cabinet. There are reports current in Washington to the effect that the president intends the construction of the canal to fall on a commission of army engineers with General Leonard Wood at their head. While it is hardly likely that the gossips at the capital will be permitted to have their way in all things pertaining to the canal, at least they may not be very far wrong in this guess, though General Wood is a surgeon and not an engineer. The fact that he has proved himself a fine executive might very well excuse his lack of engineering knowledge, however.


Interesting political camEarly paigns in Vermont and Maine Elections. brought out an unusually heavy vote. Vermont's election was held September 2, and the result was a great surprise. The republican candidate. for governor, General McCullough, failed to get a majority of all the votes cast. Although he received a plurality, under the law of the state the election is thrown into the legislature. This has not happened before for about fifty years. As the legislature is heavily republican McCullough will be elected. His chief opponent before the people was Percival W. Clement, an

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ugh and Clement advocate the change. but Clement impressed many voters as being especially keen to do away with prohibition The election in Maine, hell September 8. resulted in an unexpectedly large plurality for Govern In F. Hi the the republican thousand plurality in a Year when there no national ticket in the Add is hailed by republican politicians as a favorable sign for the November elections in the other states. Path Fresk dent Roosevelt and Mr. Pran male speeches in Marme luring the canvass A recular result of the election was the Shotce & fempcratio

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congressional districts elected republican members of congress. Arkansas held its election September 1, Governor Jefferson Davis being chosen for another term by a majority of about 40,000 votes. Democratic congressmen were elected in the seven districts of the state.

Some Democratic Leaders.

Democratic state conventions in Iowa, Wisconsin and California, held September 3, like a number of other state conventions of that party this year, denounced in their platforms oppressive trusts and the high tariff, but maintained silence in regard to the Kansas City platform and Mr. Bryan. These omissions rendered all the more conspicuous the reference to the national campaign of 1900 contained in the platform of the Ohio democratic convention, held also on September 3 and controlled by Mayor Johnson of Cleveland. That platform reaffirmed the principles of the Kansas City platform, "which were fully and ably represented in the presidential campaign by William Jennings Bryan." Yet it is probable that the leadership of the radical element of the democratic party in national affairs is slipping away from Mr. Bryan and passing to Mayor Johnson. Whether or not this is with Mr. Bryan's consent is a disputed question. In any event it is clear that Mr. Johnson is to occupy a commanding position in democratic counsels from this time on. He is now making a vigorous canvass of Ohio in the interests of the ticket nominated by him, a huge tent having been brought into service to accommodate the audiences that gather to hear his views. The Rev. Herbert S. Bigelow, democratic candidate for secretary of state, the highest position on the ticket this year, is also a campaigner of unusual power. The opinion is freely expressed in Chio that Johnson will manage to obtain for his ticket a significantly heavy vote. Theson, a hard headed, outspoken business man, who has made a large fortune and who now is devoting his time and energy to the task of securing tax reforms and other reforms, already has drawn to himself a large following beyond the borders of Chic. He is an earnest advocate of the themes of Henry George and a man of action in every sense of the word. His as mayor of Cleveland is distinctly

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