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Hac olim meminisse juvabit.-VIRGIL.

[No. 27.

Printed and published by H. NILES, Water-street, near the Merchants' Coffee-House, at $5 per unnum.

Imperial Parliament.

our sincere desire for peace was sufficiently evident from the settlement of the "affair of the Chesa

A summary sketch of Parliamentary proceedings-peake."

from London papers.

Mr Ponsonby observed, "the third topic emOF AMERICA.-After the pr.nce regent's speech braced by the speech appeared to him to be of yet was delivered to parliament, on the 7th Jan. the earl greater importance than the contest in the peninsu of Shaftsbury, in the house of lords, moved anla, and that topic was our relations with America. address on the occasion of the speech. In the He had seen with pleasure the pacific spirit that had course of his remarks, he observed, "with respect recently marked the communications of this goto the pending discussions with America, thy were vernment to that power-and, trusting, as he did, not yet brought to a conclusion, but he was confi-that this pacific spirit would continue to manifest dent all means of conciliation would be resorted to, itself, aud pervade the future negociations, he consistent with the honor and the interests of the thought it most expedient to abstain at present from country." any commentary on that spirit, or remarks on the Lord Grenville did not like the whole of the consequences that had attended it." Speech, "he protested in the strongest terms The chancellor of the exchequer [Mr. Percival] against being included in any expressions implying said, "as to America, he did not think it desirable approbation of the past, or a pledge of perseverance that any discussion should take place on that subin the same system which had of late been acted ject at present, and under the present circumstances upon-convinced as he was, that it was only by a of the negociation between the two countries." total radical abandonment of that system, that The next day, January 8, Mr. Whitbread obthere existed any hope of safety to the country." served, "the speech contained another topic highly "He objected to the lavish profusion with which interesting and important, on which it was proper our resources had been squandered, when they for the house to demand information; he meant the should have been husbanded for a protracted war, unfortunate unadjusted differences with the United of which no one could see the end. He still re-States of America. Last session it had fallen to tained all his objections, and in their utmost force, his lot to deprecate in that house, that all the offers to that policy which had inflicted a blow on the of conciliation made by America were rejected by enemy that recoiled with greater execution on our the British government, and that the greatest disown commerce and manufactures." (Hear him, respect had been shewn by the marquis of Wellestas reiterated.) ley to the American ambassador, Mr. Pinkney.

Earl Gray, speaking of the affairs of America, That assertion was denied, and he (Mr. W.) per&c. said, "that the general system adopted had suaded of the fact, moyed for the correspondence been in fact, the source of almost all our present which passed between them; but it was refused, and the house concurred in the refusal; but the and impending calamities." After some further discussion, the address was charge had not been yet rebutted. When any peragreed to sine diss.. son on that (the opposite) side of the house ventur

A most singular and unprecedented occurrenceled to predict evil consequences from the measures took place in the house of commons. The moment pursued by gentlemen on the other side, their prothe speaker had finised the reading of the prince phesies were reviled or disregarded; but what they regent's speech, sir Francis Burdett started up, and had always dreaded was unhappily like to come to after a long speech, concluded by moving an ad-pass; for after our differences with America had dress to his royal highness. Lord Cochrane in subsisted five years, and government had resorted another speech seconded the motion, and the mover to every political subterfuge to avoid conciliation, and seconder of the ministerial address who have notwithstanding the repeated efforts of America to uniformly obtained precedence on all former oc-come to an accommodation, we had only to expect casions, were thrown out. The order of things the fatal catastrophe of seeing that country leagued being thus reversed, the address prepared by lord with France. (Cries of hear! hear! from the oppoJocelyn and Mr. Vyse necessarily came forward assition benches.) America told us that the decrees an amendment to the address of sir Francis Bur-of France, which caused our orders in council, dett. Sir Francis and lord Cochrane were ap-restricting their neutral commerce were repealed; pointed tellers, but they had only one member to our answer to that was a flat denial of the fact.count and that was Mr. Cuthbert. Lord Jocelyn's The house, as yet, had very little information upon address, or rather his amendment, was carried the subject, but when the necessary documents without a division. should be produced, ministers would have a long During the debate in the commons, lord Jocelyn account to settle, for the correspondence had alexpressed a hope, that the adjustment of the affair ready appeared in the American papers. From the of the Chesapeak, "might be the forerunner of correspondence between Mr. Monroe and Mr. an ultimate arrangement, for that permanent friend-Foster, it was evident that the obnoxious decrces ship between the two nations, which must equally of France were repealed on the 2d of November. redound to the benefit of America, as it will to the [Here Mr. Percival said, across the table, "Ame advantage of Great Britain." rica says so."] Mr. Whitbread then challenged Mr. Vyse said, "our differences with America the right honorable gentleman to produce one inpromised to be amicably adjusted, and at all events stance shewing that they had not been repealed; he

would call on that minister to prove it to America lings, and opened the present session of the legislato prevent the importation to France of our coloniai ture, when he was pleased to deliver the following produce, and deprive her of the use of Peruvian speech to both houses :

bark, and desolate the royal exchange of London Honorable gentlemen of the legislative council, [Hear! hear! hear!]-He would call upon that and gentlemen of the house of assembly. minister to prove to the government of America, I should derive the utmost satisfaction, the first that it was unable to govern that country. From time of my addressing you, were it permitted me the message of the president and the report of the to direct your attention solely to such objects as committee of foreign relations, nothing but war tended to promote the peace and prosperity of this threatened us, while our government obstinately re-province.

fused to evade the tempest by timely measures. The glorious contest in which the British empire The Chancellor of the exchequer, in reply said is engaged, and the vast sacrifices which Great "he could have no hesitation in saying, that great, Britain nobly offers to secure the independence of and very important differences existed with Ame-other nations, might be expected to stifle every rica, the particulars of which he must decline atieeling of envy, and jealousy, and at the same present to state for obvious reasons, and in the time to excite the interest, and command the admihope that they will be amicably removed but no ration of a free people; but regardless of such from any inability to establish a good cause on the generous impressions, the American government part of Great Britain. The terms offered by Bri-evinces a disposition calculated to impede and tain were moderate and conciliatory but consistent divide her efforts.

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with the honor and dignity of the country. Let England is not only interdicted the harbors of the the house look to the conduct of Britain and France United States, while they afford a shelter to the to America, as well as the conduct of America to cruizers of her inveterate enemy, but she is likeboth, and judge whether Britain had committed an wise required to resign those maritime rights which unjust aggression. Should the " fatal catastrophe" she has so long exercised and enjoyed. Insulting of war break out, he would not disguise that it threats are offered and hostile preparations actually would bring great evil upon the country, but he ommenced; and though not without hope that was persuaded that America would not be the least cool reflection and the dictates of justice may yet sufferer. Whatever gentlemen might suppose it avert the calamities of war, I cannot, under every never was his wish to see America crushed, or ru-view of the relative situation of the province, be ined in her trade or her resources-on the contrary too urgent in recommending to your early attention, he looked to the wealth and prosperity of that the adoption of such measures as will best secure country as accessary to those of Great Britain, and the internal peace of the country, and defeat every that the diminution of those of one must affect those hostile aggression.

of the other.[Hear! hear!] From every consider- Principally composed of the sons of a loyal and ation he was able to give the subject, he did not brave band of veterans, the militia, I am confide nt, think Britain could, consistent with her undoubted stand in need of nothing but the necessary legis larights and national honor submit more than she did. tive provisions, to direct their ardour in the acAmerica said the Berlin and Milan decrees were re-quirement of military instructions to form a most pealed; he said they were not. [Hear! hear! hear!efficient force. The growing prosperity of these He plainly saw in every subsequent commercial de-provinces, it is manifest, begins to awaken a spirit cree that the principles were adhered to and acted of envy and ambition. The acknowledged imporupon. If America had evidence of their revocation, tance of this colony to the parent state, will secure where was the public instrument to prove the the continuance of her powerful protection. Her fact? The decree for repealing them promised only fostering care as being the first cause, under Proa distant revocation conditionally that England re-vidence, of the uninterrupted happiness you have nounced her new system of blockade, by revoking so long enjoyed. Your industry has been liberally her orders in council, or America should make her rewarded, and you have in consequeuce risen to flag respected that was to go to war with England. opulence.

-Since that conditional repeal, however, the Ber- These interesting truths are not uttered to anilin and Milan decrees were repeatedly declared tomate your patriotism, but to dispel any apprehenbe fundamental laws of the empire, and all neutral sion which you may have imbibed of the possibility ships which should not conform to them were de-of England forsaking you, for you must be sensible, claredto be denationalised---[Hear! hear !]----Was that if once bereft of her support, if once dethat a virtual revocation of them? It was not.prived of the advantages which her commerce But whenever France should revoke them Britain and the supply of her most essential wants give would repeal her orders in council, but not re-you, this colony, from its geographical position, linquish her maritime superiority, with France must inevitably sink into comparative poverty and could not otherwise reduce. insignificance.

Mr. Hutchinson said, "he was happy to hear of But heaven will look favourably on the manly exa prospect of peace with America, though we had ertions which the loyal and virtuous inhabitants of done every thing in our power to provoke her to this happy land are prepared to make, to avert such war, relying upon our maritime superiority. Ja dire calamity. The discussion, on motion, was to be taken up again next day.

"British America."

Our gracious prince, who so gloriously upholds the dignity of the, already appreciates your merit, and it will be your first care to establish, by the course of your actions, the just claim of the country to the protection of his royal highness, From the Yok [Upper-Canada] Gazette, of Feb. 4. I cannot deny myself the satisfaction of announc Yesterday at one o'clock, his honor Isac Brooking to you from this place, the munificent intention Esq. president, administering the government of of his royal highness, the prince regent, who has Upper-Canada, and major-general commanding his been graciously pleased to signify, that a grant of majesty's forces therein, accompanied by a nu-one hundred pounds per annum will be proposed in merous suite, proceeded to the government-build-the annual estimate, for every future missionary of

o the

the gospel sent from England, who may have faith-granates, laurels and orange trees, which represent fully discharged for the term of ten years, the du-the temples of antiquity. The coolness ties of his station in this province. shade, the murmurs of the waters, the fr grance of the odoriferous trees, the earth çarpeted with la

Gentlemen of the house of assembly, I have no doubt, but that with me, you are con- vender, hyacinths, roses and pinks, the whole exvinced of the necessity of a regular system of mili-cites in the spectator those inexpressible sensations tary instruction to the militia of this province. On which are felt by the lively fancy of youth; on the this salutary precaution, in the event of war, our first perusal of romances, and which man, become future safety will greatly depend, and I doubt not, more rational, but less happy, is afflicted to desponbut that you will cheerfully lend your aid, to enable dency because he cannot again revive. me to defray the expense of carrying into effect, a The Castiles and La Mancha offer a totally dif measure so conductive to our security and defence.ferent spectacle. At one time you behold a chain of I have ordered the public accompts to be laid before frightful mountains, the very picture of nature overyou and have no doubt but that you will consider thrown, and the whole in runs. It is the residence them with that attention which the nature of the of winter in the midst of summer. At another time subject may require. the sight is fatigued by immense plains which re[The answer of the legislative council and house of semble an ocean of calcined sand, and the inequaliassemby are mere echoes of the speech, and ties of which are closely allied in form to the waves therefore omitted.] of an agitated ocean. The wearied eye vainly glides along the distant mountains in search of shade and verdure, it meets with a naked horizon only, or deserted towns. The insupportable heats which reign here during six months of the year, are as The following is a translation of a letter, from the stifling as those of Zaara or Biledulgerid. The men, Compte de Creutz, to Marmontel. Although it overcome, and almost reduced to nothing suffer the was written forty years ago, it is so very correct most grievous pain when called to exertions, and a description of Spain and its inhabitants at pre-find ease only in repose. They would willingly re sent, that it deserves prescrvation. main with their arms across during a whole eternity, Since my arrival in this country, the human race and they believe that purgatory is nothing more appears to have gone ten centuries backward. The than a place of labor.

Account of Spain.

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Pyrenees are in my judgment, the barriers of the Amid these arid plains stands Madrid. Below enlightened world, which philosophy has not yet the city flows a gutter of water, scarcely perceptipassed over. The inhabitants of these melancholy ble, yet honored with the name of a river. The city regions plunged in darkness, and the most shame-s well ventilated, the streets are broad, neat and ful ignorance, are proud of their blindness. The adorned with fountains. The houses are large and liberty of thinking and acting appears to them to spacious, giving at the same time the ideas of magbe a contemptible blessing. Their genius, as dry as ficence and misery. They might be thought built their pastures, produces only unfinished embryoes, o accommodate a nation, but hardly any of them and elevates itself only by fits and starts. The peo-can be considered as furnished. The distribution ple whose subsistence is devoured by monks, crush-of the apartments appears to be the contrivance of ed beneath the immense weight of superstition and some secret enemy to order and arrangement. The arbitrary power, crouch in misery and degradation, grandees have domains, or rather estates, which without even the power of lamentation. However, they have never seen; they prefer to vegetate in let us not calumniate human nature. This people heir hotels, surrounded by an army of domestics is by nature generous, mild, sensible, and even labo-which grudgingly serves them on the knee. If they rious, where natural causes do not prevent. quit their palaces, it is to drawl out a pompous ex

In the northern provinces, as those of Galliciaistence at court, or to take an indolent stroll on the and the Asturias, where a less suffocating air is public walk. There they are seen, sinking under breathed, where the laws as yet have some authori-the weight of their inutility, in contemptible carrity, and the inhabitants some privileges, the cultiva-lages, adorned with slips of tin. A blind expence,

tion of the earth is carried to perfection, the mines a sparing luxury, absorb their immense revenue. are worked diligently, and the coast swarms with The duke of Arcas pays to his domestics in wages sailors. It is evident wherever liberty extends her 300,000 livers (about $55,500) annually. The duke shade, she refreshes exhausted nature, and man of Medina Celi has ten millions of rials of income, starts from his state of annihilation. yet is overwhelmed with debts. The nobility, ne

Catalonia refreshed by the breezes of the Medi-vertheless although scarcely to be called educated, terranean, is cultivated as highly as Languedoc, and has somewhat of greatness of heart, noble manners, presents a lively and animated appearance. Th much frankness and probity. They are full of kind people, brisk, spirited and industrious, mingleness and attention to strangers. The duke of Mepleasure with toil, and the artizans run from their dina Sidonia is a man of great merit, he loves literaworkshops to the ball at the opera, where they dis-ture and literary men; he honors and encourages play in their manner of masquing themselves, anthem. While he laments the ignorance of the nainventive but romantic genius, which characterisedition, he acknowledges the evil is beyond remedy. the dispositions of the Moors, their ancient masters. The present king (1765) is really a good kingValentia is the pride of nature; every thing there His government is vigorous. His ministers, his seems like illusion, but the inchanted palaces which favourites too, tremble in his presence. The hoice adorn it, are convents of monks, constructed with which he makes of his servants fully proves his disa magnificence worthy of better institutions, amid cernment and his deep knowledge of men and bu those delightful solitudes which seem to be created siness. He has restored order in the different on purpose to induce a man to forget the evils atten-branches of administration, embellished the capital, dant on humanity. At the feet of the mountains constructed the handsomest high ways in Europe, which protect this comtry from the westerly winds,placed the army on a respectable footing, paid thirtyI found the gardens of Armida. From these a thou-two millions of pisters of the debt of his prede sami rivulets fall in cascades amid groves of pome-cessor, and reduce he power of the inquisition to

a nullity. That terrible tribunal, which made evenly a lover, called cortejo, who is at the same time kings themselves tremble, is now but a phantom, un-her slave and her master. They yield in general able to frighten children. But, to reform the abuses with little trouble, but, after having yielded, they attached to the constitution, to change the genius are of unskaken constancy. Absence is only able and the manners of a whole nation, is not within to render them inconstant. On such occasions they the power of a single reign. see a lover depart without regret, and without a The new palace of Madrid, and the country resi-tear; they arrange every thing immediately to fill dences, are truly royal. The gardens of St. Ilde-up the vacant place, without hesitating about the fonso have something wonderful in them. They choice of the party; it is enough that he be of the are placed in the deep ravins on the side of the male sex; the rest is of no object. The transports frightful Guadaramee, the summits of which moun-of love, the charm of sentiment, delicacy, delight, tains are covered with perpetual snows. The watersall is unknown, nothing is experienced but the which are played off in these gardens far surpass in drowsiness of love. magnificence and beauty those of Marseilles and

Marly. The Baths of Diana have no equal in the There are in this city two theatres, where are reworld. These gardens have cost forty-five millions presented daily the chef d'œuvres of absurdity. of piasters in cash. Eight days ago, was played a tragedy called the The Escurial is a vast, simple, and majestic edi-Daughter of the air, and the fifth act is not yet fice. The king resides there amidst monks, books, begun. Nothing can be more graceful or more inand dead bodies. The most excellent pictures of decent than the dance called the fandango: in spite Flanders and Italy are here collected. The library of this, the women of quality dance it without is not deserving of much commendation, except scruple at the public balls. It is a dance invented for the Greek and Arabic MSS, which it contains. in the seraglios, and derived from the Moors. The Pantheon, or sepulchral repository for the

kings, inspires terror by its magnificence. The The tornadillas are infinitely pleasing, by their architecture is in a sublime but melancholy state. character of originality. They are detached scenes, Nothing but the rarest marble is seen in it. The sung with much grace and expression. The music sarcophagi are of verd antique. The whole dazzles which is wholly Spanish, is capricious but charmthe eye, but it makes the hair stand on end withling; it presents rapid and strongly touched compohorror, and the spectator feels effectually that this sitions of expressions: it is among the most inteis the abode of death. resting and striking singularities.

Aranjuez is a delightful place; it is the triumph The bull fights are spectacles worthy of the ancient of art and nature. The Tagus is conducted beneath Romans. It is impossible to behold them without the windows of the palace, where it forms the most feeling an elevation of soul. Nothing equals the febeautiful cascade in the world. rocity of these animals, unless it be the courage and The trees of the queen's walk, on the side of thejactivity of the toreros (those who attack the bulls.) Tagus, a league in length, were planted by Charles Their superiority is marked by noble, lofty, and V. Only in the Indies are such tall ones to be found.striking attitudes. Their dexterity surpasses imaThey rise to the clouds, and their shade forms vaults gination. The last summer, at Aranjuez, a single impenetrable by the solar rays. A million of varied man, armed only with a rope, advanced towards a walks offer the most picturesque views and equal furious bull, threw a rope over his horns, and ran coolness. This is a truly voluptuous enjoyment rapidly round a stake, fixed in the middle of the arein a country where the heats are so absolutely over-na till he had brought the head of the bull to the powering, that one expects every instant to be dri-stake. The animal bellowed most tremendously, ed up to dust or hardened to a mummy. and pawed the ground most furiously; but the man

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The king has a magnificent hunting establish-not at all disconcerted, put a saddle on the back of ment at the Pardo, at St. Ildephonso, and at the the bull, leaped upon it, cut the cord, and mounted Escurial. At the grand coursing match, which the on this wild animal, advanced to attack another. king held in the month of November at the last Such feats shew the superiority of man, and what mentioned palace, I saw six or seven thousand wild intelligence is capable of beyond blind force. animals running at the same time, and like a great I own that after having mentioned the principal army covering an immense plain. traits in the manner of this nation there is little to The noise they made was like thunder: but the be said on what remains. The characters of indipleasure of firing among a drove, so close together viduals have so little diversity that they all seem to that it was impossible to miss the mark, appeared be cast in the same mould. Inactivity and repose to me to be mighty insignificant for a huntsman. deaden all the lively affections. These varied scenes, these sudden metamorphoses which restlessness and The manners in the provinces are as yet pure.—dread of vacuity produce among other nations are Loftiness, patience, frugality characterise a peasant.never seen here. During eleven months that the 'The women are beautiful and modest. Their dan-disorder of the late king lasted, there was neither ces and their songs, called seguidillas, have some-council nor ministry; no order emanated from the thing so natural, so attractive, so inspiring, that throne; every employ was vacant; every body othey seem to revive the golden age. But, in the beyed because it was his will to do so in a word capital, the entire loss of manners is obvious: the the state was without government and in a perfect corruption of the populace is frightful, and depra-anarchy.

vity stalks abroad with hardened front. The pre- Nevertheless, neither discord, nor robbery, nor sent generation resembles a race of lame dwarfs.-assassination followed; because the silence of the The complexion is the ugliest under heaven. The passions here held the place of police and laws: assemblies of company are sad and silent. It might the people are asleep, but their dreams are harmless. be thought, on entering these ill lighted apartments, Yet this people has produced Trajans and Theodothat the meeting was a funeral solemnity. You re-jsius's: and should it one day awake, it may aston main amidst a hundred persons, of whom no one ish the world by its powers. either speaks to you or attends to what you say

Every woman, of whatever condition, has publick


Madrid, 4th Feb. 1765.

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