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Humanizing the Post Office

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Mr. Hays pronounces the American Post Office "the greatest of all businesses." What facts are there which tend to justify such a sweeping statement?

Can you suggest to Mr. Hays some definite ways in which he might conduct with great profit to those under him a welfare department, a department which he is very desirous of establishing?

Can you express in four or five sentences how Postmaster-General Hays believes the Post Office should be conducted?

Is the Post Office the oldest of the ten Executive Departments? Which is the youngest of these Departments? What salary does each of the heads of these Departments receive? State very briefly what the chief duties of the heads of Executive Departments are.

Give a brief sketch of the history of the United States Post Office. What improvements have been made in the postal service during the last fifty years?

Define with accuracy the following expressions: Obsessed, in lieu of, commensurate, subterfuge, decency, morale, slogan.


What does the expression "militaristic nation" mean? Does possessing an army and a navy mean that a country is militaristic? Is there any actual proof that Japan is any more militaristic than Great Britain or the United States?

One of the writers on another page of this issue of The Outlook refers to Japan as "the England of the Orient." Do you see any objection to Japan playing such a rôle in the Far East?

If it is true, as different writers in this issue of The Outlook say, that there is "a growing antipathy in America, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere" toward Japan, that Japan "in vain scans the horizon for a sincere friend," and that army and navy expenditure in Japan is "isolating Japan from the rest of the civilized world," who and what are to blame for such a situation? Is it right that other nations should hold such attitudes towards Japan?

What do you learn about current Japanese politics by reading the two articles found elsewhere in this issue on Japan?

If you were asked to make a speech

1 These questions and comments are designed not only for the use of current events classes end clubs, debating societies, teachers of history nd English, and the like, but also for discusin the home and for suggestions to any er who desires to study current affairs as as to read about them The Editors.

on the topic "Why War?" what points would you emphasize?

Define these words: Insidious, anomalous, diplomats, reactionary, contiguous, vernacular press, plutocratic, allegations.

Here are four books well worth reading: "An Introduction to the History of Japan," by Katsuro Hara (Putnams); "Modern Japan," by A. S. and S. W. Hershey (Bobbs, Merrill Co., Indianapolis); "Must We Fight Japan?" by Walter D. Pitkin (Century); "Why War?" by F. C. Howell (Scribners).

Ambassador Harvey Makes a Speech

On another page The Outlook reports that Ambassador Harvey said in London recently that "the present Government could not, without betrayal of its creators and masters, and will not, I can assure you, have anything whatsoever to do with the League, or any commission or committee appointed by it, or responsible to it, directly or indirectly, openly or furtively." Does this pronouncement by Ambassador Harvey accord with what President Harding and Secretary Hughes have said in this country about the League of Nations and America's relation to it? Does the above statement by Mr. Harvey please you? What are your reasons?

In this same speech our Ambassador to the Court of St. James's said that "we sent them [our soldiers and sailors] solely to save the United States of America." In his speech to Congress, April 2, 1917, President Wilson told in the following words what America's ideals and purposes were in going into the war: "We are glad to fight thus for the ultimate peace of the world and for the liberation of its peoples, the German peoples included; for the rights of nations great and small, and the privilege of men everywhere to choose their way


ILL H. HAYS, Postmaster-General of

W the United States, was born in

Sullivan, Indiana, in 1879. He was graduated from Wabash College in 1900. He was City Attorney of Sullivan from 1910 to 1913. As Chairman of the Republican National Committee he managed the campaign which resulted in Warren G. Harding's election to the Presidency. In the preparation of this article, The Outlook's plan was that Mr. Hays should speak to its readers by means of an interview; but he regarded the subject as of such importance that he wrote the article on "Humanizing the Post Office" himself.


Hborn in 1879, but in Wailuku, Terri

tory of Hawaii. He was graduated from the University of Copenhagen in 1897 and did graduate work at the University of California. He has been a teacher, chemist, reporter, and editor. He was Superintendent of Public Instruction of the Territory of Hawaii from May 1, 1914, to April 1, 1919. He is now on the editorial staff of "The Trans-Pacific," of Tokyo, Japan. He is the author of "The Island of Hawaii."

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AWRENCE F. ABBOTT, President of The Outlook Company, was graduated from Amherst in 1881 and soon afterwards in California met Franklin K. Lane, of whom he writes in this issue.


Hverses bear as title the words in

which Franklin Knight Lane voiced his creed, is an editor of The Outlook.

TÉPHANE LAUZANNE, editor of the

of life and obedience." Why did Paris Matin," has frequently con

America enter the World War? Was it solely to save the United States of America? Is Ambassador Harvey's view of why we entered the war your personal view?

On another page The Outlook tells us that it is not only right but expedient that America and Great Britain should

continue to live in the spirit of comity

and enduring friendship. Why right? Why expedient? What, with reasons, is your opinion of those who hold to an ancient grudge against Great Britain?

What do you think of what is written in the book entitled "A Straight Deal or the Ancient Grudge." by Owen Wister (Macmillan)? If you have not done so already, you certainly ought to read "The English-Speaking Peoples," by G. L. Beer (Macmillan), in which the author writes on the future relations and international obligations of all the English-speaking peoples.

tributed to The Outlook. His most recent visit to the United States was in company with the French special ambassador, M. Viviani. His article in The Outlook for March 16, 1921, with a statement by Ferdinand Foch, Marshal of France, was widely quoted.

Jmissioner of Education of the State


of New York and President of the University of the State of New York in 1913. He had previously been President of Knox College, Professor of Politics at Princeton, and President of the College of the City of New York. He has been Harvard exchange lecturer at the Sorbonne. He was born at Grand Ridge, Illinois, in 1863, and was educated at Knox College and Johns Hopkins. He is a Knight of the Legion of Honor, Chevalier of the Crown of Italy, and Knight of the Holy Sepulcher.

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Auto-truck Distributor

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OODLOT County was poor. Taxes were high and the roads-nothing but mud-holes. The schools were of the one-room, cross-roads variety with one weary teacher apiece. In the winter the children were unable to get to school regularly.

In stormy weather Woodlot County was dead.

The $200,000 bond proposal for new roads. was a bursting bomb in the calm of a peaceful night.

Woodlot County awoke; but not all at once. For two years they had been trying to settle the good roads plan. It was a conversation between John Wright and Daniel Summers that started the ball rolling.

"How much would you sell your farm for to-day, Daniel?" his neighbor asked.

"Four thousand cash," said the farmer.
"I'll give you fifty dollars now for a two-



Preserves Roads-Prevents Dust

New York

Salt Lake City Johnstown




Philadelphia Boston

year option at that price," came the answer quick as a wink.

"You will not," replied Summers, after a moment's thought. "You'd take it up if the bond issue went through-why, with a hard road out through here, you'd clear a fine profit! If that road went through, I wouldn't take-"

Wright began to laugh and left his neighbor to think it out.

In less than two years the county had some fine Tarvia roads open to traffic every day in the year-dustless, mudless and traffic-proof.

Woodlot became a busy, prosperous county. A central graded school had been established. Farmers saved enough in hauling costs alone to pay off the bond issue and in maintenance cost the Tarvia roads paid for themselves. Thus did Woodlot County hoist itself out of the mud and stagnation.

Illustrated booklets descriptive of the various Tarvia treatments, free on request.

New Orleans Birmingham Kansas City The


Seattle Peoria
Lebanon Youngstown Toledo

Buffalo Montreal

Baltimore Omaha

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Special Service Department

In order to bring the facts before taxpayers as well as road authorities, The Barrett Company has organized a Special Service Department, which keeps up to the minute on all road problems. If you will write to the nearest office regarding road conditions or problems in your vicinity the matter will have the prompt attention of experienced engineers. This service is free for the asking. If you want BETTER ROADS and LOWER TAXES, this department can greatly assist you.

Barrett Company


St Louis Cleveland Cincinnati
Minneapolis Dallas


St. John, N. B.



Nashville Bangor Latrobe

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Pittsburgh Syracuse



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Look at the map-note where the Burlington-Northern Pacific Planned Vacation takes you!

You follow the historic Yellowstone River to the rustic Gardiner Entrance; see beautiful Paradise Valley, Yankee Jim's Wild Canyon, the Devil's Perilous Slide and other wonders of this famous gateway.

You make the regular tour of the Park, then out, Cody Road

a 90-mile mountain motor highway through the "Buffalo Bill" country- past sleeping Sylvan Lake, over the mountains, past the Government irrigation dam, twice the height of Niagara, and down the mighty and thrilling Canyon of the Shoshone River.

Passenger Traffic Manager
C. B. & Q. R. R., Chicago

Then-South along the east slope of the Rockies, through Wyoming's capital city, Cheyenne, to Loveland, Colorado-make side trip to Rocky Mountain National-Estes Park, a delight of sunlit mountain, wild flowers and virgin forests. Continue on to Denver, by rail or motor, and enjoy Colorado's numerous, varied and inexpensive side trips. Golf, climb, walk, fish, rest, to your heart's content. Finally home.

Send for Free Book of

Yellowstone Park Contains description, history and useful information about Geyserland. Gives full details of Burlington-Northern Pacific Planned Vacation.

Passenger Traffic Manager
No. Pac. Ry., St. Paul, Minn.

Burlington - Northern Pacific Planned Vacations

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"Mine Own People"


HAT do you really think of your neighborhood? What is your private opinion of your family? Do you agree with Oliver Herford's dictum: "God makes our relatives; thank God we make our own friends"? We should like to know what kind of environment you live in; does it stimulate or does it depress you? Would you have chosen it if you had had any say about it?

For the best letters on the subject of "Mine Own People" we will award:

a first prize of Fifty Dollars a second prize of Thirty Dollars a third prize of Twenty Dollars

Tell us truthfully of your revolts, if any, against your home life; also of your enthusiasms. If you are a woman, what do you really think of your men? If you are a man, let us have a critical estimate of your women folk. What complaints have children of their parents, and parents of their children? Do you approve of your neighbors? Be objective. Don't be introspective. You don't have to be bitter.


1. Write your name (add a pen name, if you like, for publication) and address in the upper left



hand corner of your letter. We urge the use pen names.

All letters must be typewritten on one side of the paper only.

3. Limit your letter to 600 words of average length. 4. Your letter, to be eligible, must reach us on or before June 20.

5. We reserve the right to purchase for publication desirable letters not winning prizes.

6. Unavailable letters will not be returned.

7. The staff of The Outlook will be the judges of the contest.

Address all contest letters to CONTEST EDITOR, THE OUTLOOK COMPANY 381 Fourth Avenue, New York

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Contains practical suggestions on how to make your home artistic, cheery and inviting. Explains how you can easily and economically keep the finish of your woodwork, floors and furniture in perfect condition.


This book gives complete specifications for finishing hard and soft woods. Tells how to finish old and new furniture and woodwork in artistic stained effects with Johnson's Wood Dye, and in latest enamel effects with Johnson's Perfectone Enamel. Gives full directions on the care of floors-how you can easily make and keep them beautiful with

Prepared Wax

Ask your best dealer in paints for a copy of the Johnson Book on Home Beautifying. If he is unable to furnish it write us, mentioning your dealer's name, and we will mail you a copy free.

S. C. JOHNSON & SON, Dept. OL. 6, Racine, Wis. "The Wood Finishing Authorities" Canadian Factory-Brantford

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Silvertown Cords

are included in the

20% Goodrich

Tire Price Reduction

Among tires SILVERTOWN is
the name that instantly conveys
the thought of the highest
known quality.

Motor car manufacturers and
dealers are quick to emphasize
to their prospects that their cars
are equipped with Silvertowns-
knowing that neither explana-
tion nor argument is necessary.
The genuine value of Silver-
towns has given them first place
in the esteem of motorists. Their
jet black anti-skid safety treads
and creamy white sides give them
the air of distinction that is ex-
pected in a product which is the
highest art of tire craftsmanship.
The full name -"Goodrich
Silvertown Cord"- appears on
each tire. Look for it, and get
the genuine.

Akron, Ohio

Your dealer will supply you with Goodrich Silvertown
Cords, Goodrich Fabrics and Goodrich Red and Gray
Tubes at the 20% price reduction.

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THE WELDON HOTEL ful climate, pure air, spring water. Boating,

GREENFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS It affords all the comforts of home without extravagance.


LENOX, MASS. High and Cool in the Berkshires A HOTEL OF DISTINCTION Golf. Opens June 18. Saddle Riding. Desirable Cottages with hotel service. HOWE&TWOROGER, Managers Winter Resort, Princess Hotel, Bermuda On Buzzards Bay-Cape Cod

bathing, fishing, tennis, horseback riding. Blazed trails to surrounding mountains. References. Terms $18 to $25 per week. BookletHARRY C. BEMIS, South Chatham, N. Y.


Hotel Hargrave

West 72d St., through
to 71st St., New York
300 rooms, each with bath. Absolutely
fireproof. One block to 72d St. en-
trance of Central Park. Comfort and
refinement combined with moderate
rates. Send for illustrated booklet J.

The Sippican HOTEL JUDSON 53 Washing


Yachting, fishing, bathing, golf, tennis, ballroom. Rooms single or en suite.


ton Square adjoining Judson Memorial Church. Rooms with and without bath. Rates $3.50 per day, including meals. Special rates for two weeks or more. Location very central. Convenient to all elevated and street car lines.


91 Elm Street, Northampton, Mass. Season June 24 to Sept. 10. Reservations may be made now. Detailed information upon application to Mrs. M. V. BURGESS.

ELM TREE INN 17 Belmont Avenue, Northampton, Mass. WORTH WHILE TOURS, Boston 30. Mass. Open June 20 to Sept. 10. Room and board for summer. Reservations upon application.

(Near, 5th Avenue) 40 West 45th Street


Directly in the fashionable club and shopping section. Within five minutes' walk to all principal theaters. A high-class hotel patronized by those desiring the best accomRates and map gladly sent upon request. JOHN P. TOLSON, Prop.

13 Belmont, Northampton, Mass.modations at moderate cost.

En route White Mountains, Mohawk Trail.
Home comforts. Season June 15, Sept. 15.


Dexter Richards

Among the foothills of the White Mountains
Elevation 1,000 ft. Home comforts.
Weekly rates $15 to $26.


J. F. CANN, Mgr.



QUEEN MARY COTTAGE 607 Second Ave., Asbury Park, N.J. Running water in every room. Exceptional table. Telephone 449. J. M. KETCHAM.

Beach Haven
N. J.

Opens June 17. The best combination of

seashore features on the coast. Matchless bay



HESTER,VT. "The Maples," Delightful summer home. Cheerful, large, airy rooms, pure water, bath, hot and cold; broad piazza, croquet, fine roads. Terms reasonable. Refs. exchanged. The MISSES SARGEANT.

COLONIAL INN, Poultney, Vt.

Three modern buildings with all improvements, located in beautiful village in Green Mts. Fresh milk, fruits, and vegetables from farm. Attractive walks and drives. Mountain climbing. Box 0.



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for sailing and fishing, perfect beach and bathing. Five tennis courts. The Engleside has all the modern conveniences, private baths with sea and fresh water. Booklet. R. F. Engle, Mgr. SURE RELIEF FROM HAY FEVER Suburbs of New York Near Hudson Easy access by automobile. Private home for convalescents or elderly people. 5,489, Outlook




Interbrook Lodge and Cottages LINDEN The Ideal Place for Sick

Keene Valley, N.Y. Wonderful location, in spruces and pines. Beautiful illustrated booklet. $18 to $20. M. E. LUCK, Prop. Maplewood Cottage

KEENE VALLEY, N. Y. The Heart of the Adirondacks. Mountain climbing, golf, tennis and swimming near. Nearest settlement to the famous Ausable Lakes. Purest running water and dry, bracing air. $18 and up. Also cottages to rent, furnished, at reasonable prices.


Camp On-Ur-Wa Clemons,

N. Y. Between two lakes. Fishing, tennis, saddlehorses. Write Mgr. for descriptive booklet.


1362 Cedar Avenue FAR ROCKAWAY, L. I.

People to Get Well Doylestown, Pa. An institution devoted to the personal study and specialized treatment of the invalid. Massage, Electricity, Hydrotherapy. Apply for circular to ROBERT LIPPINCOTT WALTER, M.D. (late of The Walter Sanitarium)

The Van Valen Sanatorium

Yonkers, N. Y. Psycho-therapeutic treatment for mental, nervous, functional disorders and addictions; also receive patients needing care, with or without treatment: booklet upon request. Telephone 5321 Yonkers.


TO LET, Furnished For the sum

mer, 3 large rooms, bath, kitchen, elevator, maid service. 157 West 57th St., Apt. 6A. Circle 3856.

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